*~*~*September Sweetpeas 2013 - 120 preggos - 21 Babies Born So Far*~*~*

Yes they have changed this time too although I haven't been to the opticians yet :blush:

It's something to do with muscles relaxing (or contracting) during pregnancy can't really . Remember from last time lol x

Crazy to think what the effect pregnancy has on your body!!
My eyes are so dry my contacts are so sore I wear my glasses most of the time! Wasn't like this with my other pregnancies! :shrug:
So my appointment went horribly yesterday and I felt really crappy about it all last night and today so far. They didn't seem happy and it was just a normal GP appointment to get my refferal for antenatal care. We got in and my doctor took my blood pressure and I noticed that whilst he was talking to OH about work he took it several times which made me a little anxious and then he said he wanted me to come out the back and so I did and I sat in a little room for 20 minutes waiting. Then a nurse came in and took my bp another few times, checked my weight (3 kilos in 2 weeks :'( ]then asked me to do a urine, then checked my bsl, then felt my tummy and then listened to bub's heart beat. None of this is what they are supposed to do. My bsl level was 8.2 or 8.4, with only eating half a carrot within the last hour :( My bp had gone down heaps but was still 130/86. And she started asking me if I had been having head aches or dizziness. And when she was checking my urine test she asked if I was having any stinging down below and of course I haven't, but I'm guessing that means my protein levels are high. None of these are very good signs :(
I finally got to see my doc half hour later and he checked my bump. The gave me a refferal but only so I had the phone number for the high risk clinic and got the receptionist to fax it off as urgent :(
Feeling pretty crappy right now. I new my chances of getting GD and PE in this pregnancy where higher, PE being a 50/50 chance, but I didn't think I would have to worry about it this early :(

On a good note, hearing bubs heart beat has put my mind at ease from being worried and not feeling too pregnant anymore and today, boy can I feel the hard bump forming under my already belly. Must be that 3 kilos haha :(

She said she couldn't pick up the best reading but that bub's HB was between 150-160bpm. Is tht good, she didn't say?

Sorry you had a stressful appt and that things are worrisome already. Regarding heartbeat, 120-180 is normal. Mine is almost always in the 150s now, though it started out a bit higher (165ish). Glad you got to hear the heartbeat! Any idea when you'll get to have an ultrasound?
I know this will sound crazy but headaches are often a sign of dehydration, so if you can, grab two bottles of water and just keep sipping them even if you dont like water. Or eat an ice block, but need to keep the liquids up. If I have a persistant headache this is usually the reason and it helps trust me.

the strange thing is that i FEEL like i am drinking tons of water... i work next door to a wendys, and so every morning i go over there and get a large water with no ice, and throughout the day, i refill it at the water-fountain in my office at least twice, then i have another glass when i get home, its weird because i feel like im drinking all day long, and yet my pee is still rather dark yellow. i can't drink much more because i already feel like i'm about to pop (though i know i'm not quite drinking the 10cups i hear we're supposed to be drinking while preggie)
the strange thing is that i FEEL like i am drinking tons of water... i work next door to a wendys, and so every morning i go over there and get a large water with no ice, and throughout the day, i refill it at the water-fountain in my office at least twice, then i have another glass when i get home, its weird because i feel like im drinking all day long, and yet my pee is still rather dark yellow. i can't drink much more because i already feel like i'm about to pop (though i know i'm not quite drinking the 10cups i hear we're supposed to be drinking while preggie)

Were you a big caffeine drinker pre-pregnancy? I was drinking close to a 12 pack of diet Mountain Dew every day before TTC (around 650mg a day!). I dwindled it way down while we were TTC, but I still get "withdrawl" headaches occasionally. Once I drink a can of pop I usually feel much better (my no-fail cure for migraines pre-pregnancy was an Excedrin and an energy drink; my favorite was Carb-free Rockstar. It worked every time, but now I can have neither of those things! I'm screwed if I feel a migraine coming on).
Tho I always try drinking water first, I know I'm getting more than 100oz of water a day. So it's usually not my problem.
the strange thing is that i FEEL like i am drinking tons of water... i work next door to a wendys, and so every morning i go over there and get a large water with no ice, and throughout the day, i refill it at the water-fountain in my office at least twice, then i have another glass when i get home, its weird because i feel like im drinking all day long, and yet my pee is still rather dark yellow. i can't drink much more because i already feel like i'm about to pop (though i know i'm not quite drinking the 10cups i hear we're supposed to be drinking while preggie)

Were you a big caffeine drinker pre-pregnancy? I was drinking close to a 12 pack of diet Mountain Dew every day before TTC (around 650mg a day!). I dwindled it way down while we were TTC, but I still get "withdrawl" headaches occasionally. Once I drink a can of pop I usually feel much better (my no-fail cure for migraines pre-pregnancy was an Excedrin and an energy drink; my favorite was Carb-free Rockstar. It worked every time, but now I can have neither of those things! I'm screwed if I feel a migraine coming on).
Tho I always try drinking water first, I know I'm getting more than 100oz of water a day. So it's usually not my problem.

i literally never ever ever drank caffeine of any kind before i was pregnant (or after)... dunno why but soft drinks are gross to me, and i hate coffee too, i've always been a milk and water only kinda girl (and wine... lots and lots of wine LOL) but i quit drinking wine in may of last year when we decided we were ready to start TTC over the summer, and even then, i only drank wine on friday's at social gatherings.. but i feel like if that was the culprit, it would have happened over the summer? and i imagine that would get RID of headaches, not cause them lol
So my appointment went horribly yesterday and I felt really crappy about it all last night and today so far. They didn't seem happy and it was just a normal GP appointment to get my refferal for antenatal care. We got in and my doctor took my blood pressure and I noticed that whilst he was talking to OH about work he took it several times which made me a little anxious and then he said he wanted me to come out the back and so I did and I sat in a little room for 20 minutes waiting. Then a nurse came in and took my bp another few times, checked my weight (3 kilos in 2 weeks :'( ]then asked me to do a urine, then checked my bsl, then felt my tummy and then listened to bub's heart beat. None of this is what they are supposed to do. My bsl level was 8.2 or 8.4, with only eating half a carrot within the last hour :( My bp had gone down heaps but was still 130/86. And she started asking me if I had been having head aches or dizziness. And when she was checking my urine test she asked if I was having any stinging down below and of course I haven't, but I'm guessing that means my protein levels are high. None of these are very good signs :(
I finally got to see my doc half hour later and he checked my bump. The gave me a refferal but only so I had the phone number for the high risk clinic and got the receptionist to fax it off as urgent :(
Feeling pretty crappy right now. I new my chances of getting GD and PE in this pregnancy where higher, PE being a 50/50 chance, but I didn't think I would have to worry about it this early :(

On a good note, hearing bubs heart beat has put my mind at ease from being worried and not feeling too pregnant anymore and today, boy can I feel the hard bump forming under my already belly. Must be that 3 kilos haha :(

She said she couldn't pick up the best reading but that bub's HB was between 150-160bpm. Is tht good, she didn't say?

Sorry you had a stressful appt and that things are worrisome already. Regarding heartbeat, 120-180 is normal. Mine is almost always in the 150s now, though it started out a bit higher (165ish). Glad you got to hear the heartbeat! Any idea when you'll get to have an ultrasound?

I'm hoping I will get a scan booked soon, but I think I need to see this doctor at the clinic first. I do have a scan booked but it's a volunteer one so it's not a proper one. They said they can still tell me the gender though, which is exciting. That on is on the 9th or April.
the strange thing is that i FEEL like i am drinking tons of water... i work next door to a wendys, and so every morning i go over there and get a large water with no ice, and throughout the day, i refill it at the water-fountain in my office at least twice, then i have another glass when i get home, its weird because i feel like im drinking all day long, and yet my pee is still rather dark yellow. i can't drink much more because i already feel like i'm about to pop (though i know i'm not quite drinking the 10cups i hear we're supposed to be drinking while preggie)

Were you a big caffeine drinker pre-pregnancy? I was drinking close to a 12 pack of diet Mountain Dew every day before TTC (around 650mg a day!). I dwindled it way down while we were TTC, but I still get "withdrawl" headaches occasionally. Once I drink a can of pop I usually feel much better (my no-fail cure for migraines pre-pregnancy was an Excedrin and an energy drink; my favorite was Carb-free Rockstar. It worked every time, but now I can have neither of those things! I'm screwed if I feel a migraine coming on).
Tho I always try drinking water first, I know I'm getting more than 100oz of water a day. So it's usually not my problem.

I'm with ya on the water thing. I drank close to 3L of water today and I STILL feel dehydrated. My lips are dry and cracked and my urine smells and looks strong (sorry TMI). Doc appt isn't till April 15th because it's the first week day I have off (work still doesn't know yet), and it's the same day as my gender/anatomy scan.

Finally broke out the maternity jeans. I was trying to wear my regular ones as long as I could, but they're just too tight to sit all day in them at work. Hopefully they don't give me away at work too soon. I think the ladies already suspect it, but I'm not doing much to confirm it.
anybody else find that drinking milk gives headaches? I'm trying to figure out what has been causing these, as they started about 3-4 days ago. never had headaches before...

today i ate two bowls of cereal with 2% whole milk and about an hour later, im rather debilitated at work from the headache i now have. i also had an egg sandwich from wendys on a cibatta roll, ive been eating those on the regular though and haven't had any problems with them til now... anyone else have any suggestions for what to do about headaches?

its a whole head headache, worse in the back of my head and also around my eyes... rubbing my neck gives temporary relief but tylenol doesn't seem to have any effect at all...

I also have this kind of headaches, around the eyes and in the back of my head, I just think it is hormones, maybe it is a coincidence the milk?
Try some cold packs, they help a lot to me, dark room, lying in my bed with a good cold pack in my head and a panadol.
Anake I feel so bad for you that u have to hide ur pregnecy at work I'm next door here in the states your aloud to work but u do get paid breaks that's some states not all and as far as I heard the pregnant lady that was saying this said that she got lots of offs but they were paid
Kaili I can't even stand milk this pregnecy I have been so unhealthy not eating sometimes I would stay just on one meal and the rest is snaking I just feel like I can't eat anything you know that feeling when you eat late at night and get that sick feeling the next day I feel like that every day I hope I can change bcuz I know it's not healthy for my baby
I'm feeling so impatient about finding out the gender of my baby. Still have three weeks..

Hubby doesn't really seem to mind waiting, which is also annoying me. Ahh! I just want to know!! Wish I had the option of a private scan where I live -- I'd be there in a heartbeat!
Has anyone had light spotting? I have for first time today at 17 weeks. But no associated pain but still worried :cry:

I have had a bad cough though for several weeks so maybe that has caused it. Have my midwife appointment today so hopefully it will be gone by then and hear the heartbeat and know everything is fine. Feel sad all of a sudden. Just hope everything is O.K
Kiss, im not sure where your closest private u/s is, but I traveled 3 hours for DS1 and 2 hours for DD and let me just say it was TOTALLY worth the drive! It really was. And it was kind of fun, like a little day trip bc then we went to a town we don't normally visit and then went shopping afterwards and ate lunch and dinner out. It added to the experience even though we had to travel. I am very glad we bit the bullet and went even though it wasn't that close.
Mine was literally half a mile down the road, but if it was 2 hours away, I still would have gone LOL, I'm addicted to my baby
OP, can we keep a record count of # of :blue: and # of :pink: that we have (on the first post)? No worried if you cant but its always fun to see. (it would take forever to count all of those storks :haha:)
LOL. Addicted to your baby..

The closest to me is two hours but the bigger issues are I'd have to take more time off work (I work at a University so with the school year ending in a month, it's already a crunch for me to be taking off the time I am next month) and DH doesn't want to do it (for the money, inconvenience, and "unnecessary" factors). I'm actually going to the city that has the private scans for a training tomorrow, but I'd be without DH. I half want to go behind his back but I don't think that's a very good idea!!
:haha: just keep it a secret and then act surprised when you go for you official scan :haha: JK

The place I went to with DD was open on the weekends, so we went on Saturday bc DH couldn't take off work. but I understand. it can be hard to do (and tough to justify the $$)
:haha: just keep it a secret and then act surprised when you go for you official scan :haha: JK

The place I went to with DD was open on the weekends, so we went on Saturday bc DH couldn't take off work. but I understand. it can be hard to do (and tough to justify the $$)

I'm such a bad liar - there's no way I could keep that secret!! Haha. It has crossed my mind though...

The only tiny possibility would be me getting the scan on my own but having them just put the gender in a sealed envelope. I doubt he'd go for that though!

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