Shropshire and bordering county buddies!


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2009
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Julie, Jo - are you out there?! How are you guys? What have you been up to this weekend? Jo - how was Egypt?

I thought I would start this thread so we can chat more easily.. I've left it open to new members - the more the merrier...:)

I've been busy working on the nursery this weekend (and trying not to think about V!). I bought a matching set of cot quilt, bumper, curtains, cot tidy and nappy holder from Dunhelm all for less than £30 in the sale. Its got a Little Bear design with brown bears on. So i'm trying different shades of buttercream for the walls. It looks nice but I cant find the exact shade I want - its costing me a bit in test pots but I just want it perfect! It's very exciting :)

Have you guys started on the nursery yet? How are you decorating it?? xxx
Hi hun how are you? I'm fine, well back ache, braxton hicks etc but sickness appears to have stopped! Feels like forever ago that i was on holiday, can't believe how quickly its going!
Have you had your 20 week scan yet? I've got mine a week on Tuesday, can't wait, i'm desperate to start on the nursery!
I have been busy buying and we now have a swinging crib, cot, pram, carseat and a few sleepsuits!
hiya! nice to be back in touch, how was egypt?

me and bump are very good thanks, bump's getting bigger and little bubba kicks and wriggles around a lot, its great.

i had my 20 week scan 2 weeks ago, it went very well - everything is fine and dandy as far as they can see :)

im looking out for a swinging cot on ebay, did you get a gliding or rocking one? which pram did you go for?? i've seen one i like - its the mosaic air. it was about £180 in mothercare and its a travel system too so includes the car seat. its not as cool looking as the three wheeler ones, but its great value and i like the navy and spots on it. im always driving places so i think a travel system is the way forward for me! x
I can't wait for my 20 week scan!!
I got a swinging crib off ebay for £15 and they delivered it! Its fab, like new and i love it!!
We've had a quinny buzz and the maxi cosi carseat, i had one for lottie and loved it so thought i'd stick with what i know!
I take it you didn't find out the sex?
nope - if we want to know we have to pay £50 and go back at 23 weeks but im going to stick to the original plan and keep it a surprise. Did you say you are going to find out? That will be exciting!

I really like the idea of a crib and i like the look of them too. my house is quite old and we have a lot of wood and period features, so i think a crib would fit in nicely. my sis is going to lend me her moses basket so i'll have one of them too.

i hear the quinny buzz are very good and they look cool too :)

got to go to work now but catch up with you later xx
Hi girlies
Finally we catch up! I am only 16 weeks so havent got my 20 week scan til 26th Sept! Ages away yet! We are going to have a 4d scan at 26 weeks and find out the sex yippee!
Can you answer me something.... I am sure I have felt the first baby movements but my pregnant friend who is 3 months ahead of me dismissed it and said you dont feel it with your first til at least 20 weeks. But she of all people should know we are all different. Anyway, I was sitting at work on Friday and the side of my tummy started twitching uncontrolably, a bit like when you get a twitch in your eye. It was on and off for about an hour then it went away and came back for most the afternoon, then went off again, then started in the night. It wasnt wind or stretching feelings, it was like nothing I have felt before. Then nothing happened all day sat, but I was at a wedding so could have just been unaware of it. Then last night in a different place a popping/bubbly feeling. Nothing so far today. What do you think?
I know its still early days but we bought our cot bed yesterday. Its from the I love my bear range from babies R us, its sooooooooo lovely. We bought all the matching bedding and swaddle blankets etc, and a couple of baby grows. And some removable stickers for the walls, and of course the mobile for the cot! We were given a swinging crib, so we have made a good start. We are gonna go and get a load of stuff each month around payday. Do you think I am being over keen? Others keep telling me not to do things too soon but what's it got to do with them? Are you finding you are getting lots of negative advice? Its driving me mad! My job isnt overly secure so if the worst happens at least I will be glad I have made a good start!
I am really enjoying being pregnant now but my bump still isnt quite there. It is obvious in normal clothes (they just wont fit) but well hidden in maternity stuff. Perhaps 2 more weeks it will be there. Oh yeah and I bought a doppler and have heard the heart beat, its lovely!
Thats my news. Catch you soon! xx
Hi hun, i felt lottie at 18wks and this baby at 14 so it is very possile it is the baby! This baby still hasn't got regular movements though, its most active at night before i got to sleep!
I think its a good idea buying things each month, thats what we're doing! I am just waiting to find out babies sex to see whether i can go mad on blue or pink!!
Someone in second tri put up a bump meet, a few people in west mids and stoke, what do you think? x
Whats a bump meet? I am presuming its when you arrange to meet up? I will struggle at the mo with working full time and fairly recently moving house, I seem to always have something on. Good idea in the long run but I darent commit to any more at the mo!!!! My husband keeps telling me off fo arranging things!
I'll keep you posted about the movements, its a very exciting time. I must start a diary!
Any more holidays planned? We need to try and fit something in over next few months, dont know what though.
No no more holidays, i'm gradually buying everything for baby and then will start thinking about xmas- lottie knows exactly what she wants already! I can't wait to get the nursery sorted as its full of stuff! If we find out we're havinh a boy all the girl clothes i kept after lottie are going! My other spare room is also full of junk, all needs putting up in the loft and then we can actually turn it in to a guest room! I feel like i've got so much to do but am so excited about it all, can't believe how quickly its going! xx
hiya julie! yes that defo sounds like the baby! im sure i felt my first movement at 14 weeks.

i have been getting lots of negative advice and 'opinions' thrown my way by everyone - eg on lots of topics e.g. exercising during pregnancy and most recently - why I shouldnt go to V!! that one annoyed me because it was mostly from people who had never been pregnant AND never been to V so they dont know what either is like!!

anyway thats my rant of the day over!

i would love to go to a meet-up depending when and where it was.. im just goin to have my tea now and ill have a look at it after xx
i've just had a look for that thread about the meet-up and can't find it! whereabouts is it jo?
Its in second tri maybe on second page? I don't think anything has been arranged but someone but an idea forward and got quite a few responces from around this area x
hiya, keep me posted if you hear any more on that Jo, I would defo be interested..

How are you both?? I'm very bored at work 2day, counting the hours til the weekend.. I'm bridesmaid at a wedding on Saturday so i'll be busy with that 2moro night and Saturday. Have you guys got any plans for the bank holiday?

Im going to get stuck into the nursery again on Sunday and hopefully take my other half to Babies R Us and Mothercare for a look at buggies and cots.

What are your latest name choices?? We are currently on Isaac for a boy and Poppy, Lola or Lucy for a girl. But it could all change several times before the babies born.

Isaac means laughter or 'he will laugh' which I think is very fitting because we laugh a lot in our house! It can be shortened to Zac or Ike..

Ooh I like Isaac, thats cute! We are still set on Lewis or Daisy.
I am really busy at work this week which is ace cos its flown by, but I feel a bit run down today so am very much looking foward to the bank hol. We are just doing house stuff. We went to Babies R us last weekend, I presume you would go to the Shrewsbury one? We have bought a cot cos we couldnt resist it but they are discontinuing the range so we are going back on sat or sun to get the matching curtains, then its done. So I might bump into you ha! I wish I had loads of money to go on a big spree, but we havent so thats why we are starting early!
My eating has all of a sudden got better, last night I ate chicken and today I ate pork (have been off both since finding out I was preg). Really pleased about that.
My Grandma is here from Newcastle tonight so I am going to my mums to see her, she is ace. She had 6 kids so she is great to talk to, you name it she got it!
I have lots of twinges today so I think I must be at a vital growing point. Did I mention I have hardly got a bump? Well I think its definitely on its way judging by how I have been feeling this way.
How are you both? Any new symptoms? I love pregnancy talk, must be so boring for non pregnant people. Have either of you used a doppler? I bought one its fab!
I was bridesmaid last weekend Sarah. I had to have my dress taken out 3 inches but still didnt look pregnant and I thought everyone was looking at me as if I was bloated so the groom announced it for me in his speech and I got a big clap, it was lovely! It was a long and hard day but I thoroughly enjoyed it. Hope you have a great day. Thats the last of our weddings this year thank god!
Hi girls, we've managed to get a babysitter for both friday and saturday night which will be nice to go out with friends! We're lottie shopping on saturday as she's growing so quickly!
We wanted to take her to Chester zoo on sunday but the weather forcast isn't great!
We're struggling with names, we have decided on Harrison William James for a boy but cannot agree on a girls name, i like Evie but Alex is set on Lola! I love Poppy too Sarah but i'm not allowed it!!
We find out the sex on Tuesday so we're going baby shopping on Tues afternoon, then i can get on with the nursery! Can't wait!

I think Evie is lovely too but I just love Lola! Let us know as soon as you know the sex, any inclings??
hello you two, hope you are having a nice weekend.. the wedding went really well, I was quite nervous being a bridesmaid while pregnant but it all went perfectly.. It was a lovely day. Im sure they'll be a few photos on facebook later if you want to have a look! I have already given Julie my details when you were on holiday Jo - but i'll pm them to you too..

It got to about 10pm last night and everyone was well and truely drunk - I felt a bit of a lemon, didnt feel like dancing (normally cant tear me away!) and my voice was hoarse from talking to so many people and trying to shout over the music but i persereverd untilo midnight because i wanted to see my buddies finish their wedding day, went home exhausted.. Lee's just got home now.. he walked a mile and a half back from a friends house still in his full usher gear but with a pair of white trainers!! he said he got a lots of stares and laughs !

gonna crack on with painting the nursery today while the rest of the village recovers ! how are you guys? what are you up to?? x
Hi Jo, I saw on facebook you are having a boy!!!!! That's great. So how did the rest of the scan go?

I've done one coat of paint on the nursery - and we are now we are starting on downstairs too! Knocking through the wall from the lounge to another room to make it open plan!! So there will be a lot of dust in my house tonight!

What are you two up to this week? x
Hi Girlies

Congrats Jo, thats brill news, I cant wait to find out!

I had a busy weekend doing housy stuff, tidying and spring cleaning, and spending money on baby stuff or things we needed for the house. And I got lots of rest, I love the bank holiday! And this week is flying by which is great because as soon as the week is over, I will be 18 weeks pregnant! Its going so quick and I love it everytime I make it to another week cos it means my bump will be coming soon!
I had family over for dinner last night, I am chilling out tonight then we have got DH's Mum coming on Thurs night, so I am becoming far more sociable which is nice. Then it'll be time for the weekend again - Yay!
Sarah are you finding out what you are having I cant remember?
hiya, no im not finding out if its a boy or girl. i am a teensy bit envious of everyone finding out but I do want a surprise so im going to reward myself for my willpower by treating bubba to a really nice rocker chair thing with the £50. im a bit obsessed with money at the moment, driving my husband mad but i just want to save as much as poss and spend it on the nursery and the house. i guess its the nesting instinct.

only 2 more weeks until your scan julie - that's exciting!

ive got a chilled weekend lined up chilling, more decorating of the nursery and visiting family. cant wait!

It is exciting having a bump julie, yours will be here soon! my bump really grew around week 20 but seems to have stopped again now so I guess I had a 'spurt'. im fitting into my friends maternity jeans now, not much else fits me round the bum!

Jo - is it defo Harrison William James then?? xx

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