I'm having a hard time processing the fact that my two month olds are just now actually reaching the newborn stage and there are still many months of sleep deprivation ahead of me.
hi ladies,
just wondering for those of you who are lucky enough to have baby take naps during the day...my little one 4 months--is able to nap now with LOTS of encouragement, but i'm having a timing issue. usually we start our day (i mean out of the crib start to day) ~ 930ish--feed, play, and down for a nap ~ 1130ish..on days like today where she sleeps till ~ 330ish...i have to start my routine all over again but we start to get close to the late afternoon, early evening but not close enough to bedtime to put her down for the night so i end up having to do a 2nd nap kind of late in the afternoon and have to restart her "routine" around ~ 8pm which is when im usually aiming to put her to sleep.
i find the day goes quickly and its hard to get the 2nd nap in without bumping into bedtime hour...not sure how to get around this, timewise, especially since there is no way my lo can stretch her evening playtime till later, she will get way, way, way too fussy and then not be able to sleep at all.
can anyone advise??
thank you!!
my 5mo has been sick for the last 3 weeks, RSV, ear infections, congestion, another double ear infection. we're getting no sleep around here. he used to sleep 5hrs in a row, now we're lucky if he's down for 2. i really hope this new antibiotic helps, i feel bad for him because he's obviously very uncomfortable and in pain and i don't know how to help him. right now he's in his swing and i'm considering trying to move him to the crib in a bit.
DS2 has generally been a good sleeper (aside from growth spurts and illness), however for last couple of nights he has either stirred or woken properly EVERY HOUR.
I don't know what to do or what has changed. we've tried everything we can think of - swaddled, unswaddled, heating a little higher and lower, an extra blanket, fewer blankets, nappy changed when he wakes for a feed, leaving the nappy if it's only a little wet.
As he sounds like he's got a stuffy nose we've put karvol on a teddy in his basket, propped the end of his basket up, tried clearing his nose with a nasal aspirator and even giving him some calpol. He's been stuffy for a while (longer than the bad sleep), so that might just be a coincidence.
We've had the 12 week growth spurt already and it's a little early for the 4 month spurt/sleep regression (he generally hits a spurt a few days "early").
Any advice on what I could do/try? I'm shattered and finding it hard to have the energy to do fun things with a toddler too.
The 4 month sleep regression is really hard LO hasn't even been going 2 hours between wake ups and I'm exhausted. I hope this passes soon because i'm so tired during the day that on struggling to enjoy my baby
I've been running on an hour or two of sleep daily for almost two months now. How I'm not dead and still fully functional is beyond me. She goes to bed at 8 and doesn't wake up til three, but I'm doing homework that whole time. Then I get into bed around 4, at which points she's up at 5,6,7 and 8.