Hey girls!~ Great news today!!
I went and got a job today! With benefits! yay! The lady was so impressed with my resume and interview she hired me on the spot! WOOT!
Thanks girls! It's so hard to keep up in here! Theres so many of us!
I have a question. Has anyone tested positive and not had an appt scheduled till 10 weeks? My first appt isn't until Jan 28. They didn't ask for me to come in and do bloods or anything. So now I'm just a waiting duck. I've had 9 positive home tests.. but thats it. And I'm DYING for more information! I can go in at anytime and request blood work. But I see that some have already had scans done etc. When I set my appt, I asked if they were going to do an ultrasound and they said no, it was just going to be a heartbeat dopplar..
I'm just a little bummed. Now I know why women say they feel pregnant forever! It's already been 10 days since we found out.. and I havent' gotten any more exciting news to go with it .. what the heck..
MTC, so relieved that your little sweetpea is in the right place!! Are you feeling any better? Do they know why you were in so much pain?
Good luck MTC. I had my scan today and the lady was not very helpful. She wouldn't even give me an internal. She said she wasn't really going to bother looking for much since my hormones weren't over 1000 yet. So I have no answers and have to wait... I thought I saw a little sac in my uterus but she wouldn't tell me either way..
Sac in uterus nothibg else could be seen yet but doc said that normal for my duration. However baby had bleeding around/near it which could increase my chance of miscarriage. Got to go for my scan on 14th to see if baby grown and has heartbeat. Bloods were actually 1851 Monday, and been done today got to ring up around 1 pm for them.