Sleep Sense Support Group!

just realised my above post doesn't make much sense...not sure why I'm tired!! Think it's catching up on the backlog ;-)

:rofl: It made perfect sense to me so I must be in a similar state of mind! Enjoy your takeaway night!
Hi everyone.

Wow I am seriously addicted to B&B - kept checking all day to see if it was back on line yet, LOL!

We had another good night - just one feed at about 1 a.m. and then back to sleep until 6.30.

And we had a nap success!! First nap was terrible - only 30 minutes. But second nap was amazing - he didn't cry going down for it and slept for two and a quarter hours! I am racking my brains to try and figure out what I did differently! He had been awake for a bit longer than usual - about two and a half hours - so I don't know if that might have made a difference. I also had him out in the garden with me while I cut the grass - so maybe the fresh air helped?

I think maybe I need to start trying to keep him up for at least two hours before putting him down for a nap - but with a longer wind down/quiet time before he goes down so that he's relaxed going into the cot instead of screaming. I was over the moon when he slept for over two hours - it's ridiculous how happy it made me!!

How is everyone else doing? It's a gorgeous spring today here and feels really warm in the sun! Really lifts the spirits.
Hello! May I join you??

After 5 months of sleepless nights and a very cranky baby I saw you guys talking about sleepsense and how well you were all doing so I bought it today.

I'm getting a bit desperate as Chloe has regressed and is now refusing to go to sleep at night (it's taking hours!!), waking loads and I can't get her back off to sleep. She has had less than 2 hours sleep sinse 3am :-( Last night was awfull and I couldn't believe I had no BnB to help me!
I'm just so worried cos she is so tired all the time. Her eyes are red and shenis sad. When she has had some sleep she is such a happy girl, always smiling :) I just wish she would be like that all the time!

So, I'm at my mums tonight. I just couldn't face a night alone, I'm just so tired of one or two hours sleep every night. But I'm going to get started on Sleepsense tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

I just wondered because I don't have Internet at home right now but if I log in to look at the program will it have to be saved to that computor (my mums) or can I log in at see the program when I get Internet in my house at the end of the week?
Sorry if that doesn't make sense!! I'm sooooo tired!!
Bassicly I want to have a read tonight when I'm at my mums so I can get started tommorrow. But when I get my Internet at home this week I will be able to read it from my computor. At the moment I have to use my iPhone at home but I can't get attatchments so can't view the info.

Hope it's all going well for you ladies and I look forward to sharing our journey with you over the coming weeks :)
Hi All,

I'm trying to quote more than one person but can't do it! MWAHHH! Need to open a new browser window next time so I can see what everybody else has been up to rather than what is just on the page I am replying to (if that makes sense!)

Hope the takeaway was fine TG!! I could do with one tonight instead of pasta (again!)

Good work on the sleep front Polaris! We also had nap success this weekend. OH was around which REALLY helped as he basically did them all :) but we had 3 naps in the cot on Saturday (2 x 30 mins and 1 x 50 mins) so had a couple of emergency pram naps and 3 naps in the cot today (2 x 30 mins and 1 x 1hr 20 mins!!!!). Last night we were late getting home from a friends so still gave him a bath (rather than just put him to bed like we were deliberating) and he slept from 8.30pm to 3am (!!) then a feed and back to sleep till he woke for the day at 6.30am. It's very hard to re-settle him in the early morning as he just wants to get up and play!!

I deffo think the fresh air will have helped Thomas. I sat on the front step of the house today with Kyle on my knee watching OH build his toy box whilst I read my book. It was gloriously sunny and really felt spring like. I hope this is it now and the snow doesn't come back!!

Have to spend most of tomorrow in town so Kyle won't get a nap in his cot (and i'm too scared to risk it for the last nap of the day from 5pm - 6pm!) then his jabs on Tuesday so might all go wonky for a while. He has also been on a bit of a feeding frenzy and spending 40 mins + on each feed!!! I'm starving :) :) :)

Welcome Cat! The first two days are the worse at night then it is ok! Best to start when you and LO arn't completely knackered I think or it is too hard not to give in!

Well we have def cracked bedtimes - left her to it for the first time tonight and she did it fine! Out like a light - probably because her naps were crap. I am meeting the childminder tomorrow who is having her when I go back to work in 4 weeks (big sob) so I will see how she puts them down and might try to train LO that way.

Medicine worked for one day but no poo today! maybe it flushed her out so much yesterday lol!

Trip was great thanks TG - 88 excited 13 year olds are definately easier than one 5 month old who needs to nap! Got loads of belgain choccie and have eaten most of it already.

Everyone seems to be having nap trouble - I'm begining to think my LO is a 4 short nap girl rather than a 2 or 3 big nap girl. She did this yesterday and today and has been so happy up to bedtime. I don't think she has read the books which suggest longer naps are better!

Hope all are well!
Hello All!

Polaris, I checked this morning and was a bit 'errr, can't get my Sleepsense update on!' lol. Brilliant news on Thomas having such a good nap, serious step in the right direction!

PM, takeaway was lovely at the time...but so loaded with salt, I felt like a dehydrated sponge today. Not good! Loving having spring in the air...we went for a reallllly long walk today, and it felt so nice not have big ole coat on.

HG, mmm. Belgian chocolate....MMMMM. Hope all goes well with the childminder tomorrow - am sure we'll get there with naps. I presumed (from your trip) that you're a you'll get lovely long hols with DD.

Cat - welcome! As HG says, first two nights are definitely the hardest, and then the success is amazing. Sounds like you are both ready for a good nights sleep :hugs: Any questions, there are plenty of us to help where we can. Regarding saving the attachment - you could save to your Mums pc and to a USB stick? Then save to yours later in the week?

WELL, we had a fab night last night...but no decent naps today. We've had visitors (again - think I may have to cancel some visits) and so cot wasn't happening. We had a lovely long walk, but DD refused to nap in her pram, too. lol. Quiet week, I think, so back to trying in earnest tomorrow. Bit annoying, because made all visitors clear about the naps...then they bound over to her cot and start making silly sounds etc :doh: DH and I said we'll do that to them when they need to sleep, and see how they feel!

About to embark on cup of tea and banana cake. Although HG has made me want chocolate ;-)
Good morning all!

Welcome CatStorey. As the others have said, let us know if you have any questions starting out - it is hard to make changes at first but it will be so worth it for you and your LO!

My big news is that Thomas slept through last night!! Went to bed at 6.30 and didn't have to go near him until 6 a.m. this morning - when he was up for the day - but I didn't mind the early morning seeing as I'd had such a good night's sleep! He did wake up at about 10.30 but put himself back to sleep in less than two minutes!

Also he has definitely been going through a growth spurt as I thought - all of a sudden he has grown out of all of his (many) 0-3 clothes and grown into his (few) 3-6 clothes! It's amazing how much bigger he's got all of a sudden! I think a shopping trip will be in order soon!

TennisGal - how annoying about the visitors! As you say, how would they like it if they had someone poking at them when they were trying to sleep? Good news that you had another good night though.

PieMistress - Yay for the nap successes! It is ridiculous how happy it makes me when Thomas gets a decent nap - I'm sure you are the same, LOL! Kyle is sleeping so well at nights now as well!

Lyre - hope LO's reflux is a little bit better.

Jacs - how's everything going with you?
Gooooooooooo Thomas!!! Excellent news! Funny, isn't it, how suddenly their clothes just don't fit them? Really does seem to happen overnight!

We had a great night, too, DD slept from 8-ish until 6-ish, had a feed, and then wanted another 1.5hrs sleep (only because she was really tired from lack of nap yesterday!) We are really refreshed now, so long walk ahead!

Then...fingers crossed...a nap!

How's everyone else?
Thanks everyone :)

I am deffinately going to get started tonight. Last night was torture :-( Chloe went to bed at 7pm then woke every hour until 1am. I fed her then she wouldn't go back to sleep. I tried for 3 hours and eventually put her in her pram. She woke every 20 mins then from 4am until 6.45am when I gave in and we got up.

Its like she has forgotten how to sleep. She needs me to help her with white noise, feeding ect but sometimes that doesn't even work.

She is so so tired this morning. Just managed to get her off to sleep in her bouncy chair so fingers crossed she will get a good rest now.

Well, going to start reading now and will keep you posted.

And well done Thomas, thats awesome :) You have given me hope!!
My big news is that Thomas slept through last night!! Went to bed at 6.30 and didn't have to go near him until 6 a.m. this morning - when he was up for the day - but I didn't mind the early morning seeing as I'd had such a good night's sleep! He did wake up at about 10.30 but put himself back to sleep in less than two minutes!

PieMistress - Yay for the nap successes! It is ridiculous how happy it makes me when Thomas gets a decent nap - I'm sure you are the same, LOL! Kyle is sleeping so well at nights now as well!

CONGRATS on the nights sleep Polaris!! WHOOP WHOOP!!! So pleased for you!!

Kyle on the other hand is still keeping us on our feet during the nighttimes. Last night he woke up at 11:30pm, whined a bit then self settled until a feed at 1am, he then howled and didn't settle till gone 2am and then woke up at 5am for another feed!! MWAHHH, he didn't settle after that feed either - SOB - and OH is off work sick so double trouble today!! :-( :-( :-(

Welcome Cat!! This is a fantastic group, so supportive. I really couldn't go through any kind of sleep training without it - it really helps knowing you aren't alone! xxx
Quick question guys, I am reading conflicting advice as to how much napping time a 3 month old baby should have/need. At the moment we are following E.A.S.Y. and putting Kyle down about 1.5hrs after waking (he is on a 3hr 'routine') so this would mean about 4.5hrs of nap time a day (in theory) plus a 30 minute nap about 5pm so he is calm for his bath?

Hi ladies

thanks for your messages - i'll defo start again next week

dd has got an awful cold at the moment and she's teething badly, so she is really unsettled - especially at night

we have the odd good nap - around 2 hours - i am still using sleep to wake but its hit and miss

just got back from the gp and she was falling asleep in the car - tried to keep her awake but i think she slept for a few mins - tried to put her to sleep but she wouldn't have it - so annoying

Polaris - that's brilliant news - well done Thomas - sleeping through yippeeee - thats given me hope

hope everyone is keeping well

Quick question guys, I am reading conflicting advice as to how much napping time a 3 month old baby should have/need. At the moment we are following E.A.S.Y. and putting Kyle down about 1.5hrs after waking (he is on a 3hr 'routine') so this would mean about 4.5hrs of nap time a day (in theory) plus a 30 minute nap about 5pm so he is calm for his bath?


That sounds about right to me, Thomas definitely always needed four naps a day at that age - he moved to three naps shortly after he turned four months but he moved his bedtime earlier to compensate. The odd time he still has four naps though if they are short naps or if he was up particularly early.

Sorry you didn't have a good night last night - but at least you know he can do it so eventually he will be sleeping well every night.
TennisGal - WHOOP WHOOP - your LO sleeping through the night too!!! There must be something in the air! I bet you are feeling so refreshed today!

CatStorey - good luck getting started tonight. It might be easier to just concentrate on bedtime to start with - if you are both exhausted it might be too stressful to try to do naps as well. At least then once you know she can settle at night time it will be easier to work on daytime sleep. That's not in the programme but that would be my advice. :hugs:

Flowers - nice to see you popping in. Two hour naps sound great - hope she gets over her cold soon though. Thomas is starting to teeth as well, he is really chewing and biting on everything, he looks like a little dog sometimes really gnawing madly on stuff. Luckily it's not affecting his night time sleep yet but I think it is definitely making it harder for him to settle for naps.
Yep, I'd agree PM, sounds like similar amount of naptime as DD had when she was around Kyle's age. She now has a long nap (2hrs) in the morning...and two 1hr naps in the afternoon. Hope all is going well!

Cat - let us know how it goes! I (again!) echo what Polaris says, I found getting night-time sleep sorted goal number one, and then made it easier to work with naps

Polaris - I know!!! I feel really refreshed - when DD had another little sleep after the early morning feed, I actually ended up waking her (well, she was stirring) Was quite funny, she smiled at me...then realised she was in the cot, it was light and her face just changed into pure cross :)

How have the naps been today? We've had no joy with the cot - well, 40 mins, but she's not really wanted to nap very much today at all...she's been wanting to bounce and play. Great for me, as I really enjoy this, but hope it doesn't disrupt her bedtime routine.

Have you tried the teething powders, ladies? We use Nelsons - all natural - and DD loves them.
Yeah, i def will start with getting nights sorted before i even think about daytime naps. That might be just too much to handle all at once!!

Chloe has been hard work today. Getting herself in such a state poor thing. I took her out for a couple of hours so she has had a sleep in the pram. I just wanted to make sure she was a little rested before we get started. And she is lying here on thenfloor smiling which is lovely :)

i have set up the comfy chair next to Chloes cot along with the iphone and a drink so i am all ready to go.

Fingers crossed x
Oh and just wanted to say how happy i am to have you ladies support through this, I know it will be tough. So thankyou x

Sorry i cant really answer any if your posts at the moment . Cos there all about naps, i am at a loss with naps myself so no help from me!
Yep, I'd agree PM, sounds like similar amount of naptime as DD had when she was around Kyle's age. She now has a long nap (2hrs) in the morning...and two 1hr naps in the afternoon. Hope all is going well!

Cat - let us know how it goes! I (again!) echo what Polaris says, I found getting night-time sleep sorted goal number one, and then made it easier to work with naps

Polaris - I know!!! I feel really refreshed - when DD had another little sleep after the early morning feed, I actually ended up waking her (well, she was stirring) Was quite funny, she smiled at me...then realised she was in the cot, it was light and her face just changed into pure cross :)

How have the naps been today? We've had no joy with the cot - well, 40 mins, but she's not really wanted to nap very much today at all...she's been wanting to bounce and play. Great for me, as I really enjoy this, but hope it doesn't disrupt her bedtime routine.

Have you tried the teething powders, ladies? We use Nelsons - all natural - and DD loves them.

Didn't really do any work on naps today because we were out and about a lot - managed 35 minutes this morning in the cot, the rest were all in the pram. He's asleep in the pram at the moment, I'm debating whether to wake him as I don't want it to interfere with his bedtime. Think I will wake him at 5.30 if he doesn't wake up before then and he should hopefully still be OK to go to bed by 6.45/7.

Thanks for the recommendation for the teething powders - I was thinking that I must give them a go as I am a bit funny about giving 'medication' so it would be great to have something natural that worked.
Yes - I wasn't hugely keen on some of the medicated things, either. DD loves, loves the sachets. I think it's pure chamomila, so takes the edge off pain...soothes...calms. We've definitely noticed a difference. Hilarious, as you can see her face light up when she sees the white sachet!

Flowers, forgot to say HI! Hope your LO is better v.v. soon. Colds are horrid :hugs:

Cat - good luck! Let us know how you get on.
Yes - I wasn't hugely keen on some of the medicated things, either. DD loves, loves the sachets. I think it's pure chamomila, so takes the edge off pain...soothes...calms. We've definitely noticed a difference. Hilarious, as you can see her face light up when she sees the white sachet!

Ooh thanks, that's definitely worth a go then - if nothing else it sounds like a great distraction from the pain! Do you just get them in the pharmacy?

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