Hi All, Looking for some success stories of similar situations. I had my first hcg test on 6/9- came back at 96. Two days later it only rose to 130 and two days after that 156. A week later I went in and levels rose to 996, one week after that 4,632. They did an emergency ultrasound for fear of ectopic (6w5d), but they found a gestational sac and heart beat! I didn't get the number but he said it was strong. The sac was measuring a few days behind, but he said this could be because dating of early ultrasounds can be off up to 3 days.
Does anyone have a similar story that ended up successful? I did IVF so I know two "perfect" embryos went in, so maybe I had a vanishing twin? This is a theory the nurse offered, but the doctor turned down. I know doctors have to be realistic but they are often very negative, even though he gave me a 50/50 shot, he was nothing but negative in the conversation to follow.
Does anyone have a similar story that ended up successful? I did IVF so I know two "perfect" embryos went in, so maybe I had a vanishing twin? This is a theory the nurse offered, but the doctor turned down. I know doctors have to be realistic but they are often very negative, even though he gave me a 50/50 shot, he was nothing but negative in the conversation to follow.