She screams so much!!


Apr 22, 2008
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My LO's crying is really getting me down!! It seems to be constant!! And its not just little crys its full on wailing... he legs are kicking... her arms are waving about.. often grabbing my hair and pulling it in the process!!

My patience really gets tested when Im tired and as bad as it sounds I begin to not like her very much!! I feel awful for admitting it but its the truth!! I worry that this is a sign of PND!! I just cry when she crys and I stop trying to pacify her! Then when shes all sleepy and cute I feel like such a bad mum for not trying to help her when shes crying!!

I posted last week about a really bad night (tuesday night)... it hasnt been quite so bad since... but thats cos the night after I had her in bed with me!! I dont people wont agree but was only way i could calm her and keep her calm!! OH works nights and the bed is a king size so I figured it is quite safe! I am a light sleeper too and dont move much in my sleep!! Thursday night I had her in the moses basket on my bed.. (so odd how she can tell the difference) but it really works)! thursday evening my parents actually saw what she gets like!! I spoke to the HV on thurs and assured me Im not doing anything wrong.. some babies just cry etc.. she also mentioned about baby gaviscon cos she could get a bad tummy etc!

Friday she was really crying in the eveing again... and my mum was here and I decided it was time to book the doc appointment!! So Im seeing doc on monday!! Last night she was as good as gold until my friends left... she woke... screaming... and sometimes its just that she wants to be cradled... and rocked! I was very teary again and OH was off but out in town... luckily he came home after my desperate text messages!!

Now shes crying again... screaming... almost like she throws tantrums!!
Im so thankful that OH is off now until I see doc!! Im wondering whether the milk is not agreeing with her... my friends baby was lactose intolerant??! And i remember her baby crying like this!! Anyone else got any ideas?
Have you tried swaddling her? My baby was like this in hospital really unsettled and they swaddled him and he loved it, stopped his crying almost straight away.
Have you tried swaddling her? My baby was like this in hospital really unsettled and they swaddled him and he loved it, stopped his crying almost straight away.

i havent tried since being in hospital and she didnt really like it there!! She loves pulling her hands up and moving her legs!!

I will try it again!!

I have a sleeping bag/ gro bag thing for her and that has helped the sleeping!!
you could also try putting her down with one of your tshirts or used breastpads, I know it sounds strange but thats my health visitor said to do when she came on monday as I was having trouble putting salim down and keeping him settled when he was down.
Oh Kerry you aren't alone. I can't say I've had it that rough with Hannah but she has had her days where she cried all day, and I admit it, I didn't like her that much than and got really annoyed, and later when everything had calmed down I felt like the most horrible mother in the world :(
you could also try putting her down with one of your tshirts or used breastpads, I know it sounds strange but thats my health visitor said to do when she came on monday as I was having trouble putting salim down and keeping him settled when he was down.

we tried with OH's t-shirt!! but didnt really work and again last night and today when when had a kip to catch up we had to have the moses basket on the bed between us both!! Abit squashed but it works!! So odd how she can sense that though!!

Like the idea of the used breast pad but unfortunately the smell of my milk normally makes her scream too!! :(
From what you said in the other thread she might be gassy and not able to get it out....that's usually Hannah's problem when she's upset all day. She also feels better if we lay her in the position leeanne talked about. :hugs:
Theres been a few posts about constant crying and despair. I really am worried now because I know for a fact that I dont have much patience and will prob just cry aswell. Im really worried Im going to be a terrible mum. I think it is normal to feel annoyed. I know its not on the same level but when my dog is being an absolute nightmare and digging up the carpets and constantly barking at me I do think I actually hate him and I wish we never got him. But then when hes sleepy and cuddly I think awww I love you Mowgli. But I dont want to be like that with my baby I want to feel I love him all the time!
From what you said in the other thread she might be gassy and not able to get it out....that's usually Hannah's problem when she's upset all day. She also feels better if we lay her in the position leeanne talked about. :hugs:

yeh i do think this is the problem and she is a very sicky baby too!! Also seems to get hiccups after every feed!!

Ive been using infacol to try and bring the air up etc and she def calms when shes in the position leeanne said about but when I put her down to sleep she wakes like 10 mins later screaming again!! I then have to calm her down again, which can take 20 mins!! Gosh what must the neighbours think!!
Just a thought but are you putting her on a cooler surface? You might try using a hot water bottle or heating pad to warm up her crib/moses basket before laying her down in it. We've found with Hannah that when we remove her from our body heat to a cooler surface she always wakes up
Theres been a few posts about constant crying and despair. I really am worried now because I know for a fact that I dont have much patience and will prob just cry aswell. Im really worried Im going to be a terrible mum. I think it is normal to feel annoyed. I know its not on the same level but when my dog is being an absolute nightmare and digging up the carpets and constantly barking at me I do think I actually hate him and I wish we never got him. But then when hes sleepy and cuddly I think awww I love you Mowgli. But I dont want to be like that with my baby I want to feel I love him all the time!

:hugs: hun!! Try not to worry about it... you may have an angel baby :) You wont be a terrible mum at all!! Even though I have times where I just want to scream "shut up" to my baby .. I still am patient 80% of the time!! Its just worse when your sleep deprived!! The negative parts get heightened aswell cos you can (well i do) feel quite low at times!! But thats normal.... up and down emotions!!

Last night I actually wanted to put her back in me... so I could have some peace!! :cry:
Just a thought but are you putting her on a cooler surface? You might try using a hot water bottle or heating pad to warm up her crib/moses basket before laying her down in it. We've found with Hannah that when we remove her from our body heat to a cooler surface she always wakes up

We have started using her sleeping bag which works much better!! She also likes the brown pillow from our sofa... and we have often used that to transfer her into her basket!! :blush: But Ive told OH to not let her get used to that cos they advise a flat surface to sleep on!!
Hannah sleeps on pillows during the day, because if I put her on the couch or the recliner she slides down, the pillow stabilizes her :rofl: We have really old broken down furniture
we are bad though and put the pillow with her on it into the moses basket!! :blush: it works though... sometimes!!
Aww, hon, I feel for you. :hug: It's so hard when you're sleep deprived, don't know what else to do for them, etc.

Can't say that Chase is like this at all. But I do remember have two very young kids and going through moments of crying with both of them at the same time. Different, yes, but stressful all the same.

You'd be amazed. Little ones sense when their mommy is not around. Even my 5 year old still senses this in the middle of the night.

On another issue, she may very well be gassy. Has she been constipated or anything as such?
Hannah sleeps on pillows during the day, because if I put her on the couch or the recliner she slides down, the pillow stabilizes her :rofl: We have really old broken down furniture


That's what I used to do with Amanda! I'd breastfeed her as she lay on a pillow and it was so easy to transfer her on the pillow to the sofa when she fell asleep.
Sweetie, I know exactly how you feel. Kaida is like this...or was. She's slowly getting better. Turned out she has oral thrush and it was causing her discomfort as she was feeding. She'd pull on and off, get frustrated. Also, she's a gassy baby. I'd have whole days where I couldn't put her down, she'd never settle for anyone else. Everything other babies would have to calm down, she hates. Hates dummies/pacifiers, hates to be swaddled, just like your little one...she loves her hands free. Hates her crib, so I do lay her on a pillow and co sleep with her.
She hates car seats, driving.. even hates riding in her pushchair/stroller.
I'd sometimes cry my eyes out and think "why me?.. why do I have to have a high maintenance baby? Why can't she just be happy?"
Sometimes when she's crying to the point she's her breath and there seems to be nothing I do to settle her, I've actually felt like just laying her down and curling up in a ball and giving up.
It can be very exhausting and draining and most of the time.
People are always asking me when I am having another.. I don't think I will.
As bad it sounds, I honestly don't think I could do it again. I may have a mellow child, but I won't risk my sanity. lol
I love her dearly..,more than words. She's a miracle that wasn't supposed to happen and I know I'll look back and it will all seem like I was overreacting.
However, overreacting or not.. I'm blessed enough with her.
For all you mothers with more than one child? You deserve a bloody medal.
From what you said in the other thread she might be gassy and not able to get it out....that's usually Hannah's problem when she's upset all day. She also feels better if we lay her in the position leeanne talked about. :hugs:

yeh i do think this is the problem and she is a very sicky baby too!! Also seems to get hiccups after every feed!!

Ive been using infacol to try and bring the air up etc and she def calms when shes in the position leeanne said about but when I put her down to sleep she wakes like 10 mins later screaming again!! I then have to calm her down again, which can take 20 mins!! Gosh what must the neighbours think!!

Kerry, sweetheart, I feel your pain... I really do!! Morgan was like this at around the age Courtney is now. She would take her bottle and then scream louder than before she had it!! Would never settle, constantly have hiccups, couldn't lie her down, being sick etc...

I was chucking the infacol down her left, right and centre... helped a little bit, but not really! So I changed her bottles to Dr Browns and that helped reduce the wind dramatically.... however, she would still be crying and looking in pain after feeding and was still really unsettled and being sick a lot

She would get hiccups and gulp a lot which seemed to be painful for her.... so I went to the GP as I was pretty sure she had acid reflux. He agreed and prescribed Infant Gaviscon and I saw a difference in her from the first feed!!!

It took about a week to get the full effect from it, but once it finally kicked in properly, she stopped screaming, setttled better, would sleep in her moses basket (we had to pretty much let her sleep sat up in her rocker or car seat before that!) and actually started sleeping from about 10-11pm right through til 6-7am!!!!!!! :sleep:

She's been on it a few weeks now, and is still so much better for it. OK, so her poo has gone a lot harder but she's not constipated as such (I offer her water during the day and she drinks between 2-4oz a day).

This week, she's started waking up in the night about 3-4am again and has been really grizzly and having fits of the screaming ab-dabs, but then she had her jabs on Tuesday so she's still getting over them... on top of which she's seems to have a bit of a cold (she's a little snot factory at the minute!!) and to add salt tot he wounds, I'm pretty sure she's started teething - all the signs are there.... chowing down on her fingers, teething rash on her cheeks, and uber-dribble!!! I'm just glad she's old enough for Calpol now.... ahhhhhh "baby-crack"!! Knocks her right out!!! :rofl:

After all the rambling on... what I'm trying to say is you're not alone chick! It sounds to me like she could well have reflux. See what the GP says on Monday - but try and hang on in there... it does and WILL get easier!! And don't forget, you've got my number if ever you need a chat/rant/cry!!!

:hugs: :hug: :hugs:
Aww, hon, I feel for you. :hug: It's so hard when you're sleep deprived, don't know what else to do for them, etc.

Can't say that Chase is like this at all. But I do remember have two very young kids and going through moments of crying with both of them at the same time. Different, yes, but stressful all the same.

You'd be amazed. Little ones sense when their mommy is not around. Even my 5 year old still senses this in the middle of the night.

On another issue, she may very well be gassy. Has she been constipated or anything as such?

i defo think she is gassy... and her poos definetly slowed down!! But HV said to only worry when you dont see one for a couple of days and they are hard like pellets!!

Last night she went 8pm - 4am without a feed!! But she was laying with OH on the sofa... he'd get up to make a coffee... before coffee had been made... she starts to whimper!! Shes def very clingy too!

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