Hope you are all well! I've just had my last full week with Kyle before going back to work! He has settling in sessions on Monday and Tuesday, our last full day together just the two of us on Wednesday, back to work Thursday (OH looking after him) and then he starts nursery full time on Friday!

Can't believe it's gone by so fast
TG - I love BF too! Have had to cut it down to 2 x BFs now as am back to work next week when it will go down to only one

I'll keep up the morning feed as long as I can but not sure how my supply will be affected. Let us know how it goes with the consultant. I've not had any sign of AF yet? Am assuming this is normal with BF though - does anybody know when it should be expected to make an appearance? Hope those antibs clear up her ear infection good and proper this time, poor toot.
Polaris - YEY for Thomas sleeping through the night! Whoop what a good boy

It's great that he is being more consistent, yippeee!
Hive - wowzer, Ronan staying asleep that long in the afternoon, how did the night go? Happy 6-month birthday too!
Well, night feeds have been dropped for 2 weeks now

He was totally ready i'm sure. We just reduced his feeds by 1 minute each night until they were only 4 minutes long then stopped. We only really had one night of protest but it wasn't bad at all (unlike the first time we tried to stop them and he deffo wasn't ready).
He's still moving around in the cot a lot but getting used to it now. We borrowed a video monitor off a friend so we could see when he actually needed us to go in as opposed to just yelling for attention. It's brill! It's so cute watching him sleep and wriggle around. Anyway, he's getting much more used to it now and seems to prefer sleeping on his side/tummy much more.
Kyle has slept through the night the past 3 nights now (well, from 6.30pm until about 5.30am although today he woke up at 5.10am!! too early!). The problem is that he can't stay awake any longer than 6.30pm as has dropped the catnap so needs an early bed and after 11hrs of sleep has had enough and it ready to start the day. 5.30am I can just about cope with but not any earlier! Problem is when he starts nursery I know he will struggle to nap so would love for him to sleep a bit longer in the morning so that he is more able to handle a longer morning but hopefully he will eventually adapt! Could go one way or the other (his overtiredness!).
Despite him waking up at 5.10am I waited until 9am for his nap rather than put him down at 8.15am like I used to ie/ 3hrs after he woke up, to try and keep his nap times consistent and help set his body clock. Is anybody else sticking to the same nap times regardless of wake up time or do you adjust them each day?
We went out for a family lunch for my birthday yesterday and Kyle was so well behaved! He shared my chicken salad

and ate everything really well, am so happy we are BLW. I think at nursery he will do a bit of TW and BLW but I don't really mind, we have so much fun at home. He has favourites now and reaches out and squeals when he sees certain things ie/ oatcakes !
He's in nursery from 8.30am - 11am tomorrow for a settling session which will include a nap - ARGHGHGHGHGH! xx