I will be working up until August 28th and I am due September 4th. We will see how this goes

I have up to three hours travel to and from work so that may be the decider if I end up finishing earlier. It may end up too uncomfortable for me especially on the train, also I think the 6am wake up calls may leave me feeling so exhausted by the end of the day as I dont get home until around 7pm
On other news we are putting in an offer on a house today! With a settlement of six weeks looks like we be having a full on 3rd trimester, at least will be busy preparing the nursery and settling into the house so will keep me occupied
My last monthly midwife appointment on the 28th May and then I will be seeing her every two weeks!

that makes it all seem too real
We only get 14 weeks paid maternity leave here in New Zealand. Then we can have the rest of the year off on maternity leave but its unpaid though which makes it really difficult. And I am pretty sure those 14 weeks will fly by so quickly too! Eeeeeeeek!!!!