Sleep Sense Support Group!

I still whisper when I hear DD on the monitor - and tell DH to ssssshhhh!

Three/four years sounds pretty good - I'm still incredulous at my dozy HV who was advising me on contraception on discovering my episiotomy was infected *rollseyes*

I think having another in time would be lovely, if another doesn't come along - we're blessed with a very darling daughter :D

Glad to see it's not just me with the crying...I think my most embarrassing cry-fest was at a B movie about a friendless girl befriending a horse. I was in floods!!

Yes, SS rules! This growth spurt would have had me up until 3:30, and DH up from then and straight to work previously. It's lifechanging. Maybe we could earn our millions by just spreading the word for Dana?!
Maybe Dana should pay us some commission - that would be great. I still haven't come up with a fabulous money making solution. The blokes at band last night weren't too encouraging about me becoming a lady of the night (I'm not sure if it was a compliment or not :shrug:). My mum was up for the Thomas Crown Affair stlye Heist.

Well she has woken about 3 times so far and each time put herself back to sleep :happydance: Daddy is up with her in the morning so I can have my lie in.

We are currently planning a lovely day on Sunday for my last day off. A walk and a lunch is currently being talked about.
I think the heist is the way forward - we could have all sorts of distractions going on with our LOs...I told DH I was feeling resentful towards people who had invented breast pumps, nappies etc!

We're going for a picnic tomorrow with family - all grandparents are v.excited at the thought of DD eating al fresco. I'm taking a load of stuff she can try and wear ;) I'm taking the i-pod. DD has started really laughing at my singing, which is v.funny at the moment...but I'm also wondering whether I should be offended?! I was screeching some opera (cue belly laugh) and then tried some Kylie (cue horrified look, then huge laugh)

Sounds like you've got a lovely weekend planned...hopefully once you've got through the first week, you'll feel better? Or you'll start to know if three/four days is on the agenda? *gives HG a big, big hug and supplies a Ripple* Can't we just take our LOs in?
Hi, sounds like everyone's had busy, successful days!
Our little guy's been an angel again, I'm just so grateful he basically gets on with it!
Tonight I have to 'fess up however; I let him fall asleep on me before bed, and I didn't move him for quite a while. It was just so lovely, and I've reeeeally missed it. Anyway, I reckon it can't make that much of a difference as a one-off (trying to convince myself!).

TG- picnic sounds fab, like a little party!
HG- enjoy your weekend, sure it'll be really special.
Polaris - any hat success yet?! Our Sainsbury's ones are doing the job, since we ditched the crappy parasol!
Aimee-lou - exciting plans!! Sounds like Earl's doing really well, what a quick learner!
awww, cute Jacs! I think it's fine - Evan is well into his routine, and a little foray out of it doesn't hurt ;) There is something just so lovely about those little sleepy heads, isn't there?
Hi ladies!

Okay, so we're starting this tonight!

I feel nervous about remembering what to do. My poor angel's grumpy and tired and I'm hoping this will solve it.

OH is here for the weekend then goes back to work. I'm scared of Monday! :cry: I have become totally unable to soothe her when she's sleepy and grumpy and overtired. it's so upsetting.

Although on the REALLY positive side: before we even began today, I put her in the cot, an hour before her nap was due with the mibile on and she spent an hour enjoying it and then fell asleep!!!! in the cot!!!! by herself!!!!!

It was only a 40 minute nap but thats a HUGE deal round here! :cloud9: she's awesome.
*sigh* well its all gone to pot :(
Mil did her babysitting stint here tonight, i explained everything and asked that she followed it.
Alex went to bed fine at 8.30pm (1hr later than when we get him down) but has woken up twice since. Hes all stuffed up and he just doesnt seem to want to settle himself.
His cries arent cries i feel i could leave.

Im a bit stuck what to do when theyre off when it comes to the routines.
RedPoppy - how was last night? Fab news on the nap?

AG - is he stuffed up from a cold? Or was it from being upset? Hard one with the routines when us parents aren't around...he probably was insisting he saw you for a bit. We've not been in that position yet, but will be pretty soon...I'd maybe take him out for a cuddle and calm down, so he knows you are there, and then start the whole thing again after a while? That may be awful will be interested to see what the other ladies say. Big :hugs:
RedPoppy - how was last night? Fab news on the nap?

Well, we've decided we're not really doing it at night time as this may be a growth spurt where she just needs extra feeding at night for the next few days or week. She's been really good at night time until about four days ago.

OH is trying to PU/PD her for her moring nap. But we timed it badly and only got her to her cot with 5 mins to spare (from when she would usually be asleep) and the new surroundings got her all stimulated I feel. She's very overtired now. She woke up once but we really are not emotionally able to leave her to cry for 15 to 20 minutes which is kind of what the sleep sense thing recommends so he's gone in to PU/PD her again.

He can do that with more success than me. She hates me. :dohh:
Redpoppy - don't say she hates you! My OH put LO down for her morning nap this morning by putting her in her cot and then just leaving! I've been putting her in the travel cot downstairs and sitting across the room. She went out like a light! I don't think it was because it was him really - he was just jammy!

AG - poor you! I find it so hard to go out at night (hence I only do band practice and that is after I put her to bed) and my mil doesn't listen much either - like the other day when i said no to ice cream for her and mil keeps putting it in! Keep at it though when you are there. We had a really bad 8 days but then it just clicked again. Although I'm with you that there are some cries that can't be left.

TG- Thanks for hug and the ripple. Your picnic sounds great! We might eat al fresco tomorrow or a pub can't decide. As for the opera LOL! I sang her Casta Diva the other day and she loved it - couldn't stand the wheels on the bus. Strange thing. but then again she does loved hymns too.

Have a good day! off to cut the grass with OH whilst LO naps her head off!
redpoppy - she doesn't hate you! It's easy to feel like that when they're crying, but I bet she's all smiles when she sees you again. Well done persevering.

AG -how did the rest of your night go? I agree with TG, I'd probably touch or pick Evan up for a bit, if I thought it wouldn't make him worse. Sometimes they just need a cuddle!

HG- ooh it's annoying when you slog your guts out every nap, then someone else just gets an instant result! Maybe you should try leaving her too?

Polaris - how was your night? Are you up to much today?

We had one feed - LO can't seem to decide if he should sleep through or have a feed, we seem to have about four days of one thing - then swap!
He's having his second nap, then we're off to the seaside!

Have a good day everyone x
Last night was awful.
Hes definatley stuffed up with his nose.
He just wouldnt settle for ages last night, he wanted to go to sleep on one of us, trying to put him in the cot before he fell asleep and he'd keep kicking off. Nothing we did seem to help except holding him!
His cry was different to his going to sleep one, We did end up just putting him down and leaving him for desperation that we didnt know what else to do.

Didnt stop there either, the neighbours next door had a party and music was very loud untill 2.30am. I think it must have travelled through to his room (2 rooms away!) as he kept waking up and letting a cry out several times. Though at least with those he settled himself after each one.

Were knackered this morning, Alex was up at 9 rather than 7am and is back down for a nap at 11am, he was a bit harder to settle for that one too though i think he just skimed the 10 min mark.
AG - Sorry to hear you're having problems. Hopefully when he's feeling better he'll settle easier. We've both been ill recently and Earl seems to have avoided it all.....fingers crossed at least!

I'm so impressed with my lad today. I did a little experiement and turned his heater up in his room 1 notch and took out his sheet, and he woke only the once, had a feed then slept til 6.30!! :thumbup: I think the sheet keeps getting wrapped around his legs and waking him up :dohh: No sheet = no wakings :thumbup:

he's also had all 3 naps so far today in his cot - went down at 7.15 as he was falling asleep sat up playing which was adorable lol. no crying, just sat there with his eyes shut :shrug: So he had a 45 minute nap and let me go back to bed again lol. woke at 8, and came into bed with hubby and me for a family cuddle and playtime and he was showing Daddy his new trik....if you go chugga chugga like a train he giggles, throws his head back and flies backwards so he's flat on his back.....found this out in the bath last night and got frightened half to death :dohh:

Anyhoo- munchkin is asleep, so I'm going to have a cuppa :coffee:

Have a nice weekend everyone xx
Saturday greetings and lucky vibes for all you lotto players! It is my only hope before monday!

We had a lovely day in Sunny old Eastbourne! It was so warm. LO napped like an angel this morning and a devil this afternoon, meaning we were late for dinner at in-laws so she was late to bed. But out like a light. Hopefully we won't have two poos like we did last night!

As I am having a final day of freedom tomorrow I sat down to do some planning for school on monday and realised i have left my timetable at school so I have no idea what I will be teaching on monday. Well - makes it more exciting!

AG - Hope you have a better night and your LO is happier. It is awful when they are poorly. Have you tried some baby olbas in hot water under his cot? Helps my LO when she is all full of cold and i think the smell calms her.

Redpoppy - how you doing?
AG :hugs: definitely agree that Olbas Oil helped us when DD had a cold. DH found some kids olbas...we popped some drops on a tissue and left it in the bedroom. Really made a difference. Hope you have a better night tonight, let us know..

RedPoppy - she definitely doesn't hate you - she loves you loads :hugs: I BF, and sometimes when DD is overtired, I can make her a bit she doesn't know whether she's grumpy, hungry or tired! I send DH in, and she's calm in moments :)

Aimee-Lou: Fab napping and sleeping :thumbup: and I LOVE the chugga cute is Earl!? Hope the hair colouring all went well?

HG: Good luck to us all for the Lotto. It could be us!! Sounds like you had a lovely day...Eastborne is by the sea, isn't it? Or am I being geographically challenged? Bet is was gorgeous in the sun. Love the hymn singing for Phoebe - DD has been similarly treated to some hymns, they got gummy grins. I think my Queen of the Night aria probably deserved the big ole belly laugh it got, Mummy is nooo opera singer :D

We had a lovely, lovely day - gorgeous picnic weather. DD munched a good few things, and flung quite a lot of squished avocado around (only hit me...a very good look, squished green goo) She tried some new bits, which was v. exciting. She was just delighted with being outside for so long...the weather was just SO divine.

She didn't nap very much, all too exciting, so was ready for bed a bit earlier. We're still feeding through the night, but she had a whopping feed before bed. Wonder if it's the weather?
TG - Yep Eastbourne is right by the see (between Brighton and Hastings) and I live at the top of a massive hill so I can see it from my house :thumbup: It is many full of old people but we are getting younger! Glad you had a fab picnic bet your DD loved all the faces to look at and food! We've got some avacado for tomorrow! My husband thinks the hymn singing is very strange but I went to a C of E primary school and I lived in a boys bording school for 18 years so loads of hymn singing so they are the only things I know all the words to. Oh that and any Bonnie Tyler song :thumbup:

Aimee - we tend to have a family cuddle of a weekend morning - lovely aren#t they? The dog tries to join in to! So theres four in a bed and the little one said roll over!!
Oooh, seeing the sea from your window - how fantastic! Love the Bonnie Tyler :D DD hears me warbling several times a day...normally changing words to fit her name!

There is nothing quite as lovely as a family cuddle is there? DD turns from me to DH just grinning! Max sounds like a lovely dog - have you had him since puppyhood?

Just about to persuade DH that he needs to deliver a top notch back massage, I had DD on my hip lots today, and I think I'm lopsided :rofl:
ooo a back rub- might even convince my OH for one of them in a 'but I'm going back to work and need cheering up' tone of voice!

Max is a lovely dog! Fully named Maximus Seamus Kevin and i've had him since he was rescued from a nasty man at 13 weeks. I had him all through uni (I lived at home) and then when I moved in with OH. He doesn't see himself as a dog! He is very well behaved and great with LO but I never trust them alone together - her or him. When he was 4 he had to have his back leg and half his pelvis amputated so he is even more special to us now as we so nearly lost him.
Okay so it's going to take me a while to remember everyone on here and also to be organised enough to respond to everyone. i honestly don't know how you girls get the time. I used to be such a regular poster before my LO was born but I'm quite a selfish B&Ber now because i come on here to quickly vent or ask a q.

I'm sure it'll get better!

So, after my gorgeous baby girl becoming increasingly tired and missing her morning nap (she had three short naps today but she usually has four) I managed to put her down, five or ten mins after her natural sleep time (two hours after waking) by using what I think is the baby whisperer technique (and coincidentally also my mum's) of lying them down (on her side btw) and sushing and patting quite vigourously.

When she's that tired, twice she was out like a light.

It's not self settling, but it's not on me and it's in the cot. :shrug:

but her naps were only 40 mins, 35mins and 30 mins in length. But i think we can work on that later.
Thanks for the hugs guys.
Mil brought some Olbas oil with her tonight and put some in. Ill need to buy some though as its the adults version shes used. He hasnt woken up though so far.....
She got him down at 8.30pm again and he hasnt woken since.

thought i should mention a bit of background....I work 4 evenings a week 5-10pm so mil comes up here and puts Alex to bed, thats why she seems to be doing the bedtime stuff more than me (*sniff*)

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