Hi girls!
Well done Alex on the first steps! Fantastic!
Poppy, sounds like you had a really good first night, well done! Hope tonight will be even better for you!
Bumpontherun, I hope after your stressful start that things are going to get better and better for you! I think as Polaris said (I think) if you can do naps and nights at the same time then that's fab,but I'd say if you're finding the days too much focus on nights first. Naps are hard, some days we don't manage them still, and on bad days I just go out with the pushchair.
TG- Sounds like DD didn't need that feed, I am pretty sure she would have let you know of she did!
We had a much better night last night. Abigail woke at 1.30am and started her new favourite trick which is loudly kicking the side of her cot with both legs
She was kicking away happily until 2am when she started crying so I fed her. She then went until 5.50 which is a bit early for morning but almost acceptable, so I fed her again,and she went down again until 8.15! I got a lovely lie in! Naps have gone better today too, Tuesdays are always good as she does swimming and it wears her out! This afternoon we had our weekly NCT tea at someone's house and she got really grizzly, so I managed to get her to settle and have her nap in her car seat in their lounge. Not quite sleepsense, but even so, good skills! I think the thing that's helped us most in the past week is the intorduction of a blankie. I know Dana recommends it but I honestly never thought it would make that much difference. She has two, she has a taggie for out and about in the day, and she really loves that.She sucks on the labels and puts herself to sleep. For naps in her cot, she has her homemade rabbit blankie, which is much thinner (becasue I am so paranois about suffocation I won't let her have the taggie in her cot, even to put herself to sleep!) OH has started putting her rabbit blankie over her face and she goes to sleep so much quicker! I made the blankie very small and thin but it still freaks me out! As soon as she's dropped off I go up and move it. It has really helped a lot though.
Hope everyone has had a good bedtime and we're all in for a good night!We have to get up early for weigh in tomorrow, so sod's law it'll be a bad one