Sleep Sense Support Group!

Stay in touch, Flowers - don't lurk, let us know how things are going! :hugs: Big hug and hope all goes well with the sleeping for Mini Flowers!

Jacs - hope you have a better sleep tonight! Funnily enough, it took me ages to settle too...!!

DD had a good sleep at nap joy today!! We got 30 mins in the cot, then I had to go she napped in her pram, despite me singing top volume to try and keep her entertained. She just looked at me as if to say 'you're being really silly', and had her nap! She's now having a good jump :D

How's everyone else going?
just popping in to say hello, hope you are all doing ok and getting some sleep. sorry havent had a chance to catch up on all the posts. any kind of routine or sleep has gone out of the window this week as max has got a reflux flare up and is quite unwell. they've increased his medication but no joy so far. been waking up hungry every hour in the night and then bringing all back up :cry: Anyways, hopefully will improve soon. Have a good weekend x
Oh, Lyre - I do hope he feels better. Let us know how he gets on :hugs:

ps-is that your cat in your avatar? He/she is a fine fellow - much braver in the snow than ours, who were utterly horrified and dismayed with frozen paws. They wreaked utter havoc inside for what felt like an eternity!
Aw poor Max - I hope he is better soon. It must be very stressful for you when it goes bad like that. :hugs:

Thomas had most of his naps in the pram today - he had his vaccinations this morning and was really in very bad form all afternoon, crying and crying which is not like him at all - we did manage one nap in the cot but it took him ages to settle and then he only slept for 30 minutes - so I didn't even try to put him down in the cot for the next nap, I just brought him out for a long walk and he slept for two and a half hours. I felt so bad for him seeing him so upset when he is normally such a happy little boy these days.

Anyway he has gone to bed now with no problems - wonder how tonight will go? I think he's definitely in a bit of a growth spurt too - we could have an unsettled night.

Hope everyone has a good night's sleep tonight!
Sending bozies to all the babies (a north-east scotland term for cuddles!)

Hope Thomas feels better tomorrow after his jabs Polaris, Kyle has his 12 week ones next Tuesday. OH is coming with me, phew. After the last lot he didn't sleep ALL day and then was very clingy and cried lots the day after, fingers crossed it isn't like that again this time.

Well, Kyle had a personal best last night despite me being a BAD MUMMY and putting him down asleep (cause he was out for the count) and slept until 02:30AM !!!! His last feed was 7pm and he was asleep for 7.30pm so that's 7 hours!!! He then fed till 3am and had a nappy change then self settled really well and woke up at 7am. I had woken up at 2am in a panic and with leaky boobs !! It might be a total one off but he has shown us what he can do so he now has to prove he can do it again!!!! I will take a 2.30am feed!!!

Nap wise, well .... he managed 30 mins in his cot this morning but what makes it really difficult is (crying aside) his mono reflex. He will cry and cry then will settle with my key phrases and touch then be almost asleep when his reflex goes and wakes him up and he starts crying again, this went on 3 times!!! When he woke after 30 mins there was absolutely no settling him so I picked him up and he gave me big cuddles. I hate seeing him with tears in his eyes :( :( :(

The rest of the days naps were in the pram and car but they were quite disturbed poor mite.

Oh well, I doubt we will have another night of good fortune!! OH has got a bottle of expressed milk just in case he wakes early so I can go on the sofa and get some zzzzzzs !!

Aiming to try and least 2+ naps in the cot tomorrow, ha - lets see how long that lasts! MUST TRY!!!

Tonight, we decided to put him in his sleeping bag after he has finished feeding to wake him up a bit otherwise he gets far too cosy. He was most definitely awake when we put him down and when I left him he was sucking away on his thumb then fell asleep. Fingers crossed!

Decided to cook a curry tonight, can't wait! Would love a beer to go with it but haven't really started drinking yet since I found out I was pregnant with Kyle which has been nearly a year! Am not sure of the ins and outs of drinking whilst breastfeeding (guess that's another thread!)

Hugs to all xx
:hugs: Polaris, the vaccinations are awful...just heartbreaking to see our LOs distressed. I was wobbling at DD's last lot, she looked at me as if to say 'WHY are you letting this happen?'...horrible.

Hope he has a good night.

DD catching some z's - bit later tonight, as she wanted a long bath and feed! Pretty scary moment to discover the bath plug was filled with my hair...AGAIN!
PM - good for Kyle! Glad to hear you had a good night!! I am the same with naps...we'll get there :hugs:

ooooh, curry! enjoy!

I haven't drunk while BFing...not sure what the story is? Anyone else know?
Nap length does increase with time. Honest! The best thing to do is just stick at it!

PM, I notice you're in Aberdeen (the word "Bozie" jumped out at me :hugs:) There is a meet organised for the 5th April if you are interested.
Morning ladies,
My little one is 13 weeks old and we have been doing SS for a couple of weeks now.
We are also having trouble with naps but I think that they are getting better. First week I was getting 20-30mins max but over the last couple of days she has been sleeping 50-60mins, which I know isn't perfect but I feel is getting somewhere. I did cheat over the last couple of days and have taken her out in her pram for one of her naps.
PieMistress - Wow - what a brilliant night! Isn't it amazing that he can sleep so well at his age? When Thomas was that age I was only getting one four or five hour stretch and then awake every two hours from 1 a.m. till 5 a.m. and then very unsettled from then on. I think Kyle is doing fantastic - well done for putting in the hard work with him! Hope last night went well too. We also put Thomas in his sleeping bag after his feed by the way - that's one of the changes I made to the bedtime routine after starting sleepsense.

I have had a glass of wine a few times since Thomas started sleeping a longer stretch in the evenings. My understanding is that the alcohol doesn't stay in your milk (i.e. it's no longer in your milk once it's out of your system) so once you are not going to be feeding for a few hours it is fine to have a drink or two. Having said that I normally couldn't be bothered with it because I find even one glass makes me very dehydrated so I'm waking up parched throughout the night (even more so than usual).

Well after me predicting an unsettled night last night, we actually had a great night! He slept from 6.45 right the way through to 4 a.m., had a feed, then back to sleep until 7.30!! Best night in ages! I did hear him waking up at 6 a.m. too but he didn't cry so I just left him to it and he went back to sleep.
Morning all! Good work, Thomas! DD also woke up (at 4!) she made a few hamster sounds, and then went back to sleep, lol. She then had a feed at 5am...and went back to sleep. :)

Not sure I could deal with the dehydration...I had a pizza a few nights ago, and not sure if the main ingredient was salt, but I was up glugging water half the night. DH was the same! We have a few weddings this summer, so I may have the odd glass of wine/champagne. Will have to be careful, not had anything to drink for so glass could be more than enough, lol.

MS, Foogirl - good to hear the nap encouragement :)
Morning all! Good work, Thomas! DD also woke up (at 4!) she made a few hamster sounds, and then went back to sleep, lol. She then had a feed at 5am...and went back to sleep. :)

Not sure I could deal with the dehydration...I had a pizza a few nights ago, and not sure if the main ingredient was salt, but I was up glugging water half the night. DH was the same! We have a few weddings this summer, so I may have the odd glass of wine/champagne. Will have to be careful, not had anything to drink for so glass could be more than enough, lol.

MS, Foogirl - good to hear the nap encouragement :)

LOL at the 4 a.m. hamster sounds! - but sounds like a really good night!! So proud of all our LOs who are turning into such good sleepers!

Yes the dehydration is a killer - I really suffer from thirst during the night anyway since I've been breastfeeding - so I find it's really not worth it to have a drink. You are totally right about the low tolerance by the way - when myself and OH went out for a meal recently we got a bottle of wine between us, I was SO tipsy by the end of the meal even though OH drank more of it that I did!
I must keep chanting <two steps forward, one step back> .... <now repeat!> ....

Kyle woke up about 11:15pm last night and happily sucked his thumb for a while then started to grizzle, then cry. OH tried to settle him - nope, he's hungry! So fed him and he settled really well again afterwards then woke up for his next feed at 5.30am but as hard as OH tried (I was on sofa snoozing) he just wouldn't go back to sleep. He was almost there 3 times but kept bringing himself back to crying.

I don't so much mind getting up at 5.30am really but the downer is that it means ONE MORE NAP to fit into the day! His first morning nap lasted, as predicted, 30 mins so we are now about to start nap 2 (!!)

I'm just waiting for a 12 week feeding frenzy to start?

Happy weekends everybody!! Good Luck with naps today! I am reassured in that SS says that they can take a few weeks so don't mind the baby steps at the moment for a long term gain (hopefully!) :)
Oh no, 5.30 is too early to start the day! And as you say it definitely means that he will need extra napping time. Our first nap was only 30 minutes too - I really thought he was going to manage to get back to sleep but like that he kept bringing himself back so in the end I had to get him up. Second nap was in the pram so nice and long - he's just waking up from it now - must go!
hello ladies! I'm back - OH did amazing with her yesterday and got an hours nap out of her in the morning in the cot and a big sleep on him in the afternoon as he was at his parent's and no cot!

He also took her to drs about arching and constipation. Dr said she was really bunged up and as she does so many wees it isn't going into poo! back to comfort milk and on laculase or something like that - well we got the poo out this morning after many tears but shes been happier since.

Last night was a good one! OH put to bed, then up at 10.30 for bottle, then slept to 5.30 (got another 45 mins on me) then up with daddy to give me a lie in!

Just wish we could kick the early waking! Maybe with an improved tummy she will!

PM - i know what you mean, I could get up but that would make her day so long! I might try tomorrow getting her up and see what happens?she won't be hungry until 7 ish then she'd go to sleep i guess?
Naps seem to be getting worse not better. :(

He is really fighting it today. I put him down for his third nap at quarter to four because he was clearly tired - eye rubbing etc. He screamed for 25 minutes and nothing I did was working to soothe him - I ended up getting him up again and bringing him downstairs. He had a feed but was falling asleep feeding - did my best to keep him awake - and then brought him back upstairs again - as soon as we got upstairs he started screaming again - put him in the cot at twenty past four, he screamed for ten minutes, the only thing that would comfort him was more boob - put him back in the cot because he was clearly exhausted but he still couldn't sleep although he was just moaning rather than screaming now.

I've just got him up because we'd been trying for an hour and a quarter. I know I shouldn't be feeding him during his nap time but he was really inconsolable.

What is wrong? Could it be that he's still unsettled from his jabs yesterday? He was fine this morning though. He doesn't have a temperature, I checked. He's all smiles now that I've got him up.

I'm going to have one overtired baby by bedtime. :(
Polaris - DD wanted to be with us 24/7 for a couple of days after her jabs...she just wanted to see, hear and be on one of us all the time. Could well be the same thing? I wouldn't worry about lack of nap success today, and chalk it up to post jab unsettled feelings. Hope the night goes well, and sending you a big :hug:

HG - Fab news! She'll probably feel sooooooooooo much better post poo. How was your trip?

PM - 12 week growth spurt wasn't a huge one for us...definitely more time feeding, but not massively disruptive to her routine (not that there really was one then!) so hopefully will be ok for you.

Well, DD had hardly anything in the way of naps at all today! None in the cot, and a little on me or DH. We had some friends over, and she was doing lion impressions at them all day...! Friends had come up from London for the day, but just don't get the 'please don't blow raspberries right in her face / kiss her on the side of her mouth' thing...I really worry about the germs. Someone calm me down! They have two children, but are v. relaxed!
Thanks TennisGal - it gets me upset when I see him so tired but he won't sleep. Probably he is just still feeling a bit rotten after his jabs. I know when I had the swine flu jab I felt pretty rough for three or four days. Maybe I should have given him Calpol again but I am really wary of it as I have read that excessive use of it can be linked with asthma and OH has asthma and I have eczema and hayfever so I'm a bit paranoid.

Anyway he has had an early night - in bed at 6.30 and settled down easily enough after about five minutes of whinging. Not expecting a good night tonight due to lack of naps today but maybe he'll surprise me like last night.

I'm here on my own this evening as OH is in work overnight so I think I'm going to order a pizza and watch a movie. And maybe a nice bath later.

TennisGal - your LO sounds like such a little character! I love hearing about all her little noises and animal impressions! I know it's worrying when people don't think about spreading their germs - they are not the ones who will be left dealing with a cranky baby if she does catch something. It should be fine though as long as they don't have a cold or anything - some degree of exposure to germs is good for our LOs because it does work to strengthen their immune system without actually making them ill.
I'd already done the whole 'are you ill?' thing to them on the phone...I think people think I'm crazy! Thank you, you've made me feel lots better :hugs:

I hope you have a good night tonight...I'm the same, it's horrid seeing them so tired. Bless him, the jabs just look so horrible. I just wish we could have them on their behalf!

Pizza and film sounds good...we're having a Chinese takeaway and debating which film to watch.

I think it's because DD has just discovered she can make various sounds, and is letting everyone within a 50 mile radius know! lol!
just realised my above post doesn't make much sense...not sure why I'm tired!! Think it's catching up on the backlog ;-)

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