I'm sure they're not psychopaths, they probably believe they are doing something in the best interest of their child. That would indicate caring. Even though its messed up. But I'm no psych major lol
I'm sure they're not psychopaths, they probably believe they are doing something in the best interest of their child. That would indicate caring. Even though its messed up. But I'm no psych major lol
I'm sure they're not psychopaths, they probably believe they are doing something in the best interest of their child. That would indicate caring. Even though its messed up. But I'm no psych major lol
"Select your instrument according to the child's size."
So since these authors are adults can we hit them with something nice and big?
Eurgh this is so gross I can't believe it's still there, amazon are awful for letting anything be sold on their site without caring... there was similar a few years ago with a book called the pedophiles guide - I think it eventually got removed though. Sick sick sick sick sick.
ETA just googled that book was called 'The Pedophiles Guide to love and pleasure'. Eurgh. And they had another one called understanding boylovers with this quote by the author - 'The long assumed "harm" of such activities [men having relationships with young boys] has failed to be supported by research, and the sociocultural "wrongness" based on this "harm" is therefore left without any rational basis."
Wtf is wrong with people