Shaking off the bad ju-ju - 3DPO, late O ...hey! ho!

Hey Phoenix! 6dpo is still early to feel much! Fx'ed for you!
Got a solid smiley ALREADY this morning! Not sure what the heck is going on this month. Didn't bd last night but already told dh to get his strength up bc we have solid!
Hey Phoenix! 6dpo is still early to feel much! Fx'ed for you!
Got a solid smiley ALREADY this morning! Not sure what the heck is going on this month. Didn't bd last night but already told dh to get his strength up bc we have solid!

Thanks hun, yeah I'm not expecting a BFP this month, it is my 11 month ttc with no luck and I ovulated cd20/21 of a 28/29 day cycle so it's very unlikely. Every month I secretly symptom spot and become devastated that it's not my turn.

This month I've been emotional about it but have kinda known it don't happen.

Ohhhh get busy and catch that egg!!!! Good luck xx
Wish! We are AGAIN right there together!!! We got a solid smiley today too!!!!!!!!! I was pretty bummed yesterday but wasn't giving up! Yesterday was an "every other day" so we got a session in. Tested today convinced that it would be negative (although temp went down from 97.1 to had a little hope!) and there it was....A solid smiley! Will dtd tor three days straight and will go in for blood test tomorrow! So...we both need to go get busy :) I was having some really sharp sudden pains yesterday that would only last a few seconds. However, it happened three or four times with hours in between. And...I felt it on both sides but mainly on the left side. Let's stay in touch!!!!!

Phoenix...welcome. Don't get discouraged yet!!!! Keep us updated!
Tested with my last regular clear blue digital this evening just to see if it was still detecting the surge that was detected this morning with the advanced digital and it was. So...Both the digital and digital advanced both had solid smileys today. Guessing I will ovulate sometime tomorrow. Think I may wait for blood draw until Tuesday. We are going to bd tonight, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Then the dreaded two week wait! Hoping this is the month for us both!!!
wooohoooo! solid smileys all around! haha
We BD'ed last night and we're damn sure doing it again tonight. I might try to squeeze an extra one out of DH tomorrow morning too, since I'm leaving for my overnight trip tomorrow afternoon. I'll be home too late on Wed but maybe we should on Thursday for good measure?

Good idea on testing on both OPKs, just to be sure! Did you enjoy your mini-vaca?? Where did you go?

Phoenix - that is a short LP - have you talked to anyone about it yet? is it always that short or do you think you O'ed later this month for some reason? You described what happened to me in Feb - FF had me O'ing on cd21 and AF came on cd28 like clockwork. My temps weren't terribly obvious, though, so I think FF was trying to make something out of nothing and it was really an anovulatory cycle.

Found out this weekend that another couple we know is pregnant. I saw their pics of their new SUV they recently bought and had thought to myself 'that there is a family car' and sure enough...ugh. I am friends with the guy's sister and asked her this weekend and she looked sheepish b/c they haven't announced it yet. We'll be at a bday party with them in 2 weeks and I'm sure they'll say something then. :( I'm starting to be one of those that is secretly sad each time I hear someone else is pregnant. I really AM happy for them, but dang...
Saw another announcement by someone, not really a friend but acquaintance on FB, post that they are preg with their 2nd set of twins. Insane! but can't say I wasn't jealous of that either - though I believe they are doing IVF so they are working just as hard as those of us who see BFNs every month.
Wish...I'm so excited! Are you feeling anything? I almost wish I saved my regular digital test for this morning just to see what it said. I'm not sure how quick all of this works, but last night the regular digital picked up the surge. This morning, my temp jumped from 97.0 (yesterdays) to 97.6 (which is my highest temp since CD1)! My low back is really sore, tight, and just overall achey. Wondering if that is a symptom??? Anyway, wondering if I ovulated over night? As I said, I'm not sure how quick the temps rise, etc. We bd'ed last night and like you, again tonight. Poor hubbies! I can't decide when to go in for my blood draw. I think it will only detect if I ovulated. Between the OPK's and this mornings temp rise (and the fact that we will BD tonight and tomorrow night) I'm sure if that little has/will be releasing soon! I didn't want to go in today with the off chance that I ovulate later in the day and maybe it won't show that...and was going to wait until tomorrow. However, I'm thinking...we have done everything we could possibly do. If it isn't meant to be our month, it's not going to happen and nothing the dr. can do about it. However, this is my "foot in the door." So, contemplating if/when to go to the dr.

Great news on your o time and your trip!!! Talk about perfect timing!!!!

We just took a little trip about 4.5 hours from home to a little bed and breakfast we like. We just did some hiking, had a picnic, went out for a really nice dinner and just relaxed together. It was a very short and quick trip, but well worth it. DH was so excited to see that solid smiley face on the test yesterday morning as I think I got him a little worried when I told him the day before that it was an empty circle. If this is our month...our edd is dh's birthday!

This is the month that will be the hardest for me if af shows. This is the month we have gave it our all and I know nothing else better to do.

Okay, enough rambling for now. It'll be hard from me to stay off here and not overwhelm you with random thoughts now that we are close, if not officially in our tww!
Forgot to respond to your comment about your friends. I'm so sorry to hear that. I'm sure it is just because we are trying, but it does seem like everyone else is getting pregnant. It's so frustrating, but I try to remain optimistic that our time is coming. I am also trying my hardest to not let dh know that it upsets me. I just don't think he understands all of that. At least you have a heads up about them possibly announcing it at the bday party. I don't know that I could handle being at a party with a bunch of people when someone announced their pregnancy. oh my. 2nd set of twins for the FB acquaintance. Wow is all I can say. I'm not sure that I could handle one set of twins, let alone two!

Our time is coming. Don't lose hope, friend!

On a side note, dh and I have been looking for a new vehicle for me. Thankfully we have been looking for about 6 months but I'm a tight wad and don't want to spend the money! Hopefully the day we buy a new one, people won't be thinking we are expecting. I'm hoping enough people know that we are considering buying a new vehicle :)
Hooray for you girls and your smiley faces!!! Sounds like you're doing all you can do cover your bases... so just have faith, relax and these next 2 weeks will FLY on by!! :)
Crazy that you're both on the same O schedule... my app says I will O today so that's REALLY funny. Maybe it's true that girls "sync up" their schedules, lol! That means I have 6 more cycles before we can start TTC!! Ahhh! I cannot believe it is already mid-April... sheesh!!! Time sure if flying.

Wish- I know what you mean.. EVERYONE is having babies now!! When I got married, EVERYONE was getting married. Now it's babies left and right! But I am still pretty young so it doesn't bug me AS much. My mom is usually really not... into babies or anything like that but even she has been dropping hints!! Sending me baby outfits she buys for my brother and SIL. Really!! And my mother in law... FORGET IT. They want to be grandparents like 3 years ago, lol.

Anyway, I have my fingers crossed for you ladies as usual this month :) That would give you December/ January babies!!! Did you have any "specific month type" before you started TTC that you wanted to have their birthday on?? I am throwing myself for a loop and hoping to get pg 1st try so I can try and have an August baby (DH's bday is in August).

Okay I am totally rambling... must be the :coffee:
you girls are so funny - I read your posts with a smile on my face! thanks for being that to me! :)

malinko - no idea about when is best to go to the docs. Maybe call and they can tell you? Might take the stress off of you having to figure it out. And that temp rise! that's crazy! I got a rise yesterday morning but it's back down this morning to normal. My only 2 spikes so far this month are from when I had a few glasses of wine and went to bed around 11pm or so, so I know that's what that was from. So hopefully I'll get the temp drop tomorrow and then spike the rest of the week!

I hear ya about giving it your all - you totally have and you can go into this tww with that confidence. But there's the thing again that you and I both hate - I followed directions to a T and there's still that element of luck and nature just doing what it wants, regardless of my feelings!! haha! So hopefully, the luck is on our side this month!

re: others getting preg - thankfully the bulk of the babies have already been born over the past few years. But like you said, Bumpy - first everyone got married, we got married last. Then everyone had 1, 2 and 3 kids and we're having ours last. So I'm not among a ton of other people getting preg b/c everyone already has them. But yeah, I can't tell DH b/c he won't understand either and it looks like I'm making their happy time about me and my woes. I don't want to do that.

I used to want a certain time of year for the baby's birthday but now I'm not going to be picky. I'd like to avoid Dec if anything, b/c that's my bday, niece's, BIL's, our anniversary, xmas, NYE, etc. SO MUCH!! But if this is the month, I'll take it!!!

malinko - post away random thoughts!!! you won't overwhelm me at all! this will be a nutty tww just like the rest! :)
oh and to answer your question - I'm feeling a little something, I guess. Like there was NOTHING last week and now I can tell there's something in the works below my belly button, if that makes any sense. My back hurts but I think that's from BD'ing :blush: :winkwink: rowr....hahaha
But no ovary pains or anything, though.

And same here re: a car - I think we'll be getting me a new one this year but I don't think anyone would read into it. I've had my Jeep forever and everyone is always asking when we're going to get rid of it. Also frugal - haven't had a payment on it in years and we didn't want to take on another car payment until necessary!! But everyone also knows that I want an SUV so hopefully folks won't read into anything.

bumpy - so funny how the parents/parents-in-law drop hints, huh? I think my folks had all but given up on us getting married and skipped straight to wanting us to have kids, since it took us so long to get married.
I know, I know - 4 posts in one day but I had to!! :shrug:

first off - ran again today and big ole glob of ewcm! I normally hate when this happens but right now I'm psyched to see that my body is in synch with my OPK! :thumbup:

second - rounding the bend to my driveway when I see a bag floating around in the wind. I figure I should pick up the litter around my neighborhood so I grab it. It's a BABY SHOWER bag!! What the?? i hope someone is sending me a sign! hahaha I know i'm just crazy but you all know that about me by now and it's just fun to think of such things sometimes! :haha:

hope you all had a great Monday! Happy O'ing! And Phoenix - can't wait to hear of any symptoms!!
Wish...I love all your posts!!!! Mondays and Fridays are my busiest days but I'll be posting multiple times when I can :happydance: Hooray for the ewcm!!! We better both be busy tonight!

DH and I were the last in our group as well. Last one to be married and last one to have kids. Oh well...

Neither set of grandparents can wait for a baby. Both sides already have grandchildren....but they always seem to want a grand baby from the one that doesn't have kids! My dad got tired waiting on marriage for us that he went straight to asking about babies. We always played it off that we weren't having it'll be a total surprise for him!

Think I'm going to call dr. tomorrow for blood work. I feel it's my foot in the door if this month doesn't work. I've had a couple of small break out spots on my chin today too!

Can't wait to see what my temp is tomorrow morning and can't wait to hear an update from you too!

Bumpy...sounds like you should be right here with us with your o date :) Are you sure you should bd tonight?!?! Just kidding :)
Wish you make me lol
You can post as much as you want.

Update as requested, I've headachy, sore tummy and feeling nauseous but I'm sure it's just AF on her merry way.

I spoke to my doc on my blood tests and she said my progesterone was low and indicated I haven't ovulated, I have to be honest I knew that would be the result as I got the + egg symbol the day before and day of the blood test and I did ask for that to be added to my notes. She was happy with that and said we must have missed the hormone surge and wants me to do more bloods next month on cd23/24 instead of 21.

She did say my AF should be a bit later this month due to later ovulation and it shouldn't affect me getting preggo.

My referral should be June.
good morning! :coffee:
Thanks for being ok with my crazy! :)

So today is 1dpo - temp went up to 98 today from 97.7 so not the full .4 that it's supposed to go. However, I had a much lighter sleep and it was really warm in our room all night, so not sure if that has anything to do with anything. And to be sure, I tested with an OPK again and got a negative. BD'ed last night but not this morning, but I think that's ok. We caught everything before O, so we're good!

Does anyone else feel nausea on 1dpo? I assume it's from the progesterone surge. Not full out nausea but definite tiny waves and feel more 'off' than the first 2 weeks of the month. I'm pretty sure I get this every month so I'm not symptom-spotting.

Phoenix - sounds like you're getting some good info from your blood tests? What are next steps for you, do you know?
malinko - keep me updated on the blood work, I'm very curious!
Good morning!

Wish - I had to go "chart stalk" you! Looks good! Your temps always get pretty high so I'm excited to see your crosshairs on FF. I am sometimes slightly nauseous but only in the morning. I can't ever tell if I am just hungry or sometimes I know it is because I take all of my vitamins on an empty stomach. I try to do better about that and eat a little something when I take everything. Sunday morning I got a really heavy wave of nausea. It last about 5 minutes or so. I seriously thought I was going to throw up. DH was somewhat irritated with me saying "you know you can't take your vitamins on an empty stomach. Why would you do that?" Ooops! Once the little wave was gone, I was good and felt great the rest of the day.

I went down from 97.6 to 97.4 today. Blah! I was hoping to see it keep climbing. I'm trying to figure out when I ovulated, but I really can't tell. I'm not that good with trying to figure out charts yet. :growlmad: As far as the doctor goes, the nurse talked to my doctor about my blood test and he said he would be interested in visiting with me about everything. So, no blood test today, but I do have an appointment scheduled for Thursday afternoon. I'm actually happier about that as I would like to get a couple more days of temps before going to see him. That way if I do have low progesterone then maybe it will be far enough in for him to decide if it is something to worry about or not. We will bd one more time tonight and then I think we will be finished. You are supposed to then skip one day and bd one more time for "just in case" but I'm so tired of it now! I think dh is too!!
haha - chart stalk away! yeah, hopefully it keeps climbing tomorrow. I hope I get a decent sleep in the hotel tonight.

Thanks for the info on your nausea. Ugh, haven't been able to shake this nausea yet this morning. Could be the coffee, I guess - but I've had less than a cup. Oh well.

maybe today is your O dip? mine never dipped, just shot up. I'm assuming if there was a dip of some kind, it was last night. While running yesterday, I felt some O pains for a couple of seconds, so I assume that's when that happened.

that does sound like a good plan with your doc! more data to bring to him and I'm sure it'll be a great discussion!!
I'm stressing myself out! I just wish I knew when/if I have ovulated!!! Although, I'm not really sure why I am worrying about it as we will bd tonight again, so that should carry us through if something doesn't happen until tomorrow. I can't really imagine not ovulating until Wednesday from a surge that was detected on Sunday morning, but I'm sure stranger things have happened! AND, I'm sure I'd be thinking about how many more days until possible implantation if I have already ovulated. I need to take a chill pill :wacko:

And the craziness begins!

So side note....and I feel guilty about this. Last night while just hanging out with DH after I cleaned up from dinner, it was just fun and relaxing. I got to thinking "in nine months....this will not ever happen again." Then I started panicing and thinking "am I really ready for this?" I know I am and we so badly want a little one but have you ever caught yourself second guessing all of this?
Mrs. Crazy back with another report! So, FF just gave me a vertical line showing ovulation occurred yesterday but no coverline given. Guessing it just doesn't know where to put it yet without 2 more temperatures? I'm a little confused. says I am 1dpo. Got my first ever "high" rating...Woo hoo! Still going to bd tonight though. If AF comes...She should arrive the 27th or 28th...SO I'm hoping to report a bfp then! has now changed my solid vertical line to a dotted line. Ugh!
good morning! :coffee:
Thanks for being ok with my crazy! :)

So today is 1dpo - temp went up to 98 today from 97.7 so not the full .4 that it's supposed to go. However, I had a much lighter sleep and it was really warm in our room all night, so not sure if that has anything to do with anything. And to be sure, I tested with an OPK again and got a negative. BD'ed last night but not this morning, but I think that's ok. We caught everything before O, so we're good!

Does anyone else feel nausea on 1dpo? I assume it's from the progesterone surge. Not full out nausea but definite tiny waves and feel more 'off' than the first 2 weeks of the month. I'm pretty sure I get this every month so I'm not symptom-spotting.

Phoenix - sounds like you're getting some good info from your blood tests? What are next steps for you, do you know?
malinko - keep me updated on the blood work, I'm very curious![/QUOTE

I have more bloods next month and I'm waiting for referral :( the witch also appears to be arriving

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