Sleepless Nights Support Thread

hi ladies

my LO is 5 months in a week or so.. she is still waking every 2-3 hours at night.. and she always wants to feed... soothing does not work... she does go to sleep on her own without my assistance at night but when she wakes she cries and just wants boob? does she really need to still feed at 12.30am, 3am, 5am and 7am???

I am back at work and am exhausted... any advice would be great.

I tried giving her water for one of the night feeds and she was most upset so wont try that again lol :haha:

this is my 1st baby :hugs:

:hugs: Matilda was like this and still is now sometimes. Some babies need more milk. Can u try giving her more milk in the day, just something that might help a little?

completely lost it last night... after an entire day of no naps, and weeks of waking up every 2 hours... he finally went to bed last night at 7:30 and I thought.. finally... then he was up at 9:30, 11:30, 2:30, 3:30, and then at 4... I couldn't take it... I stormed out of the bedroom, slammed the door (which woke my OH) locked myself in the bathroom... and cried for 5 minutes... my OH went in and got Bobby and took him to the basement and told me to go to bed... so I climbed in to bed and cried myself to sleep - waking up at 6:30 to take Bobby back so my OH could go to work for the day... I feel like I'm losing my mind

I very often feel like doing this, you don't expect them to be such bad sleepers at 6/7 months do you? Sending big hugs :hugs:


I could have written this myself :hugs:
well the sleepless nights have started for me with amaris now being born,its so hard being a single mum for the reason theres noone to help take the burdon at least for a few hrs sleep a week thru the hence a zombie now joining this thread lol!
Maybe someone here can help. Lucy wont sleep unless I'm holding her. Even if she passes the flop test and I put her down she wakes up within 20 minutes. Tried to get her to sleep on her own just now and she cried for over an hour, so now I'm out of the bedroom trying to let OH get some sleep. She's fed, dry, warm and my husband picking her up doesn't do the trick so don't think it's colic? She is generally pretty farty though, but usually thats just something that makes her more annoyed.
I can't go on like this, there are some hours I don't remember this morning, and I guess I about passed out while trying to walk across the room. I did get a 3 hour nap today by putting a shirt in her bed that smells like me, but it isn't working now.

did you manage to find any way around this? My LO is only 10 days but will not sleep without being held so we have to sit up with him all night taking it in turns. My husband goes back to work soon though and i don't know how i will do it alone. Really don't know what to do. :nope:
I'm going to scream!!!!!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrgh!

awe hun. :hugs:
Heading that way myself - need to wake lo up now to feed again after 3 hours of sitting with him and god knows if he will sleep again. So tired. :cry:
I'm going to scream!!!!!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrgh!

awe hun. :hugs:
Heading that way myself - need to wake lo up now to feed again after 3 hours of sitting with him and god knows if he will sleep again. So tired. :cry:


He's asleep now in my arms at the laptop but as soon as i put him down he'll scream! :cry: He's fed, changed, clean, comforted ..... what else do i do!!

I'm going to scream!!!!!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrgh!

awe hun. :hugs:
Heading that way myself - need to wake lo up now to feed again after 3 hours of sitting with him and god knows if he will sleep again. So tired. :cry:


He's asleep now in my arms at the laptop but as soon as i put him down he'll scream! :cry: He's fed, changed, clean, comforted ..... what else do i do!!


I honestly don't know hun, i'm in exactly the same boat. Just wanted you to know you are not alone. Do you swaddle and have you tried putting something that smells of you in the cot? x
I'm going to scream!!!!!!!! Arrrrrrrrrrrgh!

awe hun. :hugs:
Heading that way myself - need to wake lo up now to feed again after 3 hours of sitting with him and god knows if he will sleep again. So tired. :cry:


He's asleep now in my arms at the laptop but as soon as i put him down he'll scream! :cry: He's fed, changed, clean, comforted ..... what else do i do!!


I honestly don't know hun, i'm in exactly the same boat. Just wanted you to know you are not alone. Do you swaddle and have you tried putting something that smells of you in the cot? x

Hey girls,
We have only had Thomas home two nights but he is like this too. Just will not settle unless he is held, will not sleep in his moses basket. I am too scared to swaddle him after being told this makes them too hot and causes cot death, even with a blanket that smells of me he still wont sleep alone. I was told that sometimes babies who have spent a long time in hospital are like this as there was always somebody around to cuddle them! Anybody have any advise on how to train him to sleep through the night???
Finley has been screaming non stop for an hour, real unconsolable crying
This has been going on for 2 weeks now I dont know how mucj more I can take :cry: he's had teething powders & neurofen he keeps sitting up & standing up at the cot x he settles for a bit then starts screaming & crying again when you walk out the room x its not justwhen he goes to bed sometimes its at 2am x finley has never slept through x dh & I are so tired :cry:
arrrrrrgh!!!:cry:n i sceam to!!
im having an awful night so far.was a brill day and admittedly iv had a bit of peace today,but i used that time to get some much needed chores done and now im soooo whacked i need to sleep,but amy has other ideas.Iv ran my bath 3 times this evening without having the time to get in it:cry:
Ok so it sounds like there are a few of us in the same 'wont sleep unless held boat'. Anyone else feel slightly less alone sitting here typing at stupid o'clock?
aob1013 - are you getting any rest at all, does your other half do a shift so you can sleep or do you have any family that can help. It sounds like you desperately need a break hun?
catlady! I kept an eye out for you after you went into labour but bever saw anything. What happened? Glad you are all home now. Re swaddling as long as you use something light weight rather than a blanket it will be fine, midwife and health visitor said it was fine to me although it depends on the temp in your house i guess. George doesn't seem to like it hugely but we are persevering with it upon advice from others who said their babies didn't like it to start with but now love it.
We went and bought a cot wedge thing from mothercare aswell to see if it helps. Managed to get george down for 1 hr 15 today so some progress but tonight its been 15 mins max and then he screams his head off. DH is insistent we keep trying but i am wanting to hold him for a few hours so he at least gets some sleep as i can't cope with the screaming at this time of night. Might force myself tol try in half an hour or so.
saw health visitor today who reassured me he will grow out of it and that we were doing everything right. Made me feel a little better.
scrap my last comment catlady - just seen your birth story. Sorry it was so traumatic but so pleased you are both well and home at last. Even with no sleep! xxx
I breastfeed, so the nights are down to me to be honest. My OH works so hard so i don't really ask him to do anything. He has offered but i decline as he needs his sleep .. at least i can catch up in the day.

What gets to me the most is that i feed, change, clean, cuddle and comfort him but he STILL won't sleep. He figits and whinges all night! :grr:
Oh Ally. If I could come and stay and give you a hand I so would. Obv not with feeding but when you need some sleep etc

I am very tired at the moment. Aidan has had VERY unselttled nights and then gets uo at half 5 :( I want my bed :)
sorry were all so tired.i finaly give amaris a bath at 11pm:wacko: and it worked a treat after 4hrs of crying.i got my bath at 12.30am:wacko:.
hope ladies you have a good day
sorry were all so tired.i finaly give amaris a bath at 11pm:wacko: and it worked a treat after 4hrs of crying.i got my bath at 12.30am:wacko:.
hope ladies you have a good day

I honestly don't know how you do it! I'm in awe i have to say.

Ally - what is it that you do that works in the day to allow you to sleep? I'm just interested as my lo wont go down in the day either appart from the odd occassion so i can't catch up then either. Dreading when dh goes back to work as i can't do all day and all night :-(

Hope everyone's day is better than their night.
my baby has days where she will not settle although not everyday my baby just sufferes with the 7pm onward time mostly.i have been told to invest in a baby swing which im tempted to many have said there life savers and relax lill one and in turn mummy gettn a i think the money for one of these will be well worth it if it works.

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