Sleep Sense Support Group!

Thanks TG and Mrs0206 :hugs:

Congrats Mrs0206 on a full nights sleep :)

TG - Enjoy your Tea and cakes!!

How long do you think it took your lo's to get better at night?? I'm on night 5 of the program tonight. Do you think I'm getting a bit ahead of myself expecting to see some changes by now??

Just now Chloe is so tired in the day and is so grumpy, she won't sleep. Going to get dressed and walk the streets with the pram so she will get some rest.
Feeling a bit down today too. Really feel like I've had enough :cry:
:hugs: Cat, it's so hard - but it does and WILL get better. Just think, the hardest bit is done.

I'd say by the week to ten day stage you'll start noticing some real differences - but it could take a little longer, little shorter...the great news is that Chloe has started self-settling so quickly. I bet you'll notice some big differences very soon.
Hi Cutie,

I think SS is much better than CIO, I didn't have sleepsense when we started to settle Abigail in the evenings but I kind of did my own version of it which turned out to be fairly similar. It means you don't have to leave them alone and you can build up their skills in stages.

We had a terrible night last night :( Since being in hospital Abigail's routine seems to have gone to the wall. UNtil recently she never woke before 1am and then again at about 4am, she had even done a couple of nights with just one wake up, but last night she woke at 9pm and would not settle until I fed her, she was then up at 1 and 3am and then again 5.40. I guess I could have left her longer at 5.40 but I was just so depserate for more sleep so I gave in and just fed her. I have been feeling really ill for the past day, seem to have a mild flu or something, I wouldn't be surprised if I didn;t pick it up at the hospital, and I am worried I'll give it to Abigail as well as being shattered myself.

Naps seem to be going a little better though, I went up and checked on her a minute ago and she was not asleep, just lying there quietly in her cot sucking her fist! I think maybe the cot is a lot more comfortable than the moses basket was so she is happier to just lie there and chill out during the day. Still can't get her to do more than an hour max though.
Good morning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have some good news to report................for the first time ever Chloe slept through :wohoo:

She went to bed at 6.30pm, settled herself down to sleep, no crying, no dummy, no white noise, no lullabies, no shushing!! All by herself!
I heard her wake a few times but went back to sleep on her own :)
Then I woke up....looked at the clock....and it was 4.30am!!! I couldn't believe it :happydance: Then I went back to sleep and she woke up at 6am for the day!

I know it could be just a one off so I don't want to be too excited but I am just so proud of her.
I honestly feel like a new women again! Yesterday I was just so low, I could barely keep my eyes open all day. Chloe must have realised I really needed a sleep last night!

Anyway, hope you are all good and having a lovely weekend :hugs:
CAT! That's fabulous news! Well done, Chloe! I bet you feel so much more human? So pleased :hugs:

Have a wonderful weekend!

I've got to start prep as we've got family over this weekend - DD slept really well last night, woke for a night feed, settled straight back down. Naps won't be happening brilliantly - but I'll try. V.hard when visitors are here :D
Wow well done Cat and Chloe :) :)

Abigail has taken to waking every 2 hours through the night :( Last night it was 9.30, 11.30, 2am,4.30 then 6.40 for the morning. I'm shattered! I think it is wind that is waking her up and I think maybe I need to leave her a bit longer, but the thing is when she first wakes she seems OK then gradulaly she gets more and more worked up. OH isgoing away for the week so he needs some sleep tonight but when I am on my own next week I'm going to try to leave her at least ten mins before picking her up, after all I can't get much less sleep!
Woohoo - Cat and Chloe!! That is fantastic! It just shows you how important it is to stick with it even when you're wondering when is it ever going to work! Bet you feel so different today than yesterday!

Cattia - :hugs::hugs: That is so hard dealing with all of those night wakings. That is similar to what Thomas was doing before I started the programme so I know how exhausting it is. How does she eventually settle back to sleep when she wakes? I was feeding Thomas every time he woke up and then that was giving him more wind and then that was waking him up two hours later and I was feeding him again, and so on. It was a nightmare. I think you are right about leaving her a bit longer though - I found that that really quickly reduced our night wakings once Thomas figured out that he didn't need my help to get back to sleep. The first time it took him nine and a half minutes to get back to sleep - he was still sleeping in my room at the time so I was lying in bed looking at him desperately trying to force myself not to pick him up - I couldn't believe it when he went back to sleep - but then I thought I would never be able to repeat that every two hours through the night but I didn't have to - he just stopped waking up as often or would settle himself within a couple of minutes if he did wake up. It's so hard though - especially if you are worried about wind.

Well I have my first overnight away from Thomas tonight - I have to admit that I took him out in the pram to make sure that he had a decent nap as I want the day and night to run smoothly for OH. I do feel a bit nervous about leaving him but I'm looking forward to the little mini-break too!
Everyone has gone for a walk, DD is napping - in her cot - and I'm having a quick cuppa. I think DD was quite chuffed to have a bit of p and q, lol.

Cattia :hugs::hugs: it's sooooooo hard, I know. Agree that leaving Abigail a little longer may well help, but like you - am a wind worrier. Is there anyone who can come over during the day and let you get a bit of sleep?

P - are you all ready? Are you going somewhere fun? Have a lovely evening - and sure your OH and Thomas will be fine :hugs:
Hi ladies,
I've missed this group - caught some bug thing, so was a bit zonked for a few days (thank you TG for welcoming me back!).
Evan did a lot of sleeping in bouncy chair as I was going for the easy option, but we're back on track.

Had a good day today, the little guy just gets on with it. Still no eye-rubbing, but it's kind of been replaced by ear-pulling (!?) so at least I have a clue now!

I'm still reading through the pages I've missed, but I will catch up on everyone. Hope you're all good, and 'hi' to those I haven't chatted to yet!!:thumbup:
First things first - Brilliant news Cat!!!! So fab - jealous as though!

Well been absent for a few does with a poorly LO - whose better today!!! Two nights ago I think me and LO got about 2 hours! Hot, really bad farts and i think she had a headache. So next day was also rubbish. As was our dr - I know more about medicine than he does. LO has problem with poo and stomach and he advised solids but didn't even know what comfort milk was. silly man. She has only eaten about a third of her normal milk amount each day since thursday. so not sure what she is up too!

Anywho - abandoned self settling yesterday and for naps today - as she just needed sleep. But afternoon nap today I got her off but then she did 3 hours on her own on her beanbag! So not quite sleepsense but better than yesterday.

However tonight - went to bed late (not good with time change) as we went round the woods in her new back carrier with the dog and she slept on the way home :doh: - she was refusing milk and cuddles so put her down and left! 5 mins late cries - I walk in, didn't touch her and she went straight off. Just checking I was there! so good self settling tonight!

Still catching up on posts!

Polaris - hope he is good for his daddy! Try not to worry to much

Jacs - hope you are feeling better and nice to see you again!

Welcome newbies!!!
Hi, how's everyone's day been?
We did well, some nice naps, and gone down now for an early night - he's too sleepy for a bath, so straight to bed!

Polaris - how did your night away go?
TG - hope you had fun with the family. How did it affect LO?
HG - was today any better for naps?
Cattia - how was last night? Hope LO slept for longer:wacko:
Cat - did you have another fab night?!

Sorry if I've forgotten anyone - I'm still trying to catch up with you all!
Naps have been ok today although we were mean and kept her up this arvo at Nanny and Grandads to cope with the time change!

Here is a issue though - we now leave the room when we put her down straight away but 5 min later she cries, I go in, she sees I come back and then off to sleep. If I don't go back - full scale hysterics.

Is this a prob?
Naps have been ok today although we were mean and kept her up this arvo at Nanny and Grandads to cope with the time change!

Here is a issue though - we now leave the room when we put her down straight away but 5 min later she cries, I go in, she sees I come back and then off to sleep. If I don't go back - full scale hysterics.

Is this a prob?

Hmmm, sounds like it could be a potential issue. Maybe try staying in the room for a wee bit to see if she gets over it.
Hi everyone.
Well the night away was lovely, I really enjoyed the break.

However I feel like it has really put LO out of his routine a bit. Everything went very smoothly for the first half of the evening - he settled perfectly at bedtime - but then he woke at 12 p.m. which is much earlier than he usually wakes, OH fed him and he settled back to sleep but then woke again at about 4, OH fed him again but he wouldn't settle back to sleep for an hour and a half which never happens, eventually he fed him again and he went back to sleep straight away. I think he was still hungry because we didn't really know how much milk to give him. During the day he generally drinks about 4 ounces so OH was offering 5 ounces and he drained it, but when I pumped last night I was easily able to pump 7 ounces and this morning I pumped 10. So I reckon that must have been why he wouldn't settle.

Then all day today he just wanted to be on the boob constantly, I found it really hard to get him to nap, he just wanted to feed and fall asleep on the boob. He went to bed with no problems at 7 but then woke up at 9.30 - which never happens - apparently desperate for a feed and drained both boobs. He's gone back to sleep now. I guess this must be just a knock-on effect of last night and he is just trying to boost my supply because he didn't get enough to eat last night so he thinks he needs to stimulate my boobs to produce more. Hopefully it will be back to normal tomorrow, I feel like we've really taken a few steps backwards, he just seems to want to feed himself to sleep and he screams as soon as I try to take him off the boob. :(
Morning laydeeeeeeez!

Jacs - great to see you, and glad you're feeling better :hugs:
HG - maybe she just needs to double check you are there and will come back? Is it continuing if you stay in the room longer?
P - glad you had a fab night - maybe he just wants you around? When I went out for the day (six hours), I returned home to a fuming DD who did not want her EBM (DH said she took it unwillingly - hunger overtook) and just wanted to feed for hours. I think she wanted me around, so no one could take away her preferred way of feeding! V.cute. She was back to normal the day after.

WELL, we had a lovely weekend. DD was spoiled! :D She behaved beautifully, as she was passed round, cuddled and waltzed around for HOURS. We had a very full house, and whereas she was unsure of the noise levels for about five mins, she was then showing off beautifully ;)

She had one long nap in her cot - over an hour, but tbh, the rest just didn't happen full stop. SO, today we're back on the naps. She dealt with the clocks changing very well, we'll see if that continues :)

Her first trip out of her pram and into her buggy - she was delighted to be able to see more.

DH off work today, as DD gets her first tastes of foooood. V.excited! Also means I may sneak in a nap after a tiring, but very fun, weekend.
Hi All,

Haven't posted for a few days now! Can't remember when it was probably only Thursday or Friday but feels like longer than that!

Welcome and :hi: to the newbies!

TG - First taste of foods! How exciting! It will be fab seeing the expression on your LOs face :)

P - I think Thomas probably really missed you being away and is maybe just after extra cuddles from mummy? Or is he 'due' a growth spurt or anything?

Kyle surpassed his personal best by 2 WHOLE HOURS last night! He slept from 8pm to 5.30am which is completely unheard of! :) :) :) He last slept till 3.30am but that was over a week ago! OH takes charge of naps at the weekends though so that might have helped (and OH did brilliantly, much better than me - Kyle had no short naps in his cot, all nice long ones of at least 1hr 20 mins each time and we even had to wake him up from a couple! Am sure I won't have the same joy today though!

HV is coming round this afternoon as I've got so many qustions about Kyle - he's had a cough and cold for ages, the runs for a while, and now a rash all over his chest and back. I've also been obsessing about the flat bit on the back of his head (MUST STAY AWAY FROM GOOGLE!) and his un-even head shape. I know i'm probably being daft but seeing as he's got no hair really I just can't help noticing it's un-even all the time - MWAH! :( :( He won't face the other way to sleep though, no matter how often I try he just moves his head back.

Am away to catch up with the other pages before this one so I can see how everybody else has been doing xx
Hi everyone.

TennisGal - ooh how exciting - first solid foods! You will have to let us know how it goes - what are you giving her as her first taste?

PieMistress - wow that is an amazing long stretch of sleep! And amazing naps too! Sounds like things are definitely moving in the right direction!

HistoryGirls - hope your LO is totally back to herself now.

Jacs - I was wondering how you were getting on, hope you are completely over your bug now - there seems to be a lot of things going round at the moment. :hugs:

Well my update - the rest of the night went fine actually - he woke up at 12.30 but managed to resettle himself until 4.30 - I fed him at 4.30 although I don't know if he really needed it - and then he went back to sleep until ten to eight!! So the clocks going forward seems to have really helped with the early wakings - really hope that continues! He went down for his first nap with no problems at about quarter to ten - but we are supposed to be going out to baby yoga shortly so I don't know whether to wake him for it or leave him to sleep. Decisions decisions! It's a miserable morning here - cold and wet - so I am tempted to just let him sleep on if he wants to. However I guess if we drive up we don't have to leave till about ten to eleven, so he will have had a good hour by that stage. Not sure what to do!
PM - I know how hard it is not to me, I am worrier supreme. :hugs: Google is AWFUL. I try and stay away now, as it just fuels concern! Let us know how Kyle gets on. DD has hair - but has a bald patch where she lies on her mattress, and that's the way she lies...and she won't have it any other way, lol. Well done to Kyle for having such a big sleep :D

P - it's rotten weather here, too :( after such a nice weekend, we got complacent and were planning on first tastes in the garden. Bleurgh, can't it just be spring properly now!? Brilliant sleeping, too!

WELL, DD went crazy for her first tastes!! She'd tried a little bit of baby rice previously - she loved, loved that...and today she had carrot. Real fooooood. We were so excited, but nowhere near as excited as she got!! She grabbed the spoon off us, and started attempting to shovel as much in as possible. Basically ate two 'portions'! We're all covered in orange goop (it's puree). We're mixing traditional weaning with BLW. Starting with purees, and then introducing finger foods next week - we just wanted her to get used to the tastes and textures first. Taken 10000 piccies and videos. We're all so chuffed.

As a consequence of all that excitement, she's now napping in her cot...40 mins...
TG - we've started weaning this week! Trying to do BLW. On sunday at nanny and grandads she snogged roast parsnip, carrot, sude, and beans! Loved it. Baby rice for first time today and she loved it. Wealded the spoon herself - went everywhere but she loved it. Quite pleased as she has given up on milk. hmmm. Hope the 40 mins goes on....

LO did arvo nap all by herself and is still down. nights are restless but until we sort out her stomach issues we are not going ot get good ones.

silly drs. hope the hv knows more tomorrow.

Happy sleeping all.....
forty mins lasted another

sooooooooooo funny watching their faces, isn't it? Mixture of joy and surprise!

DD was displaying all the signs that she wanted something more than BF - hoping we can get the perfect balance!

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