Hi everyone! I'm hoping someone has an anecdotal story to help me sort this out, as I am a bit of a mystery to my provider right now and I am scared. I am about 7.5 weeks pregnant (LMP 3/15 but positive ovulation indicator on 4/5, ovulation symptoms until 4/8, and
only once that whole cycle on 4/5.) My hcg have been as follows: 4/18 79, 4/25 676, 4/30 1700, 5/3 2700, 5/7 4500, 5/14 9000. I was placed on progesterone once my level fell from 22 to 13.5 over the course of the bloodwork. Doctor didn't love my levels but since they were climbing, has not been ruling out viability. I had some very bad localized pain near my left ovary starting 5/4 so, given my levels, they brought me in for suspected ectopic on 5/7 at around 6 weeks for u/s. The u/s showed two interuterine areas of interest, a cyst on my left ovary (where I was having pain) and a CL on my right ovary, but my tubes were clear. So, we figured the pregnancy was failing and that my hcg levels would go down...except they doubled. The next ultrasound on 5/14, at around 7 weeks showed the same two areas, except now they have doubled in size. Doctor is still not referring to them as definitive gestational sacs, mind you, and still nothing can be seen in my tubes. So, they still can't rule out ectopic as they can't even call the two areas that have gotten larger sacs yet, but my tubes are (apparently and hopefully they are right) clear. I know ectopic pregnancies can produce pseudo sacs but my provider hasn't claimed they are those either and didn't know of pseudo sacs grow...these are the exact same size, round, and both doubled in size. I am on ectopic watch: any pain, go to the ER. So far, no pain (aside from cyst) or bleeding but I feel like a bomb about the go off 😣...anyone have any experience? These sacs don't have the DDS sign they look for in declaring a gestational sac but I can find no information of what happens with pseudo sacs over time...I am 39, I have 3 lovely daughters, 6, 4 and 18 months, and have had one missed miscarriage 2.5 years ago at 10 weeks. I have all my fatigue, food aversion, sore breasts as with my healthy pregnancies but needless to say, being unable to find a definitive something with 9000 hcg is scaring me silly...