Firstly - what on earth is it with these ghosts!? Are you both serious??? *scared face*
FG -
One of DH's colleagues has cerebal palsy. Tbh, I'd just thought he'd got a slight limp, and you never really notice. He's sharp as a knife and has never faced any kind of issue getting on in life...and certainly sounds as though Abby is as bright as the proverbial button. Here's hoping it's just mild, and she grows into walking. One things for certain, though, she's certainly not going to be held back! I love her chat!!
HC - HAPPY BIRTHDAY RONAN!! Did he have a lovely day?? Did you?? It's quite an emotional one, isn't it? That time has flown SO quickly?
Polaris - I think we're nearing the end of BFing, too - we're kinda on one and a half at the moment! I'd really like to hit the 18 month milestone, and I think we will...but Lizzie is less and less interested in the actual feeding, more the comfort. She's just started to take cows milk...but it has to be from her doidy cup with a straw (straw being the most wonderful thing in the world, EVER, at the moment!) She still sits with one hand on boob for comfort, too - but has been hugely amused at how things have expanded with pregnancy - and loves to slap and laugh at the wobble
PM - :waves: I know, I can't believe I started this when Lizzie was five months. We've got toddlers did that all happen SO fast?!
HG - LOVE the new avatar. This age is just fabulous, isn't it? Lizzie has me in hysterics so much of the time. We went to play on the swings this week, and she spent a large amount of time pursuing this little boy trying to hug and kiss him. I had to remove her from his personal space, as he started crying!! She's chatting lots too at the mo - my favourite (which she's just started, practically overnight!) 'silly cat' (actually sounds like slee tat) She's clearly got that from me. Definite warning for me to ALWAYS watch what is said around her. I stubbed my toe the other day, but managed to avoid any expletives and just hopped around saying 'sugar lumps'.
Sorry to hear about work
Are things just fighting your morals? I really hope all goes well on the trip - and just think how happy La Fib will be to see you when you return.
Well, reports from the TG household...apart from the obvious! Many thanks for your congratulations
We're SO excited! Can't believe Lizzie will have a little bro or sis. Keep telling her she's going to be a role model
We're going to keep the sex as a surprise, although we both seem to think littlie is a girlie. Don't know why! That said, we thought Lizzie was a boy - so this one will probably be a boy, seeing as my 'gut instinct' seems to be totally off!
I've been feeling ATROCIOUS! Symptoms 100% worse second time round - exhausted and nausea. Awful nausea. And some sick. I've literally stumbled through the last few months. I've kept going and made things fun for Lizzie, as I don't want her to think 'why is Mummy suddenly so dull', by the time DH has got in from work...I've literally just dropped on the sofa and fallens asleep. One of the reasons I've been largely absent from here.
Anyway, we are so excited - and feel so very blessed with the ole ovaries etc.
Getting ready for the premature ageing process now ;-) Also, got to tell work...tell everyone who doesn't know yet. Not much hiding it this time round - bump popped MUCH earlier. I've hardly put on any weight, but I've got a big round bump!!
Poppy7 is due just before me, so very exciting to be going through everything with a fellow SS-ee.
Got a 'night out', anticipating keeping going until about 9pm...and then falling asleep in a heap.
Hope all are well. What an utterly MISERABLE Saturday!
Oh, and I have a worry question - can anyone reassure me if I'm being silly? I was craving a burger (!) so I got one from McDonalds (yes, really...) Now I'm worried that the onions may have been left around and got something nasty. I know you shouldn't eat salads etc. Do warmed onions count on a burger? DH thinks I'm being crazy...and I think I am over anxious...but I *am* a bit concerned?
to all xx