Sleepless Nights Support Thread

He slept through :happydance::cry: (happy tears) he slept from 7.30pm-5am he might have slept longer but DH had to get up for woke so think that woke him x
Thing is I get so happy when on the rare occassions he does this but I know he'll be back to his old tricks tonight - well it was nice while it lasted lol x

Big hugs to you all :hugs:

I'm glad you had a good night :) :hugs:.
Hi ladies, can I join this thread? My little man is 3 months old. He was sleeping through (11pm-7am) until about 4 weeks ago. Since then he has been awful. I've finally got a going to bed routine established and he sleeps from 8-11pm then wakes again at 1 and after that he's up and down and grazing all night. I am soo knackered now and feel sick. I wish I'd noticed this thread earlier, even though I feel sorry for all of you struggling to cope it really helps to know I'm not the only one. I keep thinking I must be such a rubbish mum when I read about other peoples babies sleeping through :( :hugs:

I used to feel rubbish too... But by reading this thread, it really makes you realize all babies are different and they will do it when they are ready. Doesn't make the sleepless nights any easier though. :hugs:
I used to feel rubbish too... But by reading this thread, it really makes you realize all babies are different and they will do it when they are ready. Doesn't make the sleepless nights any easier though. :hugs:

:hugs: very true!

Glad you had such a good night Reedy :flower:

My little man actually slept for two 4 hour stretches last night which was amazing! Unfortunately I kept waking in a panic worried there was something wrong :dohh: This thread must be a lucky charm :haha:
:haha: I've done the same thing! Snapped myself awake, looked at her, and waited a few minutes for her to stir... NOTHING. You just can't win!
oh no - did you have another bad night Reedy?:hugs:

I had a so so night with Alex, he was good for half the night but then was awake between 3 and 5. He went to sleep really well tonight but he slept lots today so I'm expecting him to think its morning at 3 again :dohh:
still waking about 4-5 times a night just wish i knew what was wrong, its times like this I wish he could talk so he could tell me x
You would think after 10 & a half months of no sleep I would be used to it by now lol

Anyone elses LO really grumpy during the day??? Its not all day & not everyday x like this afternoon around 5ish he's been really mardy, crying but no tears, throwing himself back, & just generally not a happy bunny - I swear its because he just doesnt sleep enough x
Alex is back to being a little rotter and waking all night. :sleep: He only naps for 20-30 mins in the day and he gets like your LO in the evening Reedy. I'm sure its just down to being over-tired :dohh: I am grumpy by the evenings too after these bad nights :haha:
sorry to hear he didn't make a habit of it Reedy. :(

Bobbys new schedule is going to bed at 11:30 and sleeping until 2:30, and then getting up at 4 and refusing to be put down for more than 10 minutes (long enough for me to climb in to bed and pull the covers up) he's getting another tooth so I think that's why it's worse than it has been in a long time...

spent the weekend with the in-laws and had to listen to my MIL tell me "he should be sleeping better by this age" and "it's because he's a 'snacker' and doesn't feed for more than 5-10 minutes at a time (which I've been told is pretty normal, and I know when I pump I empty both breasts in that amount of time... but whatever), you need to get him in to a feeding routine" nod and smile bekkie... nod and smile...

and then I look like the bad guy because I'm short tempered all day... because I've gotten 2-3 hours of broken sleep...

and yes, Bobby gets very cranky in the evenings, throws nasty temper-tantrums when he doesn't get his way and changing times are a scream-fest

at this rate, I figure my first full night of sleep will be the night of his high school graduation
=at this rate, I figure my first full night of sleep will be the night of his high school graduation

We 'joke' about this too saying the first night Finley we sleep through is the first night in his own house lol x Dh said that wont happen because he'll wake him up every 10 minutes to get his own back :rofl:

He slept a lot better last night slept from 8.15pm-4.45am so not too bad got him in with us & he slept till 6.30am nights like this dont bother me I could quite happily live with him being like that but hey ho we've seen nights like this before & they dont last long x
Hi ladies, can I join this thread? My little man is 3 months old. He was sleeping through (11pm-7am) until about 4 weeks ago. Since then he has been awful. I've finally got a going to bed routine established and he sleeps from 8-11pm then wakes again at 1 and after that he's up and down and grazing all night. I am soo knackered now and feel sick. I wish I'd noticed this thread earlier, even though I feel sorry for all of you struggling to cope it really helps to know I'm not the only one. I keep thinking I must be such a rubbish mum when I read about other peoples babies sleeping through :( :hugs:

Wow, it is just like reading about my little man! (Except for the sleeping through part, we have never managed that yet)
I am convinced it is my fault and that I must be doing something wrong, as EVERY other baby I know sleeps through, including those half his age :cry:
But reading all your posts has really helped - there are other bad sleepers out there!! I'm going to be following this thread really closely to see if anyone finds the magic solution that I know MUST be out there somewhere....
Before my OH gets home (around 5pm), she gets very sassy. And it usually lasts until he gets home at 7:30! I'm practically waiting at the door for him to come take her. :blush:

She has been sleeping longer and longer each night! LO and OH have a routine now, well, she always did, but now I think it is "clicking" with her. We'll see though... I don't want to jinx anything!!! :wacko:
:nope: :wacko: :nope: :growlmad: :dohh:
god im feeling unfocused today,i honestly dont know how iv made it thru today.
amaris went down at 11pm,was up at 3ish and wouldnt go back to sleep till almost 5 this morning:dohh: :growlmad: :cry: i wouldnt mind but i had to be up at 6.30 with kids for soooo tired!!!
well bathed her at 7pm and she fell asleep at 7.30,now awake for last feed...fingers crossed she goes down at 8.30-9 so i can stagger to bed myself
He was doing really well until half an hour ago :dohh: he's been tossing and turning for 30 minutes and now seems wide awake he's also learnt to throw his dummy out of the cot then cry because he knows I will go in & give it him back x dh is on nights & I've got to be up at 6.30am for work :cry:
My little man was doing so well for two days went to bed at 10:30 woke at 7 went down at 9:30 woke at 6 and now he is back to bed at 9 up at 4, 6, and up for good at 7:30... I cant complain becuase he is doing very good, but is he ever going to get a habit down?
God it's so nice to realise I am not alone, baby never been a sleeper, developed colic that didn't go till 5 months old, then turned into battle of the daytime naps, just for it to then change into waking every hour again during the night. I haven't had more than a couple of hours uninterrupted slepp since the last trimester. Most nights I average 5 or six hours of broken sleep. I have no memory to speak of and this last 8 months has been a blur of love , frustration, tears, depression and sleep deprivation.

This is not what I thought mummy hood would be like.

I thought babies slept when they were tired!! Hahahahahaha (hysterical laughter)
Hi ladies, can I join this thread? My little man is 3 months old. He was sleeping through (11pm-7am) until about 4 weeks ago. Since then he has been awful. I've finally got a going to bed routine established and he sleeps from 8-11pm then wakes again at 1 and after that he's up and down and grazing all night. I am soo knackered now and feel sick. I wish I'd noticed this thread earlier, even though I feel sorry for all of you struggling to cope it really helps to know I'm not the only one. I keep thinking I must be such a rubbish mum when I read about other peoples babies sleeping through :( :hugs:

Wow, it is just like reading about my little man! (Except for the sleeping through part, we have never managed that yet)
I am convinced it is my fault and that I must be doing something wrong, as EVERY other baby I know sleeps through, including those half his age :cry:
But reading all your posts has really helped - there are other bad sleepers out there!! I'm going to be following this thread really closely to see if anyone finds the magic solution that I know MUST be out there somewhere....

:haha:thats why I keep reading this thread! I had 3 days where I shhh'd him and stroked his head to sleep and one night he slept for 6 hours (8 - 2 though and I went to bed at 12 :dohh:). Stupidly allowed myself to think I was making progress :dohh: but he's been AWFUL for the last few nights. He was awake 2.45- 6am :cry::cry: and wouldnt nap. i am a walking corpse. I've wasted more money buying "get your baby to sleep" books that probably wont help but I am going crazy hahahahah (hysterical laughter like angie-roo) :rofl:
I think I need to join this thread!!! last night alia had a nap from 6-8pm and then didn't go back into a solid sleep until 5am! WTF!? Then she was up again at 8:30am for a feed and then napped from 10am-12...and has just fallen asleep for another nap...I thought babies were supposed to sleep for like 16 hours a day or something?? Apparently my little girl didn't get that memo!
Can I join ladies? Oh our nights are just a mess - we've gone so wrong somewhere with Oliver why do other babies sleep through and not mine EVERYONE i know has a baby that sleeps and looks at me like ive got 2 heads when i mention our situation :cry:

Oliver settles really well of an evening (*oh god probably jinxed this now*) bath bottle bed by 7.30 and some nights we don't hear a peep unti about 11.30pm - other nights we are up and down with his dummy but generally, our evenings are undisturbed. I know we are VERY lucky with this btw.

Come about 11-11.30 (im sure he hears my head touch the pillow) he starts his loud moaning - and if you dont catch him straight away its shouting, rocking on all 4's and standing then falling banging his head and screaming. Ill go in and do dummy and re-cover a few times - sometimes he may go back to sleep for an hour or 2 other times its got to be a bottle and then back to sleep no more than 3 hours. can sometimes resettle after this but if it's like 5am onwards thata it where up :nope: im so tired :cry:

I fought against cc all this time, tried it last week and it worked for an hours sleep and then he started sitting/standing and banging his head and i cant leave him crying after banging himself :cry:

Oliver is also very hyper all day - fights naps and just doesnt sit still. We had to get rid of rockers etc about 4 months as he can throw himself out despite being strapped in. I go to baby groups and my baby is the only one who wont sit for a minute / grabs at other babies / ruins the class for others.

Im just reading up on cranial osteopathy - I do wonder if he gets pain lying down as I believe he doesnt sleep as he cant get comfy (from watching him)

Sorry this is so long Im just so low about this right now - this morning I was so angry at being awake from 5 again I tossed the reomte across the room and :dohh: my own faul have lost the batteries lol silly story but Im just at my whits. I am so tired I just want a nights sleep like every other mum with a baby Olivers age seems to get :cry:
Can I join ladies? Oh our nights are just a mess - we've gone so wrong somewhere with Oliver why do other babies sleep through and not mine EVERYONE i know has a baby that sleeps and looks at me like ive got 2 heads when i mention our situation :cry:

Oliver settles really well of an evening (*oh god probably jinxed this now*) bath bottle bed by 7.30 and some nights we don't hear a peep unti about 11.30pm - other nights we are up and down with his dummy but generally, our evenings are undisturbed. I know we are VERY lucky with this btw.

Come about 11-11.30 (im sure he hears my head touch the pillow) he starts his loud moaning - and if you dont catch him straight away its shouting, rocking on all 4's and standing then falling banging his head and screaming. Ill go in and do dummy and re-cover a few times - sometimes he may go back to sleep for an hour or 2 other times its got to be a bottle and then back to sleep no more than 3 hours. can sometimes resettle after this but if it's like 5am onwards thata it where up :nope: im so tired :cry:

I fought against cc all this time, tried it last week and it worked for an hours sleep and then he started sitting/standing and banging his head and i cant leave him crying after banging himself :cry:

Oliver is also very hyper all day - fights naps and just doesnt sit still. We had to get rid of rockers etc about 4 months as he can throw himself out despite being strapped in. I go to baby groups and my baby is the only one who wont sit for a minute / grabs at other babies / ruins the class for others.

Im just reading up on cranial osteopathy - I do wonder if he gets pain lying down as I believe he doesnt sleep as he cant get comfy (from watching him)

Sorry this is so long Im just so low about this right now - this morning I was so angry at being awake from 5 again I tossed the reomte across the room and :dohh: my own faul have lost the batteries lol silly story but Im just at my whits. I am so tired I just want a nights sleep like every other mum with a baby Olivers age seems to get :cry:

OMW!!! This is my life!!! Its seriously like looking in a mirror x everything you have said I can totally relate too x Its like they are the same child.
I really feel your pain hun I really do :hugs:

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