Sleepless Nights Support Thread

I think we might be hitting the 8 month sleep regression early. She wakes at about 2-3 am and is impossible to settle back down. She keeps rolling over onto her belly and waking herself up! She's trying to crawl now. This never ends, does it? :dohh: She's a wonderful baby in the daytime, but nightime=hell.
Sierra has been sleeping quite well actually. But I shouldn't speak so soon! Although last night he did wake up quite a bit. I got up to him about 3 times and not so sure how many times my hubby got up to him. I vaguely remember him crying on a few occassions...
Omg tell me there is a magic cure :/ my eldest slept 8/ish -6/7am and youngest is unbelievable. Last few days for eg has been two 5ams and 6.30 (wow) thought we had progress, last night 4am and today 2.45 am :/ nothing will settle other than milk., dummy wont work, and Like today tried rocking shushing - she goes into world war 3 crying if not fed. She's on bfast and tea aswell! So isn't exactly hungry. This isn't new, she's gone terrible for weeeeeeks even months
Maybe she really is hungry? Sophie still has a nightfeed anywhere between 2am and 5am :).

She is on 3 (big) solid meals a day and steals half my food! If your LO is taking a decent amount of milk I'd say she's hungry :(.

I know it sucks! Sophie had times when she was young that she'd sleep until 3am before needing a feed (around 8 weeks old) but then she started needing 2 feeds again at night until about 6.5 months where she dropped one feed.
shes on 7oz in day but only needs 2-3 to go back off and shes not really awake but has to suck bottle not dummy to get back off!
Mmm I dont have experience with Formula :(.
Doesn't sounds like she's drinking an aweful lot though!
Maybe it has become a habit and you have to persevere for a week or so?
Or give water instead of formula?
I have a question. My 6 week old is going between 4 and 5 hrs after his feed at about 10am, and the same after his following feed at about 3pm, but waking every 3-4 hours in the night. is there a way of teaching him to have these longer bursts and sleeps at night instead of the afternoon, or will he just figure it out himself at some point? The last few nights he has fed about midnight, then 3-4am, then 6-7am? But before that he was 11.30pm, 2-3am, 4.30-5.30am, 6-8am. We started offering him 5oz of formula instead of 4 about a week ago, so i'm hoping he has changed his night routine to just the one night feed now, but as it's only been two nights, I could be wrong! However, if he did what he did on an afternoon, he'd go from like 10pm - 3am, then sleep till about 6-7am which would be perfect as my partner and I could get back to sharing a bed!!
My lo has been doing great since 8 weeks when I put her in her own room in crib. That's when we started a bedtime routine bath bottle in her room with just nightlights then bed. She was going down between 7-8 waking usually once 2-4am for a feed then slept till 7:30-8. This past week has been rough. Yes she has been sick but she has been waking up twice in the night and then BAM 5am she's UP. It's crazy! Finally today after 5am feed I put her in her crib & listened to her "talk" to herself on the monitor for about 45min! She then fell back to sleep until 7:15 but jeeeeeeeez. I really really hope she stops trying to party like a rockstar before the sun comes up-it's exhausting:(
My little girl goes to sleep at 11/12, wakes up at 3am, goes back to sleep til 5/6 and then she sleeps til 10 which is good for me :D I guess it could be worse.

But I am struggling with staying awake with her, I am so tired and yesterday I was feeding her and I fell asleep whilst feeding her.. I really struggle with night times to be honest but I am slowly getting the hang of it.
sorry lol she has 7 oz 3x a day, 8oz x1 a day, so 28oz, then 3 in night. Total 32 oz a day.
Water? sheeeeesh she sips it, realises its not milk somehow and wont suck lol! She's gonna be a hard one :D

and above poster oops forgot name, dont let him go more than 4 in day, then leave as long as he'll go at night.
freya has never slept well. she used to sleep (for 2 weeks)from 11-5 then up for the day which was the best shes ever done.before that it was much the same as it is now.

the past week :wacko: if i add up how much shes slept between the hours of 11-6 its more like 1hr or 2 per night :hissy: i think im losing the will to live!:cry:
My little one is 3 weeks old and has her days and nights completely switched. She is up every 2 hours at least at night for usually 30-45 minutes...sometimes up to 2 hours. Gah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
George goes 4-6 hrs sometimes during the day, and between 2-4 at night. I'm sure he'll get it right sooner or later!!
My baby is 3months and he sleeps 5 to 6 hours when i first put him to bed, when he wakes up i give him his bottle and then sleeps for another 3hours. Is that good at his age or should he be sleeping longer? :)
My baby is 3months and he sleeps 5 to 6 hours when i first put him to bed, when he wakes up i give him his bottle and then sleeps for another 3hours. Is that good at his age or should he be sleeping longer? :)

That is really good hun. Make the most of it as, the 4mth sleep regression and teething can hit very soon and you will feel like you have an hr old baby in the house
That's how I feel right now:( after only waking once for weeks I'm up every 2 hours! Please please let this pass
It does pass hun and once they hit 6mths you can start some kind of sleep training if you want. We did the controlled crying with DD as, she just needed to learn to self settle all the time. We were very lucky she only screamed/cried the 1st night for 30mins non stop(friends of mine who have done this with a much older child of about 16mths they screamed/cried for 2hrs non stop!!!)the next day she slept for 2hr solid nap which she very rarely did before and from then on she has been really good. There are different sleep training techniques if you don't like the thought of letting your LO cry it out. I know when my DD is ill or suffering with bad teething and I of course don't let her cry it out then I comfort her but, she still wants to self settle. You will get there hun honest there is light at the end of the tunnel.
I am VERY fortunate in that lo goes down awake & falls asleep on her own. If she wakes up I usually feed her & sometimes hear her talking to herself for a good half hour before falling back to sleep. Sometimes if she's not crying just "talking" I let her be & she falls back to sleep. She refuses to nap in her crib but @ night she's awesome. It's just that the waking has been frequent the past few nights. She has been eating lots more during the day as well so maybe a growth spurt? Hope so - I loooooove sleep lol
Ugh, we have hit the 4 mo sleep reg. stage. (bit early as she is only 14 weeks) but it has definitly hit. She was going to bed between 9-10 pm and sleeping till 4/5 am then feeding then going back down till 8am.

This week she has been up every 2 hours and even wanting to PLAY in the middle of the night.

Before this she would go down semi-awake and put her self to sleep.. now thats out the window too.

Please someone tell me it wont last longer because it started earlier :(
I am exhausted! I am averaging 2-4 hours of sleep per day. I have a 1 year old and 1month old, I feel so depressed due to lack of sleep. I just dont know what to do.

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