should we not be proud?

i think we should all feel proud, regardless of how we feel, i fully believe we are all here to support each other, regardless of how we feed, i want to congratulate bf-ing mummies on there threads, as i want to congratulate and support my fellow ff-ing mummies xx
I think everyone should feel equally proud because they are all mommies with beautiful and loved children :hugs: Congrats to you all ladies.
IMO the breastfeeding champion blinkie/badges are just saying I'm proud of myself for being successful at breastfeeding and sticking with it for so long, not putting down formula feeding mums.

I do understand why they might upset people who couldn't breastfeed BUT we can't protect everyone against everything.. I know I sometimes worry that my signature with Elyse in it might offend someone LTTTC... but at the same time I know most of those wonderful ladies are happy for me, just as I am happy for people who are able to breastfeed for x # of months.

I think it's a problem that people don't think formula-feeding is an accomplishment or that it's easy. All parents should feel proud, it's a tough job no matter how you parent or what your age, status, etc. :mrgreen:
I find it hard on here with the feeding bit now being split as I'm not breastfeeding but I'm also not formula feeding, I'm expressing and then bottle feeding so I generally feel a bit confused lol.

We have had so many struggles with Findlay with his bottle feeding and trying to get him to take enough at each feed that I defy anyone to tell me bottle feeding is easy. We're on our third set of bottles now and have finally found ones he can fit his mouth around (yay for Dr Brown Preemie bottles!!) although we still struggle to get him to take enough at each feed. Feeding a baby can be tough no matter how you choose to do it and I think we all need a big :thumbup:.

I don't think anyone has the right to make an issue over someone having a blinkie (as long as it's not offensive) whether it be a ff blinkie or a bf blinkie as people have a right to feed their baby as they see fit and it's nobody elses business. I was FF from day 1 and it's never done me any harm. I hate when you get people who think they are 'above' everyone else because they bf or actually tut when they see someone bottle feeding. I'm proud to bottle feed :D
Thanks for all your opinions ladies. I was completely caught off guard with this forum that pretty well was a ton of ladies completely putting down the idea of formula feeding and the fact that we are proud and would show it through a blinkie.

Maybe I am not proud that I can't BF but I sure am proud of how developed my son is and how happy he is, and when he looks into my eyes and coos to me while I am feeding him I know that what I did was right.

I am so proud of all of you for making such a hard decision and raising such beautiful babies....regardless of how they were fed....I guarentee they are loved and really...thats all that matters!

As long as your child and you are happy and healthy whos business is it how they are fed? You should be proud hun your doing whats best for you and you baby xxx

Edit: I think I have found the site you were talking about and what they are saying is disgusting!!! Hugs huni xx
i wouldn't bother about what anyone else long as your baby is settled and content then you have nothing to be ashamed of.
I spent 4 days in hospital trying to BF and my LO was too impatient as my milk just wasn't took me breaking down crying twice and being moved off the ward and into a room on my own and my LO screaming for days for me to realise that i just couldn't BF and now my LO is as happy as anything it was like i had brought a new baby home with me.
Ya, I totally get what you mean Jaylene... We always see people posting that they have bf for 6 months, 12 months etc... they have blinkies that say "all natural" parenting, and "breastfeeding champion" etc etc... But you dont see anyone posting they are a formula feeding champion... or they have fed their baby for 6 months etc...

In a way, I kind of think it is a really subtle put down to formula feeders...

I think breastfeeders have the right to be proud, it is hard and I wasnt able to continue. Im sure if I can do it next time, I will be proud too...

But im also proud that I have a happy, healthy thriving baby.

I don't think it is, or at least I never intended it to be. The whole idea of the thread is to help people who may be struggling or need support. Not us going on about how great we are.

IMO though, there is nothing wrong with FF at all, and I do still use formula. The most important thing is that Mum and baby are happy. If struggling to BF is affecting your relationship with your child then you should do what makes you happy.

I would just like to say that my bf binkies are not, nor have ever meant to be a put down on ff. Its just that I personally fought very hard and went through a lot of stuff to bf and I'm pleased as punch that it worked out. I'm sorry if these ever made you, or anyone else think that I was looking down on ff. It's more about my journey then a comment on anyone elses.

We all have our personal journeys and our own struggles and when each of us overcome our obsticles, however we accomplish that, we have a right to be proud.

I think that you have every right to be so proud of your health, thriving, sleeping through the night (I'm so jealous) son!
Thanks Terri.

Just to note: I looked back at both my posts and from what I see I didn't once say that I was offended by anyones BFing Blinkies. I am just as proud of you all for making it through.

I just don't get why people care how others feed their baby?
I couldn't care less if someone breast feeds.

I formula feed.
I don't see why anyone would care what I spend my money on.

Just wanted to add: I am proud of feeding my baby. I also am not offended by BF blinkies, because like I said, I don't sit here and think about how other babies are getting fed. I would be sitting here worrying if a baby wasn't getting fed. Not like someone would have a "STARVING BABY" blinkie. :rofl:
Also, it is not about breastfeeding blinkies, or anyone on this forum, it is about people who sit at home, and type out hate literature against formula feeders and place it out there on the internet. This one in particular was about blinkies, and that we are just jealous and we are selfish people for FF in the first place.

I think it's sick.
Also, it is not about breastfeeding blinkies, or anyone on this forum, it is about people who sit at home, and type out hate literature against formula feeders and place it out there on the internet. This one in particular was about blinkies, and that we are just jealous and we are selfish people for FF in the first place.

I think it's sick.

Ditto. Makes me wonder about people who have nothing better to do than slag off people they don't know on the internet. Get out much?
Also, it is not about breastfeeding blinkies, or anyone on this forum, it is about people who sit at home, and type out hate literature against formula feeders and place it out there on the internet. This one in particular was about blinkies, and that we are just jealous and we are selfish people for FF in the first place.

I think it's sick.

Ditto. Makes me wonder about people who have nothing better to do than slag off people they don't know on the internet. Get out much?

Exactly. I really don't get it. I only worry about other moms if their is a signs of abuse, I try not to judge other people. I don't know their health history or their whole life story so I can't judge people. I guess they see FF as a sign of abuse.
Isn't being a mum hard enough witout having to explain y u fed ur baby in a certain way??
Signitures are an expression of the person typing and if the way they fed there baby is important to them y shouldn't they display it on there siggy??
FFing or BFing surely a happy healthy baby is something to b proud of regardless of how they are fed???:D
I always keep the saying in mind ...

"Those that mind, dont matter .. and those that matter, dont mind"

You should remember that when people try to put down your parenting choices no matter what they are as the people that truly care and have your best interests at heart will back you 110%
i always keep the saying in mind ...

"those that mind, dont matter .. And those that matter, dont mind"

you should remember that when people try to put down your parenting choices no matter what they are as the people that truly care and have your best interests at heart will back you 110%

Nobody should judge anybody else on how they feed their children, no matter whether they agree with it or not, it doesn't help that at doctors/hospitals etc they have big signs saying "breast is best" im a breast-feeder, but where are the "bottles are best" signs also, makes me angry 2bh how people react.
Of course you should be proud hun, why not?? :hugs:
How about a blinkie...."I have been feeding my baby for xx Months!!"


we should all be proud of our babies however they are fed, at least they ARE fed!!

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