Short Luteal Phase 9 Days - Wait HOW LONG??!!



:devil: I am absolutely fuming following my visit to the GP this morning having discovered I have a short luteal phase of just nine days.

I have been charting and had two months of charts which I printed out and took with me. Unfortunately I had to see another GP other than my own - he was clearly a locum and didn't have the faintest clue about what I was talking about!

He asked how I knew I had a short luteal phase and I explained the charting I had been doing and he asked what charting was and where I had got the temperatures on the chart! I explained about Basal Body Temperature and he genuinely didn't have a clue what I was talking about!

He then kept asking me how many times we'd done the BD each month - so I showed him on the chart where my fertile days were which were highlighted in green and showed him the data indicating how many times we had done the BD in my fertile time. He then asked what about the rest of the month - I had to explain it was irrelevant how many times we had BD'd during the rest of the month due to it being non-fertile!!!!!! Who's the GP here???!! :nope:

Anyway, he said he'd have to ask another GP and ring me back later in the day which he did - response was despite being 35 and proving a short luteal phase with data to back it up, I'd have to wait for a YEAR before they would look at it any further! I questioned it being a year bearing in mind my age and he confirmed, advising he and another GP had decided that.

He said I would have to be referred to a fertility specialist after a year if no luck - I asked about Clomid and he looked blank! :devil:

I think this is shocking! Has anyone else had experience of short luteal phase and if so, what happened when you went to your GP?

I'm thinking of going private....and making a complaint about the NHS GP....any thoughts? :hissy:
Personally I would demand a 2nd opinion with a competant doctor, the one you saw today sounds like a right lemon! Failing any success on your next appointment maybe consider going private. Good luck!
a lot of doctors do not know about Fertility Awareness method. and it is kind of sad.

as for requesting clomid.....if you are ovulating each month I dont think you dont need clomid.
Sounds like you may need progersterone
yeah i would do the same. book an appointmant with your gp and explain your not happy and will complain if not helped and that you have come to him/her for a second opionion. hope all goes well xx
Hi Mistycat,
I'm in exactly the same boat and went to the GP today too! Mine was lovely and listened but still won't do anything about it either until we've been trying for 12-18months! Just said as I am quite young (26) that I had time and to wait and see...
its so annoying as it could potentially be fixed now if they'd just see whats happening after Ov with progesterone levels...bla annoying!

I was wondering about just buying some vit b6 over the counter, but heard both good and bad things about it, don't wanna make my LP even shorter!
Its so annoying - I read that a luteal phase of nine days is not sufficient to support a baby implanting and staying put. The GP said 'well you never know it might implant earlier' to which I told him that if that did happen, those pregnancies often miscarry 1-2 months later. He said I probably wouldn't even know about it......well I have a drawer full of FRER's so I'm definitely gonna know about it lol! No doubt on that one!

I don't think its fair that they can allow you to be potentially put in that position. I don't want to go through the joy of getting a BFP and then it failing.

I haven't a clue how much it would cost to go private - anyone been there and done this?
I am English and lived there for 28 years, I tried to go private once and was told my doctor had to refer me! Kind of felt like the doors closed on me as my dr would not refer me.
What a terrible experience, having to tell your Doctor how reproduction works!! I would definitely make another appointment with your regular doctor.

If you do decide to go private, which would be totally understandable, I don't think doctor can not actually refuse to refer you. When I wanted a reversal last year my doctor told me it was pointless, that i was too old (33 at the time) and that no consultant would even consider operating on me. It was an awful thing to hear, and total rubbish too. I left that appointment with the referal i wanted.

Make sure you stand your ground, particularly as you have the evidence to back up your claim. Waiting a year is not going to help your LP improve and solid advice from a knowledgeable doctor is definitely required, be it your regular doctor or a specialist

Good luck xxx
I can thoroughly recommend Traditional Chinese Medicine, if you can fidn a practitioner near you. They use acupuncture, herbs and dietary changes to help you. There's also a wonderful book by Randine Lewis, called The INfertility Cure - she's a TCM practitioner in the states; she trained in western medicine and, after using TCM to help her to fall pregnant, trained as a TCM doctor too. The book is very clear, full of information about fertility and very uplifting. There's a self-diagnosis tool, to help you to work out your diagnosis (be aware that eastern medicine is utterly different to western).
I started seeing Quing in November, after 14 months' TTC our second (1st came along in 2 cmonths) and 3 months' charting. I too have a 9-day LP. I ov every month and my periods are regular - under western med I woudl be diagnosed with unexplained infertility and told they couldn't help me. Under TCM I have kidney yang deficiency, cold uterus and spleen qui deficiency (like I said, nothing like western med!). I'm being treated with acu, herbs and dietary changes and there have been loads of positive changes - we're getting there!
It's not a quick fix, because it works in harmony with your body to restore balance, rather than smacking you with a big synthetic hammer, but it's a wonderful form of therapy and very, very effective.
Abi x
Hi sorry to hear you had a bad Dr Im afraid there seems to be ALOT of them about when it comes to TTC!!
I too have a LPD mine usually lasts about 7 days. I too went to my Dr after 5 months and told him what you told yours but mine agreed to do day 21 bloods for progesterone, to 'put my mind at ease' bloody patronising!!
Anyhow, first month, no ovulation detected.. why? Because they do not recognise that you luteal phase could be anything other than 14 days. He had me do my bloods 7 days before next expected AF, I explained this is when I ov but he said that was fine! It is not, it needs to be 7 dpo!! Second month went back and asked again to have more bloods, they weren't too happy about this but did it as I said I didnt ov last month this time I had it done 7 dpo (I booked it myself with the nurse) and I got a call back saying I wasnt ov, come back in 2 months if not preggers. Im guessing its just low progesterone cos of my charts and that I am in fact ov. 2 cycles later.. just been back again and asked for referral and they gave me one!! Im 32, mum of one and have been trying 8 months now so they will pass you along if you can prove there is a problem.

Anyway Ive rambled on, but mainly to give you the idea to be persistent, ask for the bloods! If you do have a LPD they will come back out of normal range and will have to refer you after a few months of this!

I also (like Abi) have gone down the TCM route whilst waiting for Western meds to do something and there has def been an improvement. Hoping for that magic BFP whilst my appt come through. My LP def improved last month but I didnt temp (typical) but it was about 10 days which is a big improvement. If you do go down TCM just make sure they are all registered etc.

Good luck your not alone :hugs:
Ps sorry meant to ask, have you recently come off BCP? That can affect you LP for months... no help but just a thought x
Ps sorry meant to ask, have you recently come off BCP? That can affect you LP for months... no help but just a thought x

Thanks to everyone for the lovely messages - makes me feel a bit better!

I had my Mirena Coil removed in January this year, as Mirena is hormone infused I guess that could be contributing to the problem. I thought it would have disappeared by now.

I have spoken to my GP since my appointment and he has agreed to do a blood test on Day 21 of my cycle. They did agree that they'd refer me to a private Doctor if I wanted. I'll see what the results of the blood test are, and go from there.

Has anyone had any experience of taking Vitamin B6 to extend their Luteal Phase? I have heard it can be effective but have also heard you need to be really careful with it but there doesn't seem to be much in the way of guidelines out there!
OMG I so hear ya! I'm starting my 11th cycle and almost 32! Been charting the last two months and also realised I have a 9 day LP. Went to see my Doc who also questioned me on how i determined I'd chart!!! Anyway he tried to give me the whole 'just give yourself more time' (i've been off the pill 10mths!) and i wasn't having it. I know my hormones are off cos I ovulate super late in my cycle also, anyway i can go back in two months and THEN he'll refer me! So back to the waiting game and another couple of months of disappointment when i don't get BFP. This sucks
Thought I'd update as I have since had my Day 21 Bloods done and the result came back fine - no hormone deficiency and I am indeed ovulating (which I knew from my charts anyway).

Doctor says a short cycle of 24 days is fine, and a short luteal phase of 9 days is also fine and no need to worry. They've agreed to test DH's swimmers but other than that they say there is nothing that can correct a short cycle.

Really???? Anyone else had a short LP but hormone levels are normal?
Sorry Mistycat for your experience sounds right a right plonker that locum! I would def go see you reg dr and re-state your case. When ttc my little man in 2004 after coming off depo I started to have terrible stomach cramp to point where I could hardly stand or move and insisted I be referred but was initially refused I persisted and in end think my gp got fed up of hearing from me and gave me my referral (I just knew summat wasnt right!) I had bloods and scans and was diagnosised with pcos and subsequently wasnt ov. I was told I could be treated but needed to know if dh was a viable partner...upon testing im they found out his sperm are sluggish (dont swim just kinda hang around!) so we were diagnosised as a sub-fertile couple and told a baby naturally would be a pure miracle (the nurses words not mine!) and added to ivf/icsi waiting list to start april 2005. In mean time stomach pains got incredibly worse and I begged to be referred for further tests to be told I had been added to ivf/icsi waiting list and what more did I want????? I was livid I was in so much pain that ttc was kinda at back of my mind....... then a miracle I was pregnant????????????? As we are now ttc again was tryin to get to bottom of wether I actually have pcos or not (we did concieve....pure miracle right?) theres no doubt in 2004 I had cysts on my ovaries and DH had spermy issues but what changed to get us preg????? My Dr keeps saying too young plenty of time not to worry????? but I do I simply want to know if I have a condition I was diagnosised with or not!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for ranting but I know how you feel it can be so frustrating especially if you get a dr a little wet behind the ears (pardon my expression!) is there a female dr at your gps who specialises in gynae (I use to work in a gp surgery and we had one!) PS we were guna go private too and appointment with the NHS with the same fertility consultant was quicker (and obviously a waste of our money to go private!) They have a quicker turn around time now due to having to deplete waiting lists so check this out before parting with cash hon!
Just read your update hon.....was adding mine as you added yours...... Sounds more positive! Although cant help/advise on short LP still trying to get to grips with my charting! Sounds positive though so hopefully BFP real soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Awww thank you! I've got a friend from school who is now a GP and she said that the GP I saw is sticking to the rules about not referring me yet (I have spoken to two GP's now, plus my friend the GP). My friend said if I was her patient she would have actually referred me by now as I am clearly worried about it.....shame I am not on her list lol!

We'll get the swimmers tested and see what happens there. I have googled a few positive stories of women who have conceived and had wonderful children through a short luteal phase so there is hope!
B6 most women assume they're getting plenty with their multiple or prenatal vitamin. However, the dosage typically needed to correct LPD is between 50 mg and 300 mg daily. I would advise starting out with an additional 50 for an entire cycle (start supplementing as soon as you get your period and don't forget to chart or use OPKs through the cycle to see if the LP changes). If the luteal phase does not change, or does not change enough, increase another 50 or 100 for each additional cycle until correction is seen. I don't know anyone who has had to take more than 300 mg- most see a radical change under 200.

So why does B6 work? Well, B6 is a very complex vitamin and has many actions in the body, but the most likely explanation is that B6 lowers the amount of prolactin in the system. Prolactin is a hormone that, in excess amounts, interferes with ovulation and the regularity of cycles. The majority of women that I have talked to encountered a LPD after coming off the birth control pill. Birth control pills cause a deficiency in B6, which can make your prolactin levels rise, which can in turn lead to a luteal phase defect. Supplementation with these large doses of B6 corrects the deficiency and the timing of ovulation hopefully goes back to normal.

Is there a concern about too much B6? B6 is not a vitamin prone to overdose- it is water-soluble and the excess will simply be secreted in the urine. Women who are establishing breastfeeding may want to keep their levels lower, since prolactin is also the hormone that controls milk production, but I have taken an extra 50 mg daily with no adverse affect on milk supply. But the average woman who is trying to conceive should have no problem with the short-term supplementation I am talking about here.

hope this helps

Just thought I'd share with you what it says on my FS website

"The normal practice is for GPs to refer a couple after a year of trying to conceive. Earlier referral is recommended for women who are aged 35 or above, or if a woman has any health problem or medical history which might affect their fertility such as previous pelvic surgery, pelvic infection or irregular periods. Similarly, if the man is know to have had a problem with his testicles he should be referred for a semen analysis (sperm test) without delay."

Maybe you could find out where you would be referred based on where you live and see what they say - they probably have a website with info on too

Then you can go in 'armed and dangerous':gun:

B vits (as mentioned above) can lengthen your LP and a lot of women report taking these or things like pregnacare seem to lengthen cycles and possibly LP's

Good luck x
I had a very similar experience with my GP. Despite an ectopic and then 6 months of almost constant ovary pain, together with charts showing a luteal phase of between 3 and 10 days - THEY REFUSED TO DO ANYTHING! They kept saying "12-18 months blah blah". I had to go see every GP at the practice before they finally agreed to do a day 21 blood test (which I of course had done at 7dpo because I don't always ov by CD21)....that came back with a progesterone level of 3 and STILL they didn't want to help.
After several more visits, I think they got sick of me and referred me to a FS which I had to wait 2-3 months for. The FS was just as clueless, said charting was "nonsense" and "means nothing" and I was back to square one again.
Here I am 8 months down the line, a second ectopic just finished and feeling very frustrated! :grr:
Luckily I have now found a lovely FS who I went to see privately (£85 for the one consult). She then referred me to herself on the NHS :rofl: and I have a second appointment with her tomorrow so we can get to the bottom of my pains and ectopics.

Sorry for hijacking your thread with my NHS rant :blush: my message is - keep at the docs. I would also agree with abster, I did a few acu sessions and my LP went up from 3 days one month to 12 the next! It now seems my LP is looking much better but I don't know if that was the accu, the hormonal upheaval of the second ectopic or just a matter of time :shrug:

Good luck :dust:

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