Sleepless Nights Support Thread

This teething thing is no fun for anyone :(. Daisy is so miserable with her teeth cutting through. She went to bed at 8 last night , woke at 11 and screamed in my arms for 2 and a half hours. She went to sleep at 2am, woke at 3am for a feed and was up for half an hour, woke again at 4am for 20 mins , woke at 5am and hubby got up with her and took her downstairs. She screamed til 7am, had some calpol and went back to sleep til 9. I'm shattered and back at work again after my summer hols next week so I hope things improve before then :coffee:. I though by 8 months I might get a decent nights sleep but I've not had a single one yet!
I could have written this myself :hugs:


and big :hugs: to all the other ladies not getting any sleep - it's 11:40 PM here and Bobby is wide awake - at least he's happily playing on the floor right now though. We're still getting up every 2 - 3 hours (this weeks routine seems to be... asleep at 12:30, up at 2:30, 5:30, 6:30 until 8:00 and then down until 10:00) He stayed at my in-laws this past weekend so I managed to get 2 full nights of sleep, which has really helped my sanity - I feel human again... sort of - I really do miss going to bed with my OH and I'm so tired of waking up tired...

so much for playing happily... Jchihuahua I concur... teething is no fun at all.
:hugs: to you all x

Another bad night last night
- waking up from 11.45pm,
- got him in to bed with us out of desperation at 12.55am
- 3am had to put him back into his bed because he was fidgeting so much, kicking me in the face & stomach :-( he looked like he couldnt get comfortable
-5 minutes later, woke up crying, put his dummy back in & he went to sleep
- another 5 minutes later woke up again crying, dummy back in & back to sleep
- 2 minutes later woke up screaming & wouldnt resettle :cry:
- 3.45am back into bed with us after mch fidgeting fell asleep at 4am
- 4.30am - DH up for a 12 hour shift at work absolutley knackered poor thing
- 6.30am - Finley woke up ready for the day
I'm sooooo tired :cry: I'm at work now (here at 8.30am) My sister has Finley & she said he's only had a 20 minute nap again (was the same yesterday) he'll more than likely fall asleep again around 3ish & wake at 3.30-4pm
& then bed at 7.30pm & then it will start all over again :cry:
I dread bedtimes.

No disrespect to those whose babies sleep through but I am sick of hearing people tell me that their LO's have been sleeping through since blah blah weeks :dohh: :cry:
I know 4 people who've had babies either this year or last year & all of their babies sleep through I feel like I'm the only one who has an insomniac for a baby :cry:
No disrespect to those whose babies sleep through but I am sick of hearing people tell me that their LO's have been sleeping through since blah blah weeks :dohh: :cry:

I agree, but even worse to me is everyone, including my HV, saying, 'Oooh, well, by her age she really should be sleeping better than she does you know'. I always just smile politely when I really feel like snapping 'Yes I do know but she doesn't sleep better and its me who is up all night not you and don't you think I've tried everything I can think of to help her to sleep better!!!'.
No disrespect to those whose babies sleep through but I am sick of hearing people tell me that their LO's have been sleeping through since blah blah weeks :dohh: :cry:

I agree, but even worse to me is everyone, including my HV, saying, 'Oooh, well, by her age she really should be sleeping better than she does you know'. I always just smile politely when I really feel like snapping 'Yes I do know but she doesn't sleep better and its me who is up all night not you and don't you think I've tried everything I can think of to help her to sleep better!!!'.

Totally agree. A mutual friend of ours had a baby about a month before us... Her baby has been sleeping through since two months old and they think it is because they give her rice cereal. :wacko: She sort of looks at me disapprovingly when I mention that our little girl has never really slept through and it doesn't look like she will for awhile... Plus I mention that I have no plans whatsoever to give her rice cereal. I hate being judged!!!
No disrespect to those whose babies sleep through but I am sick of hearing people tell me that their LO's have been sleeping through since blah blah weeks :dohh: :cry:

I agree, but even worse to me is everyone, including my HV, saying, 'Oooh, well, by her age she really should be sleeping better than she does you know'. I always just smile politely when I really feel like snapping 'Yes I do know but she doesn't sleep better and its me who is up all night not you and don't you think I've tried everything I can think of to help her to sleep better!!!'.

Yep had that little gem too :growlmad: its like they are looking at you as if your doing something wrong :nope:

He's gone to bed ok tonight so fingers crossed - He woke up from his last nap at around 2pm x
Reedy: oh my :( I can't imagine trying to function at work on that little sleep - I have a hard enough time just functioning at home.

We've tried everything but letting him CIO, which I said I never wanted to do... but I'm getting to the point where I think we might have to try... because I'm out of ideas... everyone keeps telling me that's the only thing that will work, but I can't stand the thought of ignoring him while he cries..

We're going to up the amount of solids he has and see if that helps him sleep... he only put on 1/2 lbs in the past 2 months (18lbs 5 oz at 5 months, 18lbs 15oz at 7 months) and the nurse said he should be putting on more weight so now I feel bad because my breast milk isn't doing what it should be doing...
Hello all. Just after some advise. My daughter is 1 week of from 6 months and for the last week has been waking up at 1030pm ,1230,sometimes 3 and then at 7am. I normally feed her when she wakes at 1230am. As she is wide awake and this gets her straight back to sleep. But she dont seem all that hungry. I have strated weaning but its not related to that. She dont seem in pain so i dont think its her teeth. Is there anything im missing that it could be? could it be a development spurt as she has learnt a lot of new things?
ugh - well after 2 reaaly good days and good nights (especially last night where lo slept in his moses basket all night, only waking every 4 hours for a feed) i'm back sitting up all night :-( He has only slept an hour at a stretch all day and then screams to be fed before getting over tired and fretting for a further couple of hours. shattered.
ugh - well after 2 reaaly good days and good nights (especially last night where lo slept in his moses basket all night, only waking every 4 hours for a feed) i'm back sitting up all night :-( He has only slept an hour at a stretch all day and then screams to be fed before getting over tired and fretting for a further couple of hours. shattered.

How old is your LO?
he is only just over 2 weeks and having a growth spurt which is fine, just disapppointed he has gone back to not sleeping without being held, its beyond tiring at night :-(
Hi everyone,
(in particular bekkie- your story sounds exactly like mine!).
We thought it was 4 month sleep regression, but 6 weeks later and things are just getting worse! My LO has gone from being a good sleeper to being an appalling sleeper. He settles at 830, then is awake 20 minutly till 10, settles for a bit, but will wake every 45 mins till 12 or 1, then sleeps till 3 ish. After this we're back to hourly waking till 6 ish when he's awake for the day. The last two nigh he has settled but woken screaming each time I put him into his cot, ( this is new!) and has taken over an hour to get into his cot, screaming the whole time whether I cuddle, rock, try to feed etc.
I'm like a zombie.
I dread night time, and I feel drunk and am worried that I'm so clumsy that I'll fall with LO or drop him, so i'M exhausting myself even more by being extra
At least here it seems that I'm not the only one!
Argghh! She went to bed at 7, woke briefly (for about 15 mins) at 9 and 12 then woke at 3 and screamed until 5 and has been awake since then. I'm back at work after the summer hols on Wednesday. I don't know how I'll be able to function :cry:.
ugh - well after 2 reaaly good days and good nights (especially last night where lo slept in his moses basket all night, only waking every 4 hours for a feed) i'm back sitting up all night :-( He has only slept an hour at a stretch all day and then screams to be fed before getting over tired and fretting for a further couple of hours. shattered.

It's like you're talking about my LO!!! Same thing happening to me!!!
I thought that after sleeping during 2 nights for 6 hours from 21h to 3h, that he would be ready to sleep through the night. So I fed him at 23 h.
And afterwards, i tried to give him the pacifier when he woke up. It's been almost a week and it's still the same!!!!!
He's been waking up at 3h, stays awake till 4h.
During all this time, he cries a little bit but he doesn't seem hungry so i try to give him the pacifier.
Then he finally sleeps at 4h to wake up again at 4h30.
Then, he settles at 5h am to wake up again screaming at 6h. So I feed him. But at the end, I'm staying awake all the night worrying that the pacifier would drop because if it does, he'd then scream.
I'm tired, and frankly it scares me. Because i'm becoming cranky because i'm not getting enough sleep.
I'm lost and confused!!!!
Argghh! She went to bed at 7, woke briefly (for about 15 mins) at 9 and 12 then woke at 3 and screamed until 5 and has been awake since then. I'm back at work after the summer hols on Wednesday. I don't know how I'll be able to function :cry:.

Sounds very much like Finley x
I blame myself though as I'm a part time co-sleeper. I think he's getting used to being in our bed now that he just doesnt want to be on his own :-( but how do I get out of this???
We cant CIO because its in the middle of the night that he wakes & DH has to be up for work at 4.30am plus dont want the neighbours knocking on the door!!!

He woke at 10.55pm last night he resettled then started screaming 15minutes later & wouldnt resettle so just got him straight in to bed with us so DH could get some sleep before getting up for work! I'm exhausted I just dont know what to do anymore :cry:
I just want to cry when I think the next time we have a full night sleep for more than one night will be in about 10-12 years :cry:
big :hugs: rainyday (and all you other zombie moms) - it is nice knowing we aren't alone - although the frustration and exhaustion definitely isn't anything I'd wish on anyone.

It's 12:45 and he's still awake - WIDE awake... I'm quite positive he has a stash of red bull somewhere...

Last night I actually managed to get him down at 10:00, and he slept until 2! ... then 3... then 3:30... and then 4:00... which is when I turned the monitor off... I let him whine (he wasn't "crying", just his "come get me" noises) until 4:30 (going in every 5 minutes to check on him and try shushing and bum patting... to no avail), by which time I've moved to the couch so my OH could get some sleep, held him until 5, and then he slept until 7:30.. he's napped twice today for maybe 45 min a piece... last nap at 7:00pm... so he's been awake for 5 hours - why won't he just go to sleep?!?! :(
LO is almost 6 months old and has been sleeping horribly for about a month. She doesn't sleep badly every night, but here lately it's pretty often. She slept 2 days straight all night and now she's messed up again. She used to sleep from 8:30 to 8:30 without waking up! Then, she started waking up at 5:30 am, which is fine since I now have to get her ready for nursery before work. The last week or so she gets up several times a night. Last night she went down at 8:00, slept til 11:30. I gave her a pacifier and she slept til 12:45, fed her, back down til 3:40. Now she is in her bed babbling and whining off and on, but not hungry. I have to get up at 4:45 to get ready for work anyways, so no point in me going back to sleep. Now, she will probably sleep the day away at the nursery. It's hard to get back to sleep for me anyways when I wake, so just about the time I fall to sleep, she wakes me up! I know it could be much worse, but ugh why do they do that? Now I have to go teach a class of 24 3rd graders all day, on little sleep, and not be grumpy towards them!
he is only just over 2 weeks and having a growth spurt which is fine, just disapppointed he has gone back to not sleeping without being held, its beyond tiring at night :-(

At 2 weeks old kacey was waking hourly. It is hard and the tireder you get the worse it feels. All i did and made sure my OH did was keep putting her down in her basket.Sometimes we where up down all night long but i kept it up. She did eventually get it. How are things now ?
Hi ladies, can I join this thread? My little man is 3 months old. He was sleeping through (11pm-7am) until about 4 weeks ago. Since then he has been awful. I've finally got a going to bed routine established and he sleeps from 8-11pm then wakes again at 1 and after that he's up and down and grazing all night. I am soo knackered now and feel sick. I wish I'd noticed this thread earlier, even though I feel sorry for all of you struggling to cope it really helps to know I'm not the only one. I keep thinking I must be such a rubbish mum when I read about other peoples babies sleeping through :( :hugs:
He slept through :happydance::cry: (happy tears) he slept from 7.30pm-5am he might have slept longer but DH had to get up for woke so think that woke him x
Thing is I get so happy when on the rare occassions he does this but I know he'll be back to his old tricks tonight - well it was nice while it lasted lol x

Big hugs to you all :hugs:

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