Lana - sorry that you're still having problems. I'm not sure if you saw it last time, but has your DH tried to put her to bed at home without you around? I know that doesn't sound like fun, and is hardly good for the ego, but at least you'd be able to figure out if it is that she won't settle with you around/because she can smell your milk etc. Ronan is MUCH better at settling without me in his line of sight when he's having a hard time unwinding, especially with naps. He can whinge and moan for a good bit but if he sees me/makes eye contact with me, he starts screaming the house down.
I feel for all you poor girls dealing with the heat and it affecting your LO's sleep. It makes me ever so grateful that we have central air/heat in the house as it's been quite hot and horribly humid here too. Ronan's still going to bed in long sleeve sleepsuits and a snuggly sleeping bag!
HG - welcome back! Glad things went well on vacation but sorry that it's all gone pear shaped for you in the last few days. On the 8 month sleep regression, I once again can't recommend the book 'The Wonder Weeks' highly enough. It's so insightful and a great read. I am starting to feel like a broken down record here.
Jaybee - I started at 7 weeks with Ronan. The free report is a little bit rubbish to be honest and just a canned response. The 'book' says that at that age, you can expect a bed time of around 9-10 (I don't remember the exact hours but that's close enough, and might even be later - I'm too lazy to look it up), and Ronan was going down pretty consistently around 9:30 at night. He's naturally moved it forward over the last 2 months to between 7-8pm most nights.
We just played it by ear depending on his last nap of the day, and at your LO's age, I think it helps to remain flexible and just roll with it rather than trying to enforce any kind of schedule. I think the 'ritual' of a bedtime routine is more important than any actual fixed time schedule.
Also, once we knew that Ronan could self settle to sleep, if he is having a rough time, or has gotten over-tired for whatever reason, I will happily give him cuddles and help him get off to sleep. It never happens consistently and to date hasn't become habit or affected his ability to fall asleep on his own thereafter, but I think at such a young age if they really need you, you should be there for them.
Cattia - Glad to hear that Abigail went down better tonight. Fingers crossed the rest of the night goes well!
Ronan's continued with his unsettled sleep, as is to be expected!

He went down to sleep fine, woke at 2:20ish and had a feed but he didn't seem very hungry and kept nodding off but I still managed to keep him awake to put him back in his cot and he was asleep by 3. I'm trying to be very mindful during this time of not letting him get into the habit of falling asleep nursing through the night since he's waking a bit more than normal.
Unfortunately he only slept until 5:30 before waking again. I thought he might have done his morning poop, but nope, not yet. I fed him again and again he didn't seem too hungry and was nodding off but I once again put him down awake and he fell back asleep at about 6:30 before waking an hour or so later to finally do his poop and then shouting to get up for the day by 8.
Hopefully tonight goes a little better. We had a bit of a rough day. Mummy was negligent and dropped a box of diaper bags on his head today. He now has a few marks on the bridge of his nose and a scratch on the side of his forehead and he was upset and crying while his grandma and granddad were here to visit so I ended up giving him some Tylenol since he seemed out of sorts. Thankfully he settled and fell asleep on me about 20 minutes later. I feel awful though. I know it's really not serious, but I still caused my baby boy pain!