any uk ladies on 2nd+ time round find it neglectful how little we see the mw this time round?
im feeling like a total cry baby atm, hormones! i was like it with my dd but not untill much later on

i was quite suprised when i went for my 16 week appt and she said she wouldnt be seeing me until #4 weeks! but i suppose if you have had a healthy pregnancy before then theres less to worry about (in their minds!) x
After my 16wk appointment with mw next week I don't see her again til 24wks! That's 2 months!!! After that its at 29wks and them not til 36wks, then 39wks and 41wks![/QUOT
sounds like my care plan too, i havent seen the mw for 9weeks, then after this fri i wont see them again for 9weeks. im most concerned about the later appointments-i think it should b weekly from 36/7wks, they will do the birth plan at 36wk n ask where i want baby (home/hospital/birth centre) but i want checking to see position of baby regular as i had a back to back baby last time which was awful, and id b opting for epidural if this is the case again so would need the hospital- if babys laying in optimum position i want to go to the home from home birth center but they cant give any drugs there. the home from home place is 50min drive away n by time i got there i wouldnt b able to change my mind, where as the hospital is a few mins away but once they check me in i no they wont let me drive to the next town to where i want to b