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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2009
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Well as the title suggests I have some questions about sex, specifically the first time after having a baby! :wacko:

I'm currently 4 1/2 weeks pp and everything seems to be back to normal down there.. I only had a couple of grazes and no stitches.
Should I expect the first time to be painful? What do you ladies do just put up with it being uncomfortable for a while or should it just be like any other time?

Also I am paranoid about falling preggo again (want to wait at least 3yrs) we will be using condoms but still I know they aren't 100% :dohh:
After my first I was terrified to have sex so put it off for about 9 weeks. I was also afraid things wouldn't be the same. When it happened it was a little odd at first, probably due to the bruising etc but OH was gentle and it was alright. 2nd time we only waited about 2weeks and it was fine 👍🏼 x
Thanks Mummy2B that give me a little more confidence that it's not going to be a complete disaster! Lol
I don't want to scare you, but I want to be 100% honest. Everyone is going to be different though. For me personally I expected it to be uncomfortable and hurt a little, but I had no idea it was going to hurt as much as it did. I pushed for 3 hours then had a C-section. Idk if it's bc of breastfeeding or what. I waited until about 9 weeks pp. It hurt so much I cried and almost gave up. But DH was very gentle & patient with me and (sorry for the tmi) but he would go in a little more and then just wait and I had to just breathe through it and try to relax. Eventually it got better. We've only done it 2x since then and it still hurt like hell but got better each time and actually felt good again after a few minutes the last time. I just had to stop breastfeeding last week and haven't tried since then, but I wonder if it will be better. Please don't let my experience scare you, bc it was nice to have that bond with my DH again even though I was shocked at how painful it was. Take it slow & easy and use LOTS of lube.
I kind of jumped right into things after baby was born -- OH and I only ended up waiting 3 days. I didn't tear during the birthing process at all so that helped sway things. If I had torn I think I would've waited much longer. I don't remember the first time really hurting, it just felt sort of strange. OH had been out of town for awhile (baby was born a few weeks early) so we missed each other and we were kind of over the moon about the fact that we had made a perfect little baby together so one thing kind of led to another. I think the fact that I wasn't really focusing on if it would hurt or feel different helped make it an enjoyable experience.

Definitely take your time and go at your own pace. The first few times OH and I had sex we kind of went out of the way to be romantic and "get in the mood", which I think helped a lot in the long run.

Best Wishes! xx
I had a 2nd degree tear and we dtd at exactly 6 weeks pp. It hurt a little bit, but no where near as bad as losing my virginity. Any other time after that first pp dtd and all was fine.

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