DD is 1 next month, she has been walking around holding onto furniture for a few weeks now and moves like the flash. However she keeps slipping on our laminate flooring. She doesn't keep socks on, so gripy ones are out the question. I'm wondering if some prewalkers might be a good idea, just for that extra grip. Its just too cold IMO to go around bare footed.
Do you have flooring? How do you get around the slippyness? Are prewalkers a waste of money? Should I let her just walk around bare foot?
She has taken a whole one step, I highly doubt she will be walking before she turns one, but I'm not too worried. Just not sure if I should bother buying some shoes now, or waiting till she can properly walk.
Do you have flooring? How do you get around the slippyness? Are prewalkers a waste of money? Should I let her just walk around bare foot?
She has taken a whole one step, I highly doubt she will be walking before she turns one, but I'm not too worried. Just not sure if I should bother buying some shoes now, or waiting till she can properly walk.