Hi all
Not been on for a bit, so much to catch up on..........
HG - my dogs also do the flappy ear thing, it drives me insane, wakes me up most nights. Tiggy is now in double disgrace for going into H's room whilst she was settling night before last! I forgot to shut the stair gate, heard a creak on the monitor, went to investigate and there was Tiggy looking in the bars of the cot
TG I have major sleep envy and weaning envy, glad it's going so well for you.
Polo P
PM - I hadn't realised our LO's were so close in age! Helen is 15 days older than Kyle. The 1st tooth came through about a week ago I think. I'm impressed you braved a wedding with him, their behaviours sound quite similar but Helen hasn't found her feet yet

sounds like you guys have had a tough time. Hope Elliot is feeling better today and well done for keeping going.
Tanya - I trawled through the whole thread on babyclub last night

I wanted to reply but it got closed. Hope you are o.k. To me 4 hours seems like a very long time. H wasn't going 4 hours between feeds at that point. But I think the book does say that at night you wait until they fall asleep however long that may be. I reckon it probably won't be four hours this time as you have already started the process. We found with Helen that actually she takes longer to settle when we stay in the room. She hates being picked up and shhh, patting, sroking, singing has no impact. We only discovered this accidentally during a screaming seesion where OH left the room to answer the phone and she promptly fell asleep. Now I generally just leave her if she is doing her usual grumbly cry but go in if it sounds like she is getting more upset. We have also decided that 1 hr 10 is too long for naps and we now abort nap attempts after 30 mins of crying (only happened twice in 2 weeks so far). The whole CC/CIO debate is so difficult, I hate that we have come to a method that involves crying but I had got to the stage where I was not a good mum during the day because I was so exhausted, my and DH were constantly sniping at each other and I was really quite depressed. My DH is a child psychiatrist and one of my best friends is a child psychologist and neither of them know of any robust research that indicates long lasting damage from these methods. Certainly Helen has acutally been happier since we started SS even though she is currently crying more than she did before. What is obvious from reading this thread is that all the mums on here love their babies so much and truly want what's best for them
We had our worst night for a long time last night. She went to sleep with only a few mins grumbling at 7;30 and woke for a feed at 2:30, unfortunately we had visitors and I'd stayed up til 2

after her feed she just wouldn't settle, crying on and off, I eventually got back to bed at 4. She woke at 5 took a quick feed but then cried so hard when I put her down that I couldn't leave her

I gave her calpol and took her to bed with us (I know, really bad) and she slept until half 8, it was actually really lovely but I felt so guilty. Then DH took her while I slept a bit more. We had to abort the next nap attempt as she just got soooo upset but went off really quickly for her lunchtime nap. (although only 30 mins) She's not long down for her disco nap. It took 20mins but it was very off and on crying and she was more angry than upset.
She's still teething really badly so my plan tonight is calpol before bed and then another dose before the early morning feed as I really think it is her teeth that are holding her back froms sleeping. Please keep your fingers crossed for me, I really need some sleep and so does my poor baby.
On a positive note we were at a friend for lunch yesterday and she commented that of all her friends who have babies (and all her friends have babies!!) we were the first couple she had seen sit at the table together and eat with the baby rather than one parent having to be away from the table. I felt really proud of how relaxed and cheery my wee girl is
Sorry longest post ever