Hey girls!!!
Bumpy, how are things going? Have you taken any of your tests yet? I'm sure you'll do great on them! So glad you come back and check in with us to see how things are going! I think it is great you found this cycle before ttc...you now know how crazy it can get! Unfortunately, I only came across this site when I was googling possible symptoms. Thankfully, I have educated myself and know that the hormones, mainly progesterone are to blame for all of our crazy symptoms. All of the nausea, being tired, cramps, etc. All of that is because of silly progesterone. So, I'm going to keep that in mind more so this time around (I tried last month and it didn't work very well!) and I am GOING to stay relaxed and calm this month! (Fx!)
Wish - Yes, I do feel that it has brought DH and I much closer. In fact, we got a flashing smiley face this morning. He acts like he isn't excited - he'll say "I think I'm getting sick and probably won't feel good for the next few days" and then winks at me. Of course, he knows it's go time and is so excited. I'm a pretty private person and so opening up to him about all these weird things going on with my body is so weird to me. However, I'm so thankful he wants to be involved and know what is going on. I'm so blessed. We have been together for 8 years...so you have a few years on us

We have definitely had our ups and downs too, but with all we have went through...I know we are ready to start a family and will do anything to make our marriage last. It shouldn't be very hard...he's my best friend in the entire world. And, even after 8 years together...I still get butterflies when I see him after being apart all day...or even when he calls me. I'm so corny and sappy!
I definitely think you should make next weeks trip a short one! You'll be back the following week, so I think that is the perfect reason to cut next week short. And...what a great thing traveling the following week to help pass time!
RE: working. We are currently discussing that. I will probably go to part time. I think DH would prefer that I stay home, which I would love to do. I'm just so used to working and being pretty independent in my job that its hard for me to think about not working. However, I'm sure once we have a little one, I won't want to go back. So, right now, we are just playing it by ear. I wouldn't be surprised if I end up staying home full time though.
So, as I said earlier, we got a flashing smiley today! Woo hoo!!! Today is day 9. Last month on day 9 was also when we got our first flashing smiley. I did take regular mucinex this morning and am drinking lots of water. I've read lots of things about mucinex helping make cm thinner and a better environment for the little swimmers

I'm also taking baby aspirin (81mg). I've read that this helps the uterine lining and reduce risk of miscarriage. I'll probably take it until either a bfp or af and then stop unless doctor recommends to continue taking it. Anyway...that's my daily novel

Talk to you girls soon!!!!