I have no idea what's going on with my little monkey but I hope it passes soon. I don't want to get hopeful that we're on the downward slope from here though. Since his mammoth 6 1/2 hour nap I last posted about he's been all over the place. Even before that it's like he's forgotten how to settle himself back to sleep when he wakes in the night, or he really, really just wants a cuddle with mum as he often falls back to sleep after 30-45 minutes of cuddling (it would be faster to nurse him back to sleep)!
He's been waking at odd and random times and goes straight from whinging to screaming. Half the time I can't tell if there really is anything wrong or if he just likes to scream/screech because he's discovered how to and it gets my attention.

I miss the days of the less ear piercing squeal.
Getting him to nap is tougher too and we were going so well. He fights them and then gets upset and cries because he's tired, and we go back and forth with me turning him back over onto his tummy until he gives up, has a little whinge and goes to sleep and it's been rare that he's gone past 30-40 minutes per nap.
All that being said, after he woke screaming last night as I was posting (Hubby had gone up to see and try to settle him), and after a fruitless 45 minutes of trying to settle him with cuddles and patting/shhing, I gave up out of exasperation and sheer exhaustion and nursed him, at which point he went right down and slept for a blissful 5 hours and 40 minutes until 5am so I actually got about 5 hours of straight sleep!
I fed him again and he was back asleep by 5:30 and didn't stir until 9amish (when I tried to sneak in to check on him and stood on a squeaky floorboard

). I got about another hour and a half of sleep in there so I felt like I could deal with today.
He only napped twice through the day, once for a half hour around 11 but then for 2 1/2 hours 1:30-4pm. He had a bit of a fuss and whinge going to bed tonight but he was awake longer than normal so was a little overtired and all said and done he went down pretty well. Fingers crossed that he sleeps better!
As for the why, who knows? Growth spurt, developmental upset, teething, itchy nose...you name it! I
think he's trying to figure out the whole crawling thing though because he keeps pulling his knees under him and getting up on his elbows in his crib, especially when I'm trying to settle him for naps. On one hand I hope he figures it out soon, and on the other I hope he gets bored and gives up because I'm not ready to baby-proof the house!
Anyway, thanks for the well wishes. Knowing my luck, he'll get it all sorted out, just before we go away on vacation next weekend for the week and things get all tipped upside down again!