Sex education at 5....


mummy to 2 boys!
Jan 19, 2010
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Just read this article.....

And I'm really not happy with that leaflet and what is written on there, I would deffinately not want my 5yr old reading that! He's nearly 5 now and I feel it is really too young.
What do you think?
Wow- that is awful!!!
What a ridicilous book!!!
If I had a 5 year old asking how his baby brother or sister got in my belly, I would explain that sometimes when Mommy's and Daddy's love each other, and they cuddle with each other, that a baby gets made in Mommy's tummy. At 5 they have no need to know that the penis goes into something!!!! next thing u know they would be sticking theirs in things! 5 is too young in my opinion. My 4 year old sister, (I am 23 by the way) knows that babies are made because of mommy's and daddy's loving on each other. She knows that babies grow in bellies, and come out when they are big enough. She knows that mommy's and daddy's love on each other differently than brothers and sisters or just friends. but she still knows nothing about the word sex.
One day my little sister asked about nursing, and my mom explained to her that when a woman has a baby that her boobies can make milk, and that when she gets older and has a baby she will be able to make milk for her babies to. My little sister was so excited she ran through the house screaming- "I'm a woman! I'm a woman!!!"

When I was 5, I knew that babies came out of a mommy's vagina. But that is only because I asked SOOOOOO many questions. My mom told me. (I really remember this so clearly. She showed me a drawing in a book that wasn't too graphic. It had a mom from a side angle, so it didn't show private parts, but I could see the baby coming out from between her legs.) My mom told me that all girls have a special hole, its not the one pee comes out of,but another one. And when girls get older and become women, they can have a baby come through that hole. I was so impressed and amazed that I had that too. My mom also told me the same info that sex is something beautiful between a man and a woman who love each other.

Fast forward- My mom had explained little bits to me, and I knew that I could always go to her if I had a question. But... this is so important all you mommies out there!!!!!!
When I was 7, other little girls started telling me not to go to her. They said it was weird to talk to my mom about things like this..... remember I WAS 7!!!!! One of my little friends was 10, and was sexually abused by her dad. I didn't know any better, apparently she didn't either. She told me these were things u never talked about with moms. So I started to stop asking my mom questions. Another friend was 8, but she had a 13 year old sister who told her everything she needed to know.... which then led to her telling me...... So I have to say, I had a general sex education from a bunch of other kids when I was only 7 years old. And it was so screwed up!!!!


Later on when I was 10, my mom explaned more to me. I had known a little about periods, but my mom was watching how I was growing, and waited to tell me about periods until she knew it wasn't very far away. So she explained in much greater detail about what a period was like, and what to do, and why it happened and about how when u are pregnant u don't get one, and why. She did great in my opinion! I didn't get my period for 2 more years, but I was ready.
Throughout my teenage years she talked about sex as something that she really enjoyed... but that it was worth waiting for.
So here I amtoday. Happily married.... to the man I love. the only man I have ever kissed. We saved that gift for each other. I can't tell you how glad I am that we saved it for each other and didn't give it to anyone else. Sex IS a beautiful thing, just like my mom told me when I was little. :) Something to share between a man and a woman who love each other very much. :)
If only more parent's would TALK WITH THEIR KIDS!!!!
^^I couldn't have said it better myself! Why are parents so fearful about discussing subjects like sex with their children? I think that children who have more of an open relationship with their parents are less likely to go try and do something stupid.
I agree that teaching children at five about sex in such graphic detail should not be done. HOWEVER, teaching children at a young age that no one should touch them in a way that makes them feel uncomfortable (i.e. anywhere that's covered by a bathing suit) IS appropriate.
Holy shit! I am pro sex education and I really support it beginning at 5, but I don't think that kind of stuff is appropriate at all. Why would a 5 year old need to know what a prostitute is? I wouldn't want Oliver to learn that kind of stuff at 5. I really didn't like the page which showed sexual positions either "How mummies and daddies fit together" - it defies belief!
I'm a primary school teacher and we teach one of the government approved svchemes. At 5 the children learn to label their body parts, e.g. penis, testicles, vulva, clitoris (people get very upset about that one) etc. They also learn in a very simple way that they were once babies and a mummy and daddy make a baby. THey do not go into the whys and wherefores.

I taught in year 4 last year (8 and 9 year olds) and we did not teach about hte penis going into the vagina and sperm coming out. They learned that the penis makes sperm which is the seed, and a bit about hte menstrual cycle and the egg. They knew that these 2 things had to come together to grow a baby in the mum's tummy and it came through the vagina after 9 months... but we did not go into the whys and wherefores until year 6 (10 / 11 year old).

It is hard, because obviously it's better to learn it gradually over 7 years than one day go WHAM this is a penis, this is a vagina. I like the fact children learn the correct names for things at an early age and then revisit the same subject each year at a bit more depth.

It's tricky teaching it when you are 6 months preggers though ;-)
Too much at that age!

But I think its important for kids to know where babies come from at an early age. I don't even remember NOT knowing what sex was. But when I was that young, I knew that sex was how daddy put his seed in mommies tummy and that seed grew into a baby. I didn't know that sex was pleasurable, and I don't think it was needed. I didn't learn about orgasms or pleasure from sex til probably 10-12 years old. We had those classes in 4th and 5th grade about periods, erections, and bla bla bla. But I already knew most of that (or well, I knew about periods) My mom taught me about those because she knew I might get mine early. Which I did, I was 10 when I got my first period! I already had gotten my period by the time we were having those classes.
I think its too young, and also pointless, I can't speak for others but at that age I wouldn't have understood any of it anyway, I barely understood the sex ed class in year 5 as it just wasn't something that crossed my mind, it was gibberish to me.
I think its ok to give 5 year olds a basic outline if they are asking frank questions, but I wouldn't instigate sex education at that age. By basic I mean explaining daddy puts his bits in mummys bits, and its only when they love each other, and that its a different love to brothers and sisters or grandparents etc. I wouldn't teach about prostitution or anal sex etc! If an older child asked questions then I'd answer them as honestly as I could.

I found out about sex at 8 years old (in the mid 80s) and told my mum I knew what is was when I was 9. She made me explain what I'd heard to make sure it was correct. I was so embarrassed! She explained periods to me when I was about 10, and I remember the subject of oral sex coming up when I was about 12 (I think it was a joke on tv that triggered it maybe)
I am literally gob smacked!.. definitely too much info for a 5year old.
I don't hunk it's too young (but also depends on the child) I think they should grow up bein very open about the subject, as it's not 'dirty' or 'shameful' if children knew more about it and were able to talk to their parents less children would be abused honking that it's 'normal'
I don't hunk it's too young (but also depends on the child) I think they should grow up bein very open about the subject, as it's not 'dirty' or 'shameful' if children knew more about it and were able to talk to their parents less children would be abused honking that it's 'normal'

While I agree that kids should know about sex, I think it still needs to be baby steps. This info is too much too soon. I mean does a 5 year old HONESTLY need to know what a prostitute is or what positions you can have sex in???
I don't hunk it's too young (but also depends on the child) I think they should grow up bein very open about the subject, as it's not 'dirty' or 'shameful' if children knew more about it and were able to talk to their parents less children would be abused honking that it's 'normal'

While I agree that kids should know about sex, I think it still needs to be baby steps. This info is too much too soon. I mean does a 5 year old HONESTLY need to know what a prostitute is or what positions you can have sex in???

Exactly - it's sex EDUCATION - not a lesson in how to do it!
I don't hunk it's too young (but also depends on the child) I think they should grow up bein very open about the subject, as it's not 'dirty' or 'shameful' if children knew more about it and were able to talk to their parents less children would be abused honking that it's 'normal'

While I agree that kids should know about sex, I think it still needs to be baby steps. This info is too much too soon. I mean does a 5 year old HONESTLY need to know what a prostitute is or what positions you can have sex in???

Exactly - it's sex EDUCATION - not a lesson in how to do it!

Or where to buy it :haha:
I don't hunk it's too young (but also depends on the child) I think they should grow up bein very open about the subject, as it's not 'dirty' or 'shameful' if children knew more about it and were able to talk to their parents less children would be abused honking that it's 'normal'

While I agree that kids should know about sex, I think it still needs to be baby steps. This info is too much too soon. I mean does a 5 year old HONESTLY need to know what a prostitute is or what positions you can have sex in???

Exactly - it's sex EDUCATION - not a lesson in how to do it!

Or where to buy it :haha:

:lol: Exactly!

Seriously, the last thing I want Oliver to know at 5 years old is that some people sell their bodies for money. How much harder will that make it to teach him that he should only have sex with someone he knows, loves and trusts?
Your post made me tear up! What a wonderful thing to read! Thank you!

Wow- that is awful!!!
What a ridicilous book!!!
If I had a 5 year old asking how his baby brother or sister got in my belly, I would explain that sometimes when Mommy's and Daddy's love each other, and they cuddle with each other, that a baby gets made in Mommy's tummy. At 5 they have no need to know that the penis goes into something!!!! next thing u know they would be sticking theirs in things! 5 is too young in my opinion. My 4 year old sister, (I am 23 by the way) knows that babies are made because of mommy's and daddy's loving on each other. She knows that babies grow in bellies, and come out when they are big enough. She knows that mommy's and daddy's love on each other differently than brothers and sisters or just friends. but she still knows nothing about the word sex.
One day my little sister asked about nursing, and my mom explained to her that when a woman has a baby that her boobies can make milk, and that when she gets older and has a baby she will be able to make milk for her babies to. My little sister was so excited she ran through the house screaming- "I'm a woman! I'm a woman!!!"

When I was 5, I knew that babies came out of a mommy's vagina. But that is only because I asked SOOOOOO many questions. My mom told me. (I really remember this so clearly. She showed me a drawing in a book that wasn't too graphic. It had a mom from a side angle, so it didn't show private parts, but I could see the baby coming out from between her legs.) My mom told me that all girls have a special hole, its not the one pee comes out of,but another one. And when girls get older and become women, they can have a baby come through that hole. I was so impressed and amazed that I had that too. My mom also told me the same info that sex is something beautiful between a man and a woman who love each other.

Fast forward- My mom had explained little bits to me, and I knew that I could always go to her if I had a question. But... this is so important all you mommies out there!!!!!!
When I was 7, other little girls started telling me not to go to her. They said it was weird to talk to my mom about things like this..... remember I WAS 7!!!!! One of my little friends was 10, and was sexually abused by her dad. I didn't know any better, apparently she didn't either. She told me these were things u never talked about with moms. So I started to stop asking my mom questions. Another friend was 8, but she had a 13 year old sister who told her everything she needed to know.... which then led to her telling me...... So I have to say, I had a general sex education from a bunch of other kids when I was only 7 years old. And it was so screwed up!!!!


Later on when I was 10, my mom explaned more to me. I had known a little about periods, but my mom was watching how I was growing, and waited to tell me about periods until she knew it wasn't very far away. So she explained in much greater detail about what a period was like, and what to do, and why it happened and about how when u are pregnant u don't get one, and why. She did great in my opinion! I didn't get my period for 2 more years, but I was ready.
Throughout my teenage years she talked about sex as something that she really enjoyed... but that it was worth waiting for.
So here I amtoday. Happily married.... to the man I love. the only man I have ever kissed. We saved that gift for each other. I can't tell you how glad I am that we saved it for each other and didn't give it to anyone else. Sex IS a beautiful thing, just like my mom told me when I was little. :) Something to share between a man and a woman who love each other very much. :)
If only more parent's would TALK WITH THEIR KIDS!!!!
I'm all for early sex education and using the correct words for body parts and stuff, but that pamphlet seemed a bit too graphic for a 5 year old. I did like that it mentioned homosexuality on it and said that it's normal though. Too many kids grow up thinking that it's wrong to feel that way and end out so confused because all they've ever learned about is heterosexual sex-ed and they might not fit in to that and then think something is wrong with them.
I don't hunk it's too young (but also depends on the child) I think they should grow up bein very open about the subject, as it's not 'dirty' or 'shameful' if children knew more about it and were able to talk to their parents less children would be abused honking that it's 'normal'

While I agree that kids should know about sex, I think it still needs to be baby steps. This info is too much too soon. I mean does a 5 year old HONESTLY need to know what a prostitute is or what positions you can have sex in???

Totally agree, though I'd written that i thought it just wasn't the RIGHT way to put it in my post, I must have just thought it to my self :haha:
I'm all for early sex education and using the correct words for body parts and stuff, but that pamphlet seemed a bit too graphic for a 5 year old. I did like that it mentioned homosexuality on it and said that it's normal though. Too many kids grow up thinking that it's wrong to feel that way and end out so confused because all they've ever learned about is heterosexual sex-ed and they might not fit in to that and then think something is wrong with them.

I work in a Christian school and while the deputy head, who is in charge of the sex ed programme, has made it clear we need to value all kinds of relationships equally, some of the teachers with strong Christian faith don't feel comfortable teaching it. When I did it we talked a lot about same-sex relationships (the kids just want to be informaed and understand all the stuff they see on the soaps when they should be in bed!), but I know for a fact a lot of the teachers don't. It's out of order really as it's the law and is in our policy on SRE.

At least things have moved on since they didn't used to be allowed to teach about same sex relationships.
I think thats disgusting for a 5 year old. No 5 year old would even understand that, never mind need to know it!

My son didnt learn sex ed in school until he was 10/11 and even then, I was asked permission from the school.
I think thats disgusting for a 5 year old. No 5 year old would even understand that, never mind need to know it!

My son didnt learn sex ed in school until he was 10/11 and even then, I was asked permission from the school.

I think depending on the child, children start to pick up things earlier than 10/11, and would be really confusedif they wernt explained to early, which for this reason I think it should be he parents job, not school! like my little sister was 7 when my elder sister had her baby, and 9 when I had my baby, so my mum had already explained to her as she would be wondering why the he'll is happening, if we didn't say anything and wait till she was 10/11 god knows what the poor girl would be thinking!

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