Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Good morning, ladies!

So, I am so frustrated. I posted a fairly long post late last week and in the middle of typing my post, I got busy at work, came back to finish my post and then it timed me out and I lost the entire post. I was so irritated! And unfortunately instead of going back and doing a small post - I just didn't do one.

SO, I'm going to try to make up for it today.

First and foremost is you lovely ladies! I'm so excited for the both of you. I only remember feeling some stronger cramps one day - but overall my two week wait was so busy between work and getting ready for vacation that I'm not really sure I paid too much attention to anything. I should have known - and I think my sign was having to get up in the middle of the night - two nights in a row to go to the bathroom. I never (prior to being pregnant) got up to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Or if I did have to, I could always fall back asleep and ignore it - but not those nights (or any since!) I do have to laugh a little though as I feel like I am back in the two week wait googling all my crazy symptoms. Of course no one can tell me when I am going into labor - but towards the end of pregnancy - you start googling your symptoms again!!!!

Little - I'm so glad to hear that you are waiting the full time. I couldn't/didn't but the only reason was that if I wasn't pregnant - I was determined I was going to live up my last day of vacation and have some cocktails. I had only had one cocktail (and only drank half of it) and it was the day we arrived at our resort and I had it at lunch time. So, I figured if my test was negative, I was going to drink my sorrows :) So glad I didn't have to! However, at 12dpo - my test was glaringly positive and then the line was even darker and wider at 14dpo - so it was fun tot see the progression. Not trying to be a bad influence on you though :) And your progesterone is great!!! Did they not put you on progesterone? If they didn't - doesn't sound like it matters as 21 is a great number! I was also going to tell you that I hope you carry on my luck. I had two mature follicles and one on each side. It was the only month that I had them on each side as the previous months - both mature follicles were only on one side. Did they do a rupture scan for you to be sure that both follicles ruptured the day after IUI? I hope you have luck with the 24 hour mark! My doctor went by 36 hour for transfer but the doctor that he bought his practice from went by the 24 hour mark.

Wish - I'm so glad to hear that are five follicles in there!!! I hope they are grow and mature!!! Maybe your medication issue was a good thing :) See...just roll with the punches and what is meant to happen - will. Unfortunately we have all had to learn the hard way that we do not get to control what happens in this aspect of our life - so you have to make the best out of it and keep moving along. And you did just that and now you have all these wonderful follicles growing!!! It sounds like you are near home as you had a scan this morning. Any traveling for work this week?

As for me. Oh my. I'm not even sure where to begin. I do not want to complain because as I have said many times before - I'm just thankful we were able to conceive and I feel bad complaining about pregnancy when you both would die to be pregnant. So - maybe just take this as advise as to what you should look forward to in 9 months. The first half of the third trimester wasn't terrible except for not sleeping. Let me tell you something though.....I have dropped and am feeling it. I think I dropped over a period of time - as I still feel like I have some dropping to do but have definitely descended some. A couple of co-workers of mine were the ones who noticed that I had dropped and then this weekend I felt it. I took a 2 hour nap in a recliner on Saturday and it was the most wonderful thing EVER. It was the best sleep I had had in awhile and woke up feeling pretty refreshed. And I even slept pretty well that night. Yesterday - wow. That was a different story. I did great most of the day and I was determined to get a lot done - which I did. I got the Christmas lights put up outside, did a lot of laundry, cleaned, took a walk (which I surprisingly found difficult!), cleaned my car - but then I was exhausted. Fell asleep on the couch and I just couldn't wake up. I think I laid down from 4-6 but the rest of the night was terrible. I couldn't get comfortable, my back and hips were achy, the little guys movements are starting to get painful since he is getting so big and the amniotic fluid levels are now decreasing, and I hate to admit it - but I do have some crazy hormones that are getting to me. I just felt so depressed last night - I didn't want to do anything except sit there and stare into "space." My husband just looks at me with puppy dog eyes as he so badly wants to do something to make me feel better and there just isn't anything he can do. I ended up going to my bed (we are sleeping in different beds now as I do too much wiggling, getting up to go to the bathroom, getting up because I can't sleep, etc) to read for a bit before going to sleep and as soon as I was out of sight/hearing range from dh, I just broke down in tears. I'm over being pregnant, I'm not comfortable, I feel huge and I'm just ready for the little guy to be here. I've gained 26 pounds so far and my target weight gain was 28. Guessing I'm going to go past that and that too upsets me. I know I'm still well within range of my 25-35 pounds, but I was hoping to be on the lower end of the spectrum. I was going great until these last couple of weeks and I think baby has just really been growing. We need to get thru this week and then are considered early term and hopefully baby wouldn't have to be in the nicu if born at 37 weeks. However, knowing my luck - I will go until - if not past - my due date. We are at weekly appointments now and I'm guessing I'll get checked this week. I'd be surprised if we aren't dilated - however if we are, I know it means nothing. We are also doing our hospital tour and pre-registration this week. The end is definitely near - but I'm not sure its near enough.

Will be thinking of you ladies this week and will be checking in!!!
what an awesome update, malinko! i can't believe you're so close already! I know you aren't close enough for your taste, but it'll be here sooner than you think. You need to be as busy as you were in your TWW so it flies by. We're here rooting you on and I don't think i've ever heard someone say their entire pregnancy was awesome, so you go ahead and complain. There are some weird things going on in your body that you have zero control over, and I've heard will continue to do, so complain away. Can't wait until I sneeze and pee all over myself b/c my pelvic floor lost its strength. Fun times.

and you're so right about me and that's what I've been thinking - just roll with it and see what happens. That's all I can do. And now we have 5 follies! 2 on the side that produced zero last month, so I'm psyched. I'm going to be VERY good with food and water this week, no more alcohol, maybe a little caffeine (I mean...come on) and we'll give it the best shot we can. I'll get my call in a little bit with the next instructions. I assume I'll go in for another scan on Wed morning. Every other day until they are measurable and then every day until the trigger.
Malinko thank you for the update! Girl you go ahead and complain all you want! I understand that Wish and I are both desperate to be pregnant, but I am SURE I will be a miserable pregnant lady as well, haha so seriously don't feel bad! Just keep in mind that you are SO close, and believe it or not I have heard a lot of women say that they couldn't wait, and then when it got super close to time they started freaking out and thinking okay, I am not ready yet! It's incredible what our hormones can do to our bodies and our emotions!

Wish you just hang in there you healthy little thing you! I've been thinking about you regularly! You've got this for sure!

AFM, I have this STRANGE, WEIRD, BIZARRE feeling of excitement and optimism today. I do not understand at all what is happening to me, but it is FREAKING me out. I do not want to get all excited and hopeful and then be crushed on Friday, but I can't shift my mood or calm down. I'm just like happy? So weird considering yesterday I wanted to kill someone. Haha oh well I guess I am just going to hope that this is God's way of saying, "Your prayers have been heard, relax, things are going to work out" But who knows! Malinko I know that having two follicles gives you a much better chance of becoming pregnant so I have been hoping and praying and everything else as hard as I possibly can. They did not do another ultrasound to make sure that I had ovulated, but with my progesterone level being 21 I don't know that they were concerned? I know the last time they checked a 21 day progesterone for me it was 8.9, so I think 21 is a lot better! I am just praying every day that this cycle is the one! I have actually been just about as relaxed and calm about it as I can be, but now the nerves are starting to kick in!

I do have a slight queezy feeling today, but I am not sure that it means anything other than the fact that I think I have been swallowing a ton of mucous as my nose has been constantly stuffed and it is definitely draining down my throat. GROSS, sorry if TMI its grossing me out too!

Other than that I did feel some strong cramping on 6dpiui, and have had on and off mild cramping since then, but this could definitely be from progesterone. SO again my position is that if I am pregnant then I am, and if not then I'm not. Not much more I can do at this point except hope and pray that I finally get to see a :bfp: on Friday morning! Fortunately I have been waking up around 4 or 5 am feeling like I am going to BURST. So I should have no problem getting up and taking a test with FMU as I don't normally get up until around 6:30. This will also insure that DH is home to catch the tears as they fall....either way I am SURE there will be tears haha

Love to you both! Hang in there! We can do this! :hugs:
:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
so what you're saying is that...

you have cold symptoms
you are having mild cramps
you have to pee more in the morning/middle of the night
you have a sense of elation


EEEEEEEEE!!!! :bunny: :bunny:

I have to say, when I had my embies put back into me, the next day and the days following, I just had this overwhelming feeling of contentedness. I was just....happy. It was hard to explain.

my fingers are SO CROSSED for you!!!
I am saying those things Wish, but who knows what they mean! I guess I didn't now that this weird happy feeling is or could be a symptom?

AHHHHHH I just wish it was Friday already!!!!!!!
I don't really know if the happiness is a symptom or not but it was something that really stuck out at me a couple days after my transfer. I wonder if the body starts to release some serotonin or whatever the happy hormone is when an egg implants?
That would be VERY interesting to find out! Of course I am sure no one has a definite answer haha. The one thing I can say for sure is that I definitely have a strong headache today. It's not unbearable, it is definitely noticeable. I really hope it is not an indication that AF is on her way :witch: but I don't ever have a headache before AF normally it happens during or toward the end. Hopefully this is a good sign, if it is even related to any of this at all? haha WHO KNOWS!?
Well today my stomach has been upset kind of, but I just had a rather explosive moment in the bathroom and feel a bit better. So I think that had something to do with how I was feeling. Sorry if TMI. I haven't been really able to go much all week, but then this happened. Unfortunately this usually happens to me around AF time. So this could be a bad sign. I am not really sure. It is very confusing because I have been feeling different from how I normally do, and I would love to think its because good things are happening, but then I think well my progesterone is never probably this high, so I am also experiencing hormone changes that I don't normally have and that could be what all of this is from. It's kind of depressing. I am honestly more than ready for Friday to get here so I can just have a solid answer. I can't deal with this crap anymore :(

Hope you are both doing well! :hugs:
girl, I hear ya! every second is a guessing game!! my fingers are so crossed for you for Friday! hang in there, you're almost there! 2 more sleeps! :) :hugs:
I am definitely going to lose it. If I make it to tomorrow I feel that I should have a fairly good chance as my LP's usually don't run much over 12 or 13 days, and tomorrow is 14. However you never know. I don't know if I am really feeling this or not but I guess I sort of feel like AF is coming. I am not sure if she is, or maybe I am just feeling that because I know I only have to make it to tomorrow and of course if she comes today then it's over? Who knows....this has by far been the worst 2WW I have ever had. I honestly am not sure that I ever want to go through this again :(
Oh and on top of everything else. One of my best friends told me on Tuesday that she is pregnant. 5 weeks...I will say that I am truly very happy for her. I just don't understand why it is so stinking easy for some people, and I never will. Also my mom is in the hospital so that is causing extra stress. I just need an answer. BLAH
aw, little - I'm sorry you're stressing so much and I'm very sorry about your mom. What's going on?
Ugh, another pregnancy announcement - yes, we are definitely happy for them when it happens and we'll love the child, but still. I get it - so easy for some. And I get nervous when people tell so soon - anything can happen for her in the upcoming weeks. This is just step one!
I understand feeling that defeated feeling, i really do. I felt it when giving myself yet another shot this morning. I've got some bruising going on this time and it pinches a bit more than before when the needle goes in. Because I'm doing it 2x a day, I only have 12 hrs in between, so I run out of areas fast.
I also gave myself my shots after my scan today which still only showed the 5 follicles, and only one of which was measurable at 11. So the other 4 need to spike soon in order for this cycle not to be cancelled. I only have enough meds to get me to Monday morning, so it better be in the next few days. I'm sure I'll have to go in for another scan Saturday morning, which is at the office that is an hour away. Blah. Wash, rinse, repeat. So I'm feeling a little down today. I just hope these other follies wake the hell up. Again - it's not something I can control, so I have to just go with it. But it's so hard.

I think maybe you should test tonight just to get it off your mind!! HAHA! I'm the worst influence - I won't test early but I totally root for others to! I'm glad you're already over your average LP! And you're not on progesterone right, so your body is doing this all its own!
Wish you are the best! You definitely just made me smile :) of course I am having uncontrollable mood swings so now I feel happy and optimistic again. Hahaha hormones are pure EVIL. Yes I was a little nervous when she told me she was pregnant and only 5 weeks. Don't get me wrong she is a physical therapist and one of the healthiest people I know, so I am sure she will carry on just fine and have no worries, but I immediately thought "Dang girl you are announcing this VERY early" But of course I was a little thrown off and happy for her so I didn't say anything! If I do happen to be lucky enough to be pregnant DH and I decided that we would feel comfortable telling our close family and friends around the holidays. I would be 10 weeks by then so hopefully that would be an okay time. I would prefer to wait until 12 weeks, but doubt I can hold it in that long! My biggest mistake in this whole ordeal was telling my mother. I told my mom because I wanted to have a woman to talk to about these things, who has been pregnant before (4 times) and could just be a sounding board. My mom and I are EXTREMELY close and she knows EVERYTHING about me (within reason) so I told her that we were going through this process and all and she has been a wonderful support system and prays for us daily and I greatly appreciate it. BUT she told my sisters. WTF MOM, WTF. SO needless to say they are all excited and calling me and wanting to know what is going on. And don't get me wrong I am very close to both of them too, but REALLY MOM? So if its good news it will be fun to share with them, but if not blah that's just more people I have to tell and disappoint.


I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope your little eggs get on board with this! I know it feels like there isn't much time left, but I will say our bodies do AMAZING things in a very short period of time! So we really never know! You could go in on Saturday and all 5 of them could be full grown! Just try to stay as positive as possible! (I know easier said than done) You can do it!

I am slowly getting through the day, but DH did text me and say maybe we should test tonight. I am trying to determine if it would be better for me to be disappointed tonight and have some time to work through it, or if it would be better for me to be disappointed in the morning and just have to go to work and get on with my day. I suppose we will discuss it tonight and go from there....if in the rare chance it does happen to be a :bfp: ill post tonight if we decide to test tonight, but either way ill be giving you and update tomorrow first thing!

much love to you both! Hang in there Wish and don't be too down on yourself, remember you are doing EVERYTHING in your power to make this happen. The rest is out of our hands. Just keep the faith, it will work out somehow!

prayers for :bunny: :bunny: :bunny:
Oh and mom is in the hospital for a bowel issue. They aren't sure what is going on, but my mom is a small woman and looks like she is about 7 months pregnant right now. So they are thinking she might have a tear in her small intestine which is leaking into her abdomen and causing all of this swelling. Its awful and she feels awful, so I am trying to get through the work day today and hear from her which will determine when I will be going there tomorrow. She is about 3 hours away from home (they only live about 10 minutes from us) but went to a specialist in Indianapolis and he admitted her right away. So trying to pray that everything will be okay!
oh little, I can't wait for tomorrow morning!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!! I hope all these mood swings and everything are pointing to a little beaner nestling inside!

I hope things work out quickly with your mom. Tell her this joke:
How did the mathematician fix his constipation?
He worked it out with a pencil! :rofl:
(EWWWWWW totally a 12 yr old joke!!)

Yea, I about threatened my mom's life when I finally told her all we were going through with IVF when she said 'you should tell your sister, she should understand' when I was talking about not having more wine that night. Um, NO. She can just get over me not having another glass of wine! I don't have to share these details with her to explain THAT! I'm not going in for another scan until SUNDAY. 1/2 of me is ok with that b/c it's an extra day longer than i thought for them to bloom, but 1/2 of me is like 'well, that's the last chance to see them b/c I only have enough meds for Monday, so we're not changing up the meds'. Which is fine, I don't think I have enough for more doses anyway. I had one that measured over 11 but I guess they don't bother measuring the other ones unless they are at 11. So maybe they are coming in at 9 and 10 and they just need to sprout a bit more. Nothing I can do about it - they could be teeny for all I know. I just need 2 more to play along and we won't lose the cycle. I would really hate to lose this cycle too b/c it could point directly to me messing up the meds on day 1. Ugh.

Well I'm thinking of you and your little :bunny:!!!! I may be working late tonight so if you test tonight and post it, i'll be checking!!! :hugs:

I have to be honest I'm not all that surprised. DH is in complete denial. He thinks its just too early to test. He has no clue. So now I just wait for the damn :witch: to show up. Fun times. I honestly don't think my RE will even suggest trying another round of IUI due to DH's sperm count on the first try. I am well aware the IVF is insanely expensive, but I am guessing that is our only option. However, I honestly can say I have no idea how much it runs, and when we would have the money to do it. Bummer, but oh well, that's life.

I REALLY hope your other follies catch up and you have a great shot at this!! You totally deserve it! Thank you for always listening and being supportive :)

You girls are both amazing! :hugs:
Big surprise, RE called back and does want us to continue to try with IUI. He thinks we have a great shot, especially if DH can give a larger sample than last time. It was only like 1ml and if he could do more like 2 ml that would be good! Because his motility was so high and morphology was good we actually have a decent shot at the IUI so hey I guess we will give that another couple of chances! Fingers crossed AF shows soon so we can just move forward!
oh little, i'm sorry about the BFN. That's just crap.
But I AM happy to hear about the doc being positive about the IUI! You can do those month to month, they are way cheaper and you don't have to worry about 'down-regging' from meds or anything like that. Take the time to save up for a potential round of IVF (though I hope it doesn't come to that) and if you don't need it, it'll be a little nest egg! :)

thanks - I had a talk with my follicles earlier and tried to cheer them on. hopefully they were listening. :)

have a lovely weekend, ladies. malinko - one more week down!!!
Well this is just crap. I thought for sure AF was on her way on Thursday which was 13dpiui, and was terrified she would come before I got to even test. Now that I have tested negative, no sign of her at all. UGH its not fair. All I want to do is move on, but NOOOOOOO we are just going to wait FOREVER to show. GRRRRR

Hope you both have a wonderful weekend! Will let you know when the :witch: finally shows her ugly self!

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