Sleep Sense Support Group!

ps - good news on naps. Read about your doc, what a pain. Can you switch?
I think if the hv isn't helpful tomorrow I might ask to see another dr in the practice. She still isn't well - awful trapped wind and constipation again.

She's had 50% of naps on her own in sleepsense style so progress - but this arvo cheeks went bright red so now on me. doh.
Poor Phoebe - it's just so horrible watching them with trapped wind, everyone just desperate to get it out :(

Hope the HV is helpful - let us know.

Big hug :hugs:
Well champion daddy got 8oz in her at bedtime. Hurrah! Went down sleepsense style but just woke screaming, up I go and out comes an enormous fart. Bless her.

But on the positivie, I stayed but turned my back to her (tiny room no where for me to go) and she put herself back sleepsense style. Very proud.

I hate wind.

Hopefully HVs will be helpful.

How is everyone?
Fab news - both on the feeding, settling and farting!

DD and I just had an interesting feed...she's waiting for those teeth to come through, and decided I made a good teething ring ;) She's asleep now...we had such a fab day with the carrot :)

Having to tell DH to stop talking at the tv so loudly (the Chancellors debate) as she's only just settling, lol
TennisGal and HistoryGirls - how exciting that you are both starting weaning!! Really looking forward to starting with Thomas, I think I'm going to try baby led weaning, can't wait to see how he reacts to food!

We've had a good day for naps although one of them was in the car seat. I am finding that he settles much better for naps if OH puts him down - he just seems to go to sleep with very little protest whereas when I put him down he nearly always cries. Wonder why? I am guilty of allowing him to fall asleep on me while feeding a few times recently and I wonder if he is hoping that I will feed him and so then he gets mad when I just put him in the cot?

He seems to have adjusted well to the clocks going forward - we have pushed bedtime back to 7 p.m. whereas he was previously looking to go to bed at 6.30 and he has been fast asleep by ten past seven for the past two nights. So he is going to bed later but as far as he is concerned he is going to bed earlier!
Aw, bless him - DD has reacted well to the clocks going back too...was wondering if she'd be tired, as it's still so light, but she was rubbing her eyes and telling us to hurry up!

Weaning is so much fun, Polaris, just very entertaining to watch! We're having sweet potato tomorrow...can't wait to see how it is received! :)
Fab news - both on the feeding, settling and farting!

DD and I just had an interesting feed...she's waiting for those teeth to come through, and decided I made a good teething ring ;) She's asleep now...we had such a fab day with the carrot :)

Having to tell DH to stop talking at the tv so loudly (the Chancellors debate) as she's only just settling, lol

Ouch!! Abby's got two teeth now. She does nibble from time to time. But she's also taken to pulling off and grabbing the nipple with her hand!:dohh:
Weaning is great fun but LO will only really chomp down on whatever I've got. i think we are onto peppers tomorrow! Still only doing a couple of things and no set routine but when we are on hols next week with big family dinners it will be so much easier!

The clocks going back was great for us! she had two hours extra in bed last night (one either end). Less said about the middle the better.

At the mo it is all quiet on the fart front......
The clocks going back was great for us! she had two hours extra in bed last night (one either end). Less said about the middle the better.

Yeah it's mad - Thomas had an extra half hour in bed in the evening and then slept for an extra half hour in the morning (I think - I get so confused by the whole thing!)
Morning all x

Sorry not been on for a few days. My sister had a baby boy :baby: He was born at home weighing 8lb 8oz. Soooooo exciting :happydance:


HG - Sorry to hear Pheobe has not been well :hugs: I hope she is starting to get better now and you are getting some rest.

TG - Soooooo exciting you have started weaning. You have made me even more excited than I already was with hearing how well your lo is doing. Think we are going to wait until Chloe 6 month birthday, cant wait! Going to order the highchair this week sometime and I have already bought some rice and baby porridge. OH has got a wizzer thingy so I will purée up some veg too!

Polaris - Hope you enjoyed your night away!

Cattia - I hope you are feeling a bit better now? And are getting some more rest :hugs: I am sure things will all settle back down soon and lo will love the big cot!

Hope I have not missed anyone.......its hard to catch up when there is a few pages!!

Well Chloe is doing so well at night :thumbup: She has cried a bit at bedtime, usually just 3-4 mins. But then sleeps through until around 4/4.30 when she wakes but self settles. But then she still wants to get up at 5.30am, even with the clock change :nope: But I am just going with it as when I am back to work I think we will have to get up at that time anyway so we can both get ready in time. At least I am getting a full nights sleep :)

Still rocking Chloe for naps in pram or bouncy chair. We are going away for the night on Easter Sunday so might start work on them when we get back.
Congrats to your sister, Cat! Awww - she and Chloe are so close in age, they'll be great friends.

Great news on the sleeping :D Not long 'til weaning, its so much fun!

FG - DD seems to go through biting phases, hoping that stops when the teeth arrive! When did Abby get hers?

We had a good night, although DD was up with the lark at about 5:45. Not sure why, she seemed a bit windy - and her poops are a bit different post carrot. She's now in the jumperoo, fighting the lizard rattle.

DH got up with her, and let me sleep - which was much appreciated, as I was tired (for no apparent reason!)

Going to work on naps today - will aim for increasing the one post solids.
well our night was a bit diasterous. Went off well but that is where it ended and all because of farts. massive ones that caused her to sob. Cue OH and I have a row as he was trying to get her to self settle and she got hysterical for 15 mins (not good for avoiding more trapped wind). I can't do sleepsense when she is poorly so I slept in with baby on her floor. grrr. Finally she slept until 2.50, drained milk (hurrah), then massive runny poo. I put her to sleep but then when she woke late she Setteled herself at 4am.

But then down until 7.30 but only 3oz this morning grrrr.

So we are off to the HV and I will refuse to move until I get a sensible answer. I've always wanted to stage a sit-in.

Glad to hear you had a good night TG.
Way to go Chloe and Cat!
Hi everyone.

Congratulations to your sister Cat - how exciting! Does she live far from you? Great news about the night times too - sounds like it's going really well for you!

What is with all of the early morning rising? Thomas was back to getting up at 6.30 again this morning - I know that is not too bad but it is just as well the clocks have gone forward as I wouldn't want to get up at 5.30!

Well he has (already!) gone down for first nap of the day with no crying at all! It's an amazing feeling - stick with the naps girls - we are not there yet but I really do feel like we are starting to make progress!
Oh, HG, poor Phoebe :hugs: I wouldn't be able to do SS, either, so am with you there...I think the sit in sounds like a good idea. I also find the threat of a long and detailed complaint helps (DD had jaundice in her first week, and MWs were useless) if they try and dismiss your concerns. Let us know how she goes on.

Polaris - it's our LOs reading the thread again...they saw us all saying how well they had done with the clocks changing, and decided to throw us an early morning curve ball ;) Will definitely keep going with the naps...great to hear your progress! :)
FG - DD seems to go through biting phases, hoping that stops when the teeth arrive! When did Abby get hers?
They have only just come through thank goodness! I've had eleven months of relative safety. Although the biting with her gums was bad enough.

For the most part it isn't bad at all, but sometimes she'll bite if she loses concentration and pulls off. She always did that and it was "ouch" but with teeth it is "OUCH!"
Hi guys - was wanting a bit of advice - I posted on here a while ago - went and ordered the sleepsense programme and then have not had the courgae to do it yet. We've got a wedding on saturday but am hoping to start from sunday night!!!!!!!!!!

Am I right in thinking it's best to begin with nighttime?? It's difficult because Lucy nurses to sleep and nothing wakes her up!!!! I've tried feeding her earlier but she just goes to sleep earlier, and she can clearly self soothe a bit as she slept thorugh the night beofre last from 7.10 til 7.15, I heard her murmer a couple of times but she got herself back off.

Anyway I've read the book but I'm still not 100% sure of what I'm supposed to do. If I go into Lucy when she starts crying she doesn't settle, singing, patting ssshhhing, stoking.... I've tried everything but she won't calm down until I give her the dummy, and I have really tried, I did it about 2 weeks ago and she cried for 3 hours and Im not exagerating, just non-stop crying - PU/PD doesn't work she gets even worse, so I'm really unsure of what to do!!!!!!! I don't mind her having a dummy but not if she's so reliant on it - but as I said she obviously can self soothe to an extent because she slept through 2 nights ago!!!!

Any advice on what people did to calm their LO??? And also, do they have to stop crying when you calm them??? I'm so confused!!!!!!!!!
With Abby, we get really close to her ear and whisper a song to her. Stops her instantly.

Thing is when you say you really tried, how long for? The first few nights we has about an hour of crying so you've maybe given in. You need to just keep at it for as long as it takes. They wont cry forever.

The other thing is, have you considered leaving her for a few minutes - it may be that having you in the room is making her worse. She loves her mummy so much she doesn't want to go to sleep and miss spending time with you. Or it may be that by trying to settle her, you are providing stimulation. Try moving away and staying in the room if you think this would be better for you both.

I know it is tempting to use the dummy, but you're trying to break her of the habit so she can do it herself - expect protest! You're going to have to deal with that at some point when it comes time to give up the dummy. Maybe sooner is better than later?

If you find she is dropping off during her last feed, start your bedtime routine sooner. (Assuming you have one - if not, that's key!) The feed should get her drowsy but not asleep, if it is the last part of the routine. Maybe switch it to the first part if she is having trouble staying awake. Keep the routine short-ish (ours is 30 mins).

The other thing is, is she napping? Making sure she takes regular naps in the day should help both with her staying awake during her bedtime routine, and with her dropping off. It may be that she is too tired to be able to settle herself at night if she isn't sleeping in the day.

Also, remember with sleepsense you have the opportunity to ask Dana any questions. If you can't get it to work, drop an email with your questions. Here's a tip - keep the questions short - you get a speedier answer!
Well thank god the civil rights movement was not dependent upon me for sit-ins - they would never have got anywhere.

HV was a waste of time (see baby club post) and really rude - said I shouldn't go back to work so early! already feel guilty enough thanks love and if my lo wants a roof over her head I have to work.

Grrrr... but she ate over 6oz at lunch. I'm not doing any solids until the farts stop - no matter what dr says.

Afternoon nap - sleepsense joy! went off with no moaning in seconds! Well Grandpa had just bought her an easter egg (a pink top!! not chocolate) so she was tired.

Third time - i have a LO who hates pu/pd and can cry for hours. First two nights were tough - 90mins first night, 25 mins second. But you can comfort them, sing etc... but not too much! My LO was / is a dummy girl. We gave it up totally but then she has been poorly and had it during the day as she needed some comfort and didn't want to be held (feel like I've jsut confessed to a sin!). It is possible to give up but (i might be controversal here and not pure sleepsense) I still feel it has a place. My LO only has it when unsettled during the day and for sleep if she asks for it (massive sucking action). If she doesn#t ask she doesn't get. I have still found she self settles in the night - she only wants dummy for first 10 mins at bedtime or not at all.

Not sleepsense entirely but we follow the stay to comfort and gradual withdrawal.

hope that helps
HistoryGirls - so sorry that your LO is poorly - I wouldn't have been able to continue trying to get her to self-settle either in that situation - I think it is different if they are not well, they do need extra comforting and reassurance I think. Crap that the HV was useless too and the cheek of her commenting on you going back to work! Sounds like a good idea to lay off the solids for the moment till she's back to herself.

Thirdtime - I find that most things I have tried to do to soothe Thomas just make him worse and seem to interfere with his own attempts to settle himself. When he was learning to self-settle at bedtime I just sat beside him and rested my hand on his chest/belly - just so that he knew I was there - and then just sat with him while he went to sleep. He would cry at first but gradually the cries would become intermittent, crying for a bit then going quiet, then crying, then going quiet, and then he would find his thumb and go off to sleep. I also give Thomas a comfort blanket which he strokes and sucks on sometimes. It is important to time it right so that she is tired but not over-tired going to bed - so you need to make sure she is getting some decent naps during the day and isn't up for too long before bedtime. Not sure what to do to stop her from falling asleep feeding - does she fall asleep feeding during the day as well or just at bedtime? I keep the lights on while I'm feeding Thomas and talk to him and say his name and tickle his feet etc. to keep him awake. He takes a better feed that way too (two boobs instead of just one). Maybe you could try a different feeding position to see if that keeps her awake, e.g. if you normally feed her in cradle hold try a rugby ball position or some other position to normal.

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