Sleepless Nights Support Thread

eeek I certainly hope we don't go through 9 months sleep regression!!! We've just started to sleep finally lol!

There's nothing wrong with sleep training. Most moms in my friends group have done it and all have had a positive outcome.

It was almost nothing for us. Just a minor blip with some waking when crawling or standing in the crib :)
Twister - your baby sounds exactly like mine! He was always a great sleeper and started sleeping through the night around 8 weeks but since around 3 1/2 months his sleep has gone to hell!! He wakes every 1-2 hours, which I actually wouldn't mind much if he would just feed and go to sleep like he used to (we co-sleep) but now he feeds and then just wiggles, grunts, cries for up to an hour after. It is making me and my husband go insane! My husband is very calm but the sleep deprivation is really getting to him, the other night when lo woke at 3:00 my husband left the room screaming and swearing then punched a hole in the kitchen pantry! Way out of character for him!

On top of the crappy night sleep within the last week he is now fighting naps which used to be easy. Now he refuses to sleep during the day unless I hold him, so he's pretty much reverted back to being a newborn.

I know you are supposed to wait until at least 6 months to sleep train but I think I'm going to do it a little early starting the week before he turns 6 months. Me and my husband are both at the end of our rope and are starting to actually resent our little boy every night, which is not healthy.
Thanks for the support everyone. She slept 4 whole hours consecutively from 2am-6am last night! I feel so much better after a decent block of sleep. Still tired, but I actually have the energy to do activities with lo and catch up on the house work for once.

Over the past few days her naps have improved massively. She used to just cat nap for 30-40 mins, no matter what I tried she would not sleep longer for toffee. But recently she's been having at least one, sometimes two naps a day which last over an hour-90 mins. Yesterday she had two long naps (and a shorter nap in the car) first one was 1hr45mins, the second was 1.5 hours. She's also been self settling brilliantly as well. Only occasionally feeding to sleep, maybe the two are linked? She's currently napping now and has been for almost an hour. Just need her night time sleep to follow suit!
argh...i was hoping not to have to join the 4 month sleep regression club but i think we may have done just that.
V has been an ok sleeper which had been getting much better after we introduced bedtime at about 7 weeks, she would wake twice for a feed which was fine, she slept for 8 hours straight once and i thought we were onto something. Then came teething and things started to get worse, waking 3-4 times a night then last night... don't think she slept for more than an hour at a time. She was very clearly very tired but just couldn't stay asleep, put her to bed tonight as usual and 45 minutes later :sad2:. got her back to sleep about half hour ago so we'll see in 15 mins if she'll get into the next cycle!
She's not a good napper, she has good days and bad days with that.
We'll see how it goes!
I feel sorry for all you ladies with getting little sleep.

I can't really complain to much i guess since paige will only be 3 weeks on saturday. She can sleep up to 4 hours but past 2 days she is only sleeping 2-3 hours i think she's having bit of a growth spurt. she is getting weight tomorrow so i hope this feeding is helping her gain weight lol

Going to stalk this thread and hopefully pick up few tips xx
Hi...I guess I'm joining the sleepless nights.

Granted, my LO would probably STTN if I let him, but because he is preemie and so small and weighs so little, I have to wake him up to feed at least every 3-4 hours. I guess it isn't too bad because I get 2-3 straight hours of sleep at a time every night.

Last night I missed a feeding and he went probably almost 6 :blush:. (The nurses said not to worry about missing one every now and then). But other than that, the alarm goes off every 3 hours. Lights on, diaper changed, nipple shield ready (I can't wait until he gets a little bigger and we can wean off of that thing!!). We don't co sleep, he sleeps in a bassinet next to the bed right now, but he does nurse in bed, which is nice.

He came home from the hospital Monday afternoon, so we have had two sleepless nights....
well our baby was officially "great", easy going and overall very good with sleep until.....NOW :cry: now its every hour, sometimes if i am lucky i might get three hours a night, but she is ten months old, she was better when she was three months old and doing seven to eight hours a night, feeding well on formula and apart from the odd cold and colic pain which we managed through the doctor and special natural mixtures for colic, she is now impossible. She is however teething but with her first tooth at four months she was not this bad, she did cry alot through the day and woke up twice a night but it was handle-able because she would sleep for hours after a feed and some baby paracetamol. Now, she throws up anything we give her, she throws up food, she wont take her milk, only half a bottle at a time and throws up the paracetamol and screams if i try to give her any. the only time she takes it is when she is in her cot and cries and i leave her to swallow it then the pain goes and she is okay for a couple of hours but aside from her possibly having a sore throat or ear infection i dont know what else to do, both her teeth have cut through the gum and she is not dribbling anymore so who knows whats wrong??? i am at my wits end, this endless day n night lack of sleep is killing me mentally and physically.
Urgh, well DS2 certainly knows how to pick his nights! He's been stirring every couple of hours (normal for him), been brought into our bed after starting in his crib (normal for him), latched on to comfort suck (normal and not usually a long process).

Tonight however, he's not settling. The problem? My work is cutting upto 30% of its staff. I have an interview at 9am (DS2 is going with me) to keep my job.
well our baby was officially "great", easy going and overall very good with sleep until.....NOW :cry: now its every hour, sometimes if i am lucky i might get three hours a night, but she is ten months old, she was better when she was three months old and doing seven to eight hours a night, feeding well on formula and apart from the odd cold and colic pain which we managed through the doctor and special natural mixtures for colic, she is now impossible. She is however teething but with her first tooth at four months she was not this bad, she did cry alot through the day and woke up twice a night but it was handle-able because she would sleep for hours after a feed and some baby paracetamol. Now, she throws up anything we give her, she throws up food, she wont take her milk, only half a bottle at a time and throws up the paracetamol and screams if i try to give her any. the only time she takes it is when she is in her cot and cries and i leave her to swallow it then the pain goes and she is okay for a couple of hours but aside from her possibly having a sore throat or ear infection i dont know what else to do, both her teeth have cut through the gum and she is not dribbling anymore so who knows whats wrong??? i am at my wits end, this endless day n night lack of sleep is killing me mentally and physically.

Hi hun, have you had her checked out by a doctor? It sounds like she has some digestive issues that may be disturbing her during the day and at night?
I have come to the conclusion that my baby is a tease. DS slept through the night 3 nights (in a row!) last week. First night he slept 8 hours, and the second and third he slept for 12 hours straight. I was like "YES THIS IS IT!!!" And then BAM!! Up every 2 hours for 6 days. I was like what did I do wrong??? I started putting him to bed 2 hours later (8 or 9pm) and yeah...that backfired. Last night I put him to bed when he started rubbing his eyes so he fell asleep around 6:30 and stayed asleep until 10:30. Dream feed and went right back to sleep until 2:30, and then 6:30. I thought he would stay awake then but no, he wanted back in his crib. I would have let him sleep even more but we had to leave at 8:30 so I had to wake him up. I am expecting no sleep tonight since I am going out and leaving both kiddos with dad. (Yay for finally catching up on my tattoos!!) Unfortunately, I won't be home until about 7:30 and I remember when I left them with Dad last time, DS who is 4 months FREAKED out. Unfortunately, DH can't really care for them when it comes to bedtime or feedings because of his job (bread company) so he is gone from 4 A.M. until sometimes 8 P.M. We'll see how this goes!!!
My DS seems to be getting worse. He was doing two 3 hour stretches which I could cope with but now he seems to be doing just one and then is up every hour at least for the rest of the night. Any advice? We have introduced a bedtime routine which seems to help getting him to sleep but I have real trouble settling him back down in the night. I've tried offering him both breasts but he only ever wants one and he also gets a lot of gas pains.
I've given up on getting any sleep tonight. DS2 was asleep by 7pm, woke at 10pm and is now playing in my arms. I tried to get him into his crib twice and our bed once, but he cried, fussed and woke instantly. He cried when I moved him into position to nurse him too. I know I shouldn't, but I gave in and turned the light on and gave him a toy.

Add to this the fact that DS1 generally wakes around 6am and DH was out tonight and is throwing up so won't be in a fit state to get up (he's on the spare bed). We also have shopping being delivered between 8 & 10 in the morning. I really don't see the point in sleeping.
After a stint of fever, cold, thrush, and four teeth coming through the week of exams, I slept every chance for a few days. Plus side, the thrush weaned her off her soother. YAY!
LO is sick. meaning shes not sleeping nights this past week.. meaning I'm not sleeping. :wacko: Feeling like newborn time all over.. except its harder to settle her.
for the first two months, with a few exceptions, DS slept for a 3 hour stretch followed by 60-90 minute ones.

for the last week or so (?), he's dropped the 3 hour stretch and only sleeps for 40-90 minutes at a time.

for the first two months, with a few exceptions, DS slept for a 3 hour stretch followed by 60-90 minute ones.

for the last week or so (?), he's dropped the 3 hour stretch and only sleeps for 40-90 minutes at a time.


Oh dear. Sounds JUST like my girl at that age. I remember literally sitting on the stairs and crying at 10 weeks because I was so exhausted.

If it helps, she now sleeps 11-12 hours straight overnight!
for the first two months, with a few exceptions, DS slept for a 3 hour stretch followed by 60-90 minute ones.

for the last week or so (?), he's dropped the 3 hour stretch and only sleeps for 40-90 minutes at a time.


Oh dear. Sounds JUST like my girl at that age. I remember literally sitting on the stairs and crying at 10 weeks because I was so exhausted.

If it helps, she now sleeps 11-12 hours straight overnight!

Yes, thank you - that does help.
Fides, my LO is exactly the same. He sleeps 1-2 hours, then is up for 60-90 minutes, then back down for 1-2 more. I can't wait for this sleeping stage to pass!
Well DS2's naps on Friday were textbook. He had his one meal at 5pm and a little extra at lunch, so naturally he is sleeping well tonight, right? Is he bollocks!! He wouldn't sleep anywhere but in my arms till 10:30 and has woken every hour since. I've been awake since 1 cos I've been disturbed so much that I can't get back to sleep.
I'm starting to feel resentment towards my baby because he's an awful sleeper and I'm so sleep deprived. He doesn't deserve it, it's not his fault but I have a hard time wanting to be fun and smile at him when I'm still fuming that he was up four times last night and screamed for two hours before napping only 30 minutes today. How do you put on a cheery face when you are so tired? I'm such an awful mom! :(

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