Hey ladies. I'm only a part of two threads on here, but I'm also trying to keep up with another forum I go on. Sorry about the sporadic posts.
Stella - I hope you feel better, dear!
Amanda - I hope your instincts are right! I hope this is our month!
Mint - I've been MIA too! Life just gets so busy!
AFM...13DPO today, meaning that AF is officially late, with no signs of her. I almost never go past 12DPO in my LP. If anything, it'll be shorter. But I'm still having a truckload of symptoms, which I will update with shortly. Also, my Doc is in Canada on a missions trip, so I wasn't able to get tested. IC's are still being a pain.
But I still have hope. These are the symptoms I am currently experiencing:
Crazy gas
Dull cramps
Pimply type things on inner thighs, tummy, and behind
Crazy acne
Loss of balance/vertigo-like
Tons of Creamy CM
Hard, itchy, tender breasts
Seemingly darkening nipples
Hypersensitive gag reflex
Decreased appetite(except at night...always hungry!)
Anyway, just wanted to update!