Sleep Sense Support Group!

Oooh, some good stuff in Asda, Cattia! And so pleased Abigail is doing well :hugs:

Welllll, since DD has had her ear infection - she's been on the move since 4am every morning (if not a bit earlier...!) We're going with it while she's not feeling so well, but any tips if it continues afterwards? She roars with anger if we don't take her out of her cot, and if she comes in with us, she tries to climb up me and DH and up the bed frame!

Oh no, 4 a.m. is not good! Thomas has gone back to waking up for the day at 5.30 or earlier for the last three days so if you find any solutions let us know!
Elliott usually wakes up once a night. Sometimes this isn't until 5-6am when it starts to get light. I will feed him and put him back down and usually he goes back to sleep for an hour. If he wakes up earlier, say 2am he will them often want to start the day at 6-6.30am :coffee: I think it's because he will stir, realise it's light and then think it's awake time.

Ssooo, he always had a black out blind in his room which made it fairly dark but not perfect. I bought some curtains for his room on the weekend to dress it up a bit but actually it has had another advantage; he sleeps in longer! Yesterday he started the day at just gone 7am and this morning just gone 8am! I think that because it makes the room pitch black he's not disturbed by the light as also the birds song very loudly by his window as our house is next to trees. We shall see what tomorrow morning brings.

The only thing I do wonder is do you think I'm confusing him by having the room this dark? I mean in a way that he doesn't actually know it's morning (yes, I do worry about everything!).

I wouldn't worry about confusing him! I wish I could confuse Thomas a bit as I know he thinks that 5.30/6 is a perfectly acceptable time to start the day. I got a blackout curtain for his room and for a while he was waking at 7 or even 7.30 but we seem to be back to 5.30 again now. So maybe he was confused for a bit but now he's just not fooled anymore, LOL!

Ha ha! They are just far too smart for us. I shall enjoy it while it lasts......

How did your 9 month spurt go? We had 3/4 unsettled nights but "touch wood" seem to be back on
Enjoy it, Poppy!! Isn't it funny, how 7am is now a lie-in for us Mums?! My sister was moaning how she had to get up at 7:45 at the weekend, she got through to the lack of sympathy department with me :D

Thing is, DH and I don't make it any better - as we can't resist responding to that little 'Howah' and kiss we get in the morning (although, is 4:00 morning??? or night?!)
Enjoy it, Poppy!! Isn't it funny, how 7am is now a lie-in for us Mums?! My sister was moaning how she had to get up at 7:45 at the weekend, she got through to the lack of sympathy department with me :D

Thing is, DH and I don't make it any better - as we can't resist responding to that little 'Howah' and kiss we get in the morning (although, is 4:00 morning??? or night?!)

7.45!! I wouldn't even be able to sleep that long even if Thomas did. The odd time that he's slept till 7.30 I have been wide awake waiting for him to wake up. But 4 a.m. definitely doesn't count as morning in my book, anything before 6 is definitely still night. Although quarter to six is beginning to seem fairly reasonable, LOL. It's amazing how they chip away at us.
Hi Mummies,

Hope you are all well. I'd love to be able to say that the reason i've not posted in a couple of days was because i'm getting so much sleep but sadly not! We have no more night feeds though which is good :) We did have a handful of nights last week when he slept through but now he keeps waking up because he's rolled over and can't get back - MWAHHHHH! He goes go right back to sleep after we put him back on his back - ho hum!! He has no problem rolling both ways during the day but it's probably harder in his sleeping bag (and he wants to practice!).

Did anybody else have this?

It's now started affecting his naps which have been brilliant for a good long while now. Bang goes my 3hrs of peace a day! Never mind, hopefully it's just a passing phase till the next one!

Dropped his mid-morning BF for a bottle today and it just felt so awkward!!! Has to be done though as am back to work next week. He only took 2oz. If he was drinking water better out of a cup i'd probably swop it for a snack and water but he's not there yet. Hopefully that will pick up soon copying the others at nursery. I'm trying not to panic about his napping there and having other people do his nap routine. I'm such a control freak! I'm going to miss our mealtimes together so much! They hadn't heard of BLW but I just said put the food on his tray and he should manage! Today he squashed up the fish cake he'd mashed to pieces then shoved it all in his mouth and squealed :)

Anyway, am trying not to get on too much of a downer about going back to work but failing and feel myself welling up all the time when telling people about it :cry:

Kyle is usually up for the day between 5.30 - 6am. Which I can handle. Yesterday we had to wake him up at 6.30am though (any later would totally mess his day up, can't believe i'm saying that!)

Hope everybody is doing fine! I can't believe how quickly the days are passing and that my wee man is nearly 8 months old. Scary biscuits. The handful of nights he did sleep through I found myself thinking how nice it would be to have another baby! Then he started waking up again. Those mums whose babies sleep through from about 3 months have no idea how good they have it!

Sory i've not replied individually - am expecting him to wake up crying any time and have to go and roll him over so need to get some lunch in me!

love P xx
Hi Mummies,

Hope you are all well. I'd love to be able to say that the reason i've not posted in a couple of days was because i'm getting so much sleep but sadly not! We have no more night feeds though which is good :) We did have a handful of nights last week when he slept through but now he keeps waking up because he's rolled over and can't get back - MWAHHHHH! He goes go right back to sleep after we put him back on his back - ho hum!! He has no problem rolling both ways during the day but it's probably harder in his sleeping bag (and he wants to practice!).

Did anybody else have this?

It's now started affecting his naps which have been brilliant for a good long while now. Bang goes my 3hrs of peace a day! Never mind, hopefully it's just a passing phase till the next one!

Dropped his mid-morning BF for a bottle today and it just felt so awkward!!! Has to be done though as am back to work next week. He only took 2oz. If he was drinking water better out of a cup i'd probably swop it for a snack and water but he's not there yet. Hopefully that will pick up soon copying the others at nursery. I'm trying not to panic about his napping there and having other people do his nap routine. I'm such a control freak! I'm going to miss our mealtimes together so much! They hadn't heard of BLW but I just said put the food on his tray and he should manage! Today he squashed up the fish cake he'd mashed to pieces then shoved it all in his mouth and squealed :)

Anyway, am trying not to get on too much of a downer about going back to work but failing and feel myself welling up all the time when telling people about it :cry:

Kyle is usually up for the day between 5.30 - 6am. Which I can handle. Yesterday we had to wake him up at 6.30am though (any later would totally mess his day up, can't believe i'm saying that!)

Hope everybody is doing fine! I can't believe how quickly the days are passing and that my wee man is nearly 8 months old. Scary biscuits. The handful of nights he did sleep through I found myself thinking how nice it would be to have another baby! Then he started waking up again. Those mums whose babies sleep through from about 3 months have no idea how good they have it!

Sory i've not replied individually - am expecting him to wake up crying any time and have to go and roll him over so need to get some lunch in me!

love P xx

Big hugs for going back to work. I am getting so stressed about it already and I'm not back until October. I'm sure Kyle will adjust well - but it still just feels so dreadful leaving them doesn't it? I worry so much that there is just no substitute for time spent with baby and I cry thinking about everything I will miss. I also get so jealous that OH will have more time with him than me when I go back to work.

Re: rolling over. We had this for about a week and then Thomas just started sleeping on his tummy when he rolled over and now he pretty much always sleeps either on his tummy or on his side. The latest is standing up in the cot but luckily he seems to have stopped doing this at bedtime and just does it in the 'morning' when he thinks it is time to get up.
HI all,

Wow PM, you've dropped the night feeds? Well done! Going back to work is hard but the anticipation really is worse than the reality. ONce you are there you will be busy and time will go fast, and the time you do spend with them will seem even more special.

Polaris, I too have now accepted quarter to six as 'morning'! I can't believe that there was a time when I would lie in until 11 on a Saturday. I never was much of a morning person, but they don't leave us much choice do they?

TG - I hope DD is truly on the mend now. Hopefully once she is better she will go back to her normal nightime routine.

Poppy -we have never used blackout blinds.I wonder if it would help? Worth a try. I find it very hard resettling Abigail when she wakes up at 5am, but I am determined not to feed her before 6 (well, quarter to if it's a really bad night). I then make sure she knows that it's morning so she knows she is not getting a night feed, so I draw back the curtains and put her toys in her cot, she will then play and maybe doze for about an hour before she decides it is time to get up. We bring her in with us for a bit so we can doze a bit longer then we do her breakfast.
Hi Mummies,

Hope you are all well. I'd love to be able to say that the reason i've not posted in a couple of days was because i'm getting so much sleep but sadly not! We have no more night feeds though which is good :) We did have a handful of nights last week when he slept through but now he keeps waking up because he's rolled over and can't get back - MWAHHHHH! He goes go right back to sleep after we put him back on his back - ho hum!! He has no problem rolling both ways during the day but it's probably harder in his sleeping bag (and he wants to practice!).

Did anybody else have this?

It's now started affecting his naps which have been brilliant for a good long while now. Bang goes my 3hrs of peace a day! Never mind, hopefully it's just a passing phase till the next one!

Dropped his mid-morning BF for a bottle today and it just felt so awkward!!! Has to be done though as am back to work next week. He only took 2oz. If he was drinking water better out of a cup i'd probably swop it for a snack and water but he's not there yet. Hopefully that will pick up soon copying the others at nursery. I'm trying not to panic about his napping there and having other people do his nap routine. I'm such a control freak! I'm going to miss our mealtimes together so much! They hadn't heard of BLW but I just said put the food on his tray and he should manage! Today he squashed up the fish cake he'd mashed to pieces then shoved it all in his mouth and squealed :)

Anyway, am trying not to get on too much of a downer about going back to work but failing and feel myself welling up all the time when telling people about it :cry:

Kyle is usually up for the day between 5.30 - 6am. Which I can handle. Yesterday we had to wake him up at 6.30am though (any later would totally mess his day up, can't believe i'm saying that!)

Hope everybody is doing fine! I can't believe how quickly the days are passing and that my wee man is nearly 8 months old. Scary biscuits. The handful of nights he did sleep through I found myself thinking how nice it would be to have another baby! Then he started waking up again. Those mums whose babies sleep through from about 3 months have no idea how good they have it!

Sory i've not replied individually - am expecting him to wake up crying any time and have to go and roll him over so need to get some lunch in me!

love P xx

Elliott went through a phase of this. It didn't last ling at all. Maybe a week? He soon learnt to correct himself so it didn't bother him. The newest phase for us though is for Elliott to sit or stand whilst trying to sleep......! This is passing though......

Sounds like he is getting on great with BLW! Elliott was so funny today. We went round OH's parents for dinner and it wasn't quite ready and he was getting hungry. So he helped himself to an apricot from the fruit bowl and devoured the lot (minus the stone obviously)! He seems to be managing food much better these days as his co ordination is improving all the time!
Poppy -we have never used blackout blinds.I wonder if it would help? Worth a try. I find it very hard resettling Abigail when she wakes up at 5am, but I am determined not to feed her before 6 (well, quarter to if it's a really bad night). I then make sure she knows that it's morning so she knows she is not getting a night feed, so I draw back the curtains and put her toys in her cot, she will then play and maybe doze for about an hour before she decides it is time to get up. We bring her in with us for a bit so we can doze a bit longer then we do her breakfast.

It's worth a try! We got ours cheap and cheerful from Dunelm Mill. Those coupled with the curtains and the room is completely dark. To be honest though any time before 6am (but preferably 7am) is unacceptable to get up lol and I will re settle him with a feed. I have tried bringing him in to bed with me and OH when he wakes around 5am but he plays around for 30 minutes to an hour (poking our eyes, slapping our faces etc) before he settles back to sleep again :dohh: so I find it easier to settle him back in to his cot.

We are still doing night feeds. Generally only one though. He has been a bit unsettled the last few nights though and his cheeks have flared up today so maybe he is teething again? Not sure what tooth to expect next though as he has the top 4 front teeth and his two bottom ones?

I would eventually like to drop the night feeds though but have no idea how to do this. He has once in his life slept for 10 hours solid before waking and it was complete bliss. Though I was up checking the clock all the time. Maybe he will drop them himself....:shrug:
Poppy -we have never used blackout blinds.I wonder if it would help? Worth a try. I find it very hard resettling Abigail when she wakes up at 5am, but I am determined not to feed her before 6 (well, quarter to if it's a really bad night). I then make sure she knows that it's morning so she knows she is not getting a night feed, so I draw back the curtains and put her toys in her cot, she will then play and maybe doze for about an hour before she decides it is time to get up. We bring her in with us for a bit so we can doze a bit longer then we do her breakfast.

It's worth a try! We got ours cheap and cheerful from Dunelm Mill. Those coupled with the curtains and the room is completely dark. To be honest though any time before 6am (but preferably 7am) is unacceptable to get up lol and I will re settle him with a feed. I have tried bringing him in to bed with me and OH when he wakes around 5am but he plays around for 30 minutes to an hour (poking our eyes, slapping our faces etc) before he settles back to sleep again :dohh: so I find it easier to settle him back in to his cot.

We are still doing night feeds. Generally only one though. He has been a bit unsettled the last few nights though and his cheeks have flared up today so maybe he is teething again? Not sure what tooth to expect next though as he has the top 4 front teeth and his two bottom ones?

I would eventually like to drop the night feeds though but have no idea how to do this. He has once in his life slept for 10 hours solid before waking and it was complete bliss. Though I was up checking the clock all the time. Maybe he will drop them himself....:shrug:

In my baby book it has a chart saying what order the teeth normally come in, apparently the two other bottom teeth are usually next and after that they start with the molars (obviously time frames are only averages). I find it quite useful -

1. Lower front teeth (around 6-8 months)
2. Upper front teeth (around 7-9 months)
3. Upper side teeth (around 8-9 months)
4. Lower side teeth (around 9-10 months)
5. Upper first molars (around 12 months)
6. Lower first molars (around 14 months)
7. Upper eye teeth (around 16 months)
8. Lower eye teeth (around 18 months)
9. Lower second molars (around 22-24 months)
10. Upper second molars (around 24-26 months)

I am exactly the same with the night feeds, usually only one feed, although he quite often goes 9 or 10 hours before waking so I find it very hard not to feed him at that stage as I figure that he must be hungry. However on Tuesday night he slept through until 6 a.m. so I just got him up at that stage - I wouldn't mind a 6 a.m. start to the day if he was sleeping through! Last night though he woke up at 5.15 so I fed him and he went back to sleep until 6.45. I am just going with the flow for now and hoping he will drop the night feed himself.
In my baby book it has a chart saying what order the teeth normally come in, apparently the two other bottom teeth are usually next and after that they start with the molars (obviously time frames are only averages). I find it quite useful -

1. Lower front teeth (around 6-8 months)
2. Upper front teeth (around 7-9 months)
3. Upper side teeth (around 8-9 months)
4. Lower side teeth (around 9-10 months)
5. Upper first molars (around 12 months)
6. Lower first molars (around 14 months)
7. Upper eye teeth (around 16 months)
8. Lower eye teeth (around 18 months)
9. Lower second molars (around 22-24 months)
10. Upper second molars (around 24-26 months)

I am exactly the same with the night feeds, usually only one feed, although he quite often goes 9 or 10 hours before waking so I find it very hard not to feed him at that stage as I figure that he must be hungry. However on Tuesday night he slept through until 6 a.m. so I just got him up at that stage - I wouldn't mind a 6 a.m. start to the day if he was sleeping through! Last night though he woke up at 5.15 so I fed him and he went back to sleep until 6.45. I am just going with the flow for now and hoping he will drop the night feed himself.

Thanks for that Polaris :thumbup: Maybe it's his bottom side teeth starting to move.

I could have written exactly what you wrote about night feeds! If Elliott was sleeping through I wouldn't mind a 6am get up time either! It's just tiring when you've had a broken nights sleep. Even just for one feed.

Elliott was very good last night. He woke at 4.15am (just an hour before you were up!). He fed and then went back down until 7.15am. I was really pleased with him.

My idea is to go with flow as well. It's not going to last forever right :shrug:? Lol!
Yay, go Elliot! It does sound like he has quite similar sleep patterns to Thomas and hopefully they will both drop the night feed in time.

I found this on the internet about night feedings:

Below are the number of feedings at night, at various ages, that are within “normal” range (in my experience) and don’t throw up a red flag that there is more going on than just a feeding:

• Newborns to 3 months old: Feedings every 2-3 hours, on demand
• 3-4 Months: 2-3 feedings per night or every 3-6 hours, on demand
• 5-6 Months: 1-2 feedings
• 7-9 Months: 1, maybe 2, feedings
• 10-12 Months: Sometimes 1 feeding
• 12+ Months: Generally no feedings

(This is the site I got it from - - I'm not too sure where those figures are coming from though or if it is just that person's opinion)

So far Thomas has been following it pretty well so hopefully he will drop the night feed of his own accord in the next couple of months!
Poor Abigail, I feel bad now that I made her drop the night feed :( Well, she seems OK with it, I guess if she was really hungry she would let me know?

We have had three or four nights in a row now where she has woken for a few minutes around 4am and settled herself back to sleep, then gone through until 6 or 6.30am! 6am is a little early but she plays on her own in her cot until about 7.30, when I go back to work I'll have to get up at 6 though so that won't be fun. Only one more week of the holidays left :(
Yay, go Elliot! It does sound like he has quite similar sleep patterns to Thomas and hopefully they will both drop the night feed in time.

I found this on the internet about night feedings:

Below are the number of feedings at night, at various ages, that are within “normal” range (in my experience) and don’t throw up a red flag that there is more going on than just a feeding:

• Newborns to 3 months old: Feedings every 2-3 hours, on demand
• 3-4 Months: 2-3 feedings per night or every 3-6 hours, on demand
• 5-6 Months: 1-2 feedings
• 7-9 Months: 1, maybe 2, feedings
• 10-12 Months: Sometimes 1 feeding
• 12+ Months: Generally no feedings

(This is the site I got it from - - I'm not too sure where those figures are coming from though or if it is just that person's opinion)

So far Thomas has been following it pretty well so hopefully he will drop the night feed of his own accord in the next couple of months!

Thanks for this :thumbup: Seems to be exactly on par with how night feeds have been going for us too.x
Poor Abigail, I feel bad now that I made her drop the night feed :( Well, she seems OK with it, I guess if she was really hungry she would let me know?

We have had three or four nights in a row now where she has woken for a few minutes around 4am and settled herself back to sleep, then gone through until 6 or 6.30am! 6am is a little early but she plays on her own in her cot until about 7.30, when I go back to work I'll have to get up at 6 though so that won't be fun. Only one more week of the holidays left :(

Don't feel bad :hugs: You are absolutely right. She would certainly let you know if she wasn't happy with the new arrangement!!!!

Good sleeping from Abigail lately. I also hope it continues for you once you have gone back to work as it will make things seem a little easier.x
Poor Abigail, I feel bad now that I made her drop the night feed :( Well, she seems OK with it, I guess if she was really hungry she would let me know?

We have had three or four nights in a row now where she has woken for a few minutes around 4am and settled herself back to sleep, then gone through until 6 or 6.30am! 6am is a little early but she plays on her own in her cot until about 7.30, when I go back to work I'll have to get up at 6 though so that won't be fun. Only one more week of the holidays left :(

Don't feel bad :hugs: You are absolutely right. She would certainly let you know if she wasn't happy with the new arrangement!!!!

Good sleeping from Abigail lately. I also hope it continues for you once you have gone back to work as it will make things seem a little easier.x

Also it was a different situation as Abigail was often waking three times a night wasn't she? She definitely didn't need that many feeds so kinder to drop all the night feeds at that stage rather than risking a very confused baby.

Anyway Thomas slept through again last night - 7 until 6.45!!! I was pretty much awake from 5.30 though waiting for him to wake up, LOL.
Also it was a different situation as Abigail was often waking three times a night wasn't she? She definitely didn't need that many feeds so kinder to drop all the night feeds at that stage rather than risking a very confused baby.

Anyway Thomas slept through again last night - 7 until 6.45!!! I was pretty much awake from 5.30 though waiting for him to wake up, LOL.

What a clever boy Thomas was! I wish I could say the same :coffee:Elliott w
as rather unsettled from when we put him to bed. I was then lucky enough to see 1.30am and 5am (to be fair he was rather wet at this time). I was up for about 40 minutes with him at this time :coffee: Only a feed would settle him each time. I always worry about starting a bad habit again when I do this. He has very rosy cheeks again today though but he won't let me have a proper look for any tooth buds.

My OH suggested trying him on a "stage 2 milk" to help him sleep. Bless :dohh: I tried to explain that it wouldn't be quite that simple.....He was only trying to help i suppose as he could see I was particularly tired!
Ah, that makes sense for us, too! DD wakes up for her night feed, and is always v.hungry...I've just decided to go with it. Am so used to it now!

Cattia, don't fret :hugs: When I tried to drop DDs nightfeed, she definitely let me know she was hungry! Our LOs do not settle if hungry :D

Well, ladies, I've got a stinking cold :( And I think DD has a bit of it, too - am hoping my BM may help out a bit, it would be most unfair for her to have a cold after ear infection.

She has gone back to sleeping from 7:15-6:15, with her night feed. I never realised how good 6:15 feels! Like a lie in! We got awoken with a little 'Howah Dada' this morning, when she spotted DH popping to the loo. V cute!

Hope you are all well...:hugs:
argh, bit of a rant from me. Poor DD has still got her ear infection, so has to have more antibiotics :( I also spoke to my GP about my PCOS, which I was pleased seems to have abated, only to be told that it will come back...and it may be a good idea to TTC while AF is appearing a bit more frequently (her being absent is my 'symptom') All seemed fine with that - not our ideal age gap - but seems to make sense. However, GP said I'd need to go back on metformin and I'd need to stop BFing :(:(:( Doc also seemed to think I BF too much at this stage :( DH and I talking it all through - am not ready to stop BFing yet, but also see the logic in what she's saying.

And my poor, darling DD's ears :( She's been cuddled and cuddled and cuddled - til she actually pushed me and DH away as if to say 'enough! am playing now, thank you!'

Argh, rant over!

Sorry, totally OT!
Poor, poor Abigail :hugs: I hope you are feeling better too hun. Abigail's sleeping is very good at the moment!

Elliott managed 10 hours straight last night with a quick feed at 6.25am and then went back to sleep until 7.35am!! :thumbup:

TG, when you say your Dr thinks you are BF too much does he mean that you are giving too many feeds or that you shouldn't be BF at 10 months? I keep being asked when am I going to stop BF lately :wacko: xx
That I'm giving too many feeds - Doc said I'd done brilliantly doing 10.5 months, and was really surprised with the night feed.

My gut instinct tells me I'm doing the right thing...and I've always wanted to feed for a year. I said to doc I'd stop when DD was ready, and doc said 'well, that could be years!'

I love BFing!

Well, DH and I are going to make an appointment to see my consultant - and see what he says. If it's best to start TTC now, we'll need to take that into consideration asap...but if he says it won't make much difference, I'll carry on with my four feeds!

GP was really good and helpful about everything - and understanding my point of view - am just a bit :wacko: atm!

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