Sleep Sense Support Group!

:yawn: well here we are on our first off night. Alex woke and he was crying then leaving a silent break then crying again. Left him for 10 mins but he didn't settle so we had to see what's wrong. Still don't really know but gave some calpol incase of teeth and some milk incase of hunger. Can't tell you yet how were getting on with getting him down as oh is just attempting it (lo wanted him not me lol)
DD likes sitting, but does NOT like rolling. She has done a couple of times, but always looks surprised and a bit scared. I was repeating 'Mummy' and pointing at myself which she laughed, whacked my nose and did a trump! Aren't babies fabulous? :D

:rofl: Aren't they just fantastic? It's funny, Thomas is exactly the same about rolling, he did it for about a week and then refused to do it anymore. If you try to roll him over he will actually resist and try and stop himself from rolling! He can't get enough of sitting though - even in his bouncy chair he only wants to sit forward now, he's done with lying back!
:yawn: well here we are on our first off night. Alex woke and he was crying then leaving a silent break then crying again. Left him for 10 mins but he didn't settle so we had to see what's wrong. Still don't really know but gave some calpol incase of teeth and some milk incase of hunger. Can't tell you yet how were getting on with getting him down as oh is just attempting it (lo wanted him not me lol)

How did the rest of the night go? Bound to be a few hiccups along the way, just think of how much progress he's made so quickly. Hope he settled down quickly for your OH.
Morning Ladies!

Our night was fairly good but wanted to see us a few times - i think it is to do with leaving her but she is on tip top form this morning as I watch the recorded tv debate (7.30 is quite early for 3 arguing men but there you are). She is currently eating graham the bee's eye whilst throwing her legs in the air, emitting the odd squeal of delight!
I knew I was being ripped off with the ripple! off to supermarket today where I shall do a comparison. I remember a mars bar being 25p and as a child I think i can remember petrol being 54p a litre! (or is it gallon?)
AG - hope your night got better. Somehow it seems worse when they have an off night when they have been so good.
Polaris – try not to worry too much about the baking paper – it will be a very funny story when he is older, do you have a baby book? Will you add it in as his first food? Phoebe likes to eat paper if given half the chance.
Cattia - School was fine - it didn't feel like I hadn't been there since june and the kids were lovely (ish). The band is our local brass band! don't ask! We've been members since we were kids and that is how oh and I met. We just can't seem to give it up. LO is going to be a brass player whether she likes it or not - just argue over which instrument! I also think you are right, thinking about it or in my case dwelling endlessly is only going to make it worse. 6 weeks to half term and there is a bank holiday in between.
TG – my lo loves to sit up but not roll – the funny little things! Do you have the Anabel Karmel book? Which one and is it worth it? I’m thinking I would like to make some puree for LO to go with BLW (she is getting so good with a spoon) and I have no idea what I am doing. Also it might help the childminder until she gets confident with BLW.
We are going to have a lovely last week day off together. Doing all our favourite things. Breakfast first (where she likes to attempt to paint the wall with porridge), then a shower, snooze then off out and about for a bit before home for an afternoon snuggle on the sofa! No sleepsense nap this arvo for us, I’m going for a snuggle and maybe a dvd film on for me!
Morning ladies!

Drum roll please - DD woke for one feed at 3am, had another at 6:30...and then went back to sleep until 8:15 again!

She did wake at the end of Question Time, had a shout for a few mins...I was about to walk in and feed her, when DH suggested waiting a couple of mins...and she settled herself in three minutes. Fan-tastic

She's eaten some banana, some salt free cinammon bread (I think I'll be making a lot of this) and grabbed some fruit off my plate (which is deemed far more interesting, and always worthy of a dribbly hand)

AG - how was your night?

Polaris - so funny about the rolling. Almost as if to say - look, I've done it, but I don't like it. DD resists, too. I was playing with her on our bed...and went to roll her over, and she was horrified. I felt awful!

HG - sounds like a lovely, lovely day. Phoebe will have a fab time. I've got AK 'Baby and Toddler Meal Planner' and '100 Top Baby Purees' which may be better for your needs. The former is more structured, and you are doing mixed weaning, so there is a lot of unnecessary info. Some nice purees going on, I've munched on a few! They also make nice dips for our LOs.

DD having some pasta later - am just contemplating covering the whole room in newspaper ;)
TG - Thanks for book info and much better night for you!

I went to dunelm mill and bought several metres of plastic table cloth material and I put it on the floor to help with the mess. However I have attached a photo of my main cleaning method. Oh and another of two spoons phoebe who was putting porridge in her mouth with one spoon and fruit puree in with the other hand.


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Awwwwwwwwwwwww, how cute!! Look at her with her spoons!! She's so lovely!

I'm definitely getting some plastic table cloth. Splash mats are so thin, small and expensive.

Excellent work from Max - our two felines are rubbish, really. They look at the food, sniff, lick and move away. Boy cat often has a bite, but he's half dog, am sure of it.

The chickens are getting better fed, though, lol!
ps - hope you enjoyed the debate, started a bit slow...but got more interesting. I was, however, side tracked at the beginning by the sheer quantity of slap on the faces!
:yawn: well here we are on our first off night. Alex woke and he was crying then leaving a silent break then crying again. Left him for 10 mins but he didn't settle so we had to see what's wrong. Still don't really know but gave some calpol incase of teeth and some milk incase of hunger. Can't tell you yet how were getting on with getting him down as oh is just attempting it (lo wanted him not me lol)

How did the rest of the night go? Bound to be a few hiccups along the way, just think of how much progress he's made so quickly. Hope he settled down quickly for your OH.

It ended up not being too bad, i remeinded oh to comfort Alex even if he was standing and convince him to lay down, i think he managed that but Alex kept on crying, so i eventually said over the monitor to jsut come out for a bit and leave him. He fell asleep within about 5 mins lol!
about half an hour from start to finish, much better than the 40+ mins of solid screaming and comforting we used to have when he woke at night.
Glad it got better AG - must be much harder when they can move more. all my LO can do is roll from side to side.

TG - The debate was ok but I wish the audience could have participated with clapping or booing! It was just a little plastic and unrealistic. I would love them to do it without knowing the topics.

we are on second independent nap of the day! First was over an hour so really pleased. I'm getting nothing done, but writing up pages of neurotic instructions and info for the childminder.
AG - I often find the same thing - Evan just doesn't like me being there if I'm not going to 'do' something!

HG - loooove the pics! She's a little angel, and looks very proud of herself in the first one!

TG - great night, looks like she's getting past the spurt! What are you going to do with yourself at night now? You'll have to sleep or something.

Polaris - laughing at the thought of Thomas sitting forward in his bouncer 0 the sheer effort that is required for that!

We had one feed last night, don't know if he needed it, but had been rolling about and making little noises for ages. I went in to check his nappy, and that was it - full scale crying! Napping now, then we're going to play in the garde - dug out the bubble machine, and found a sun hat (Polaris I am with you on the struggle for boys' sun-hats - got a 2-pack in Sainsbury's for £4).
Bubble machine!! I want one! I bet DD would love that...!

HG - agree, the atmosphere was too forced...I wanted a bit of old fashioned heckling and temper loss.

First nap of the day - on Mummy. DD not up for cot this morning at all...she's been doing lots of shouting!

Jacs, Polaris - have you tried Mothercare? They've got a few boys ones in stock. DH was quite taken with some of them for him :D
I just have old fashioned bubbles that you blow yourself with a little wand - Thomas still loves them though! Great for the garden in the sunny weather.

TG - have tried Mothercare for hats, they seem to have a fair selection for age 1 and upwards but couldn't find anything in smaller sizes in the branch near me - maybe they were just sold out. He looks very cool in his one and only sunhat anyway! Just have to watch him like a hawk that he doesn't throw it away!

Jacs - that is often what happens with us at nights too - as soon as I go in and check on him the cries escalate very rapidly and there is no going back to sleep without a feed at that stage!
DD's sunhats are both too big for her - she looks quite comical, bless her. I didin't think of the age one upwards's hoping he holds onto that hat!

We've just sat in the garden playing - I have always been a Mozart fan, and now I am even moreso...I swear his music has a calming effect on DD. More as she gets older. We've been listening to Flute & Harp conc. and she's v. relaxed and chilled. About to try nap #2 in the cot ;)
Evening all!

LO went to bed like a lamb! gobbled her bottle (had a very hungry day) groaned to be put down - no cuddles for mummy - rolled over, grabbed nunu and was snoozing by the time i got to the door which is about two steps. Bless her!

We had a lovely day with only a slight change we went to see Nanny and Grandad (OH's parents) who got a highchair today! As LO spent the whole morning sleeping she was on tip top form! The highchair was in pride of place and I got a full demonstration from Grandad. Nanny had bought her a bowl popped it in front of her with some veg in. LO looked at me confused, picked up the bowl, tipped it onto the tray then turned and grinned as if to say 'that's better'. Nanny did try the bowl again so Phoebe just emptied it again and dropped it on the floor. Grandad found all of this hillarious! She then wanted a sleep, off she goes in the next room until deaf Great-Nan arrives and causes chaos. All great fun!

In the hat discussion - LO hates the sun in her eyes and I was thinking a baseball cap for the summer - or is that too (for the want of a better word) chavy? I'm thinking not good for naps.

Hope bedtime goes well and all our LOs sleep for Britain tonight.

Oh and a final rant - A BNP advertising lorry drove down my road blasting out that awful man's speeches. I was outraged! I live in Toryville where no one will vote BNP at all! I wanted to complain but didn't know who to! I don't even live on a main road - there are only two more houses and you are on the south downs. Should have set the mut on them. Grrrrrr.
What a lovely day! We had the day of hectic-ness yesterday and Earl was put to bed (eventually) by his auntie. It took her 3 hours to do his full evening routine including dinner, bath, bottle, and finally bed. She did get him to go to sleep finally but he was just too frantic wondering where the hell we were. Took him until this afternoon to really trust me....wouldn't even look at me this morning which was a little bit upsetting but as soon as hubby went to work we got the toys out and he was back to normal within 15 mins. He's very fickle....if Daddy's about, Mum's not required lol. We left him asleep, he woke at 1.30am for a feed, only took 3oz and then sletp through til 7am! He was still tired but we went and had some quiet time for a bit downstairs and then I put him back to bed at 8am. he slept til 9.50!! I had gone back to bed so this was brilliant...I haven't had a lie in in 4 months! lol :thumbup:

Hats - sounds a bit daft but try disney store. I got Earl a nemo one for £5 and they have them in the baby sizes.

Today though, has been fab, starting with the lie in, then another nap from 12-1, cat nap at 2.30 for half an hour when we got rudely awakened by a courier, then at 4.00 he just passed out on the sofa and I had to wake him up at 5.30 for his tea lol. :thumbup: Earl's been enjoying his new toys, and we've just been chilled out all day. He went down within 5 minutes tonight and now I'm just dying my hair :happydance: Not done it since before I found out about Earl and while it's not dissimilar to my natural colour, as I get older my hair is less red and more dull reddy-brown, and I liked having proper red hair, so it's becoming that colour as we speak!! :thumbup:

I really need to stop wathcing baby programmes! I'm getting broody. Hubby and I were out for our meal last night talking about when we would start again to TTC and it's defintiely next May. I mentioned that we had said to avoid March and April and hubby just said 'nah!'....madness to think that this time next year I'll be back on the folic acid! lol :dohh: Personally I think we're nuts!
Awww, sounds like you had a lovely day, HG! DD got her high chair last week, and is delighted with it!

I think a baseball cap is a good idea - am sure it won't be fake Burberry, so it will be fine :D DD has traditional hats, but there is that problem with them being too big and then not actually serving any purpose! I think a cap could solve all that.

On the designer thing - DD was bought a very sweet little jumper and skirt outfit quite recently. She was playing around - we had a sweet potato nappy incident...checked washing instructions, and it is Ralph Lauren. All well and good, it's a lovely outfit...but designer?! For a baby?! I told her, quite sternly, not to be getting any ideas that Mummy and Daddy would be progressing this trend ;)

Urgh on the BNP van - what worries me is that they are now getting mainstream votes, from disenchanted people. Really concerns me. They think Nick Griffin puts an acceptable face on what are some utterly disturbing ideas. Phhhhhhhhhhhhh.

WELL, so much for me rambling on about Mozart - DD was having none of her cot, just kept happy shouting and beaming at her toys, her feet, me, the bed, the cot...everything! So, she napped on me! She was v.tired this evening, so was concerned there would be some angry shouts, but no! Straight to sleep!

Question - do you ladies find that since giving birth, your hormones are still all over the shop!? I cry at EVERYTHING on tv...and even music! DH came in earlier and was most concerned...only to find that I'd be crying at an advert for polar bears! This has been a feature since first tri, lol, I wonder if I'll ever make it through Casablanca again!?
Aimee-Lou, fab lie-in! I see Earl also has 'Daddy Syndrome', lol. DH and I went out for a meal on Valentines Day, Granny had DD. We were literally gone two and a bit hours...and she was raging when we got in! As if to say 'how VERY dare you'. Luckily the mood disappeared v.quickly.

Aw, so Earl's lil bro or sis is being discussed...exciting! We've been chatting about it, too...not sure when, yet. I have PCOS, so hoping that being pregnant may have regulated all that. My GP is a bit annoying with this, as thinks because I don't have any outward symptoms, it's all fine. I never's always been AWOL AF. Got a great consultant, though, so will be back to him for clomid if things haven't settled, and see what happens...
I cried at an episode of seaside rescue on sky the other day when a little girl was hurt and just kept crying for her mummy. Harry potter 5 movie the other day also made me cry when cederic died. I also nearly cried when I realised I'd eaten the last cream egg on holiday and was 40 miles from a shop.

ooo the monitor is going - she is talking to nunu - i don't know why but I freeze when I hear her and whisper to OH. silly me.

All quiet now - i do love sleepsense! before that would have resulted in screaming.

Aimee - you are so brave planning your second already! I still need to lie down reguarly in a darkend room everytime I think about another one! I think if we have another it will be a 3 or 4 year age gap. OH is 3 years older than his brother and they get on so well and I'd love to hav that (me and my sister are 21 months apart and fought all the time!). I'm keeping all my baby stuff though so I guess deep down I want another one!

You never know Earl may decide to give up eating at night soon......

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