Sleepless Nights Support Thread

oh wow , i was there a few weeks ago .... we are now 7.5 weeks old , and just started sleeping 6 hours from midnight till 6am ..... it suddenly changed from every 3 hours to a straight 6 hours a few days ago ...... amazing and feels great and she wakes up chattering not crying at 6am , i getup change her , put her back to bed while i get the bottle (im on breast and bottle as never produced enough) then let my 2 crazy weimaraners out and feed them while bottle warming , put the dogs back to bed with full tummies , then go and feed my little girl in the bedroom , wind her , sit with her for a bit while she gets sleepy and then put her back to bed , and then I go back to bed sometimes until 10am !!!!!! Amazing , from 2 hours total sleep a day in the beginning for weeks ...... was loosing the will to live we are doing great there is light at the end of the tunnel , and really enjoying her now mummy has some sleep .
We have also just started to improve and it started at 7.5 weeks as well! George is sleeping from about 8pm till 1am, having a feed an going straight back to sleep till 6am.unfortunately due to the timing of it and how early he's up it means I have to go to bed pretty early too, but I'm hoping at some point he'll start going later or waking later! I don't mind the 1am feed cos OH does it as I get up with him in the morning. You r lucky tho that she goes back to sleep in the morning. George is regular as clockwork - wakes up, has his bottle, stays awake for about an hour then has a 30min nap (will not sleep any longer) then onto bottle number 2!! So no chance of a lie in for me!
Anyone about? My son is a notoriously bad sleeper. He just got over a viral infection that if possible, made his sleep worse. He slept from 7-8. 11-1 then 4-4:45am. He's currently wide awake. I've put him in his walker to try and tire him out. I could scratch my eyeballs out right now.

Please God let him sleep.
This thread is depressing me. Everyone is talking about how bad it is at a few it gets better then they regress at 4 months...

Mine is 11 weeks and IT HAS NEVER GOTTEN BETTER. Twice a week he will do 5 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs. The other five nights he is up every 2 hrs to eat, sometimes even shorter. And much of the "sleep" in between is him grunting, kicking, and yelping with his eyes shut. And sometimes, like last night, he enjoys being awake from 4-6am, just in time for me to get my older child up for school.

During the day he sleeps 4 times, but only 20-45 minutes at a stretch. He can't make it through a sleep transition. In between naps, he is usually overtired and miserable after waking up screaming.

This has been the same pattern since he was 2 weeks old. (Before that, he took lovely long naps during the day.)

We have tried EVERYTHING. We are miserable and desperate and sad and angry and can't enjoy at all having a new baby. We would do ANYTHING to help him sleep more/better but nothing works and there is simply no end in sight, as nothing has changed at all between 2 weeks and 11 weeks.
George has started waking at 4am again and only goes back to sleep if I put his dummy in his mouth, but every time he spits it ou (often) he wakes back up. So i basically stand over his cot putting his dummy back in for two hours as he isn't actually hungry till 6am! grr!
This is a very good useful article girls, have a read if you get the chance :)


I did this with DD when she hit 6mths as she had stopped the night feeds herself and I had been weaning her for 2mths so she wasn't hungry. I was soooooooooo lucky that the 1st night she cried for 30mins solid even when I went into her and from then on she has slept like a dream. All I do with her now is once she has taken what she wants of her bedtime bottle I put her in her cot at about 7pm say goodnight turn her slumber bear on and walk out the room she will get up and run to the bottom of the cot grinning from ear to ear watching me walk down the stairs:haha: then she sits and talks to her sleeping toys lies down and goes to sleep sometimes this can take 1hr but, she rarely screams/crys. She will rouse about 2hrs later not fully awake so I give her some more bottle once she has had enough she puts her dummy back in and I put her back to bed where I wont hear a peep out of her until 6:30am onwards. i am hoping she will start going back to waking up at 7:30-8am once the clocks go forward as 6:30 is a killer but, I wont get her out of bed until at least 7am. She doesn't wake up screaming or crying she is quiet or talking/playing with her cot toys and is always really happy excitied to see either me or DH. I will certainly be using this method with #2 once he/she is old enough.
i had loads of bad nights - so bad that i slept on the sofa since i have been home (4 weeks) today decided to put him in his own bedroom...

some nights i get lucky and have every 3 hours waking up,
some night every hour,
then some nights 1pm - 4:30am he stays awake!

but he can also stay awake at 9-noon

don't know if this is normal for babies!
Has anyone had success with music and helping babies to sleep? Take a look at our site and listen to samples of classical music to help babies sleep. :happydance:
My LO fusses all night and then, growl -- slept from 6:30am (OH fed him) to almost 12:30 fantastic, but the postman came at 8:30am, and now Finn is back sleeping -- he's only 7wks, so can't apply the CIO method, I'm just going to try to slowly get the baby to recognise the difference from night and day, but daisygirl -- I completely understand as I kept waking up and was kept up by baby most of the night and cannot really sleep during the day (neighbours are noisy) and don't want to put in earplugs unless my husband was here....

Kirbyland - when George was about 4 weeks he was very similar. Not at night times, thankfully, he was only ever awake a couple of hours in the night. But in the day, he would sometimes go 5-6 hours together with no sleep and he would be rotten!! He is soo much better now and goes down a couple of hours after every bottle, and sleeps from 8pm to 6am with just one bottle. So hang in there! just make sure you look out for signs of tiredness, they can be easy to miss!! A yawn, rubbing eyes, even sometimes George just starts to get a bit whingy when he gets tired. I put him straight in his basket and watch to see what he does. If he moans I put his dummy in, and if his eyes start to close, even a tiny bit, then I know he is tired! Occasionally he will still take 10-15 mins of persevering and putting his dummy back in to get him to sleep, especially if we've been out and he is overtired!!
Well it sure is party time in our house tonight! 2.20am and Sophie le giraffe is getting flung around LOs head whilst she gurgles, rasps and shouts, whilst jumping about kicking her legs all over zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!
im wondering if my babys sleep routine is good or not ? she is 6 weeks old.. sh and sleeps till 3 tgen e gets her last bottle 11:30 and wakes at 3. then will wake again at 7-7:15.. thats on a good nite .. sometimes she will wake for her 3:00 feed and stay awake for an hour and half and still wake at 7
Had a tough night last night. Our clocks went back yesterday morning and we did a big road trip so I think bub was unsettled. I was up around 5-6 times with her giving her the pacifier. It's not so bad except it takes me forever to get back to sleep and just as I closed my eyes, she'd wake again. Pyjama day today I think!
its 6:30 am my LO was up (until now) since midnight.
AND i cant sleep because I have to be up in 2 hours anyways for her dr. appointment.
so pulling an all nighter ;)
My 10 month old slept through the night from the age of 3 months to 7 months and now for whatever reason he doesn't & I am exhausted need sleep! :cry:
My breastfed/weaning almost 7 month old has never slept well and we are now down to almost hourly waking through the night. It's not me disturbing him as I have slept downstairs on the sofa for a few nights to see if it made a difference but it didn't. Going back to work soon and all I can think about is how tired im going to be :(
Started reading this thread and thought I would join!

Im soo tired I think I may die! LOL LO has been unsettleed and figdgety all evening! The baby monitor is making me twitchy I am almost tempted to turn it off and let her have a bit of a wail!

My pooor eyelids are soo heavy and god damn DH is fast alseeeep on the sofa I am like soo jealous!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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