Sleepless Nights Support Thread

I'm just hoping I can sleep with DH again someday. Right now one of us is in the livedng room with our lo while the other is in bed trying to sleep. I miss sleep and my husband. :(

I know what you mean! I sleep in the nursery with my boys and OH sleeps in our bed, unless we swap on weekends. I miss him :(
I second that! Miss my DH! Looking forward to the 3 day weekend, we'll have a slumber party in the living room!! :)
I'm just hoping I can sleep with DH again someday. Right now one of us is in the livedng room with our lo while the other is in bed trying to sleep. I miss sleep and my husband. :(

I know what you mean! I sleep in the nursery with my boys and OH sleeps in our bed, unless we swap on weekends. I miss him :(

Try not to be too hard on yourselves ladies. Your LO's are still very young and you can't do any kind of sleep training until they are 6mths old as, before that you can't rule out hunger.
I have insomnia!!! :( Kids are asleep but mommy is not!!! WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH.
So reassuring to read this thread. I too am struggling with sleep right now. My LO is coming up for 5 months old and sleeping really badly. She wakes at least 3 times a night (sometimes more) and although she sometimes sleeps for 6-7 hours at the beginning of the night she is always up every couple of hours after that and often she starts waking at 10-11 and then is every couple of hours through the night. :cry:

I sleep trained my older DD when she was 4.5 months (just at bedtime to self settle) and it did improve her night time sleep a lot but we still had to do it again when she was 6 months (ish) to cut out night feeds (although I think she'd have figured it out if I'd left it). We did CC and it involved very little crying but my LO is different and is feisty, so I'm scared to do it with her as I think she will scream the house down!

I'm sure that if I could get her to self - settle she'd sleep much better (currently BF to sleep) but I'm to chicken to do CC and PU/PD really didn't work for us as she cried so much I couldn't put her down and she cried herself to sleep in my arms. :wacko:

I'm moving her into her own room next week (when her mattress arrives and we clear the junk out) and I've bought her a little light show so I'm hoping these two things will help....

I just wanted to share really. I'm soooo tired at the moment I just want to cry!
My baby is 3 weeks old and I hear you on missing time with my husband. It feels like our relationship is so distant....but I guess that is the way it has to be I the beginning.
I know what you mean! My DD has been a brillant sleeper since 6mths old as I also did the whole CC and I think it was the best thing I ever did. I am finding at the moment with this really hot weather she is taking so long to settle of night (2hrs last night!!!) she eventually fell asleep at 10pm but, was still wide awake at 7:15 this morning and has been asleep for her nap since 11:35 this morning!!! I will wake her at 1:30 and see if that helps her settle quicker tonight. Hopefully it will be cooler tonight and she will sleep. FX!:haha::haha: Gawd help me when #2 arrives as I will have a newborn that wont sleep and a 22mth old who is having trouble sleeping due to being to hot/muggy of a night!!!! Maybe all my ironing will get done in the next couple of days!!!!!
Well I'm not looking forward to tomorrow morning... With the 4.30/5am wake up call off Isaac. He went to bed at 5.30 due to being a little off and under the weather. He's been flat out since. Thank God it's a long weekend and OH is home but oh wait. We're moving tomorrow and then Monday so won't be able to rest.
Wish me luck for a ratty mummy tomorrow haha and a bright eyed and bushy tailed Isaac! Great!
Am doing CC and it's soooo hard. I hate myself right now.
:hugs: Hanskiz

I miss my o/h aswell, i do remember feeling the same with Jayden as he was an awful sleeper until he started walking lol and it felt like we hardly saw each other at nights with the frequent wakenings.

Am doing CC and it's soooo hard. I hate myself right now.

:hugs::hugs: I know exactly how you feel hun. Remember they are only crying because they want to be cuddled/rocked to sleep and in the long run that isn't good. Best thing for them is to learn how to self settle how ever you decide to do it its hard. Trust me when I say once it works your LO will wake up so refreshed and happy they wont hate you and its not cruel(as some say it is)you go in and reassure them that you are still there leaving it for longer intervals at a time. I was very luky my DD only cried solidly for 30mins the first night and we hardly had any hassle from her since. Ok when teething, illness and hot/muggy nights happen can take longer for them to self settle just like it does with us. What number night are you on at the mo?
Am doing CC and it's soooo hard. I hate myself right now.

:hugs::hugs: I know exactly how you feel hun. Remember they are only crying because they want to be cuddled/rocked to sleep and in the long run that isn't good. Best thing for them is to learn how to self settle how ever you decide to do it its hard. Trust me when I say once it works your LO will wake up so refreshed and happy they wont hate you and its not cruel(as some say it is)you go in and reassure them that you are still there leaving it for longer intervals at a time. I was very luky my DD only cried solidly for 30mins the first night and we hardly had any hassle from her since. Ok when teething, illness and hot/muggy nights happen can take longer for them to self settle just like it does with us. What number night are you on at the mo?

It was night 1. She cried for an hour with me going in first every 5, then every 10 minutes. I picked her up each time and cuddled her and ssh'd and told her I love her and put her down again. It was AWFUL. Through the night I fed as usual but put her down awake (except once) and she went to sleep with very minimal fuss (worst was 2 mins of crying). Just did first nap of the day and it was 15 mins - I went in twice. She is now fast asleep.

I've never felt so bad (my big girl never cried so much when we did it with her) BUT she is getting the hang of it and I'm hopefull she'll be happily self-settling in a week or less. We'll address the night waking (if neccessary) once the self-settling is well established, but my feeling is that she'll start sleeping better by herself once she has the tools and I'm happy to feed once a night for a while yet (just not 3 or 4 times)!!

I am a GUILTY mother!
Am doing CC and it's soooo hard. I hate myself right now.

:hugs::hugs: I know exactly how you feel hun. Remember they are only crying because they want to be cuddled/rocked to sleep and in the long run that isn't good. Best thing for them is to learn how to self settle how ever you decide to do it its hard. Trust me when I say once it works your LO will wake up so refreshed and happy they wont hate you and its not cruel(as some say it is)you go in and reassure them that you are still there leaving it for longer intervals at a time. I was very luky my DD only cried solidly for 30mins the first night and we hardly had any hassle from her since. Ok when teething, illness and hot/muggy nights happen can take longer for them to self settle just like it does with us. What number night are you on at the mo?

It was night 1. She cried for an hour with me going in first every 5, then every 10 minutes. I picked her up each time and cuddled her and ssh'd and told her I love her and put her down again. It was AWFUL. Through the night I fed as usual but put her down awake (except once) and she went to sleep with very minimal fuss (worst was 2 mins of crying). Just did first nap of the day and it was 15 mins - I went in twice. She is now fast asleep.

I've never felt so bad (my big girl never cried so much when we did it with her) BUT she is getting the hang of it and I'm hopefull she'll be happily self-settling in a week or less. We'll address the night waking (if neccessary) once the self-settling is well established, but my feeling is that she'll start sleeping better by herself once she has the tools and I'm happy to feed once a night for a while yet (just not 3 or 4 times)!!

I am a GUILTY mother!

sounds like she is getting the hang of it hun. I'm sure she will be hardly any trouble for you by the end of the week:thumbup: I was very lucky with DD as she had cut out all her night feeds by the time she was 6mths old. when she is ill and/or teething(like at the mo)she will have an extra bottle at about 4am but once she is over it back to just bedtime bottle and nap time bottle. no idea what baby #2 is going to be like but DH reckons a complete pain in the a**e!!!:haha::haha:
Hi ladies, i haven't been on here in a while but just wanted to say this:

Our little boy was up every hour and a half to 2 hours every night usually until he was 6ish months old...

From then on suddenly he seemed to be able to fall into deeper sleeps and not wake if transferred, be able to sleep in all manner of positions (could only sleep on his front before) and start sleeping for much longer.

At now 10 and a half months old he sleeps for approx 11 hours with a bottle feed after about 8ish hours, and sometimes no feed for 10 hours!

I honestly thought he would NEVER settle, ALWAYS wake 5/6 times a night and be awake during those times for 2 hours at a time!!

We were so so exhausted....and now we're feeling brilliant!
It does happen!

Sending lots of support and strength your way everyone - it's so tough going, hang in there!

I agree, stay positive ladies it will get better.. at some point!

Jayden used to be up every 20 minutes, no joke, until he was 16 months he hadn't slept longer than 20 minutes without waking since he was 15 weeks old, just before the 4month sleep regression hit.

We didn't do any sleep training because i just couldn't bring myself to do it, but in december we went staying with o/hs family just before xmas to see them since they live 300miles away.
When we got back he did his first 3 hour stretch, then from then on he got better and better, by the end of January he was going to bed around 8pm, waking twice then getting up around 6am.

He now goes to bed between 8-9pm, and sleeps til 6-9am, the other day, he went to sleep at 8:30pm and didn't wake up until 11am!
I'm really hoping his baby brother follows in his footsteps someday and enjoys his lie ins.. like his mummy :haha:
Personally there is no way I would beable to put up with that. Especially as I went back to work just before my DD turned 1. Hats off to you for just letting him find his way.

My DD has been ill over the bankholiday weekend. She had blisters on her tongue and top and bottom lip appear on the Fri, had a runny nose, last tooth getting ready to cut through and, a slight viral infection(the rash was apparant on the Sat after her bath just from the waist down!)needless to say we have had some bad nights. The blisters, runny nose and rash have all gone:happydance::happydance: but that bloomin' tooth hasn't popped through yet:growlmad: she has now gotten into the habit of rousing at 4:30-5am whilst she was ill(at times her mouth was so painful she wanted her bedtime bottle but just couldn't take it and got into a right old state where she was also refusing all liquids)so we gave her a bottle at that time and, now she isn't ill anymore have to stop her waking. This morning she started crying on and off from 4:45am and completly stopped at 6am! I didn't go into her at all as, i have a video monitor and I could see that she just stayed up one end of the cot all the time and was putting her dummy in and out of her mouth and turning over getting comfy cuddling her sleep cuddlies. Could do without this with 6 days to go before my due date:haha::haha: but, saying that glad it is this side of having baby#2

Just wanted to let you ladies know that even us who have older children who have been sleeping through for sometime after alot of hard work still have the odd bad period due to illness ect. Speaking of DD it appears she is stirring!!!
I am so, so tired this morning. My little girl was up every hour. She was fussy and difficult to soothe, so DH and I got maybe an hour of sleep the entire evening.

I think she has her days and nights mixed up. Is that even possible at 2 weeks old? She's a champion sleeper during the day and will sleep for 3 hours straight, but in the evenings all bets are off.
I am so, so tired this morning. My little girl was up every hour. She was fussy and difficult to soothe, so DH and I got maybe an hour of sleep the entire evening.

I think she has her days and nights mixed up. Is that even possible at 2 weeks old? She's a champion sleeper during the day and will sleep for 3 hours straight, but in the evenings all bets are off.

that's pretty typical in newborns, ours had her nights/days all turned upside down for a good few weeks, but they do get the hang of it so there is hope!:thumbup:

ours now seems to know (fx) that swaddle pod plus darkened room and moses basket means night time sleep...she naps in her chair in the day but still can go for hours! at night we've started going 4 sometimes 5/6 hours. early days it was more like 1 or 2!!

hang in there, it WILL get better!! :hugs:
I am so, so tired this morning. My little girl was up every hour. She was fussy and difficult to soothe, so DH and I got maybe an hour of sleep the entire evening.

I think she has her days and nights mixed up. Is that even possible at 2 weeks old? She's a champion sleeper during the day and will sleep for 3 hours straight, but in the evenings all bets are off.

that's pretty typical in newborns, ours had her nights/days all turned upside down for a good few weeks, but they do get the hang of it so there is hope!:thumbup:

ours now seems to know (fx) that swaddle pod plus darkened room and moses basket means night time sleep...she naps in her chair in the day but still can go for hours! at night we've started going 4 sometimes 5/6 hours. early days it was more like 1 or 2!!

hang in there, it WILL get better!! :hugs:

Thanks! I keep telling myself it will get better. That's what I need to hear!
Noelle610 - Your LO is approaching 3wks old and that is a first major growth spurt so might need more feeds more often for a few days. Also, when my DD was 6wks old we started a bedtime routine so, she began to know the difference between day and night.

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