Serious TTC buddies?

My boobs hurt already.... now do u think its from the progesterone my body is finally making on its own? According to my chart below I'm only 3 dpo. And today I had like a achy heavy feeling in my right ovary. I dont know what to think. Considering we only bd'd twice this month :(
My boobs hurt already.... now do u think its from the progesterone my body is finally making on its own? According to my chart below I'm only 3 dpo. And today I had like a achy heavy feeling in my right ovary. I dont know what to think. Considering we only bd'd twice this month :(

Two cycles ago by boobs started hurting right after or around OV (I wasn't sure what exact day I OV-ed). This month they started hurting on OV day all the way until AF. I think I wasn't OV-ing before and now finally my hormones leveled out (I think my hormones were all out of wack for the last year). So yes, I think it's probably the progesterone. Which is good if you didn't have it before.:flower:

Also, I this past month I also noticed OV pain (sudden sharp pain) and mild cramping for a few day afterwards. So I think these are all good signs to indicate ovulation.
FX-ed for you!
I agree with Bellaem, I thinks the sore boobs comes with ovulations and progesterone levels. I haven't ovulated yet or just did based on temps and weirdly enough the boobs aren't as sore as the past few months they have been. Leads me to believe that it's O related :) I'm on CD 30 so I think this is one of those ones where I won't O ... well there's always next month right?

Bellaem- The dr. checked my prolactin levels and she said it was 10.1 within normal range.

I stopped taking the b6 because I think it's had the opposite effect on me.
Im not sure when i actually O'd, considering my FF chart keeps changing my O date :shrug: But for some reason everything is different this cycle. Not sure if its because this is my first cycle TTC without meds or medical intervention. From the creamy CM (tmi) to the sore bbs im just amazed. I dont want to read into everything but from someone who has never had a "normal" cycle; all these little things mean something is happening. whether its my body doing what its suppose at this point of my cycle or God knows my the ache in my heart and he is granting me my dream. All i can do is wait and see what happens. Good Luck Ladies!

Baby dust to all!:dust:
Im not sure when i actually O'd, considering my FF chart keeps changing my O date :shrug: But for some reason everything is different this cycle. Not sure if its because this is my first cycle TTC without meds or medical intervention. From the creamy CM (tmi) to the sore bbs im just amazed. I dont want to read into everything but from someone who has never had a "normal" cycle; all these little things mean something is happening. whether its my body doing what its suppose at this point of my cycle or God knows my the ache in my heart and he is granting me my dream. All i can do is wait and see what happens. Good Luck Ladies!

Baby dust to all!:dust:

fx'ed for you! This cycle is out of the norm for me also so maybe that means we got something good working for us! The ewcm finally turned creamy today after 3 weeks... breasts getting more sore so I think AF is coming. Hopefully soon FF will confirm ovulation!

I think that those are all good signs for you. Maybe your body is in balance now. I noticed that after I took provera to get af in feb that my cycles after that were very abnormal...breasts hurting very bad all the time, leaking milk, cramps. I think it was a hormonal imbalance because of the provera and it's slowly righting itself. Each cycle has been different since then. So maybe that's what is happening with you. Your hormones are balancing themselves and that's why this cycle is different :) I hope that's the case and you get that beautiful bfp this time!
Im not sure when i actually O'd, considering my FF chart keeps changing my O date :shrug: But for some reason everything is different this cycle. Not sure if its because this is my first cycle TTC without meds or medical intervention. From the creamy CM (tmi) to the sore bbs im just amazed. I dont want to read into everything but from someone who has never had a "normal" cycle; all these little things mean something is happening. whether its my body doing what its suppose at this point of my cycle or God knows my the ache in my heart and he is granting me my dream. All i can do is wait and see what happens. Good Luck Ladies!

Baby dust to all!:dust:

fx'ed for you! This cycle is out of the norm for me also so maybe that means we got something good working for us! The ewcm finally turned creamy today after 3 weeks... breasts getting more sore so I think AF is coming. Hopefully soon FF will confirm ovulation!

I think that those are all good signs for you. Maybe your body is in balance now. I noticed that after I took provera to get af in feb that my cycles after that were very abnormal...breasts hurting very bad all the time, leaking milk, cramps. I think it was a hormonal imbalance because of the provera and it's slowly righting itself. Each cycle has been different since then. So maybe that's what is happening with you. Your hormones are balancing themselves and that's why this cycle is different :) I hope that's the case and you get that beautiful bfp this time!


thank your so much for your kind words. I have to agree with you with the provera. i never really had a full period with provera. it was always light and max 3 days. the side effects, i think were minimal to me. The clomid cycles were just awful. when your body is withdrawling from a synthetic hormone, ie provera, it tends to become dependent. Im no doctor but i do know that all those pills were not really doing my body any good. i dunno. Im just thankful to find my RE. He was very aggressive in treating my PCOS and my desire to have children. He is a wonderful man. Dr Jeffery Russell. Brillant.
I went to the Dr last week and had a transvaginal ultrasound my lining was thick and there was a sack of fluid present at the bottom of my uterus the Dr had no clue as to what it was she immediately ordered an HCG test which was a:bfn: so she ruled out pregnancy I have been having sore breast and some nausea but nothing to dramatic..I am starting to feel like i am pregnant but the dr said based on the placement of the sack its unlikely but my research has made me come to the conclusion that the placenta can implant low in the uterus..she didnt take blood just urine and i feel like she dosent really know what she is talking bout because shes acted like she didnt have a clue of what the sack in my uterus was.....any ideas to what it is will help me :cry::wacko:
OK LADIES!~ I am now 8 dpo. REALLY SORE bbs!! my back is killing me and temp is still up! FX'D please!!

Baby dust to all!
Well I'm officially 1 day late for AF BUT I don't even think I ovulated this cycle. My temps were just all over the place! My doctor is absolutely no help at all. Now finding a new one is hard because they all have waiting lists.

Jenny I'm so excited for you! Those are all really good signs!
Well I'm officially 1 day late for AF BUT I don't even think I ovulated this cycle. My temps were just all over the place! My doctor is absolutely no help at all. Now finding a new one is hard because they all have waiting lists.

Jenny I'm so excited for you! Those are all really good signs!

Thank you Gail!

I hope you get things worked out with your whacky cycle. i hope u find a great doctor that will help with all your issues! GL and Baby Dust to you!
Hey girls! Gail and Jenny, sounds promising for you both!

jahnella1, I'm sorry to hear about your doctor visit. That's just nuts that they saw what looked like a sac, but didn't do a quant hcg! I would request one, possibly from a new doc. Good luck to you!

I'm 8 or 9 dpo today (depending on if I exclude two temps that were wacky or not) and I'm having light pink spotting, very mild cramping, and sore boobs. And my temp actually went up today. I'm trying not to get hopeful though, because I know my chances arent good. We BD either 48 or 72 hours before I ov, since we were doing construction in 100 degree weather the weekend of OV :wacko:.

Unfortunately, I have had spotting before AF the last few cycles, and the girls always get sore, so even if I was having preg symptoms, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference. The only difference so far is that my spotting is REALLY light, like sort of a tan, and mostly just when I check internally. The last couple cycles have had more like a red streak. If AF doesn't show up in a few days I'll test, if I can hold out that long. fingers crossed. a BFP would be a great 30th bday gift this week!
Good Morning all-

well my doctor wanted me to come in this morning for HCG and Progesterone check. I am currently 9 dpo. My temp dipped a little today.

HCG - 0.5
Progesterone - 2.4

welp i can assume im out this month. Off to the next cycle after this witch shows. GL to all the rest!

Baby dust!
Sorry to hear that your out this month Jenny. I'm out too. AF showed today. Since this is my first month charting, that puts my LP at 10 days. I really thought it was longer than that. On a better note though, I only spotted for a day (or 2) beforehand, which is better than I have previously, but I wonder if my LP was shorter than it usually is.

Is anyone else still around on this thread?

Jenny, good luck for next cycle. fingers crossed for us!
Hi Ladies! I think I'm out this cycle also. I didn't even ovulate. I'm 3 days late for AF wish she'd just show up so I can begin again. I'm wondering if starting prenatal vitamins and b6 this cycle could have affected ovulation?

Here's my chart does it look like my temps fluctuate too much?

My Ovulation Chart || Ovulation Tracker

Well I guess we all will have each other to compare with next cycle :) Good luck to all!
Hi Ladies! I think I'm out this cycle also. I didn't even ovulate. I'm 3 days late for AF wish she'd just show up so I can begin again. I'm wondering if starting prenatal vitamins and b6 this cycle could have affected ovulation?

Here's my chart does it look like my temps fluctuate too much?

My Ovulation Chart || Ovulation Tracker

Well I guess we all will have each other to compare with next cycle :) Good luck to all!

Morning ladies!

Still no AF for me.. im thinking maybe Tuesday she will show. BBs are back to normal, but still cramping and creamy cm.... i dunno im kinda just ready to take a month off

Gail- your chart is all over the place! hopefully we can get this under control for next cycle!

MomRettirc- FX'd for you as well.
Hey ladies!
Sorry I've been MIA! Super busy lately. I haven't done anything this month in relation to TTC.:dohh: I tried to start temping after AF but I threw my back out and haven't been sleeping regular hours (one hour sleep and then one hour awake sort of thing). No OV tests up until today. I checked my CM this morning since I figured I was close to OV (I am CD13 and last cycle I OV-ed on CD14). It was watery (which is my fertile CM). Decided to take an OV test and TADA: smiley! We BD-ed last night which is good too. Hopefully we spend most of the weekend in bed to be safe:haha:.

Gaillynn- Your temps do look all over the place. But usually annovulatory cycles look like that. Hopefully this month was just a fluke. FX-ed for you this cycle!

JENNY- Sorry you're out! :hugs: I have felt very unattached this cycle (pondered the idea of taking a break for a month too but decided to just be a little more relaxed). FX-ed for next month!

MOMRETTIRC- It's possible your LP was shorter this time. I've heard your LP can be shorter once in a while. Our bodies are delicate and just a slight change in hormones can throw everything off! FX-ed your LP is longer this cycle!:flower:

Jahnella- I agree with PP. I would request a blood test. FX-ed!
Well i just went to the ladies room and saw a brown tinged cm. so i assume af is on her way.

in the back of my mind, i wish i could say its IB :sad1: on to the next month
For you ladies who check bbt do you generally sleep several hours at a time. I seem to wake up every two hours or so. Tossing and turning or having to get up. I don't sleep well at night and now I'm seeing online that it can interfere with bbt charting. So maybe that is why the temps are so wacky this cycle.

Today I noticed a tiny pink speck of blood. When checking cm it was lightly tinged pink so I think AF should be here any day. IF I did ovulate and my temp taking is crap then it was about seven days ago. The optimist in me wants to think well maybe implantation. But the practical woman says it's AF>... what a bummer :(

Jenny I feel the same way no matter what you already know for sure you still hope it's possible.

Bellaem- maybe this cycle of not concentrating on it will do the trick! I hope your back is feeling better. I think the waking up thing is what is affecting my bbt. I'm litterally awake every hour or two. Plus my mouth is always so dry when I wake up I think I'm breathing through my mouth when I sleep. AND my dh god bless him has to have a huge fan pointed right at our faces!

Momrettric- Good luck with this coming cycle! 2 days of spotting would be so welcome over here lol That sounds like your cycle is straightening out.
I have a question for y'all.

Has anyone experienced hot flashes during AF?

i usually get them after ovulaion. Then again im new to non-medicated cycles. Last night i had three hot flashes in a row. now AF is so light and turning colors already. its only cd 3! o man. Im hoping the OD isnt making my ovaries fail and sending me straight into menopause!! :help:
Good morning, ladies!
gaillynn- If I don't get a solid block of sleep before my normal BBT taking time I just mark it on FF with "sleep deprived" and it will mark it with an open circle so I know to discard it if it isn't matching with the other ones. If there are multiple days in a row like this month I just canned BBT-ing all together. I took my temp a couple of times with little sleep and it was always really high like in the 99's which made me realize that seeing a pattern wouldn't happen with those temps.
JENNYR27- I've experienced every kind of symptom under the sun with AF including hot flashes (to the point where OH noticed it). The hot flashes happened right after I came off BCP for a couple of cycles. So maybe it's some sort of hormonal imbalance? It could be your body adjusting to the lack of medications. Maybe go to the doctor and have them check your hormone levels?

AFM- 2DPO today. Unforunately OH and I didn't BD AT ALL this weekend:cry:. Too many things going on and a lot of stress (My brother came to visit for the weekend, my grandfather had a stroke, and OH's two youngest kids came over at the last minute for the day on sunday). So we only BD-ed once two days before OV. I'm definitely not hopeful this month. And also not too happy about only DTD twice in the last two and a half weeks! It might be good in a way because now I won't be symptom spotting every day. The good news about this cycle though is that I now know that I ovulate between CD13-CD15 so now I won't have to buy stockpiles of OPKs. I used like 15 last month and this month only one! So that's good. Hopefully mu body is finally getting back to "normal".

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