Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

:coffee: morning! have a good weekend?

1) How are you doing?? anymore temp spikes or crazy symptoms? I hope, I hope, I hope...

2) I say we just keep this thread going! I may just adjust the name of it a bit.

3) I hate AF - I was down for the count almost all weekend. But I'm on CD3 now! Only two weeks until we can try again! I think I hate this tww more, and I think I've said that before.

Turns out I have to travel a little this week, just Tues into Wed, then home that night. Then DH and I are taking an extended weekend to just chill out - so that'll be one week closer to when the trying can begin. :)
So I'm basically stalking you this week! :hugs:
Good morning!

Well, nothing going on here. It was so good to be back at home and around dh. I didn't have all this free time on my hands and reading into things that aren't really happening! Funny how I had NO symptoms (not even of AF) this weekend. Anyway, temps are still low. I raise up a couple of degrees on Saturday to 97.7 and stayed the same yesterday. Today I dropped down to 97.5. Expecting AF to be here tomorrow or Wednesday. I wish it would just hurry up and get here so that I can look forward to this next cycle.

If April isn't our month, I have decided I am going to go in for some blood work and just have everything checked out. Hoping to be productive this week at work since I won't be symptom spotting :)

How are you doing? How was your weekend? yet??? How are you doing?
Agreed, re: symptoms - so now I know that I can get a lot of headaches, acne and creamy cm during the tww and it means NOTHING! I should stick with my original thought and just be on the lookout for nausea and exhaustion. Anything else should go in the PMS category!! I know hindsight is 20/20, but I really do want to learn from this and not read into every little thing. Hopefully, I'll be busier at work during the next tww and that'll be easier to do.

yeah, I may not be on here as much this week or next just b/c there isn't as much going on, 3-day work week w/1 day of travel, etc. But I'm not stopping coming on daily until you say AF is here for sure!!
I think the same for me - if April doesn't work out, then we should probably get some appointments in May. We have a vacation scheduled for that month, though, and I'm not sure if they have to take blood at various points in the month to check all levels? I could miss a week. So with that, it may have to wait until June.

my weekend was ok - saw some friends we barely ever get to see on Saturday with their new baby - there were three 6-month olds at this party!! I was dying! I'm pretty sure I was staring at all of them and the mother of the other two probably thought I was a creep. Besides that, my temp spike but getting AF (and still a high temp yesterday, and at cover line today....), we really just chilled out. I was playing such mind games with myself on Saturday, hoping AF would stop and it would just be some heavy IB or something. Every little ounce of hope, I guess...

I'm sure it was great for you to be home finally!

I think Bumpy got AF last Friday or Saturday, she was pretty stoked.

I'm not sure how I just wrote a book with nothing going on, but there you have it! :)
have a great Monday! Fingers and toes still crossed for you!
Well, I hate to disappoint you, but I'm very pessimistic at this point. I was looking back to the last two months at this time. I hadcreamy cm, headaches, and acne. Not having any of that yet (thank goodness!) but just shows that even your "normal" isn't "normal" and doesn't mean anything. CM is pretty much all dried up for once. I have noticed my low back is getting tight and hurts/pop when I bend over to stretch which is normal for me. I just hope that it is on time this month and its not another late month. Those are the worst! I'll be checking in every once in awhile to keep you updated until AF gets here. Thanks Wish for being such a good bnb friend!
you're not disappointing me! I'd be psyched if you got a temp spike, but going on your feelings/thoughts/intuition - I hope AF gets here quickly for you so you can start your next cycle too. :) I know exactly what you're going through, of course, so I just want to send positive vibes your way!

anytime, chickadee! :hugs:
Guessing AF will show tomorrow. TMI, even though I know you'll say it isn't, but just fyi! When I went to the bathroom, I was checking cp and found it to be really high and soft. However, went to the bathroom, wiped, and there was lighter colored streaks of blood on the toilet paper. Only happened twice and wasn't any blood when checking cp or anything like that. Somewhat odd that I didn't have any blood when checking cp, but at 13dpo, it's pretty indicative that AF should be here tomorrow. I think my luteal phase is 13 days, so I should be right on time. (Not going to lie....I was somewhat hopeful it was implantation bleeding, but again, will soon be here.)
could have been leftover from 12dpo........not trying to mess with your mind!

that damn cervix playing games too - mine was high the day before too!! must take a nose dive the next day or something. ugh. I guess that just backs up the research that basically says cervix position doesn't have much to do with early pregnancy signs.

If she does come, I hope she's not as mean to you as she has been to me. Not sure how we survive with this much blood loss....GROSS!! haahaha sorry!!
tty tomorrow!
It's here!!! So glad I'm not in limbo anymore. Started last guess that puts me at day 2. Cramps aren't terrible yet but my back is killing me. Going to probably stay off here (after today of course) for the next dew days and get focused on some other things.

FF has my ovulation dates projected around the 13th to 15th. Had a short cycle in march. 26 days with o on day 13. Guess I will gear up and probably start opks on day 10. What about you?
I'm glad you're not in limbo anymore too!! It's like once you 'know', just get it over with already.
I had a 28-day cycle, 4 weeks Saturday to Saturday, but FF calls that a 29-day cycle since day 1 is that first Saturday. A little confusing. FF says that I'll ovulate around the 15th as well - will probably be cd18 again or around there. I'm really going to watch my LP this time to see if it really is 11 days on the dot. Hell, I just hope I ovulate this month. If Feb was the first time that I really didn't, or at least didn't obviously ovulate, then I'm curious to see what this month will do since it's that same ovary.
I'll probably start my OPKs around then too. I felt like such a loser at the pharmacy the other day - tampons and another OPK kit. Last month when I bought them, the lady at the counter wished me luck!

no worries about posting for a few days - I'll take some time off too :) away from the madness!
Have a great rest of your week!!
Hey Wish! Hope you have had a good week! Thank goodness it is Friday! If I remember correctly, you were traveling some this week, maybe an overnight trip? If so, how was it?

So, I just wanted to get on here and update real quick. I've known for quite awhile that my doctor is leaving in June. So, I really didn't plan on going to him for anything. DH and I decided that if this wasn't our month, that I would go in for some blood work but didn't know with who. Well, for some reason, I just decided to call them this morning just to go ahead and get on the calendar as it always seems when you call, you are scheduled for three weeks out or so. So, I called and explained that we had been trying for awhile now and just last month I started temping. I told them I started that as I was concerned that I wasn't ovulating, however my temps did show crosshairs and that I did ovulate. What I'm more concerned with now is my low temps...and maybe low progesterone. I really don't want to take anything without my doctors approval...I just get overly nervous about that. ANYHOO....I was told the day I get my positive opk to come in for a blood test to see if I am ovulating. They told me to call them in the morning and they will schedule me for that afternoon. Then they said we will talk about the next steps to take, but that they may have me come in later in my post ovulation (maybe day 7?) to check levels again. They told me that my doctor would see me at anytime to do that blood work. GEEEZ!!! Wish I would have done that a long time ago! Pretty freaking excited right now!

We are scheduled to start SMEP on Monday and OPK's on Wednesday. (SMEP recommends OPKs starting on Day 10). Still debating on when I'll start opks as last month I started OKPs on Day 8 (circle) but then Day 9 through Day 11 were flashing smiley and Day 12 was the solid smiley (with O on Day 13). So, I may start using them on Monday as well. I like to get the solid circle first....just so that I can see it is detecting something.

So, I will be on here probably Monday or Tuesday to check in and see how everything is going with you!!!! Talk to you soon!
heyyy!! how are you?? I'm SO glad you are SO excited about getting in front of this sooner than later!! You'll have to keep me updated - I'm wishing for the best for you guys, and I'm just psyched that you can get a more specific plan in place. YAY!! That's so awesome that you're able to get in right away too - I was thinking the same thing about calling now to set up appts for May or June, just b/c that's how other appts work!

The rest of the week last week was so refreshing and great. I did travel, just overnight to Pittsburgh again. It was a whirlwind trip but I had Thurs and Fri off, so the trip just floated me into a long weekend. It was very nice! It was nice being "normal" and not coming on here to look at threads for hours on end too. I love having this as a tool to use when I'm feeling down and out but I wonder how much it 'helps' the sanity in the tww when we're surrounding ourselves with other worry warts too? I think I'm going to peal back how much I post or look at other threads. I'm DEFINITELY sticking with this one with you, though!! Sorry! you're stuck with me! :hugs:

So this month - did my first OPK this morning, which was negative. That's later than when the box says to start based on my cycle days but that's ok - I now know that I ovulate a little later so I didn't want to waste them. Today is cd10 for me and I got a negative, as expected. :) I should start to get my flashing smileys by the end of this week, hopefully!

write when you can! I hope you're having a great Monday! :flower:
Heeeyyyy!!!!! I've so missed chatting with you! However, last week was wonderful and I was so productive at work. I agree...I'm going to try to stay away from this site more this time around. It's great when I'm going crazy but sometimes I feel like I'm even more insane! However, you are stuck with me too!!! I've found myself not even reading other threads and honestly, not even caring to read them either. So, that's good for my sanity! But, I'm sticking this one out until we both get our bfp's!

Appts - Maybe you will get lucky like I did. I seriously thought I'd be calling to get something scheduled for May. Little did I know they'd see me this month. It's very encouraging and I'm so hopeful this will be our month.

DH and I were supposed to start SMEP today, however we started yesterday. Trying to keep it fun and spur of the moment :) I too started opks today and it was negative, which was expected. I'm guessing in the next couple of days I will get flashing smiley faces.

Glad to hear that you got to enjoy a long weekend. I think the weather is finally supposed to start getting nice towards the end of this week so I think I am going to be "sick." :) I want to take a few days off for myself (I have a ton of sick time built up) and clean my house and just relax. And what a better time to do it than around expected ovulation :)

So excited for our upcoming week!!!:hugs: I'll be back tomorrow for my morning post :) Have a great day, Wish!!!
Hey girls :flower:

I am sad to see AF came for you both last cycle... but it's great to see you both in good spirits this cycle!!!

Malinko- that sounds lovely... I'm not even TTC but man, it sounds so nice to just take time off to just.. relax and clean the house (I LOVE cleaning my house but don't seem to find the time anymore) AND during O-time.. sounds like a recipe for success :thumbup:

I agree with Wish that coming on here is probably doing more harm than good when you are in the 2ww and constantly looking at other threads. You think EVERY little twinge is definitely something because you saw it somewhere! I honestly think it's more fun when you build a relationship in one place .. especially since you both are on the same cycle it seems!

With you girls and your busy careers and traveling so much.. have you considered what you'll do after you have a baby? Will you continue to work?
Go SMEP!!! I hope that works! And yes, we're both sticking out this thread until there are 2 BFP's!!! :) I'm glad you guys are trying to keep it fun and spontaneous too - that's the best part. I really do feel like this has already brought DH and I closer too - do you? Sounds like you and DH are already really close, which is great. Being together 11 years, we've definitely had our ups and downs and this is very much an 'up' time for us!
Our weather has finally turned a corner too - 60's all this week!! The rain is coming in now but that'll help get rid of the rest of the little bit of snow we have left. I feel like everything is just becoming positive now! Geez - KNOCK ON WOOD! hahaha

That said, I did just make a pitch to go back to Pitt next Wed and Thurs and Thurs is when FF has me O'ing next. Hmmmm......this could get tricky. BD Tues night and get home early enough on Thurs to get one in too!! CRAP! or maybe I can just go for the day on Wed. I gotta figure this out...suggestions? FF says my fertile days will be Mon-Wed, O'ing on Thurs. I would typically travel Tues night to be in meetings Wed and we were thinking of extending to Thurs but maybe we won't this time. I think I'm going back the week after too, so maybe that's an argument for making next week short.

Bump! how's it going? Sounds like you could benefit from a housekeeper and a vacation - you're a busy woman!! How did your tests go, by the way?
Re: working after baby - yes, I plan on it. We couldn't afford for me not to, we're definitely a solid, rely-upon-2-income household! I'll see how the traveling goes but I actually didn't go for another position in my company b/c the travel requirements would have been more than they are now. I'm sure for the first year, I won't go far at all. I figure I'll just play all of that by ear. There are many women in my company who have had babies in the past couple of years and I'm watching them to see how they make it work.
just another note - because when can I just post once?? - regarding our 'sanity' and looking through other threads - I've really tried to notice the different things I feel before I O this month compared to the things I was noting during the tww last month. I get those weird twinges every now and then, I get gas or indigestion based on what I eat, drink or whatever sometimes. Etc etc - so I'm really going to try not to be so wacky this month! I know I think I've said this before but I MEAN IT this month!! haha
And not only is work finally picking up for me, but I am attempting to get out of my workout rut and get my butt to the gym, rather than just making a monthly donation to it. :bodyb:
And with the better weather, I'll be able to get out and run more too. More things to keep my mind off of the tww!
good morning! How are you today? are you getting those nasty looking storms that I see on the weather map??

So I think I think I'm actually going to be ok with my travel next week. FF has just highlighted the average days based on my last 2 cycles of when it thinks I'll O. I really think I'll just O the same time as last month which would be Tuesday. So if I don't travel until Wed morning, then we should be good to go. PHEW!! I may not even end up going now, but it's good to have this plan in place.

Negative OPK again this morning, as expected. Nothing new to report, really! Went to cardio kickboxing at the gym last night - holy hell. My legs hurt!! :)

I read on another thread that taking a 1/2 teaspoon or tablespoon or some small amount of apple cider vinegar is good to help out the acidity in your body. I don't know if my pH is overly high or anything, but these ladies were saying that it helped a slew of other things for them too - their skin, a stomach bug, etc. But if your pH is too high, then it's not really a viable place for a sticky bean. I guess you have to get the organic stuff that has 'the mother' which has more of the good stuff that is usually diluted in the regular ones. And drink it with juice in the morning so it's less painful to drink. I'm thinking about maybe doing this - am I wacky for thinking that? Seems like if it's good for you overall, then maybe it's worth a shot. I have to look into it more - they had a couple of links on the thread that I want to check out. I'll post them here if you're interested in reading it too.

Talk to you soon! Happy Tuesday!
Hey girls!!!

Bumpy, how are things going? Have you taken any of your tests yet? I'm sure you'll do great on them! So glad you come back and check in with us to see how things are going! I think it is great you found this cycle before now know how crazy it can get! Unfortunately, I only came across this site when I was googling possible symptoms. Thankfully, I have educated myself and know that the hormones, mainly progesterone are to blame for all of our crazy symptoms. All of the nausea, being tired, cramps, etc. All of that is because of silly progesterone. So, I'm going to keep that in mind more so this time around (I tried last month and it didn't work very well!) and I am GOING to stay relaxed and calm this month! (Fx!)

Wish - Yes, I do feel that it has brought DH and I much closer. In fact, we got a flashing smiley face this morning. He acts like he isn't excited - he'll say "I think I'm getting sick and probably won't feel good for the next few days" and then winks at me. Of course, he knows it's go time and is so excited. I'm a pretty private person and so opening up to him about all these weird things going on with my body is so weird to me. However, I'm so thankful he wants to be involved and know what is going on. I'm so blessed. We have been together for 8 you have a few years on us :) We have definitely had our ups and downs too, but with all we have went through...I know we are ready to start a family and will do anything to make our marriage last. It shouldn't be very hard...he's my best friend in the entire world. And, even after 8 years together...I still get butterflies when I see him after being apart all day...or even when he calls me. I'm so corny and sappy!

I definitely think you should make next weeks trip a short one! You'll be back the following week, so I think that is the perfect reason to cut next week short. And...what a great thing traveling the following week to help pass time!

RE: working. We are currently discussing that. I will probably go to part time. I think DH would prefer that I stay home, which I would love to do. I'm just so used to working and being pretty independent in my job that its hard for me to think about not working. However, I'm sure once we have a little one, I won't want to go back. So, right now, we are just playing it by ear. I wouldn't be surprised if I end up staying home full time though.

So, as I said earlier, we got a flashing smiley today! Woo hoo!!! Today is day 9. Last month on day 9 was also when we got our first flashing smiley. I did take regular mucinex this morning and am drinking lots of water. I've read lots of things about mucinex helping make cm thinner and a better environment for the little swimmers :) I'm also taking baby aspirin (81mg). I've read that this helps the uterine lining and reduce risk of miscarriage. I'll probably take it until either a bfp or af and then stop unless doctor recommends to continue taking it. Anyway...that's my daily novel :) Talk to you girls soon!!!!
Thankfully, no storms where I'm at. It's supposed to be low 60's today! I'm so excited!

Sounds like things are working perfectly for next week! That would be great if you ovulated early and none of this was an issue....or that you just don't have to travel next week. Now...that would be wonderful!

I really need to start working out. I'm thinking with the weather warming up, it would be great for me to go and start exercising. We have wonderful trails around our town and near our home, so maybe I should start going. I was thinking of doing the "Couch Potato to 5k" or whatever that is that is on pinterest. I would love to be able to just go for a run but I'm so out of shape. It's so hard on my lungs and I can't breathe!!! So, that should become my new focus!

Oh man...I'm not sure I could do vinegar! I can't even stand the smell of it! I just laugh at the things we do though! You are thinking vinegar and I just took mucinex! I was always taught not to take medicine unless you were sick...and look at me now! Taking it to hopefully have a baby. Why can't I just be one of those that gets pregnant if my husband even looks at me?!?! Oh well...our day will come and then I can tell our dear little one how badly we wanted them! Oh my...I just can't wait.:blush:
YAY for flashing smileys!!! hahaha - it's GO TIME! aww - you guys are cute!! yeah, I feel the same way about DH - I get excited when I see a text from him or hear the garage door go up when he gets home from work. He's definitely my best friend too and I find I'm growing even more attached to him, if that's possible. For instance - my grandmother was passing away over the holidays so I went down to be with her on Christmas, with the rest of my extended family. She was just sleeping the whole time and I felt SUCH a strong urge that, though this was my family, I needed to go be with MY family for the rest of the day, so I left. I've never felt that big of a pull away from my extended family before - I've grown up very close with them. It was like my grandmother was kicking me out of the room!! All I could think was 'he is my home, I need to go be with him'. :)

You should totally do the Couch Potato to 5k thing! I have a love/hate relationship with running. I hate it while I'm doing it but I love it when I'm done and feel so good. And if there's a reason I can't do it (like now, I have open blisters from wearing actual work shoes last week), I miss it terribly. My body responds well to it too. It does take a bit to get back into it - a walk/run combo the first few times - but it's so worth it. Especially with these 60 degree days we have coming up and your awesome trails!

HAHA! I'm the same when it comes to meds - I was thinking about that. 'should a doctor tell me to take vinegar or should I go rogue and just DO IT??' I am wondering if I should pick up baby aspirin too. Would that be ok starting now or should I have started it on CD1? I also read that you're not supposed to take advil if you need a pain reliever, take Tylenol. The Advil can induce a miscarriage, speaking of.

ok - organic apple cider vinegar, baby aspirin, mucinex, asparagus - all in addition to the prenatals I'm already list for tonight. Little nugget, you better come!
PS running sucks - my legs weren't that sore so I just went for the 2.5 mi loop around our neighborhood (one crazy hill, others not so crazy but they exist for my displeasure :nope:) and I was pretty terrible - walked 3 times at the hills. But I got out there and it felt great!! :) get out there and do it!! :happydance:

oh, and PPS - holy glob of ewcm!!! AND it came out JUST as I was getting started, so I'm pretty sure I ran about 2.49mi with a spot on my pants - that much. Awesome. I think I'll skip the mucinex!!

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