Sleep Sense Support Group!

AG - thats great that he is having a better night! We used the adult one for one night then got baby olbas the next day. It is just a bit of a more gentle smell. Must be hard not doing bedtimes!

We had a very good night - she only stirred when I had a rather loud wobble about work on Monday! Last day to day (huge sobs) but I might trawl the internet for nice pressie for myself and LO - If I'm going to work I'm going to spend money!

Oh and I didn't win the lotto.
AG :hugs: glad you had a better night...pretty soon he'll be in a fab routine, and those bedtimes will happen in minutes. He's been doing brilliantly

RedPoppy: when DD is napping, I pop on here with my cup of tea and choccie. :D I love this thread!

HG: No lottery win here either :( Glad you had a good night...and treat yourselves with pressies. MASSIVE :hugs: Will be thinking of you...let us know how you get on. Just think of that massive smile when she sees you...and all her extra treats.

We had another four feed night last night...DH took DD for a play this morning, and I slept until 9-ish. I'm not quite sure what to make of all these feeds...I wondered if it was my supply, but she's clearly getting when I offer her more after say, an hour, during the day, she's not interested...She's definitely hungry at night, not just comfort sucking (although she did fall asleep when let-down was slow, but woke up when milk arrived) Getting lots of wet/poop nappies.

I guess we just see where it goes! :D

She's having a good nap right now...she must be so tired, bless her. We're going to see friends later, so I want her to stock up on a good nap.
Much much better night, he slept through :D
I think that Olbas oil definatley helped.
Great news AG!

TG - four feeds! Where does that girl put it all!

Just off out now later than planned as LO slept for 2 hours on her own!!!!! and we couldn't bear to wake her!
HG - It's 9am, I guess you're full of busy now (hope you got the timetable sorted!). Hope you're having a good day - bet it flies by. After having loads of different jobs (that I couldn't stand), I am still amazed that I have never once had time to get bored at school!

AG - how's LO? Did you get much sleep last night?

TG - Hope you got a bit of a break last night! Must be flattering to be so in demand though!:wacko:

redpoppy - sounds like you are having success doing it your own way (which is always the best way I reckon!). I think you're right - naps will happen when the time is right.

We had a really busy day yesterday, so Evan had an early night (about 45mins earlier) as he resisted his last nap of the day!
Surprisingly, he woke slightly later than usual. Don't know if he was tired or if he just prefers an earlier bed time. Might try an earlier bed time again tonight and see what happens.
Thing is, I struggle as it is to fit feeds, meals and naps into his day!
HG - thinking of you. I hope all went well this morning and that both you and Phoebe have a good day :hugs:

AG - glad Alex had a good night, hoping you do tonight!

Jacs - only one feed last night!! I think the spurt may be calming somewhat ;) DD was tired yesterday...she had a lovely day, but I think all the feeding and waking must be tiring her, too.

SO, we all slept well. I've noticed she's started to give us tired signals a bit earlier...and I've noticed that an earlier bedtime often means she sleeps later. Wonder why it is?
We always found Alex had a better sleep when he went earlier, i always thought it was that it was because we were putting him down before he got overtired.
We always found Alex had a better sleep when he went earlier, i always thought it was that it was because we were putting him down before he got overtired.

Yeah, that might be it. Sometimes Evan barely gets more than his toes wet in the bath, because he needs to go to bed NOW!
just a quick post ladies will be back later when LO in bed.

Lots of tears this morning and this evening (after i dropped her off and then when on the way home). She was fine except only had 3 30 min naps and is now completely exhausted and verging on grotty.

Work was the same. so no change there then!

The smile when I picked her up was lovely and she put her arms out for me (a first) and she just kept grabbing my face as if to say 'mummy is it really you?'

The naps is a realy worry but not sure what I can do!

will catch upn later but just wanted to say thanks for your hugs and thoughts!
Hi everyone.

Just a quick post, we've been down the country for the weekend visiting Thomas's great-grandparents, his great-grandfather who he is named after is 96 and his great-grandmother is 86. Got some lovely videos of them together and loads of photos!

He was fantastic all weekend during the day and everyone commented what a happy baby he is, which was lovely. He didn't sleep very well at nights though - he was taking ages to settle at bedtime and then woke up at 9.30/10 both nights which he literally hasn't woken up that early since he was about two and a half months old, then waking up pretty much every two hours through the night. Don't think he liked the travel cot much as he kept scraping his nails along the mesh side of the cot and banging his legs up and down on the mattress.

He settled down like a dream this evening back in his own bed!

Big hugs to Historygirls - your post made me feel a bit tearful but glad that it is all going reasonably well. I'm sure that the napping situation will sort itself out with a bit of time, she's bound to be a bit unsettled at first.

Hopefully will be back on later to catch up with everyone else's news!
HG - you got the wonderful hero welcome, that's lovely! Am sure, as P says, that the naps will sort themselves out in time. DD doesn't nap at all when anything remotely new or different is happening...How are you feeling?

P - what a lovely weekend, so nice for Thomas and the Great-grandparents. I bet they were delighted to spend so much time with him. We've got some lovely pics of DD with her Great-Grandma...
Good to hear he's back in his routine...I guess babies are just like us, really. I always sleep strangely in different beds. We've got a few things coming up this summer that will involve the travel cot, so good to hear feedback.
ps - P, I saw those gorgeous pics of Thomas in his jumperoo in BC thread!! Awwwwwwwww, so cute!
Thanks Polaris - sounds likey you had a great weekend. If phoebe had been a boy we were going to name 'him' after my grandfather to ('his' great-grandfather!). They are amazing things aren't they when you worry about how they are going to cope and they shine! We are going to take her great-grandfather on holiday at May half term and he will love it so much to spend time with her that it is helping to keep me going.

Well day one at work was bound to be the hardest (or I hope it is) and when I was at work I was really fine it is just the journey to and from. It just felt like a part of me was missing and that is very hard. She has had so many kisses and cuddles tonight it was silly. I kind of want her to wake up tonight for some extra snuggles.

OH is really down tonight as he feels like he doesn't provide for us enough. He has a great job with really good money but it still isn't enough because of the mortgage. We are still trying to think about how we could save money to see if I could do 3 days a week next year. But on the up side he got an interview for a job with the local county council. It is less money but much better hours and no commute. So prepping for that starts in earnest.

So we are on a bit of a downer tonight but poppet has gone to bed like a dream. My little star!
HG - you got the wonderful hero welcome, that's lovely! Am sure, as P says, that the naps will sort themselves out in time. DD doesn't nap at all when anything remotely new or different is happening...How are you feeling?

P - what a lovely weekend, so nice for Thomas and the Great-grandparents. I bet they were delighted to spend so much time with him. We've got some lovely pics of DD with her Great-Grandma...
Good to hear he's back in his routine...I guess babies are just like us, really. I always sleep strangely in different beds. We've got a few things coming up this summer that will involve the travel cot, so good to hear feedback.

He was definitely very aware that it was a different cot to normal and it was taking him ages to settle to sleep - the sound of fingernails scraping against mesh netting is not very soothing, LOL, and he just kept scraping the sides of the cot for ages. The mattress is much springier than his normal cot and I think he definitely noticed that too and kept bouncing his legs up and down. Also I didn't really feel OK about leaving him to try and self-settle because I thought he needed the extra reassurance because he was in a strange environment, so I ended up feeding him much more than necessary. I think it would probably have been a good idea for me to have put him down a few times in the travel cot at home to get him used to it a little bit.

Tonight when I put him down in the normal cot, he just looked so happy and actually reached out and touched the bars of the cot with his hand and actually seemed to sigh with contentment! Hopefully he'll be back to normal with his sleeping tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks for your comment about the jumperoo pics - I love those photos because they really show his two ways of playing in the jumperoo - manic excitement alternating with intense concentration!

So glad that your mega growth spurt seems to be finally tailing off - I am sort of dreading what the next few weeks may bring for us!
:hugs: HG - fingers crossed your OH gets the job, less commuting and hours is always a good thing. We're thinking about a move to lessen DHs commute. Also fingers crossed you can do three days. :hugs:

I bet you'll have some wonderful, wonderful fun during the school hols...when do summer holidays start?

What a little sweetie Phoebe is, too - going straight to bed. Is she one to one with the childminder? Or are there other LOs?
the sound of fingernails scraping against mesh netting is not very soothing, LOL, and he just kept scraping the sides of the cot for ages

strangely, dd has been scraping her nails on the sofa and cushions - she seems transfixed by the noise it makes! lol.

I love those photos because they really show his two ways of playing in the jumperoo - manic excitement alternating with intense concentration!

:rofl: that is exactly it!! I love how they swing between those two emotions so quickly, too. DD has a good few minutes concentrating on the sun rattle...and then it looks like she thinks 'oh, well' BOUNCE!

So glad that your mega growth spurt seems to be finally tailing off - I am sort of dreading what the next few weeks may bring for us!

The longest to date...I hope it regulates, as you could see she was more tired in the day (as were DH and I, lol) We're waiting to see how things go this evening, as she's just moved to three meals a day. She was definitely hungry, as the little hand appearing on our plate was a v.regular appearance :D
HG - what a day! You must be exhausted with so much to think about. Just remember, everything you're doing is to provide LO with a great start in life; it's all because you love her. Great news about OH's interview, fingers crossed!:thumbup: The naps will surely settle when DD's more used to it. Does the childminder follow your routine for naps?

Polaris - Sounds lovely, it's extra special when LO visits family they don't see so much. I bet Thomas made their year! We have the scraping thing in the travel-cot, although in his own cot Evan drags his hand up and down the bars - he's like a prisoner from a Western film, dragging his metal can across the bars! It sounds like he did really well, and how cute, going to sleep happy in his own cot?!

TG - good luck for tonight! Sending lots of 'full-up and sleepy' vibes!
Wow you guys do chat alot :lol: Im trying to keep up with the conversation but im somewhat lost :blush:

Last day of work today and im off for 11 days :D 11 days to get back on track with this routine and enjoy its benefits.
It actually hasnt been too bad the past 4 days having someone different in. Apart from night 1 which was a nightmare due to a cold and loud music, the rest seem to have been okay :D
AG, glad to hear things have improved...and enjoy your eleven days off! I bet the routine will be back on track in the blink of an eye. Alex has done so well with it!

Well, DD slept v.well - in between another four feeds! I've no idea what's going on with this growth spurt! She's back to normal during the day, has started three solid meals...but at night she's so hungry. When she went back to her cot post feed #1 last night, I could actually hear the milk sloshing in her tummy (lol), so I know she's getting plenty...and she's calm and sleepy post feed.

Am tired today!! Still, it beats the times I've spend worrying if she's getting enough ;) AND, every night DH and I just thank SS from the bottom of our hearts, because we would have both been functioning of a tiny, tiny bit of sleep without it.

Hope you all had good nights, and HG, hope today goes well :hugs:

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