Sleepless Nights Support Thread

I haven't been in this thread for ages as i was accepting the fact i have a crap sleeper on my hands, but lately its ridiculous! J goes to bed around 8pm, by 11pm he is up, and i mean up for the day, i mean how is it possible for a 1 year old to survive on 3 f'ing hours a night? I must sounds awful but... ARGHHH

i share your pain! My LO went down at 7:30 last night and was up and playing at 10pm!! I had just got into bed as well... I managed to get him back off by 11:30 but he was really unsettled for the rest of the night, and point blank refused to sleep in his cot :(

and OH thought it appropriate to call me 5 times at 3am!! Idiot

Men are soo annoying at times! J has been asleep half hour and is now up screaming, o/h woke him up this time so its his fault. :(
Giving in and joining this thread. I'm so tired, I want to cry. It's 12.35 - Lily's been up, wide awake, for the past two hours. Every attempt to try and get her to sleep has resulted in her screaming at the top of her lungs.

I'm so sick of this. I just want a decent night's sleep. Was up until 2am with her last night and was actually dizzy with exhaustion by the time I got to sleep.
:hugs: girls ... well im back... was here quite a bit with DS #1 now it seems DS#2 is taking the same route ..... :(

Was up between 1am and 5am other night so didnt bother going back to bed ... every 2 hours last night he woke :(

Hugs to you both. xxx
Finding tonight hard, i feel like shit, constant dizziness and sickness being pregnant and o/h is being a complete selfish b@$tard.. J up every 10 minutes no idea whats wrong with him.
Tonight is our worst night yet. He's screamed since 10pm. The only thing settling him is sitting watching tv. I'm knackered :cry:
Can I join you ladies? My baby won't sleeep! :dohh:

Caroline is 14 weeks on monday and since around 10-11 weeks her nighttimes have been shot. We breastfeed and when she was a newborn we were getting no sleep, naturally, but she had been making steady improvement since about 6 wks. She got into the habit of 8pm bed, then waking for feeds about 2-3 times in the night, usually going for a good 4-5 hours at the start. She'd even slept 7 hours and I thought we were doing pretty well considering.

But then she started waking more and more, pretty much overnight! Now six times a night is pretty standard. Last night she was up every hour from 10pm on, I could have cried. I can't figure for the life of me why she'd made such a big change so quickly. I don't think she's waking out of habit because she takes a full feed every time. In any case I can't really try to let her self-settle because we live in a flat and she gets shouty. DH is sleeping on the sofa and I don't think anything is waking her up. I've ruled out the obvious things, nappy, too hot or cold etc. Her daytime napping doesn't seem to have any effect on her nights as far as I can tell. Some days she sleeps loads and others hardly at all, but the nights are pretty much the same.

The only saving grace is she always drops right back off after a feed so I'm up half an hour at most. But some nights I wake up about three and can't fall back myself. I function but my brain is made of cotton wool anymore. I have to go to bed at 8pm myself just to get a little shut eye. Argh! Thanks for listening. xx
Hi ladies, hoping to join you guys. I'm convinced my daughter is part hoot owl. lol
I can get her to sleep on me like a champ, but as soon as you lay her on her back she wakes up screaming. Thought it might be an upset tummy so have been taking measures to work around that. Problem is, you can lay her on her back in the daytime and have no problem, it's only nights that she acts this way. DH is working the night shift too, so along with him having to sleep all day and then work all night (12-hr shifts), I'm freaking exhausted. I've just slept about 8 hours today with anticipation of having to be up all night with her screaming again :(

I feel guilty for wanting her to hurry up and get older...selfish mom that I am, wanting my sleep...
Sideways 8: Could it be wind related? I know my LO would sleep fine on her back in her moses basket (but mostly on me) during the day but at night she'd fuss and grunt with wind all night long when she was laid on her back. It was only when she was a few months we could then lay her on her side and put a rolled up towel/blanket behind her and she'd sleep alot better.

Once she got to 4/5 months her wind problems disapeared and now even tho she doesn't sleep that great it's no longer down to wind lol.
My oh just takes up the whole bed and its even worse when i co-sleep cus im right on the edge of the bed!
Sideways 8: Could it be wind related? I know my LO would sleep fine on her back in her moses basket (but mostly on me) during the day but at night she'd fuss and grunt with wind all night long when she was laid on her back. It was only when she was a few months we could then lay her on her side and put a rolled up towel/blanket behind her and she'd sleep alot better.

Once she got to 4/5 months her wind problems disapeared and now even tho she doesn't sleep that great it's no longer down to wind lol.

Jem, you may be right. I've always suspected she was gassy because she burps and poots like a champ! :haha: We changed her formula to one that's meant to control gas and we are winding her a bunch throughout the day. I guess I would be more likely to think that wind was the reason she was up all night is if she was like that during the day, too. If it was wind, wouldn't it be all 24 hours and not just daytime? Either way, I'm glad your LO was able to get sorted out within a few months. That's what I keep telling myself is that this will only be for a little while and she'll be able to sleep eventually.
I've only just found this fabulous thread!

Just to say my LO had really bad wind (and colic) at night but be generally ok during the day. It got so bad that at about 4-5 weeks I started putting him to sleep on his tummy. He slept much better and I only did it after I could see he could move his head alot from side to side. I found that on his front he'd sometimes bring up a stuck burp too.

Something else I found helpful and I'd do during night feeds was change him while he was on the boob by propping a pillow under him and hunching over to keep the nipple in his mouth. It was awkward at first but I got the hang of it and meant there was a little less time for him to be up during a night feed. Obviously this only works for wet nappies rather than poos!

Wishing all our babies lots of sleep x
Think im going to live in this thread from now on im getting 0hours sleep!

Jack is 8weeks old now and he is very unsettled. He doesnt always feed well and we struggle to get him down in his cot :(

He isnt colicky or windy but i do think its his sleeping position.

Do any of you ladies put LO too sleep in a different position? I worry cos Jack is only 8 it safe to let him sleep any other way?

Failing that, have any of you used one of those Tomy Sleepcurve matresses? I was thinking maybe it would help him sleep better? :coffee:xx
its 3:30am, LO had a dirty nappy which when i changed woke him up completely :dohh:
He is now in his bouncer shouting at the TV as i try and bounce him back to sleep :sleep: soo tired . . .
I think I definitely belong here.

My dh has moved to the spare bedroom and lo and I sleep in our room now. He has bad reflux and used to not nap during the day, but only wake once at night. Now that he has been on meds for a week he is sleeping sporadically during the day, though if I try to set him down he wakes up within 5 minutes, and up like 3 times per night at least. When he wakes he nurses, and with the reflux I am supposed to hold him upright for 30 minutes after feeding, so then he is peacefully asleep and hee I am trying to keep myself awake so I can hold him up!. He also won't go to sleep until at least eleven, though today it was after 1am before he would sleep. I am so tired I could cry.

I barely manage lookivng after baby and generally don't cook, go grocery shopping or shower and leave the house much.

Oh and random people keep telling me that now he weighs over 11lbs, he should start sttn! All I can think is ha ha, these people obviously do not know my son!

....ok mini rant over.
:hugs: ladies

Connahs mummy - I put my little one to sleep on his belly from early on because he was terrible with colic and relux and general trapped wind - really did help. Matty is a 'big' lad compared to some babies though and has very strong muscles so I wasn't really worried. Alot of mums have since said they did the same :dohh: Have a go in the day see how u feel rather than doing it straight at night ... also try raising the head end of where he sleeps by quite a bit... I was also prescribed gaviscon and told to stop using infacol cos it made it worse.

Luckily matty is over the colic/reflux now its sleep regression and fixated on my boobie issues :( Think I had 2-3 hours only last night

I think I definitely belong here.

My dh has moved to the spare bedroom and lo and I sleep in our room now. He has bad reflux and used to not nap during the day, but only wake once at night. Now that he has been on meds for a week he is sleeping sporadically during the day, though if I try to set him down he wakes up within 5 minutes, and up like 3 times per night at least. When he wakes he nurses, and with the reflux I am supposed to hold him upright for 30 minutes after feeding, so then he is peacefully asleep and hee I am trying to keep myself awake so I can hold him up!. He also won't go to sleep until at least eleven, though today it was after 1am before he would sleep. I am so tired I could cry.

I barely manage lookivng after baby and generally don't cook, go grocery shopping or shower and leave the house much.

Oh and random people keep telling me that now he weighs over 11lbs, he should start sttn! All I can think is ha ha, these people obviously do not know my son!

....ok mini rant over.

The thing about babies over 11lbs should be sttn is rubbish! Jack had his 6 week (very late,thanks doc:dohh:) checks and he now weighs 14lbs 6oz and he definately int sttn yet xx
:hugs: ladies

Connahs mummy - I put my little one to sleep on his belly from early on because he was terrible with colic and relux and general trapped wind - really did help. Matty is a 'big' lad compared to some babies though and has very strong muscles so I wasn't really worried. Alot of mums have since said they did the same :dohh: Have a go in the day see how u feel rather than doing it straight at night ... also try raising the head end of where he sleeps by quite a bit... I was also prescribed gaviscon and told to stop using infacol cos it made it worse.

Luckily matty is over the colic/reflux now its sleep regression and fixated on my boobie issues :( Think I had 2-3 hours only last night


Definately going to try the tummy sleeping :thumbup:

havnt managed to get him down in his cot tonight, he is in his bouncer right now sleeping:dohh: this does make me think that maybe he does have a bit of tummyache as he really doesnt enjoy laying flat :shrug:

Hope we all manage to get a few hours sleep tonight!:coffee:
LO's sleep patterns have gone a bit strange. She seems to have settled into every two hours after midnight but wakes frequently before then. She falls asleep on me by six and I set her into the cot at seven. Usually this was her longest time of sleep but she's waking 2-3 times an hour sometimes. LO never had a problem settling before. Babies, eh? :shrug: As long as she's sleeping after midnight!
A year in and sleep is still a distant memory! 4am I've been up since today and i have work, I'm so tired :(

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