Sleep Sense Support Group!

Yay Thomas has been asleep for over an hour! First nap of over 45 minutes since our weekend away. The days are so much easier when he takes longer naps!
i looked at the website but what is the method?
it just looks like the woman is trying to sell stuff?
P - just wanted to say good call on the nursing necklace :thumbup: I have 'borrowed' one of hubby's lanyards and attached a small toy to the end of it. Voila - took 4oz in one go and I'm not bleeding anywhere :thumbup:

Yay :happydance::happydance:

Jacs, AL - I made my own nursing necklace. DD has an amber teething necklace (which I bought, don't want to DIY on any safety issues with those) and I bought myself some amber beads which I threaded around my neck. Has made feeding lots easier - no whacks for Mummy, and no distraction. Really does work!

Jacs - what hideous advice from the HV! I sometimes wonder why they choose this line of work?!

Polaris - great news on the nap front! We've doing well with naps today, and am hoping that continues :D

HG - Hope Phoebe has a lovely day! Poor ole Max, our felines sulk if they are feeling remotely left-out, too. One actually gives us his back!! Hope you have a good day today - were the kids glad to see you back? Are your colleagues all being understanding?

We were on FIVE feeds last night - where does she fit it all in?! GP thinks it could be teething, and that it's apparently teething pain is worse at night. Am not so sure, as her gums look and feel as they always do. DH and I are going to give it a bit longer, to allow her to get used to all the new meals...and then maybe do some SS. It would be so much easier to know what to do if she didn't seem so hungry! And she settles SO well after a feed, too. Still, I'll let her lead the way :)

She's eaten very well today and is on lovely form...:)
Hi CupCake - it's really about teaching your LO how to self-settle, but with you always being with them, so they don't do it alone. I think (if memory serves) you can get an overview from the website for free?
Evening! Another quick blitz whilst my charming daughter does a poo in her jumperoo - lovely!

Thanks whoever suggested the feeding necklace! I've been under hand bombardment for a few weeks now, I left my school ID thing on this eve and she played with that!

Polaris - great morning nap! Phoebs still refuses more than two and half hours in total at childminders. grrr but she had a good day and was on top form.

TG - Five feeds? Where is that girl putting it all? You might have to get on ss on her! I FF but is there anyway of getting her to take longer feeds or is she just not up for that? You must be totally wiped out!

School, when I'm there is fine. As with all things some kids love that Im back others aren't! My tutor group have had a rocket up their backsides and I've whiped them into shape again this week! colleagues -especially those with kids - have been so supportive. They've all said that they cried for most of the first week too so that made me feel better!

I am super organised at the moment and BLW is taking a back seat. I got a puree book (fab recomendation TG:thumbup:) and she is adoring that and it is easier for the childminder. I pureed stew tonight and she gobled it! Going to try reducing her milk today (miss out one whole bottle!) so might be on a bit of SS at 1am or she will go through.

Right the stench has reached me from my lovely LO I better deal with it!

Sleepy dust to everyone!
Oooh ladies, this little boy has officially taken the biscuit.

He would not, I repeat WOULD NOT sleep this afternoon. After half an hour and eventually getting to totally inconsolable we decided to put him in his chair and go for a walk. Didn't sleep then, got back and he was in top form. Got to 5pm, decided I'd better give him his tea, devoured that, then at 5.45, went up for a bath, brilliant all the way through. Demolished 7oz of a bottle, read half an old bear story and then out like a light at 6.30! :thumbup: I thought that we had broken him as the last 3 nights he's not been getting to sleep at all....problem now is, when is this afternoon nap going to drop? :wacko:
DD only has five minute feeds - she can speed feed! She's always been quite a speedy feeder :) I was worried at first, but I had quite an overactive let-down, and I think (judging from an expressing experiment) she's just got efficient at working with that. I tried offering her more during the day, and she wasn't remotely interested. lol.

We're starting to wonder if it is habit, so stay tuned...I'll be updating and asking for advice, ladies ;)

HG - glad your colleagues are being supportive, that must make you feel better? Been laughing at the rockets up the students bums, lol.

The purees are actually really tasty, lol...DD tends to enjoy a bit of puree and a bit of BLW, so we're going with that. DH and I have actually eaten a bowl each of some puree!!

Nothing beats a jumperoo poo...;) Hope the week gets better and better, and good luck with the 1 am feed.

AL - hmmm, naps are a hard one. DD sometimes just isn't interested in napping. Did he cry when you tried to put him in his cot?
TG - He didn't to begin with, then started to grumble and eventually built to a full on cry. It wasn't a tired cry though, it was a proper borebom type one. I did about 10 mins of PUPD but he just kept getting worse, and was fine in the afternoon/evening. He's not made a sound apart from getting stuck in his bars about 20 mins ago.

It really is a toughy - I honestly thought we'd messed up or soemthing, but I guess he's just growing up and I need to learn to be flexible again.
TG - He didn't to begin with, then started to grumble and eventually built to a full on cry. It wasn't a tired cry though, it was a proper borebom type one. I did about 10 mins of PUPD but he just kept getting worse, and was fine in the afternoon/evening. He's not made a sound apart from getting stuck in his bars about 20 mins ago.

It really is a toughy - I honestly thought we'd messed up or soemthing, but I guess he's just growing up and I need to learn to be flexible again.

Isn't that the truth? As soon as you think you might be starting to figure them out they go and change again!!

Hope everyone had good nights. Thomas didn't wake for his feed till half four so I got a great stretch of sleep.
I empathise, AL - I think as soon as we think we've got one routine, something pops up to get it all out of kilter! :D I definitely don't think we mess up...I think our LOs appreciate the consistency. I guess we just have to tweak as we go? lol

WELL, ONE FEED last night! We decided to do the 'first' she had a good feed then. When she woke up two hours later, we comforted her. Tbh, I found it really hard - I was really worried that she may be very hungry, and we weren't giving her what she needed. DH pointed out her crying was more tired moaning...although he found it hard too. She went to sleep pretty quickly /well...and then woke up at 6:45 for feed. And she guzzled! A really good, both sides feed.

That worries me, now - what if she was really hungry? DH thinks she was just having little bits at night for comfort, because everytime we've put her back in the cot, she's wrapped herself around me (in her sleep) She sleeps, however, much better in her cot.

Argh, don't know what to think - was very pleased she had a good feed this morning (probably more than her wake-up feeds) and she seems much more chirpy for having had a better sleep.

What are your thoughts? I'd appreciate them!
I empathise, AL - I think as soon as we think we've got one routine, something pops up to get it all out of kilter! :D I definitely don't think we mess up...I think our LOs appreciate the consistency. I guess we just have to tweak as we go? lol

WELL, ONE FEED last night! We decided to do the 'first' she had a good feed then. When she woke up two hours later, we comforted her. Tbh, I found it really hard - I was really worried that she may be very hungry, and we weren't giving her what she needed. DH pointed out her crying was more tired moaning...although he found it hard too. She went to sleep pretty quickly /well...and then woke up at 6:45 for feed. And she guzzled! A really good, both sides feed.

That worries me, now - what if she was really hungry? DH thinks she was just having little bits at night for comfort, because everytime we've put her back in the cot, she's wrapped herself around me (in her sleep) She sleeps, however, much better in her cot.

Argh, don't know what to think - was very pleased she had a good feed this morning (probably more than her wake-up feeds) and she seems much more chirpy for having had a better sleep.

What are your thoughts? I'd appreciate them!

Wowee! What a difference!
I reckon you did the right thing. You and DH know her cries better than anyone, and if you say she was tired, she was tired.
Don't know about your DD, but Evan would never fall asleep if he was hungry, so don't think she could have wanted it that much! It makes sense that she wanted a guzzle this morning, as she's had a fabulous long sleep.
Her good mood says it all - sounds like a very happy mum and baby!

Did you find that your comforting helped? I know you're a bit like me, in that Evan usually gets annoyed when I'm in the room.
Never tried it at night, but wondering if it's worth a shot - he only drank 2oz last night, so I know he doesn't need it.

AL -we often have afternoons when Evan doesn't nap (despite my best efforts!). I always put him down for it though, just to see if he wants it. I don't know how long it will take, but I think he's slowly getting rid of this one. I can't keep up!:wacko:

P - great sleep! We had a 7am start today, for the first time in donkeys. I'm sure it's just a one-off!
Morning, Jacs!

Well, I've still been panicking - I had to call DH to see how long she was awake, but neither of us are entirely we were both too tired to check the clocks, and then entered 'middle of the night' zone, where a minute can feel like an hour! What he did say, which makes sense, is that if she'd been hungry - there is NO way she would have slept until 6:45! So I feel better now :)

The only time she got very upset was when I entered the picture with some 'calming' words - so DH took over, just repeating things quietly and stroking her head. She got calmer...and then wanted us both out of the way while she had a moan and got herself sorted. For sure, I made things worse!!

It is much harder at night, mostly due to pure discombobulation on the parents side! BUT, I do now think that we were just getting into if she was ravenous, she would have woken up much earlier.

We're both more sprightly today, and she had a big solid brekkie after her big feed.

Isn't it funny how these little habits just start? I'm sure ours was due to growth spurt...and DD just thinking 'this is when I wake up'.
:hi: all, i'm still here and our sleeping seems to be taking a downward turn (partly why i'm not online as much at the moment.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz) but bizarrely enough it's not the naps but the night-times! OH & I are knackered!

I do think about how you are all getting on though and sometime over the weekend will read through all the posts (lots of em!!) and write an update as to what we've been up to xxxx

Having an amazing nap day with my sweetheart and new thing is: she doesn't hate me! :mrgreen: I can now soother her in her cot and she can just stare at me whilst in the swing and not scream like I'm trying to strangle her.

I don't know where it's come from. :shrug:

And in other news: I've introduced a dummy. It's going quite well. I realise this isn't sleepsense but thought I'd post anyway. :blush:
Hey everyone!

TennisGal - good news about last night! Your DH is right, there is NO WAY she would have slept till 6.45 if she was starving - she would have been awake an hour or two later. I think you absolutely did the right thing, well done to you and your DH - and I bet your DD really enjoyed having such a nice long sleep too!

Redpoppy - good news on the nap front!! She never hated you hun, she was just struggling a bit herself I guess, it sounds like she is settling down, things will only get better as she gets older. I'm so glad that the soother is going well. Aimee-Lou uses a soother with Earl too, it doesn't matter that it's not sleepsense - we are not sleepsense purists here, LOL!

Jacs - yay for the "lie-in" till 7 a.m.!! It is so nice when it happens isn't it?

PieMistress - that's bad news about night time sleep taking a turn for the worse, what do you think it's down to?

Historygirls - hope all is well with you - the end of the week, yippee, been a while since you had that Friday feeling!
Thank you :hugs: I feel much better about it all now! DH is the voice of reason about these things, I tend to get worried!

PM - I saw your post in BF section...sounds like we've both got those night feeds going on! Just when we think we've got it sorted, hey?! Look forward to hearing your news!

RedPoppy - fab news. As P says, brilliant that the soother is working. I believe that SS needs to be tweaked to fit everyone and brilliant that you've found a good fit. And of course she loves you lots.

Hope everyone had a nice day? We've been for a long walk, and I introduced DD to some horses. She was utterly bemused - but delighted! We're going on another picnic tomorrow, so just going to start getting a few bits together.

Naps went well today, and we've had lots of nice play and cuddles.
:happydance: It's Friday :happydance: Two days off :happydance:

Wow what a week. i am so tired but feel ten times better today than I did on Monday or Tuesday. It is still really horrible having to work, but OH got off early today and so i went to asda for bargins and came home to find them snuggled on the sofa! I had to go in the garden so she didn't hear me and wake up!

Well she won't do more than 2 and half hours at the childminder. But all week we have been having great nights. Last night i though she would want her bottle but no! nothing until 6am! So she has dropped to 4 bottles!

We have decided to name our weaning 'Phoebe led weaning'. She adores puree and proper food and stealing food off others so we are doing that. She eats everything. She stashed sausage in her babygrow at tea time :dohh:

PM - Long time no talk! Sorry your nights are bad! Sending you lots of sleepy dust!

Redpoppy - :happydance: great you had a better day! Re the dummy sometimes we still use one - especially if she is poorly or has bad wind. Sometimes we don't! Go with the flow. No book or program is going to suit a baby to the letter.

TG - Glad you had a better night. I'd go with your OH - she wouldn't have slept if she was hungry. There is no way phoebe will sleep if she is hungry.

Polaris - Yep got that friday feeling! but also the very tired feeling!

Jacs - Thanks for the thoughts! :hugs:

Aimee - Phoebs i think is dropping a nap due to the childcare but she is still on quite good form! As you say got to be flexible - hard when they have been in their own routine for ages :dohh:
Hi ladies, great to read what you have all been up to! TG, I agree with the others, DD would no way have settled back down if she was really hungry. To go from 5 feeds to one is fab, you must have felt so much better, although if you are anything like me you are still awake half the night wondering when she will next wake up!

Polaris, I was interested to read what you wrote about the nap cycle changing. Abigail still needs four naps and we really suffer if we don't get the lat one in, but hopefully that will change as she gets a bit older.

Aimee Lou, I am going to sort myself out a nursing necklace too. I got the idea from TG in the BF section and I keep meaning to get round to is as I am scratched to pieces and it is such a great idea!

Red Poppy, great progress on the naps! It's so hard to believe that they don' resent us for making them change their sleep habits then when you see them happy and content and not holding any of it against you it's such a relief isn't it!

HG have been thinking of you lots back at work. I only have 8 weeks of mat leave left. I am sooooo heavy hearted about the thought of going back, even though I am only in for three weeks before the summer hols!

We have had continued success with naps. Now that I have introduced my home made rabbit blankie she has settled for afternoon naps two days in a row in her cot with minimal crying! It's nothing short of a miracle as we have never had any joy with afternoon naps, only the morning ones. If you use a blankie, do you give it to them at night time too? I have only been giving it for naps as she settles fine for the night, but I wonder would it actuyally help with naps if she had it at night too, as she would associate it with sleep and self settling?

Our nights have been horrendous. Abigail has had a bad tummy for five days now. She has really green poo and is filling nappies ALL the time. The doctor says it's probably a mild bug but other than that she seems OK in herself, trouble is shs is waking up straining to poo (sorry tmi) and then she won't settle, and because I am worried that she has tummy ache or is not feeling so good, I am feeding her every time :dohh: I think I am going to try and hold out until the poos improve and then try to settle her when she wakes. She has done four night feeds for the past three nights and I am worried it's going to turn into a habit, but I also feel bad pushing her to self settle if she might have tummy ache! Oh so difficult. Anyway ladies, lovely to see you all doing well :)

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