Severely blocked fellopian tubes and pregnancy

Here is also a list of different programs that open dcm files.
Hello ladies,

I have been busy over the last couple of days, so have really not been able to catch up.

Welcome Binaface. I completely agree with KC and LL that you should definitely go for a lap before going for a series of IUI.

LL You guys have done a great job in saving for IVF, wow thats really commendable:thumbup: Wonder what sacrifices one has to go through only to hold that little bundle of joy in our arms:baby:

KC How have you been? When is your appointment with your RE? I hope you have already started shopping for your holiday:winkwink:

How are all my fellow LTTTC ers doing?
Hi Anne24!

I am doing well. I am on CD10 and we are going to keep at it, but not go to Plan B until 2013. I have a shopping addiction so shopping for vacation is an added bonus :)

My appointment is May 4th. I'm hoping for some good news. Hopefully she can either confirm or deny what I have already been told. Her prices for IVF are a bit more expensive, but CFM's reputation is unbeatable compared to F.I.R.M. I read an active lawsuit for the FIRM here in Daytona Beach from a man that had his wife go in for IVF ($13,000) and was told everything was good (embryo successs) only to be told a few weeks later that it was unsuccessful and they were out all of that money.
However, he went for a second opinion and had a semen analysis done and his semen was sterile! The man was sterile! So he is now suing Dr. Winslow for malpractice. There was no way his semen successfully creatde an embryo. I'm so glad I am not going back to that office ever again.

How about you, how have you been doing? I hope all is well. Any updates on your progress?
I visit another forum sometimes and this past month 3 of the LTTCers got a BFP! Unfortunately, 2 of them may have MC. I'm not sure which is worse, never getting a BFP or getting one and losing it over and over again. I feel so bad for them.

LL_ Thanks for the info!

Have a fabulous day ladies!
Hi Anne! Hi KC!

Well I am pretty sure AF came today! Woohoo! :happydance: Never been so happy for AF to arrive! I am on week 5 after my lap and since the doctor said wait 6 weeks before trying we are right on schedule. In 7 days (cd7) we can start trying!

I go back and forth with is it going to work or isn't it, has my tube closed back up oh yes it is going to work, my tube is great! It is such a rollercoaster.

On May 9th I have an appointment to have a US with the surgeon to make sure all is healing well. In June he wants me to have another HSG to determine if the surgery was a success and tube is open. On May 17th I have my first appointment with my new OB which I am very excited about. 1- She is affilliated with the hospital that I want to give birth at and 2- She specializes in gynecology related to cysts, fibroids, and infertility. My old OB was so old school and I felt she was really out of her element when it came to my situation.

Anne- are you guys ttc starting in July? I think I read that back in the beginning of the thread.
KC- That is a crazy story about the ivf clinic-what a nightmare!
Mrs. Howley - How are you doing?
That's GREAT news, LL! How exciting! Keep us posted on your US and your new HSG. I'm trying to avoid another HSG if I can but I know my new RE will require one to be done since my last one ws was so damn painful for me though! Maybe she will have a more gentle touch since she is a woman and not a ;)

I wish you all the luck in the world that you get your BFP naturally- then you can keep all your hard earned money for something else.
I wish all of you ladies great success on conception as well!

Hope everyone is doing well, I will be offline until the weekend. I will check back on Saturday to see all the updates.
Hi Anne! Hi KC!

Well I am pretty sure AF came today! Woohoo! :happydance: Never been so happy for AF to arrive! I am on week 5 after my lap and since the doctor said wait 6 weeks before trying we are right on schedule. In 7 days (cd7) we can start trying!

I go back and forth with is it going to work or isn't it, has my tube closed back up oh yes it is going to work, my tube is great! It is such a rollercoaster.

On May 9th I have an appointment to have a US with the surgeon to make sure all is healing well. In June he wants me to have another HSG to determine if the surgery was a success and tube is open. On May 17th I have my first appointment with my new OB which I am very excited about. 1- She is affilliated with the hospital that I want to give birth at and 2- She specializes in gynecology related to cysts, fibroids, and infertility. My old OB was so old school and I felt she was really out of her element when it came to my situation.

Anne- are you guys ttc starting in July? I think I read that back in the beginning of the thread.
KC- That is a crazy story about the ivf clinic-what a nightmare!
Mrs. Howley - How are you doing?

My new RE is at CRM too! Center for Reproductive Medicine in Orlando, how funny is that? Small world. They have a stellar reputation! I think if anyone can help, it's them.
KC All the best for your appointment. So sorry to learn about the mc that you read in the other thread. My heart goes out to all of them, as it is ltttc is itself so stressful and then the loss:hugs:

Lilly Yayyyy for af. Ironic isn't it that I am cheering up a fellow ltttc er on getting her af? Good luck with your appointment and the ensuing HSG. Great that you can start trying from cd7, just a couple of days more. You said your doctor said to wait for 5-6 weeks for af after lap? Which cd were you the day you had your lap? I ask this because currently I am waiting for af as well and I didn't ask my doc anything about when af is to arrive:dohh:

I was on cd9 the day I had lap. I am cd29 today and still no af and I have no pms(normally I have loads). Normally I am like clock-work 28 day cycle. As for trying- well 4 days after my lap, when I went for the follow-up check-up, my doc told we can start trying now if I felt comfortable which I obviously wasnt. The places where they made the holes were hurting me. So we bd ed only two weeks after my lap when I was comfortable:blush: Yes, the doc would put me on bcp for the next 2 months to clean up my endo:growlmad:. He said in the meanwhile you can keep on trying though there are almost zero chances to get pregnant on the pill. So technically yeah ttc from July.
Sorry to respond so late ladies!

Thank you so much for your replies, I really appreciate it. I was a little surprised that my Dr pushed for an IUI as well wo having a diagnostic lap. I just had another IUI done today and I'm having another on Sat. To make matters worse I just found out I have a bacterial infection which I'm assuming was caused by all of the tests (a lot of stuff has been jammed up there!) and perhaps the IUI? My GYN told me I can not treat it until I find out if the IUIs are successful or not bc it is dangerous to treat in early pregnancy. After Sat I would need to call my GP to get more referrals sent to the RE in order to visit him again but I am contemplating going elsewhere for a second opinion. This is so stressful! :wacko:

Ive read studies on women with unilateral hydros of getting prego naturally once the tube was removed/clipped. It gives me hope!

I shouldve mentioned this before but good luck to everyone in their journey! I will keep everyone posted on what happens....
Good luck Binaface! I wish you the very best and that your IUIs are successful, but if not I think it would be wise to get a second opinion or request your Gyno to do a diagnostic lap and to remove/ clip your damaged/ hydro tube. You are right in that it may be the only thing holding you back from getting your bfp!

I was on CD 20 when I had my lap and I got what I think was AF 4 days later because it turned from spotting to a heavy bleed. I also did opks this cycle and did get a positive on CD 13 do I am assuming that I did get my period during the heavy bleed. This AF has been EXTREMELY light to the point where I don't even feel like I am having AF? I think laps- especially the surgery kind of screw with your system. The fact that you can't officially try until July kind of gives you the opportunity to give your body a break. I really hope I am having AF so I can get to ttcing but I guess the only way to know where I am in my cycle is to keep doing opks. We will probably just BD every other day this whole month just to be sure....whoa that is a lot of work just thinking about it!:haha:
Lilly whoa thats a whole lot of bd-ing:winkwink: But you will surely have all your bases covered, so good luck. As for af after lap, I googled a lot and found that for many af got delayed by 2weeks or even a month after lap, but most of them got treated for endo or pcos and not tubal issues. So right now I just have to wait for af:coffee: Ugghhh all the other months while ttc-ing I wanted af to disappear for the following 9months and now the witch is playing hide-n-seek with me:growlmad:

Just a stray question-
Does anyone believe in psychic readings regarding pregnancy? Has anyone tried it ever?
Hello ladies how are we all?
Lilly I am doing well thanks, only 4 weeks until my next Lap :D
Anne In regards to AF after a lap, mine initially came on time but was very very heavy, but I did have the surgery 2 days before she was due, but it has delayed my cycle by 4 days each month.
The Psychics on line I have used before, several ones and several times and they have all got it wrong, one thing they all said was I would have a boy and girl so we are yet to see, to be honest I wouldn't use them again just because it's a waste of money, I am going to see a psychic/medium in person soon so I will let you know what she says xx
Regarding psychics, I am at this point a little wary about seeing one, as I would hate to hear something negative that would put me in the wrong mindset. Last year I was out to dinner with two girlfriends and one was reading our palms for fun and said I had NO children lines on my palm. For real. This same girl 10 years ago read my palm and said I was going to have 2 children?!? So the lines on my hands changed within 10 years from 2 to none? I still think of that at times and it can really get me down if I am in the frame to let it.
Hello ladies,

MrsHowley Good luck for your lap. I understand the money thing about these readings, it hurts more so because most of the readings are incorrect. I got a reading last September from psychic123 wherein she said that I would get pregnant within 2011 with a baby boy and that she saw no medical problems with me hindering the pregnancy. Come February and I am diagnosed with both the tubes being blocked(thankfully unblocked via lap) and then endo during lap. Talk about sham? This is it!

Lilly That is so stupid, I mean really how can lines just change like that? How's your af holding up? I did read that the first af after lap can be a bit wonky- either heavy or light, but seems to regularize completely from the following cycle.

Afm Af arrived yesterday, but it was kind of spotting only(sorry tmi). However it has come in full force in the morning today. So far I seem to be on schedule. Started taking bcp from today.Will give a call at the clinic tomorrow to schedule appointment for hydrotubation. Here's hoping I can start ttc from July. Good luck to all us ltttc ers.
Anne- I am just over AF today. First 2 days were spotty, next 3 were heavy. It came early (cd25) but I guess if I just count the heavy it was basically on time. I think your BCP is really going to help with the endo. July will be here before you know it!

AFM I am in better spirits than I have been the past 4 days. I don't know if it was AF or if all the pressure of this infertility journey just finally got to me. I basically spent the entire weekend in my robe laying around feeling sad. DH was wonderful, did the cleaning and yard work, made the meals, did the grocery shopping etc...I just was so depressed I didn't want to leave the house! So unlike me and a little scary. I just want to be "normal" and was just feeling a bit broken. :nope:Sorry for the rant and I am feeling a lot better, but I just want to get this show on the road!

DH and I watched this movie called "Like Crazy" about this British girl and LA boy who were having a long distance relationship (Was REALLY GOOD) and he gave her a bracelet that said "Patience" on it. I think I need one of those.
The good Lord passed me up when he was giving out Patience! I am with you on that, LL.
I had a psychic tell me I would have 2 kids as well. I don't think people are supposed to know their future. It starts interferring with your true destiny and you could alter it knowing what is to come. I just don't get involved with fate.

I'm with Anne on the palm reading, your lines don't change unless you pour acid on your's all for entertainment purposes IMO.

Good Luck on your lap, MHowley!

As for me, I see my new RE this Friday so I'm hopeful I can get this disc burned so I can get it off to her before then. I have to get my pc wiped due to the spyware/virus that infected it last week trying to see those stupid photos from the hospital.
Anne- I am just over AF today. First 2 days were spotty, next 3 were heavy. It came early (cd25) but I guess if I just count the heavy it was basically on time. I think your BCP is really going to help with the endo. July will be here before you know it!

AFM I am in better spirits than I have been the past 4 days. I don't know if it was AF or if all the pressure of this infertility journey just finally got to me. I basically spent the entire weekend in my robe laying around feeling sad. DH was wonderful, did the cleaning and yard work, made the meals, did the grocery shopping etc...I just was so depressed I didn't want to leave the house! So unlike me and a little scary. I just want to be "normal" and was just feeling a bit broken. :nope:Sorry for the rant and I am feeling a lot better, but I just want to get this show on the road!

DH and I watched this movie called "Like Crazy" about this British girl and LA boy who were having a long distance relationship (Was REALLY GOOD) and he gave her a bracelet that said "Patience" on it. I think I need one of those.

I get depressed all the time. It's OK to cry or feel sorry for yourself, it cleanses the soul. As long as you're smiling again in a few days, it's perfectly normal. We all have something preventing us from getting what we desperatly want and if you want to lounge around and do nothing, I say do it! Do what makes you happy in the moment because you deserve to be happy.
Thanks sweetie :hugs:

What a pain about your computer! Good luck with your RE appointment on Friday...that is very exciting! Let us know how it goes!
Ok, So he says that through this image viewer you should be able to view them, and then later convert them to jpeg files yourself.
You can read about the program then click the download button on the left. Apparently mine were dcm files as well but they sent me the viewer included on my cd. Dh says the file is too big to email you the viewer. HOPE THIS HELPS!

I was finally able to view the files on my disc and save them to my computer. I can not make heads or tails out of what I saw. I did see some pelvic bones but my female anatomy looked My OBGYN said my pelvis and uterus looked "Perfect" after the HSG was done..
I could clearly see dye spewing out of BOTH tubes! This was done in mid 2010. I'm praying that they stay open until next year! [-o<
Yay! Glad you got it to work! So HSG showed your tubes are open and you also had a lap that made sure they were I think it is safe to assume they are!!! Good luck honey!
That's what is so frusrating. The same Doctor gave me two opposite diagnosis. My HSG showed tubes were open and 1.5 yrs later during my lap it showed they were severly occluded. Hopefully my new RE can get to the bottom of this infertility issue for me. :)


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