Sleepless Nights Support Thread

Thought i would join this thread as, my DD is nearly 15mths old and she has decided to start having disturbed nights sleep. She had oral thrush, cutting her top back teeth and a few mouth ulcers on her lips. The oral thrush has cleared up and her mouth ulcers have nearly gone but, she has 1 more top back tooth to cut. She keeps semi waking up crying and then settling again after a couple of mins this happens about every hr to 1.5hrs!!!!! As I am no pregnant with #2 and working part time I really need her to go back to sleeping through which she was doing prior to the thrush. As we have a video baby monitor we are going to try closing her bedroom door and ours tonight to see if we don't hear her so much. Any tips/suggestions would be gratefully received.
Thought i would join this thread as, my DD is nearly 15mths old and she has decided to start having disturbed nights sleep. She had oral thrush, cutting her top back teeth and a few mouth ulcers on her lips. The oral thrush has cleared up and her mouth ulcers have nearly gone but, she has 1 more top back tooth to cut. She keeps semi waking up crying and then settling again after a couple of mins this happens about every hr to 1.5hrs!!!!! As I am no pregnant with #2 and working part time I really need her to go back to sleeping through which she was doing prior to the thrush. As we have a video baby monitor we are going to try closing her bedroom door and ours tonight to see if we don't hear her so much. Any tips/suggestions would be gratefully received.

We went through this a few weeks ago and it was def teething related. We brought him into our bed, rubbed his back during the cry, and he went right back to sleep, it was less disturbing and he went right back to his crib after the teeth cut
We're having sleepless nights too! Sophie keeps waking up crying after about 20-30 minutes of sleep immediately chewing her hands.

Seen the healthvisitor today and she said she might be teething because she's drooling so much (soaking wet bibs every so many hours) and when she's crying and I give her somethign to chew she stops crying.
Also red cheeks (which apperently is a sign of teething) and the waking up crying and completely losing appetite, only feeding when I put her on.

So tonight I've given her some calpol and teething gel before the feed and her dummy to go to sleep. We'll see what tonight brings, less than 30 wakings will be a improvement of last night!
Im definitely joining this thread!!! My LO is only 2 weeks old, but he is confused with day/night!!! He will sleep like a log all day long!! No matter what I do to wake him up, it doesnt happen! He wakes up for his feedings at night and he is wide awake!!! I dont know what to do! Im sooo tired! I just want him to be able to sleep like he does during the day at night! I want to be able to enjoy him and play with him when he is awake- but since he is awake at night, I am beyond exhausted and all I am trying to do is get him to sleep :( Im sooo tired!!!
Im definitely joining this thread!!! My LO is only 2 weeks old, but he is confused with day/night!!! He will sleep like a log all day long!! No matter what I do to wake him up, it doesnt happen! He wakes up for his feedings at night and he is wide awake!!! I dont know what to do! Im sooo tired! I just want him to be able to sleep like he does during the day at night! I want to be able to enjoy him and play with him when he is awake- but since he is awake at night, I am beyond exhausted and all I am trying to do is get him to sleep :( Im sooo tired!!!

i have the same prob!! my LO is nearly 2 weeks too. i hope it gets better, altough as hes not very old im not expecting miricles!!!!
Hey gals ^^ I'm sure you have heard it already but sleep when LO sleeps. Esp those first few weeks! You may feel nocturnal for a bit but you need sleep to function! Also I know it's tempting to try to wake them thinking they will sleep better at night but they are sleeping cause they're tired. & the more overtired they get the harder it is to get them to sleep at night!!

I joined this thread around 2-3 weeks for the same reasons plus mine would only sleep on me! Now mine is a dream. Naps & only wakes once at night. You will get there too. Take care of yourselves! :) it gets easier. HUGS!
Im definitely joining this thread!!! My LO is only 2 weeks old, but he is confused with day/night!!! He will sleep like a log all day long!! No matter what I do to wake him up, it doesnt happen! He wakes up for his feedings at night and he is wide awake!!! I dont know what to do! Im sooo tired! I just want him to be able to sleep like he does during the day at night! I want to be able to enjoy him and play with him when he is awake- but since he is awake at night, I am beyond exhausted and all I am trying to do is get him to sleep :( Im sooo tired!!!

Those early weeks are so intense! I agree try to catch a nap if you can. Try to keep things dark and quiet at night so he gets the message that night-times are for sleep. He'll soon fall into more of a regular pattern, so hang in there! :hugs:

Caroline keeps throwing me curve balls. Three nights ago she woke at 1am for a feed and I couldn't get her to go back down till four, and only after settling her in bed with me. She just kept waking up every time I'd put her down. But then these past two nights she's had a couple of good three-hour stretches which is the longest she's slept in over a month. :shrug: I guess it's too much to hope she's settling down at last!
Thanks ladies! I am hoping that he starts getting on schedule soon :( I know it takes time- Sometimes it feels like time is standing still, and he is going to be a newborn forever!! Its very overwhelming being a new mom!
It will really fly by before you know it! I sometimes really miss the newborn stage as my LO won't just cuddle with me anymore, apart from when it's sleepy time! She's constantly on the go with toys and rolling and playing, I miss the snuggles and the proper newborn stuff!
Thats what my Best friend says- She has a 2 year old and she says that she misses when her LO was a newborn- They dont want to cuddle after a certain point LoL- Its just so overwhelming at this stage! Between the sleep deprivation and the hormones Im losing my mind1 LoL
Hey gals ^^ I'm sure you have heard it already but sleep when LO sleeps. Esp those first few weeks! You may feel nocturnal for a bit but you need sleep to function! Also I know it's tempting to try to wake them thinking they will sleep better at night but they are sleeping cause they're tired. & the more overtired they get the harder it is to get them to sleep at night!!

I joined this thread around 2-3 weeks for the same reasons plus mine would only sleep on me! Now mine is a dream. Naps & only wakes once at night. You will get there too. Take care of yourselves! :) it gets easier. HUGS!

Miss Fish I would love to know what you did to get such an improvement?? M

y LO is almost 7 weeks old and will only nap on me and wakes constantly through the night. We co sleep because she won't sleep if I put her in her bed and she wakes if moved. I keep thinking one night it will all click into place now she is getting that little bit older but no such luck yet!
No such luck with the settling--LO woke up at three and refused to settle. She just lay in her cot chattering to herself in the dark! :haha: I'm wondering if we're starting into actual four month sleep regression, as opposed to just poor sleep. Be nice to have something to blame it on! :wacko:
Bobbyrabbit- We had to make a tough decision to sleep her on her tummy. After speaking with the pediatrician he told me her neck strength was way above average so we went ahead. She's been amazing since. I think it's all about Pin pointing what your baby's individual needs are. Be it sleeping in a different position, new bedtime routine, soother, etc. you will find something & it will fall into place!

Also I was co-sleeping for the same reasons & I just had to put an end to it. It scared the hell outta me, I figured she was sleeping on her tummy AND on me in my bed so double whammy.. Felt she was safer in the crib on her tummy. It took a few days for her to sleep in her crib & I started small. For example for naptime I would let her fall asleep on me, then move her to the couch next to me. Then to her brothers room on the bed. ( don't worry I left the door open & checked on her) this was to get her ok with sleeping not right next to me. Her crib is in our room, but across the room. Once she was comfortable there I moved her to the crib. After that I have not let her sleep anywhere but the crib. Also I still let her fall asleep on me until recently where she won't have it! I like to cuddle her to sleep but now she fusses to be put down :( if she still won't settle she has a binky & her glow worm that also plays music. It automatically shuts off after 5 minutes & she's almost always asleep by then. These are things that worked for me! I hope at least one will help you get some sleep!! :)
I just popped in here to say there's light at the end of the tunnel ladies! My DD was up almost every 1.5 hrs from 3-11 months of age. I finally couldn't physically do it anymore, and did the "Sleep Lady Shuffle" but alternated it with rocking to sleep. I used to have to nurse everytime she awoke. It took a week of dedication,but now at 16mths I lay her in her crib, walk away and don't hear a peep from her for 11-12 hrs. I swore I would never ever try anything remotely close to the CIO methods, but in the end it made her, myself, and my family happier. So hang in there until LO is old enough to help find their own way to sleep...but for now just be the amazing mothers you are, and be there when your little monkeys need you!
DD used to be good at sleeping compared to others of her age, but now at 7 months - and really on and off since about 6 months she's been a lot worse - some nights I'm up 4 times in the night, and she's never got out of the habit of feeding at least once, usually at least twice in the night. The last few nights if I try not to feed her she's reverted back to rooting a bit - even to the extent that once I try to settle her after one side (still breastfeeding) she goes over to the other side. I know she doesn't always need feeding, but tbh it's the only way she'll get back to sleep sometimes.
My little girl is still being a little turd, too. Sometimes she will only sleep if she's on one of us. I know she's young at only 6 weeks, but my goodness!! lol. Don't get me wrong I love the cuddles. But sometimes mommy or daddy want to sleep in a different position...
My little girl is still being a little turd, too. Sometimes she will only sleep if she's on one of us. I know she's young at only 6 weeks, but my goodness!! lol. Don't get me wrong I love the cuddles. But sometimes mommy or daddy want to sleep in a different position...

It gets better :). 6 weeks is ery young :). We only co-sleep now from 4am-7am or if she's poorly. So the rest of the night I can sleep however I want!
my LO is only 10 days old and she will sleep on a boppy pillow (which makes me nervous) in her play yard from 8pm-midnight. then shes up at midnight sleeping at 1 up at 2 sleeping at 3 but at 3 if i put her down in her play yard shell wake up and keep crying so i have to sleep with her in my arms from 3am-7am. i think she has her days and nights confused cuz during the day shell sleep for 4 or 5 hours at a time if i dont wake her to feed her
LO is sleeping soundly but I've been awake for an hour! It's now nearly 2am. Usually sleep easily - WTF is going on here?!!?
Urg, having DH issues now. I had a bit of an episode last night where I spazzed over something ridiculously minor and went off about how I can't even think straight anymore from lack of sleep. DH now thinks I should give up breastfeeding so he can help out at night. I do love him but he's not exactly a soft shoulder to cry on. He also doesn't understand how keeping the baby up at night isn't going to help her sleep! All it means is I'll be stuck trying to settle an overtired, crying baby. Miserable as this all is I know she's only going to sleep when she's ready. I guess he's just frustrated that he can't help, plus he's been on the sofa for over a month.

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