Mother of Dragons
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nico82 If you are scared and EVC wont work or will cause a emergency section then you can refuse hunni. Have you been on the spinning babies website for tips to get baby to turn. And maybe also sitting rotating hips while on a birthing ball may encourage turning - may not work but surely worth a try?
You have every right to refuse an ecv. I would but I couldnt have one anyway due to anterior placenta and previous c section x
whoops haven't been in here for a while.
How is everyone??
I am 29 weeks todayyay for not being an eggplant anymore.
Illinois is really homebirth-unfriendly. No birthing centers in the state, either (but one was recently announced). CPMs are not legal here, and most CNMs and doctors will not attend homebirths because of the increase in costs to their malpractice insurance. I live in the suburbs north of Chicago, and we have only one CNM servicing the area who does homebirths. She is reportedly very busy.
I find it really screwed up that "my baby, my body, my choice" apparently only applies if you want to terminate a pregnancy. If you want to keep it, suddenly the law is like, "well, in that case, you have to do whatever the paternalistic arm of medicine tells you to do. No choice for you!"
I'm at the hospital lab right now, just drank my sugary drink for my 1-hour glucose challenge test, waiting till 8:17 so I can have my bloods drawn for it, and I just wanted to say...
That drink is so freakin' GROSS. It was like a cup of melted orange-flavored popsicles without about 1 cup of extra sugar mixed in for bad measure.
I really hope I pass this test if only so that I don't have to drink another one of those little b******s!
Cammy- glad all is on for your VBAC hope you get it. Yes hopefully baby will move 2nd babies have longer to move than first babies so its not a worry yet![]()
As for a the waddle i have that to and envy any mummies in here that dont.
YAY! I didn't even notice we weren't egglants anymore!![]()
My bump pic
31 weeks!
Fab bump Guppy.
It's 1st July which means some of our babies will undoubtedly be making an appearance next month! Exciting and scary