Sleepless Nights Support Thread

Thanks Green Lady. Yeh we use infacol already. It seems to have helped him sleep better at night and he brings wind up quicker these days, but apart from that no change. He's been a grump again all morning... we got up at 8am, and he has since then had 3 bottles and only 30 mins sleep around 10am I think. He's been wingy and grumpy all morning... he keeps rubbing his fists on his cheeks and shoving them in his mouth?! After his third bottle I finally put him in the pram and shoved a coat on and took him for a walk down the road. 10 mins later he was fast asleep! Brought him home and he is still asleep (been about 20 mins now) but i've left my coat and boots by the front door... just in case!!

Sounds like he has started suffering teeting pains. Try some Calgel or Dentanox teething gel or if you can get it Ashton&Parsons teething powders(they are like gold dust but worked a treat on my DD). You can use Calpol once your LO is 8wks old and Neurofen at 3mths they, Gripewater and Ashton&Parsons teething powders are any Mum's best friends:thumbup:

I will soon be joining the sleepless nights again in June at some point with #2
is that possible at 3 weeks old?

yep my friends 3rd son cut his first tooth t under 3mths old and he was suffering the pains fom about 3-4wks old. My DD started suffering at 3mths and cut her 1st tooth at 5mths old now she only has 4 more to go then she will have her full set of baby teeth. I think newborn sleepless nights due to constantly feeding and then when the teething starts is just the worst part. Can't believe I am going to be doing it all again so soon. What am I like?
Hi everyone, can I join in? My little girl is 5 weeks old and wakes 3 times in the night, between 11-12, 2-3 and 5-6. She has a bath about 8 and then a bottle an sleeps from about 9ish usually. However, when she wakes up at 5 she is wide awake and will not go back down! We have tried everything we can think of: going to bed later (didn't go to sleep till 11pm yesturday but still up at 5, keeping it as much like night time as possible, black out blinds, cuddling, rocking, dream feeds (earlier in the night), topping her up etc I'm not sure what else we can do. What's worrying is each eek her waKing time seems to get earlier-it was 7 two weeks ago, 6 last week and now 5am!! By 9/10am she is cranky and tired and if she doesn't nap then is in a bad mood until she does. Help!
Have you tried putting her to bed earlier instead?
I have twins, no sleep and feeing takes hours at a time too! But friday night hubby is letting me sleep in the guest room, i cant wait, if i sleep i will have my first nights sleep since they were born and before that i didnt sleep, try being pregnant with twins, since i was 28 weeks pregnant. Im just done it :S roll on friday!
I haven't but I could try that, she has been sleepy a few times before bath time so maybe having a bath has woken her up? I forgot to mention we swaddle her becaus her arms wake her up, I dont think he realises they are attached to her so must just think some evil person is hitting her in the face! Swaddling works until 5am but then she fights to free her arms and wont settle!

Eternal- i am in awe of you having twins-I don't know how you do it. My mum and dad had 2 sets of twins a year apart and they are superheroes in my view! How they did it I will never know
I haven't but I could try that, she has been sleepy a few times before bath time so maybe having a bath has woken her up? I forgot to mention we swaddle her becaus her arms wake her up, I dont think he realises they are attached to her so must just think some evil person is hitting her in the face! Swaddling works until 5am but then she fights to free her arms and wont settle!

Eternal- i am in awe of you having twins-I don't know how you do it. My mum and dad had 2 sets of twins a year apart and they are superheroes in my view! How they did it I will never know

wow! amazing! its hard, my husband works a lot so its all on me, and i don't have support anywhere else, so its constant day and night for me. And this week i have the most grumpy babies ever! arh!
She's still very young anyway. You have a big chance that it all settles down soon.
Newborns tend to just sleep 18 or so hours a day, not necessarily divided in 12 hours at night and 6 hours during the day.

Make sure your LO doesn't get overtired either, that makes them cranky and unable to sleep properly!

Hope it gets better for you soon :).
I haven't but I could try that, she has been sleepy a few times before bath time so maybe having a bath has woken her up? I forgot to mention we swaddle her becaus her arms wake her up, I dont think he realises they are attached to her so must just think some evil person is hitting her in the face! Swaddling works until 5am but then she fights to free her arms and wont settle!

Eternal- i am in awe of you having twins-I don't know how you do it. My mum and dad had 2 sets of twins a year apart and they are superheroes in my view! How they did it I will never know

wow! amazing! its hard, my husband works a lot so its all on me, and i don't have support anywhere else, so its constant day and night for me. And this week i have the most grumpy babies ever! arh!

I wish I could help you out :(!

You're amazing!!
Our LO is 4 weeks old, she sleeps in her moses basket in our room. The main problem we have at the moment is that she is so noisy at night she is keeping me awake. She is not crying but flailing her arms around (she is half swaddled) sighing and grunting, kicking her legs and banging her arms on the sides of the basket at times. I try and leave her unless she actually cries in the hope that she will settle herself but this doesn't always work. I have tried feeding her, picking her up to try and settle her and playing some background noise but nothing seems to work....any advice?
heli - that sounds just like my little boy. He is 3 and a half weeks old, and grunts, pushes and strains through half the night. Most of the time he is asleep, though he does occasionally wake himself up with it. Lovely that he can sleep through it, cause I certainly can't, it's really loud! He also squirms and throws his arms around and I worry about him going under his blanket as he's moving about so much! I've recently learned the cause of his grunting noises - he's trying to either poo or trump! Usually he manages it in the early hours and the grunting stops. However, he grunted through half the night last night and he still hasn't pood. He is still grunting this morning!

You can help him to pass the wind or stool by bending his knees up into his tummy and cycling them, or gently massaging his belly in a downward motion. This sometimes works for us....sometimes doesn't!

I found this earlier which pretty much sums it up!

Grunting Baby Syndrome

It may be the bane of my professional existence but it isn’t found in the major pediatric textbooks. It’s the source of stress and confusion for so many young parents. And too often it’s misunderstood if not mismanaged. It’s grunting baby syndrome.

The baby with grunting baby syndrome will push, squeeze, grunt, change color and carry on only to produce a soft bowel movement. Parents will report that their baby is constipated and seek help. Very often we’re lead down the down the primrose path searching for a solution. But there is no problem. The grunting baby’s problem is one of primitive incoordination. While we all take for granted our understanding of the need for simultaneous relaxation of the pelvic floor and abdominal pressure to poop, not all babies have this figured out. And it’s this lack of coordination that makes us believe that our babies are in trouble.

A common trap for parents and even pediatricians is to stimulate the GBS baby with a thermometer or a cotton swab. When the anus is stimulated, babies exhibit what’s referred to as an “anal wink.” When this happens the bottom relaxes ever so briefly but just enough to allow rectal contents to be eliminated.

The reason this is a trap is that it actually works. And because it works so well we do it again and again. But as the baby becomes accustomed to pooping with stimulation it comes to be that the baby can only poop when stimulated (thus the trap).

The baby with grunting baby syndrome is best left to work out her issues on her own. The simple timing of elimination is something that we all sort out early on and we shouldn’t interfere. As difficult as it may be to watch, the short-term relief of rectal stimulation is never a good long-term solution. Parents of babies with GBS will often look for help after weeks of continuous bottom tweaking and failure of a baby to poop on her own. After a thorough history, physical, and exclusion of other causes I educate the family on GBS and suggest a slow withdrawal of stimulation with the understanding that baby will figure it out.

Hope that helps a bit! I know with my LO, it looks like he's in pain and I can't bare to listen/see him like it, but I guess he's not... it prob sounds a lot worse than it is! I've found taking him out of the moses basket and putting him on the bed next to me on his side seems to stop the grunting and he sleeps peacefully there!
I found with my DD she was so noisy she would disturb us and, when we turned over or got up to use the loo in the middle of the night we were also disturbing her. I ended up having enough and moved her into her own room when she was 11wks old was so much better. (Newborns make lots of noise and tend to move their arms and legs loads.) We started using a dummy from when she was 3wks old(this is when is stopped breast feeding as there was hardly anything for me to give her). I also did controlled crying when she was 6mths1wk old and, haven't looked back since. I know some Mum's wont agree with it think its barbaric and all that fine you don't have to use that method if you don't want to but, personally I found it great worked within 3 nights:thumbup: also works during the day with her nap as well. DD wakes up happy and chirpy wakes up so quietly I have to look at the video monitor most times to see if she is a wake as, more often than not she is quietly sitting up in her cot playing with her bedtime cuddlies. Oh I also startedusing a slumber bear when she was 3mths old so wish I had had it sine she was born will be buying a new one for when #2 comes along in June as, that is a god send she cuddles it all the time in bed now and she is 18mths old.
Sophie did all the grunting and the arm flapping (this is a reflex that newborn babies have, it's called the Moro reflex).

It will all settle down and get less, it just takes different times for different babies.
My lo started to bump into the sides of the bassinet & would waked herself up. I moved her into her crib in her room. @ 8 weeks & she usually only wakes up once. The change was almost instant & I couldn't be happier
Thanks Green Lady. Yeh we use infacol already. It seems to have helped him sleep better at night and he brings wind up quicker these days, but apart from that no change. He's been a grump again all morning... we got up at 8am, and he has since then had 3 bottles and only 30 mins sleep around 10am I think. He's been wingy and grumpy all morning... he keeps rubbing his fists on his cheeks and shoving them in his mouth?! After his third bottle I finally put him in the pram and shoved a coat on and took him for a walk down the road. 10 mins later he was fast asleep! Brought him home and he is still asleep (been about 20 mins now) but i've left my coat and boots by the front door... just in case!!

Hi Kezz_howland... Have you tried wearing your baby... as in a slking??? My baby was the baby that would never sleep... now, I only have to show him the sling and he instantly calms. Just throw it on, put him in it and within about 30 seconds he's asleep... and then I can get on with stuff as I have my hands free and he is asleep! And as the key to a baby sleeping at night is them having the right sleep during the day (sleep induces sleep)... I have found this such a help! You can buy a brand new one for 13.99 on e bay. It's just a long piece of material. Let me know if you want any more info!!
All i can say is i am exhausted! I just literary burst in tears i am so sleep deprived. I hope this lil guy starts sleeping more. For now he wakes up every 2 hours. By the time he eats and burps and i put him back to sleep and i fall asleep we gotta wake up again and it feels like i only had a few mins of sleep. :(
My daughter on the other hand shes 18 months old and shes been sleeping thru the night since 3 months. Shes such a good sleeper and im hoping her lil brother follows her steps soon!
All i can say is i am exhausted! I just literary burst in tears i am so sleep deprived. I hope this lil guy starts sleeping more. For now he wakes up every 2 hours. By the time he eats and burps and i put him back to sleep and i fall asleep we gotta wake up again and it feels like i only had a few mins of sleep. :(
My daughter on the other hand shes 18 months old and shes been sleeping thru the night since 3 months. Shes such a good sleeper and im hoping her lil brother follows her steps soon!

I could have written this myself! I got so much help with my Los today, but I still couldn't sleep more than 30 min for a nap! Argh!:dohh:
Am I pleased to see this thread. I am at the end of my tether. Rowan is 7 weeks old and for the first 4 weeks was a great sleeper, but since then he's got worse and worse. The last 3 nights have been hell _ he's been up every hour, which means by the time I've settled him back down I'm lucky to get half an hours sleep. I find myself crying in the middle of the night and at random times during the day, especially when he starts crying. Apart from at feed times I just don't know why he's crying. I've tried winding him, offering his dummy, changing him but the only thing that works is cuddling him, which I'm scared is putting him into a bad habit of only falling asleep when I cuddle him.

Everyone around me keeps saying "its not the end of the world" but they (including my husband) and not the ones who are losing sleep. I just feel like I can't talk to anyone about how I really feel.

Am I pleased to see this thread. I am at the end of my tether. Rowan is 7 weeks old and for the first 4 weeks was a great sleeper, but since then he's got worse and worse. The last 3 nights have been hell _ he's been up every hour, which means by the time I've settled him back down I'm lucky to get half an hours sleep. I find myself crying in the middle of the night and at random times during the day, especially when he starts crying. Apart from at feed times I just don't know why he's crying. I've tried winding him, offering his dummy, changing him but the only thing that works is cuddling him, which I'm scared is putting him into a bad habit of only falling asleep when I cuddle him.

Everyone around me keeps saying "its not the end of the world" but they (including my husband) and not the ones who are losing sleep. I just feel like I can't talk to anyone about how I really feel.


I think there's a wonder week around 7 weeks - there's a thread with a chart in the BC forum about it. Big hugs to you xxx

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