Morning all x
Sorry not been on for a few days. My sister had a baby boy

He was born at home weighing 8lb 8oz. Soooooo exciting
HG - Sorry to hear Pheobe has not been well

I hope she is starting to get better now and you are getting some rest.
TG - Soooooo exciting you have started weaning. You have made me even more excited than I already was with hearing how well your lo is doing. Think we are going to wait until Chloe 6 month birthday, cant wait! Going to order the highchair this week sometime and I have already bought some rice and baby porridge. OH has got a wizzer thingy so I will purée up some veg too!
Polaris - Hope you enjoyed your night away!
Cattia - I hope you are feeling a bit better now? And are getting some more rest

I am sure things will all settle back down soon and lo will love the big cot!
Hope I have not missed anyone.......its hard to catch up when there is a few pages!!
Well Chloe is doing so well at night

She has cried a bit at bedtime, usually just 3-4 mins. But then sleeps through until around 4/4.30 when she wakes but self settles. But then she still wants to get up at 5.30am, even with the clock change

But I am just going with it as when I am back to work I think we will have to get up at that time anyway so we can both get ready in time. At least I am getting a full nights sleep
Still rocking Chloe for naps in pram or bouncy chair. We are going away for the night on Easter Sunday so might start work on them when we get back.