Serious TTC buddies?

Sorry! Had a busy several days. Still waiting for AF here. I think tomorrow will be the day I know!
I'm on CD14, still waiting to O. wonder when it'll be.. :coffee:
Hey ladies!!!

My Dh and I are on cycle 2 of TCC. I had a MC last year and decided not to try for a while. Well this month the :witch: didn't show her ugly face. I am currently over a week late and taken dozen of tests and I've gotten :bfn:
I am heartbroken :sad2: I came here for support and I pray that we all get our :bfp:
:dust: to us all

Welcome, Lika!
Sorry to hear about your loss:hugs:.
A week late? I would be going bonkers! Are you normally very regular? If so, I would definitely wait and test again next week. A woman just posted in the BFP section that she finally got her BFP at 2 weeks late after loads of BFNs. So it definitely does happen.
But I know how disheartening it is to get a BFN...
That is why I decided to wage war against BFNs:haha:. They are so evil.

My cycle ranges from 28-30 days and very rarely 33 days but I always get my AF every month. Tomorrow is June and no sign of the :witch:! It is driving me bonkers!!! I promised myself I would give it a week to poas again but ugh! At this point I just want to get my AF(if I'm not pregnant) so I can get on with my life! :bfn: are evil! I agree with you!
I hope ALL of us get the :bfp: we dream of. What is more frustrating is that where I live( Aviano Air Force base, hubs is in the military) EVERYONE ets pregnant! I mean ALL my fellow military wives have at least 2 kids( some up to 5!). Walking around this base all I see is infants and pregnant women and to make matters worse it seems like every week someone post "ooooops we did it again ;) " on Facebook... I'm so happy for them but at the same time a little jelly :cry:
Ugh sorry for the small rant lol
*** :dust: to us all ***
wristwatch24-Good luck!:flower:
MayJan-Me too, waiting for OV...Hopefully it will come quickly for us!
Lika-Rant away! I think all of the women in TTC feel the same way about seeing pregnant women everywhere. Sometimes I feel like there is some sort of conspiracy going on because of how many women are pregnant or have babies around me. OH's ex-wife got pregnant last year and it drove me BONKERS to have to see her all of the time...especially because she was smoking and drinking while pregnant! And because she is just a rotten person...I'd rather see a good deserving person be pregnant. Like one of you guys!
Good luck to everyone! May we all get BFP's and be forever mothers!
Hello ladies my DF and i have been ttc for 3 years now its been a emotional roller coaster i have seen RE who was not so great and with years of getting my prolactin level under control and trying to regulate my period it has all come down to this my other hormones were where checked two weeks ago and i go in to the dr tomorrow to get the results and to get a trans vaginal ultrasound done...will that check my tubes to see if there closed? iv never had one of those ultrasounds done and dont really know what to more determined than ever to get that BFP and im hoping i can start provera and so ready to be a mom this is literally taking over my life its all i ever think about...

Good luck to you hun :hugs: I hope you get your :bfp: soon. I am in the same boat and getting a :bfn: can be disheartening. But we will get our wishes granted, or so I pray. About a transvaginal ultrasound, Im not sure but I don't think it will check for blocked tubes. I have them when I was preggers last year( ended up in a MC) :sad2: but I could be wrong. Anyways, best of luck to you!

thank you...and im so sorry to here about your MC :cry: I hope you:cry: get that :BFP: soon :dust: to you hun
Hello ladies my DF and i have been ttc for 3 years now its been a emotional roller coaster i have seen RE who was not so great and with years of getting my prolactin level under control and trying to regulate my period it has all come down to this my other hormones were where checked two weeks ago and i go in to the dr tomorrow to get the results and to get a trans vaginal ultrasound done...will that check my tubes to see if there closed? iv never had one of those ultrasounds done and dont really know what to more determined than ever to get that BFP and im hoping i can start provera and so ready to be a mom this is literally taking over my life its all i ever think about...

Hi jahnella1!
So sorry to hear about all of your troubles:hugs:. I've had a couple of transvaginal ultrasounds done to check for cysts. I don't think they can see -into- your fallopian tubes but they can see the outer structure of your fallopian tubes, ovaries, and uterus. Why did they schedule the ultrasound? I'm sure that will give you a better idea of what to expect.
Good luck at the appointment! I hope you get some good news. :) Keep us updated too.

she wanted to check my ovaries and uterus ..turned out that my lab test results came back that my prolactin was really elevated and so its back to square one to get that under soo bumed oh and i have pcos according to the ultrasound
:cry:bad news from the dr today turned out i have PCOS according to my ultrasound and my prolactin levels are up again:nope: i have to go in and get an MRI done on my brain and start bromocryptine again ....back to square one:cry: ...not the news i expected but....i have to do this to get where i want to be....ugh im soooo upset right now:growlmad:
:cry:bad news from the dr today turned out i have PCOS according to my ultrasound and my prolactin levels are up again:nope: i have to go in and get an MRI done on my brain and start bromocryptine again ....back to square one:cry: ...not the news i expected but....i have to do this to get where i want to be....ugh im soooo upset right now:growlmad:

I'm so sorry you had to get bad news today:nope:.:hugs:
I hope things get sorted out for you soon.:flower:
If you need to vent we're here.
Hey ladies! I am hoping I can join! I'm 30 next month, and DH and I NTNP for december through March (though I was trying harder than he was, hehe), and have been TTC April and May. Currently on CD7. I just started charting my BBT this month, and have been tracking my CM and cervical position the last couple. I don't have much CM, so I've started taking EPO a few days ago, and am starting to drink grapefruit juice (which I actually like!). Went to the doc last week because I always have a week of spotting before my real period (AKA my pre-period-period) and she told me I was probably still adjusting to being off the pill (been off since August!). Had my TSH and prolactin checked, and both were normal. My cycles have been irregular the last few months, 35 to 45 days, then a couple were 30 and the latest was 24. I'm hoping that means they are goign to be more regular soon. I'm not sure if I ovulate or not, so this month the goal is going to be to determine if and when I do, and if I happen to get pregnant this month that would be okay too!:thumbup:

I look forward to getting to know you gals, and can't wait to see the BFPs coming up in the near future!
:cry:bad news from the dr today turned out i have PCOS according to my ultrasound and my prolactin levels are up again:nope: i have to go in and get an MRI done on my brain and start bromocryptine again ....back to square one:cry: ...not the news i expected but....i have to do this to get where i want to be....ugh im soooo upset right now:growlmad:

I'm sorry to hear that :hugs: hope u'll get thru this soon.. we're all here for u :hug:
:cry:bad news from the dr today turned out i have PCOS according to my ultrasound and my prolactin levels are up again:nope: i have to go in and get an MRI done on my brain and start bromocryptine again ....back to square one:cry: ...not the news i expected but....i have to do this to get where i want to be....ugh im soooo upset right now:growlmad:

Oh hun I wish I could give you a big ole :hugs: right now! At least now you know what's wrong and with the right treatment you will get that :bfp: :)
I myself am going for bloodwork next week. I skipped my period in May and that has never happened. I read a lot about pcos and I think that's what's up with me as well :( I was diagnosed with moderate cervical dysplasia and have to have a pap every 6 months... Not fun :( to top it all off I'm going to get tested for thyroid problems because I'm ALWAYS tired and have a heck of a time losing weight :( Sometimes I ask my self "why?why me" :cry: I will do ANYTHING for that :bfp: and a sticky bean. Having 3 consecutive MC has taken its toll on my mental health :(

:dust: and :bfp: to us all!!!
Hey ladies! I am hoping I can join! I'm 30 next month, and DH and I NTNP for december through March (though I was trying harder than he was, hehe), and have been TTC April and May. Currently on CD7. I just started charting my BBT this month, and have been tracking my CM and cervical position the last couple. I don't have much CM, so I've started taking EPO a few days ago, and am starting to drink grapefruit juice (which I actually like!). Went to the doc last week because I always have a week of spotting before my real period (AKA my pre-period-period) and she told me I was probably still adjusting to being off the pill (been off since August!). Had my TSH and prolactin checked, and both were normal. My cycles have been irregular the last few months, 35 to 45 days, then a couple were 30 and the latest was 24. I'm hoping that means they are goign to be more regular soon. I'm not sure if I ovulate or not, so this month the goal is going to be to determine if and when I do, and if I happen to get pregnant this month that would be okay too!:thumbup:

I look forward to getting to know you gals, and can't wait to see the BFPs coming up in the near future!
Welcome, glad to have you!!
Sounds like we have some things in common! I had mid-cycle bleeding for quite a few months and had my hormones checked and a couple of tests (HSG and ultrasound) but they couldn't find anything. Luckily it stopped on it's own about two months ago...but then my AF started getting really light and now I just had a 24 day cycle (just like you!) when they are normally between 29 and 31.:dohh: Darn cycles...why can't they just be normal?! Anyways. I also just started temping, checking CM, and using OPKs recently and have the same goal as you to find out if and when I OV.
Where are you in your cycle right now?

:hugs: Sounds like you've had a rough road too and I'm so sorry for that. I myself was diagnosed with CINIII severe dysplasia a few years ago and had to have a LEEP. That was one of the worst experiences of my life. Unbelievably painful, unbelievably emotionally disturbing, and caused permanent damage to my cervix. I am thankful that they got it all and I have been clean since but every time I go for a checkup I can't help but be terrified. So I am here if you need support in that department, I have been there.:hugs: You deserve your BFP and forever sticky bean. I've got my fingers crossed for you!
Thanks Bellaem :) I'm hoping my dysphasia gets better on its own :( I heard the tissue scarring from talk g bits of cervix for the biopsy can cause damage to the cervix :( I'm not a happy camper in that department ugh!
As of right now I just want my AF which is about 8 days late :/ I got a doc appt next wednesday morning for a blood test. If it turn out negative I will get checked for pcos and thyroid dysfunction. I just want to know what's up with me. I will do anything to get that :bfp: I'm gonna start exercising(swimming) and healthy eating tomorrow :) I know with time I will get my :bfp: :)

:dust: and :bfp: to us all!!!
Thanks Bellaem :) I'm hoping my dysphasia gets better on its own :( I heard the tissue scarring from talk g bits of cervix for the biopsy can cause damage to the cervix :( I'm not a happy camper in that department ugh!
As of right now I just want my AF which is about 8 days late :/ I got a doc appt next wednesday morning for a blood test. If it turn out negative I will get checked for pcos and thyroid dysfunction. I just want to know what's up with me. I will do anything to get that :bfp: I'm gonna start exercising(swimming) and healthy eating tomorrow :) I know with time I will get my :bfp: :)

:dust: and :bfp: to us all!!!

Dysplasia is very common and most will go away on it's own. As long as you continue your regular pap smears I wouldn't worry too much. My doctor told me in most all cases it takes around 5-10 years for dysplasia to turn into full blown cancer (of course there are exceptions but this is the general rule) and as long as you keep an eye on it to see if it is progressing you don't have to worry about it.
I hope you get some answers about AF at your doctors appointment (ideally a BFP!).
I have been eating healthier lately too. Maybe we can swap recipes?! I love to cook and am always looking for new ideas.

CD12, still waiting for OV. I'm starting to get worried that I'm going to find out I'm not OV-ing...but I guess that's probably just my TTC paranoia. So close now. I'm so anxious to see if any of my hard work is going to pay off in a BFP!
1 DPO hoping we caught the egg we were only able to bd on cd9, 11 and 12 got my positive opk on day 12......ill be testing june 14th......a day after af is due hoping its my bfp!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Bellaem :) I'm hoping my dysphasia gets better on its own :( I heard the tissue scarring from talk g bits of cervix for the biopsy can cause damage to the cervix :( I'm not a happy camper in that department ugh!
As of right now I just want my AF which is about 8 days late :/ I got a doc appt next wednesday morning for a blood test. If it turn out negative I will get checked for pcos and thyroid dysfunction. I just want to know what's up with me. I will do anything to get that :bfp: I'm gonna start exercising(swimming) and healthy eating tomorrow :) I know with time I will get my :bfp: :)

:dust: and :bfp: to us all!!!

Dysplasia is very common and most will go away on it's own. As long as you continue your regular pap smears I wouldn't worry too much. My doctor told me in most all cases it takes around 5-10 years for dysplasia to turn into full blown cancer (of course there are exceptions but this is the general rule) and as long as you keep an eye on it to see if it is progressing you don't have to worry about it.
I hope you get some answers about AF at your doctors appointment (ideally a BFP!).
I have been eating healthier lately too. Maybe we can swap recipes?! I love to cook and am always looking for new ideas.

CD12, still waiting for OV. I'm starting to get worried that I'm going to find out I'm not OV-ing...but I guess that's probably just my TTC paranoia. So close now. I'm so anxious to see if any of my hard work is going to pay off in a BFP!

I'm also waiting for ovulation. have been checking CM, worry i'll miss the O day again. Ugghh.. Hope to catch BFP this cycle. FC!! good luck
1 DPO hoping we caught the egg we were only able to bd on cd9, 11 and 12 got my positive opk on day 12......ill be testing june 14th......a day after af is due hoping its my bfp!!!!!!!!!!

TWW, how excited. How u're feeling so far? hope to see ur bfp. good luck..
Is anyone here a temp/chart pro? This is my first month temping and I'm trying to decipher my temps...I know it would probably help to temp for a few months to see a pattern but I'm so anxious! Plus I just started checking CM spiratically the last couple of months and religiously this month. The last couple months is was always either dry or creamy...this month I've had way more CM and it is slippery/watery (but not stretchy). FF says that is fertile CM but I've had it for like 8 days...I'm so confused. Anyone have any insight?

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