SMEP success buddies

Afternoon :wave:

Steph - did u manage to film Oliver laughing for your OH? It's so hard to catch them doing stuff on camera!

How is everybody and their babies??

Not much going on here - I've moved Oscar's teats over to the next size up now. He is draining the bottles very fast now though and isn't as "satisfied" as he was when it took longer to drink. I don't know if he's just being greedy (drinking fast and doesn't reliase he's full) or he actually should be having more - I guess I should just put another oz in. Just don't want him to take more if he doesn't need it :shrug: Tough call!

I've finished reading 50 shades of grey, so onto the next book. It's annoyingly addictive. I don't think it's that good a book (not very well written and quite repetitive) but I HAVE to know how their relationship is going to pan out now :D

x x x

Yeah i managed to film it! I put it on fbook!

Ahh its so tough deciding whether to put the amount up! Especially with the worry that the extra milk will upset their reflux! Maybe make 6oz bottlee but make sure he doesnt take it all, so maybe he leaves half an oz?

Ooh im reading 50shades too! It took aaaages for them to arrive! Im quite enjoying it, Im at the bit where shes trying to decide whether to become his submissive! Obviously, i kno she does but its still interesting to see the characters! Ive heard from some people that he is a really messed up character! Lol it makes me realise how "vanilla" my sex life is haha!!

Hey Ladies!

Sorry been MIA...been trying to catch up with my life! Ugh! Anyhoo, my son's name is Justin. He was 5lbs 5oz 17.7 inches when he was born. He had another doc appt today and he's now 6lbs 1oz...whoohoo!! He has a bit of reflux as he tends to choke and spit up through his nose. Still dealing with breastfeeding issues but it's gotta a lot better.

I hope you all are doing well.

Be back to chat....
Beauty!! So glad to hear all is going well :D I'm assuming that's Justin in your avatar? - He is absolutely gorgeous!!! Ugh, reflux is horrible (Steph and I are in that club) hope it doesn't bother him too much :flower:

Steph - I put an extra Oz in his bottle and as I knew he would, he gulped it down without a second thought! Didn't seem to upset his reflux, so will try today on giving him 6oz in all his bottles and see how he goes. Can only but try these things I guess!

x x x
Steph - Did u say the dummy fairy came to your house? What did she leave for Brandon?? I'm going to get her in at ours this weekend, but struggling with what she should leave for him!

x x x

Beauty - wot a lovely name!! And what a lovely picture of him in ur avatar!! How is ur DD taking to being a big sister? I cant believe hes two weeks old already!!! That is scary!! How was ur labour? Really hope his reflux doesnt bother him, but if it does, uv got two experts right here!!

Smiley - hows ur day of 6oz bottles been? Has he been a wee muncher?

The dummy fairy did indeed visit our house! I got Brandon to put them in a box and leave them out the front door... I then went out and moved them and then showed him that they were gone so that he "knew" the dummy fairy had taken them and there was no chance of gettin them back! She brought him lots of play-doh and cutters and rollers etc! And she also brought him a mobi-go! I dont really like the mobi-go cos I dnt wanna encourage computer games but hes always wanting a shot of his cousins so when I seen it half price I thought I'd pick it up! Of course, he hardly touches it lol!!

Have u spoke to F abt he dummy fairy? We mentioned her for a few days before she arrived!

The thing ive found the hardest is the fact that he sees Oliver with one! Hes totally fine now, but was quite upset for the first few nights! What I have noticed though is that he now cuddles teddys, he never used to do that!

Thanks Steph! No I haven't really mentioned the fairy yet, but I will start dropping hints this evening. He doesn't really have his dummy that often. He doesn't have it to sleep at night, but we have been giving it to him if he woke up early (around 6am) this would then buy us an extra hour or so. But for a while now, he's just started waking early for thie dummy, then not really going back to sleep - so it's not helping anyone! He has it for naps in the day time as well, but I put him for a nap yesterday without it and he was fine. Had a bit of a shout about it, but went to sleep fine and then got to put a sticker on his sleeping chart. So I know he'll be fine without it, just need to bite the bullet and get rid - as it's a bit confusing for him that he can sometimes have it, and sometimes not!

I'm going over to Toys R Us today and will see what I can find for him! Also got to find some little treats to wrap up for his sticker charts.... Going to be spending a fortune then - haha!! I'm deciding between a Buzz Lightyear or a sand/water table for outside. Can't really make my mind up... both are quite expensive though. So maybe i'll see something else.

Day of 6oz went good thanks! Though, I do think it's slightly too much for him. He had a bottle at 4am as well, I'm sure he didn't need it, but he took it and still took a full bottle at 7am. Maybe a growth spurt? Or maybe just a little piggy!! But that means he's having 6 bottles of 6oz - 36oz in a day!!!

Going to see my friend today, she's a week overdue - so going to have words with the baby and get him/her moving :D

x x x
Aw thats good he doesnt really need his dummy to fall asleep! Brandon was so dependant on his to fall asleep! Ul prob have no problems at all!

What do u have the sticker charts for? Im looking to start a reward system for Brandon, I think he would like stamps cos he gets them at his gymnastics class! But what kind of things do u give F rewards for?

Maybe Oscar is going thru a growth spurt? Sounds like it! Lol either that or uv jst got a wee hungry boy there lol!

Im gonna need to think abt putting Oliver into size 3-6months clothes! Hes just so long that all the vests and sleepsuits are really stretching around his neck now! But the 3-6m look sooo big!!

Oh u better get telling that baby to get out! Ur poor friend being over due!! I would hate that!!

OH and I were talking last night and it looks as though Oliver is our last baby! Its quite a sad wee thought for me to process, although I do agree its for the best! So im gonna need to soak up every last second of babyness that Oliver gives me! Xxxxx
Yeah, he def doesn't need it to fall asleep (at night before bed he is so good and just gives it to me without me even having to ask for it) - it's just a big comfort thing for him now during the days. And also having that negative effect on making him wake up early for it! So i'm more worried that he is just going to have a breakdown 100 times a day when he asks for the dummy but can't have it!

F has 2 charts now. 1 for good sleeping - meaning that he waits for his Groclock to change to the sun before shouting to get up!! So if he wakes up earlier he has to wait for the sun - if he does he gets a sticker. The other chart is his "Good boy" chart. So whenenever I need him to behave - ie, share toys, have his nappy changed without a fuss, get ready for bed (anything really) I'll bribe him with a sticker. Then when he reaches 5 stickers (on both charts) he'll get a treat. The treat might just be a bit of chocolate, or a little toy, or a magazine, or going to the park, just something that he really likes!! It works really well!!

Ahh 3-6 month clothes!! They get big so fast don't they! I think Oscar could go into some 3-6 month stuff, sleep suits especially, but I keep stuffing him into the 0-3's! haha! The next size up does look massive!!!

Oh Steph, I don't blame you - the jump from 1 - 2 children is bigger than I thought and I dont' have PND do deal with as well. Occassionally I think I don't want any more, but I know I will do - as soon as Oscar is a bit older and playing around with F i'll be pining for another baby.

But that is a big decision you guys have come to, definitely take in every little moment of Oliver being a baby :D

x x x x
Hi Ladies,

Sorry Ive been quiet, I just never get a moment to use the computer and i always loose my long replies on my phone!!

Beauty - Justin is sooo cute! and well done on nthe weight gain you are obviously feeding him the good stuff. The bf is so hard isnt it :hugs: hope it improves soon :)

Smiley - The dummy fairy is such a cute idea :) I hope it works as well for you as it did for steph. Its great the charts work so well, Im sure we will have to use them for Eleanor! I can just imgaine you stuffing poor oscar into the clothes :haha: bless him! Its great hes growing well though :)

Steph - woop so glad you managed to get rid of the dummy :) good on Brandon :) wow big decision for you guys but Its great you can enjoy Oliver so much. Im pretty sure were only going for 2, and not for a couple years. Eleanor is now even starting to look big in her 3-6months!! she is such a podger :)

AFM - Im thinking i need to buy this grey book...sounds excting, especially if you are going to start talking in rhymes...vanilla hey? :P
We are good, Eleanor is now in her big cot in our room and its been great! She loves being able to spread out and tends to end up diagonal across it :haha: she has also now started going from 8.30ish - 6.30ish so between 9 and 10 hrs in a block! and then even another hour or so after that feed so feeling very lucky right now. FX it sticks!! It meant that I actually was brave the other day and once she was asleep I left her with Tom (I do that for the shop anyway) to go to the pub with my antenatal friends....we felt like naughty kids out of school :haha: it was great and she didnt wake once for him :happydance: will def be doing it more often!
Eleanor is growing so fast, I had her weighed 2 weeks ago and she was 13lb 14 so not sure now but shes a big girl :) hehe but i love her rolls. She is soo chatty too and we have great conversations :haha: We are still struggling with day time naps, she doesnt seem to want to do them anywhere other than on me or moving in the pram, and when i say moving, i mean it - she knows when we are home and wakes up (although as im writing this for the 1st time in weeks she has stayed asleep in her car seat...shocking!). I really dont know how to change the sleeping on me habit as she gets soo sleepy and grumpy if I try to force the cot naps...hmmmm!

Sooo anyone got nice plans for the weekend?
Hello All,

Its been very quiet, hope all is ok :)

AFM - Eleanor has rolled from front to back today!! woop :) so proud, very silly really. Its mine and DH's 2nd wedding anniversary today :) cant believe it, its gone so quickly! We managed to go out for a lovely meal at lunch and amazingly Ellie behaved! and we have a bottle of prosecco cooling for this eve..hehe.

Certain - well done Eleanor! Very clever! and happy anniversary for the other day, glad you managed to go out and have something to eat :flower:

AFM - Not much to report. My week of being a single parent is nearly over - THANK THE LORD. It hasn't been as horrendous as i'd imagined but I am still really looking forward to OH coming home!

Going to put Oscar in his cot at the weekend, he outgrew his pram a long time ago bless him!!

x x x

Sorry ive been so quiet! Im just so sick of life at the moment, I didnt wanna come on all negative!

Brandons had a personality transplant and I now have a child who throws tantrums CONSTANTLY!!

We went all Supernanny on his ass, and he now goes to bed great again, which he has done all his life except for the past two weeks! But last night he woke up at 10.30pm needing a peepee and then threw the biggest tantrum ever! At half 2 in the morning he was still awake so OH crawled into bed with him and he eventually calmed down! I jst dont know what the hell has happened to my wee boy! I want him back!

Oliver is great, think hes about to cut a tooth which seems so early to me!

And things arent going great regarding the house sale :-( its valued at 5000 less than wot we bought it for so it looks like we'll be selling at a loss!

How is everyone getting on? I have missed all ur chat, just didnt wanna come on and moan moan moan!!

Ah steph - that's what this thread is for! Can always come here whether it's to be happy or to have a moan! :hugs:

Ahh I wonder what is up with Brandon then, maybe it's just a delayed reaction to Olivers arrival? Maybe just standard toddler behaviour? Either way, I can sympathise. It must be so tiring especially if he was awake until that time last night!! :hugs: I would HIGHLY recommend getting a sticker chart in place!! We were having such a hard time trying to get F to stay quiet in the morning until a reasonable hour (7am) - he was waking loads during the night and shouting us, then getting all worked up over the smalles things, essentially just waking up to have a bit of a meltdown! He was asking for the most random things then when he couldn't have them going wild. This happened at least 3 times a night, and then he would be awake at 6-6.30 and refusing to go back to sleep or stay quiet.

So I made the chart and he is sleeping brilliantly again. He has completely stopped waking up and shouting us in the night (If he does wake up he just goes back to sleep without a fuss by himself) and if he wakes up early he is just sitting quietly (singing, reading, whatever) until 7am.

Honestly, I cannot push sticker charts enough!!! I know i've mentioned it before but everyone should have them, haha!! His behaviour during the day has also improved SO much, he is an absolute pleasure to be around at the moment - for a little while I dreaded having to take him out anywhere as he would scream and have a trantrum over the smallest thing. But I feel like I am so easily in control now!

That's such a shame about the house. Are you still going to sell or wait a bit now? The property market thing is so difficult.

We are ok, the new house situation is a problem. I think we're now looking at moving in with the inlaws (in our new house!) soon and it will probably be for about a year... I'm trying to decide if this is the right decision! but if we dont move in with them, we have to stay where we are whilst they live in our new house for a year by themselves. Jsut doesnt seem fair!!

O is good! He's such a content little thing. (as long as he gets his sleep) He went through a huge growth spurt and was feeding so much so often. (was waking lots in the night too) but last night I said to OH there was no way he still needed all that milk so didnt offer him any when he woke and he didn't wake again - so im defo not feeding him again during the night now! He still hasnt laughed though :( he smiles all the time, and gets so close to giggling but never does - I'm sure F was laughing weeks ago?!

Finally got a new car - hooray!!! pick it up 2mrw night, i cant wait! Been driving around in a 3 door old small Honda, breaking my back everytime I had to put the boys in. But now got a new (ish) 5 door Meriva, i'm in love with it and all the space it has - haha!!

x x x x x
Lol! Ive ordered a chart! Its taking forever to arrive tho! Ive got all the stickers, jst need the bloomin chart! What do u use as the reward system? A certain number of stickers equals a reward? And what do u use as rewards? I dont have enough money to contantly buy things but I also dont want to go down the route of chocolate!

Thats fantastic that F has done so well! I really hope it works well with brandon too!

We are staying at MILs house while she is on hol to watch her dogs! So its gonna be difficult to implement new rules while were in a different house! But i need sleep!! And Brandon needs more sleep too! Last night, when OH went into bed with brandon, I knew it was exactly wot brandon wanted! I cant believe weve all of a sudden arrived at this situation! Its a freakin pain in the bum! I knew that one day would brandon would be difficult, i just didnt think it would be with sleeping! Hes always been such a good sleeper!!

Oooh thats exciting that ur gonna move into ur house!! Annoying that the in laws r there tho! But i wouldnt b happy with them parading abt MY house while ur stuck in a smaller house! No way!

And yaaaay on the car! I like merivas!! Theyre lovely! How exciting!! I have one more payment of my car and i am so excited to have a car that i dont pay for! Woo hoo!

I think were still gonna try sell the house! Im worried it will go down in value even more and we'll end up in negative equity! Its so annoying tho because we needed to make as much money as possible for a deposit for a new home! Weve seen the home we want, its absolutely perfect! But were gonna need to see re-do all the mortgage stuff and see if we can get a 95% mortgage...which i dont see happening! Being a grown up is bloody hard sometimes!

Ah steph, you should have just made one! Haha, I just bought a big bit of card and made one - much quicker :D I did need one asap though so couldn't wait!!

After 5 stickers he gets a treat. I've just been buying something small off the secondhand groups on Facebook, just a couple of £. We're only using the sleeping chart, so it's a max of every 5 days he'll get a treat so a couple of buff each time isn't that much. It's been a bag of buttons one time though! I was going to say that another big treat would be a trip to the play centre - that type of thing. Can be anything!

Yeah, i'm still in two minds about the house move. I told my friends and every single one of them said I was crazy and there's no way I could do it for a year. I just done know what to do!!!!

Ugh, yes - being a grown up is hard work!!!

Yeah, he does still sleep a quite a bit. Though it can vary a lot. (he's still on a rough 60 - 90mins awake time before needing a nap) I've been recording how much he sleeps now on an app on my phone (records feeds etc as well) and he's having about 12-14 hours a night, and roughly 4 hours during the day. His total sleep came to 19 hours the other day - that's only 5 awake hours! But he had been awake a bit more the day and night before so must've just been making up for that.

Also, this is only when I'm able to make sure we're at home enough for him to sleep - if we're out we have probs. He will sleep with me holding him but it's not for long and is very disturbed.

Some days are easier than others as well - Today i've had no probs putting him down for naps, but some days I have to really fight him and just keep going back in to him and patting him bum / giving his dummy back. It can take AGES!

So yeah, on the whole he still sleeps a fair bit, but it definitely varies from day to day.

x x x x
Lol i considered making one but im really not that artistic! I'll need to sit and have a look at how many stickers should equal a reward! I want to use it for all over general behaviour! Hes being a wee angel today & he slept well last nite! It just shows what a difference it makes having a good sleep!

Oliver still sleeps loads too! Hes going abt 12 hours at night, sometimes 13 then normally an hour after he gets up he goes back to sleep for abt 2 hours! Lol!

Btw...did anyone see the pic i put on facebook of the two boys dressed the same? I always said i would never ever do that...but it was jst too cute not to!! Haha!!


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