Serious TTC buddies?

Yeah I'll make an appointment after this cycle, definitely will get my hormone levels checked in and out hehe i have a vacation planned :happydance: so i want to enjoy it w/o having have to think about the test result. i'm still feeling positive at this moment. Oh btw, i used the clear blue digital OPK, i tot when i got smiley i'll ovulate within the next 48 hours (as written in the package) but NO, I ovulated a WEEK later, my body was playing trick.. i think that's a warning to me that instead of relying on those OPKs I should listen better to my own body.. :laugh2:

Yay! Vacation!:happydance: I need one of those...but my birthday is next week so I'll settle for that. OH always does something nice for me.
I'll keep that in mind with the digis. If I have issues with them like I did the cheap ones...I'll banish them all together. But I have heard PCOS can mess with OPKS so maybe that's why they didn't work for you.
So a little personal cycle update and history:
Normally I have 31 day cycles (occasionally 30). BBs normally hurt less than a week before AF and stop upon her arrival. I usually have AF for 4 days with moderate-heavy flow (spotting for one more). Last cycle BB's didn't hurt until day of AF and only were sore that day. I spotted/light flow for 2.5 days. It was weird too. It would completely stop for a few hours here and there in those 2.5 days. I thought maybe it was weird IB. I tested on day of AF-BFN, tested the day after-BFN,and then tested again (I know, I'm nuts)a week later. I had symptoms that month too (that have still continued to this day): frequent urination (this isn't in my head-I get up about 4 times a night now and never ever had to once before), tiredness, dizziness etc.
After my last BFN I moved on. I got a pos. OPK on CD5, CD12, and CD14. It was my first month using them so we just BD-ed every few days as usual since I couldn't understand them. At CD19 my BBs started hurting worse than they've EVER hurt before. I couldn't stand it. I cried because they hurt so bad. I put ice on them because they felt like they were on fire. They also got A LOT bigger. They stayed like that. I began more and more increasingly tired to the point where I couldn't do anything! I was convinced this was my month. I also have been crazy moody. I never get the emotional part of PMS-ever. I'm always pretty even keel. In the past week I have cried over food stuck on dishes, I smashed a bowl out of frustration (didn't throw it at anyone or anything but still totally embarrassing), cried about OH moving a rock (long story-he thought it was funny),and yelled at OH to "suck a dick" when he was trying to get me up in the morning (totally out of character for me!!) etc. Anyways. On Monday I couldn't resist and went to POAS (yes, i know it was still 8 days before AF :p) but after I peed in the cup I noticed that I had started spotting. I couldn't believe it. I literally had just posted on BnB too about wishing I would get IB so I would know I had my BFP. I thought it was a miracle. Except soon after I started getting cramps...and it got heavier than just a couple of spots...and it was red...all not indicative of IB. Mon. and yesterday it has been going back and forth between spotting/nothing to light light flow (enough for panty liner). Just like my last AF. I have resigned to the fact that this must be AF...but wondering why everything is so wacked out...I keep thinking (because I'm crazy) that maybe I am PG and the tests aren't picking it up or something...or maybe I don't's just weird. My BBs are still enlarged and sore (though, not as bad) which is abnormal since they normally stop hurting on AF's arrival.
I guess I will find out tomorrow what's going on. In the mean time I'm going crazy.:wacko:

that's like a roller-coster.. must be tough for both of u. My DH had it tough when I PMSed too. last cycle was more emotionally than physically. Have u thought about taking a blood test??
that's like a roller-coster.. must be tough for both of u. My DH had it tough when I PMSed too. last cycle was more emotionally than physically. Have u thought about taking a blood test??

Yeah, I've thought about a blood test. 90% of me thinks I am having some sort of hormonal problem...the other 10% thinks (because I want to be PG so bad) that maybe I'm one of those rare cases that didn't show pos. on a urine.
I guess I'll find out tomorrow. I'm sure my OBGYN will want to do a blood test.
I really hope you're right and you're one of those people who doesn't respond to the HPT and that you're one of the ones who has "AF" during pregnancy. Hope you get your BFP! :)
I really hope you're right and you're one of those people who doesn't respond to the HPT and that you're one of the ones who has "AF" during pregnancy. Hope you get your BFP! :)

Thanks! I was PG once before years ago (but lost it) and I had a light AF with it. Kinda similar to now...spotting for about 3 days. I found out I was PG by a blood test so I don't know whether it would have showed on a HPT or not...
I really don't want to get my hopes up...but it's so hard not to!
bellaem------ good luck i hope its your BFP!! i use the digital opks and always get a positive each month...i was told not to test after your first i never do..........I do like the preseed you cant even tell that its inside of you i dont use the full amount just enough for wetness....this will be our 2nd month using it and so far i like it!!
So i went to my new doctor this morning and it was great. Love the office and The Dr i saw was great!!!! He said there is nothing in my history that sets a red flag off but he said keep doing what we are doing and he set me up for an appointment for the end of July to do some blood work to check my hormones and thyriod if im not pregnant by then. This gives us 2 more cycles of trying before then. Then a week after the blood work he will set me up for a saline infusion and visulation of my uterus by ultrasound, and an HSG with dye after that.

He said if everything is good and im still not pregnant after all the tests then he will write a script for my DH to get checked he said 40% of the time its the guy and its usually an easy fix.......all of this takes about 3 months so by the end of it we will be at 9 months...... thats when he said he will set me up with the fertility doc, and it usually takes 3 months to get in with him and he said by then you will be at your 1 year mark of trying.......hes hopeful i wont need any tests done and im pregnant by July and if not then pregnant before i have to go see the fertility doc. If not then we will go see the fertility doc and most likely he will do a sperm wash and then do an IUI.

So im Psyched that he is willing to start testing at after 6 months.....most docs wont even start until the 1 year mark and by time all is said and done and you get into a fertility doc its been 18 months of i feel a lot better about this doctor, and hoping that we get pregnant in the next 2 cycles and and can bypass all the testing....if not at least there is a plan in place which puts me at ease knowing we dont have to struggle for the rest of the year before anything is done.

Im so hopeful!!!!!!!!!!! Excited to start bding...he said to start on day 9 (because i usually get a positive opk between day 11-13) and then do 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 he said its all about volume so every day is ok if we can do it everyday if not every other is good too. He said 75% of people get pregnant from sex before ovulation and only 25% get pregnant from sex on the day of "O".
bellaem------ good luck i hope its your BFP!! i use the digital opks and always get a positive each month...i was told not to test after your first i never do..........I do like the preseed you cant even tell that its inside of you i dont use the full amount just enough for wetness....this will be our 2nd month using it and so far i like it!!

I'm keeping an ear out for the post man:haha::haha: I'm always so creepy when I'm waiting for something to come in the mail. I hear the mail jeep, I walk into the kitchen and peek around out the window, if he looks at me I pretend I was doing something else, and as soon as I hear the engine rev to drive off, out the door I go!!:haha:
I'm really hopeful about the preseed. My CM is rubbish (always the same and in short supply) so that might be why I haven't gotten my BFP yet.
bellaem------ good luck i hope its your BFP!! i use the digital opks and always get a positive each month...i was told not to test after your first i never do..........I do like the preseed you cant even tell that its inside of you i dont use the full amount just enough for wetness....this will be our 2nd month using it and so far i like it!!

I'm keeping an ear out for the post man:haha::haha: I'm always so creepy when I'm waiting for something to come in the mail. I hear the mail jeep, I walk into the kitchen and peek around out the window, if he looks at me I pretend I was doing something else, and as soon as I hear the engine rev to drive off, out the door I go!!:haha:
I'm really hopeful about the preseed. My CM is rubbish (always the same and in short supply) so that might be why I haven't gotten my BFP yet.
HAHA you are just like me i stalk my maillady too!!!!! Use it it dosent help so i figure there is no harm in using it so if it helps great if not then at least i know i didnt harm my chances at all.
HAHA you are just like me i stalk my maillady too!!!!! Use it it dosent help so i figure there is no harm in using it so if it helps great if not then at least i know i didnt harm my chances at all.

Hrm...Mailman just came and went:cry:.
...And I went running out in my socks in the wet grass for a bill?!!
Hopefully tomorrow...
Bellaem- Thanks! Tomorrow I go to the Dr to check for ovulayion :D
Where'd everyone go????

MsPeachyP- Let us know how it goes!:flower:
Hey girls!!! Got my positive OPK yesterday we bd'd monday, Tuesday and hopefully today Wednesday........just waiting to O I think I'll count myself as 1 DPO on Friday Friday I'll be in the 2ww......hoping it flys by!!!
Hey girls!!! Got my positive OPK yesterday we bd'd monday, Tuesday and hopefully today Wednesday........just waiting to O I think I'll count myself as 1 DPO on Friday Friday I'll be in the 2ww......hoping it flys by!!!

How exciting! I'm jealous :haha: (I'm so anxious this month!) FX-ed for you! :flower:
Hello ladies my DF and i have been ttc for 3 years now its been a emotional roller coaster i have seen RE who was not so great and with years of getting my prolactin level under control and trying to regulate my period it has all come down to this my other hormones were where checked two weeks ago and i go in to the dr tomorrow to get the results and to get a trans vaginal ultrasound done...will that check my tubes to see if there closed? iv never had one of those ultrasounds done and dont really know what to more determined than ever to get that BFP and im hoping i can start provera and so ready to be a mom this is literally taking over my life its all i ever think about...
Hey ladies!!!

My Dh and I are on cycle 2 of TCC. I had a MC last year and decided not to try for a while. Well this month the :witch: didn't show her ugly face. I am currently over a week late and taken dozen of tests and I've gotten :bfn:
I am heartbroken :sad2: I came here for support and I pray that we all get our :bfp:
:dust: to us all
Hello ladies my DF and i have been ttc for 3 years now its been a emotional roller coaster i have seen RE who was not so great and with years of getting my prolactin level under control and trying to regulate my period it has all come down to this my other hormones were where checked two weeks ago and i go in to the dr tomorrow to get the results and to get a trans vaginal ultrasound done...will that check my tubes to see if there closed? iv never had one of those ultrasounds done and dont really know what to more determined than ever to get that BFP and im hoping i can start provera and so ready to be a mom this is literally taking over my life its all i ever think about...

Good luck to you hun :hugs: I hope you get your :bfp: soon. I am in the same boat and getting a :bfn: can be disheartening. But we will get our wishes granted, or so I pray. About a transvaginal ultrasound, Im not sure but I don't think it will check for blocked tubes. I have them when I was preggers last year( ended up in a MC) :sad2: but I could be wrong. Anyways, best of luck to you!
Hello ladies my DF and i have been ttc for 3 years now its been a emotional roller coaster i have seen RE who was not so great and with years of getting my prolactin level under control and trying to regulate my period it has all come down to this my other hormones were where checked two weeks ago and i go in to the dr tomorrow to get the results and to get a trans vaginal ultrasound done...will that check my tubes to see if there closed? iv never had one of those ultrasounds done and dont really know what to more determined than ever to get that BFP and im hoping i can start provera and so ready to be a mom this is literally taking over my life its all i ever think about...

Hi jahnella1!
So sorry to hear about all of your troubles:hugs:. I've had a couple of transvaginal ultrasounds done to check for cysts. I don't think they can see -into- your fallopian tubes but they can see the outer structure of your fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus. Why did they schedule the ultrasound? I'm sure that will give you a better idea of what to expect.
Good luck at the appointment! I hope you get some good news. :) Keep us updated too.
Hey ladies!!!

My Dh and I are on cycle 2 of TCC. I had a MC last year and decided not to try for a while. Well this month the :witch: didn't show her ugly face. I am currently over a week late and taken dozen of tests and I've gotten :bfn:
I am heartbroken :sad2: I came here for support and I pray that we all get our :bfp:
:dust: to us all

Welcome, Lika!
Sorry to hear about your loss:hugs:.
A week late? I would be going bonkers! Are you normally very regular? If so, I would definitely wait and test again next week. A woman just posted in the BFP section that she finally got her BFP at 2 weeks late after loads of BFNs. So it definitely does happen.
But I know how disheartening it is to get a BFN...
That is why I decided to wage war against BFNs:haha:. They are so evil.

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